View Full Version : FlyingAngle

01-01-2009, 12:06 PM
Me and Alex worked out a trade deal back in September after I posted my Gulf Stich's for sale/trade. The deal was that on top of getting his Work wheels, he'd paypal me $350. I got the wheels no problem, and on Oct 15th he sent me $300 and informed me that he couldn't swing the extra $50. I had no problem with that and told him to send it when he could. On Oct 25th I pm'd him, and he said he still didn't have it. Then I sent him a pm on Dec 4th, this time I didn't get a reply. It's been over two months since I've gotten a response from him, he has stopped responding to my pm's, and will not acknowledge my profile messages or txt's. He had his car posted on here and posted that it had sold, so he's had the $50. I don't expect this thread to get me my money back, but whatever.

01-01-2009, 05:35 PM
Kill time!

01-01-2009, 06:33 PM
sorry to hear that man...coulda been worse, but ya...dang

01-01-2009, 07:08 PM
wtf that's a scumbag move over 50 bucks....
but on a bright note reading over some of these other reviews it could have been much worse i suppose but none the less pretty fucked up.

03-30-2009, 07:14 PM
Last night Alex logged on Zilvia after over three months to post some side skirts for sale. I posted on the thread twice, one of those posts being a link to this thread.

This is his first reply to my thread on SFLDrifters.com since I posted it.

Wow I just saw this, why is it a sticky. This guy is a douche, heres how it really went. We agreed on a price, we both pay for shipping and I send him $300. The only thing was I need 3 weeks to send the $300, which he was fine with. So a day or two later I sent out my wheels, I used 4 boxes and ended up paying $170 for shipping. When I talked to him to let him know the tracking numbers I mentioned how much I payed for shipping, this is where this extra $50 came from, he asked me to sent an extra $50 to help him out with shipping which I agreed to only becasue I was worried he wasn't going to send out his wheels to me right away. Bottom line, he only used two boxes, I know he payed a lot less for shipping than me, The deal was for $300 not $350 and I sent him the $300 the week I promised I would!!! Douche, drop it already.

03-30-2009, 07:15 PM
This is my reply to his post.

I'm the douche? You're the one that ignored my PM's, the posts on your Zilvia profile and my text messages.


That's a pic of your Zilvia profile. There you can see that I was trying to get in contact with you. The only reason why you know about this thread is because I posted a link to it on your profile, almost 4 fucking months ago. Or, maybe you didn't see that, but you saw the one I left on your recent Zilvia fs thread. That's the only reason why you went back to Zilvia.. to sell those side skirts. And that's the only reason why you came back to this forum full of suspension geometry nazi's (as you put it yourself). To sell shit. The last time you were on here, not including your recent activity of course, was December of last year. That sounds a little suspicious, does it not? This is where it gets good. I'm going to take your credibility and shove it up your ass.

If I had asked you for an extra $50 to cover the shipping, wouldn't it make sense to ask you BEFORE I sent you my wheels? Well it turns out...that I shipped them before you even gave me the $300. Well it turns out...that I shipped them before you even gave me the $300 (as you can see from the messages below), which was to cover shipping and the money on top we agreed upon. But, $300 wasn't the amount we agreed upon...it was just the amount that you could afford to pay me at the time. Oh, by the way, I was totally ok with that too. Damn! I'm such douche!


$350. That's is the amount we agreed upon, and you know it. Unfortunately, I didn't save our text conversation that we had. I don't recall the exact date, but I know it was after I posted this thread. We went back and forth, and you were trying to come up with an excuse not to give me that $50. But I said a deal as a deal and wouldn't budge. Then you told me the only way I was going to get my money was to go to FL and get it. I said very well, and had planned on posting this thread in every forum I thought I could find you on. But I didn't. What a douche, right? That same night you sent me a text, your last one since then, telling me that you couldn't pay me the $50 because you didn't have the money because you were poor. Does that ring a bell?

Do you want to know the difference between us? I'm a man, and you're a boy. I am right, and you are wrong. Do you know how to tell the difference from who's telling a lie? Look to the first person to act immature. That would be you. I'm gonna do what I can to get you banned from the marketplace on Zilvia. I realize that that would be counterproductive, seeing as how you selling those skirts would give you money to pay me back, but you're a boy, so I don't expect to get my money.