View Full Version : fuckin cops

12-31-2008, 02:11 AM
Seriously, does serve and protect mean anything anymore. I can honestly say I have never been helped by a cop. Like my car dies in an intersection and Im pushing it out and the cop slows down, looks at me, and then speeds back up wtf is that shit. And then theres tonight, Im going home driving 35 in a 35, this fucker flys by me going like 60, the cop driving the other way whips a bitch and pulls me over. My headlights out, so he gives me a ticket, and acts like its no big deal, I can just fix it and get it waived. I fuckin work full time, school full time, so I dont have time to sit at the courthouse for 3 freakin hours, and as many of you know, my car was stolen, so I am borrowing a freinds car, as the office was well aware it was not my car. FUCKIN DAMMIT. Stop harrassing people and trying to generate revenue and find my fucking car. Do your fucking jobs. Yes I understand my headlight went out, it just happened, Ill fix it. Is it seriously endangering anyone... cause you know, bikes have one headlight... Live up to your motto, "serve and protect" not "harrass and collect". Dicks

12-31-2008, 03:06 AM
Take a deep breath man. Yes, there are asshole cops everywhere, but there are also good cops that are helpful and do their job. It's just like any other job only they have the ability to fuck with you more than most other job titles.

I've had cops give me a hard time for no reason before and it definitely sucks. I was pulled over when I first got my license for having a license plate frame that half covered the registration sticker on my plate and the female officer happened to notice that the strip at the top of my license didn't say "Provisional" like it was supposed to. Apparently they printed it on the wrong background at the DMV. I ended up sitting in my car on the side of the road for 25 mintues while she called 3 other officers to help "verify" that my license was valid. I ended up late for school, got detention, and had to go pay for a new license and bring it back to the station to show that I had a valid license...and they acted like they were letting my off with a warning or some BS...like they were doing me a favor.

On the other hand, in the town I work in now I know 4 or 5 cops who are extremely helpful and I'm glad they are out there.

12-31-2008, 03:13 AM
agreed... harrassing is dumb.

but i have had a cop help me before.

but pretty much after small harrasing.. lol they just cant get enough i guess

12-31-2008, 04:30 AM
i have never been helped by a cop neither. they don't do shit except to harass people. fucking pigs.

12-31-2008, 04:35 AM
There are good cops and bad cops. Leave it at that.

I've been helped and harassed by cops, but I have no animosity towards them.

12-31-2008, 06:02 AM
the nice cops are the new cops on the force. The dick cops are the ones that have been there a couple of years or more. My friend became a cop about a year ago and he was helping alot of people, now i can tell hes changing over to "abuse" his power. Same in any work place. U first start out at any job and ur more than willing to work extra hours but as time goes on, u dont even want to work there anymore and make someone else do it.

12-31-2008, 07:26 AM
i can honestly say i have never been helped by a cop.......... to be honest with you they strike fear in me at the 1st *WHOOP WHOOP* or flashing lights EVEN when im not doing anything wrong!!!!!!!! lol i guess im just a bitch

12-31-2008, 08:25 AM
Im not saying all cops suck, but the majority of them do. Ive never ever been helped by a cop either. From my experiences ive witnessed lots of profiling and harassing.

12-31-2008, 08:32 AM
i can honestly say i have never been helped by a cop.......... to be honest with you they strike fear in me at the 1st *WHOOP WHOOP* or flashing lights EVEN when im not doing anything wrong!!!!!!!! lol i guess im just a bitch

LOL that is funny as hell

12-31-2008, 08:44 AM
in the 2 years ive only been pulled over once... hmm in the last month acctualy. ever since i picked up the 240 it seem every cop in a 5 mile radius is at or around my house... but the only time i got pulled over was because i "squealed" my tires... u no, cuz the exhaust deffinitly dident cover that up... hmm dumbass's. they seem to come over all the time when im cleanin it or w/e and tell me my musics too loud tho. gay.

12-31-2008, 09:35 AM
I also tend to generally dislike cops
but can't say it wasn't warranted to a degree
used to skate in private property when I was younger and got some shit for it
used to drive aggressively with a loud exhaust, SR, gutted car and would
get tailed and had lights shone into the cabin on a couple of occasions
but luckily I never got pulled over

only thing that has pissed me off recently was that
a neighborhood car blocked our driveway
and we called the cops, waited for an hour before the
person moved the car and the cops never showed up
(person was an asshole about it too - didn't even apologized... yay for living in the hood)

12-31-2008, 10:51 AM
ive gotten help from a few
mostly cops in my town are pretty cool people
they rather go after the druggies
when i was in nyc i pretty much got lost lol asked a cop how to get somewhere as in walking directions and he just pointed to a bus that was leaving and told me to hurry up

12-31-2008, 10:53 AM
It happens.

What kind of car were you driving when you got bucted for the headlight?

One day the police might save your life.

12-31-2008, 11:09 AM
It happens.

What kind of car were you driving when you got bucted for the headlight?

One day the police might save your life.

Brian, I can also say one day the police might take your life.

Cops are retarded.
KOPBUSTERS google it.

I hope that we change, Obama can I has my Change.

12-31-2008, 11:09 AM
i once had a cop pull a gun on me when i was a teenager because of my red laser pen.. he was way out of line.. it wasnt even pointed at him..i had it pointed on a wall.. and keep in mind this was before t he whole 9-11 shit.. i wonder what would have happened if it was right after 9-11..i would be missing the right side of my head.. some cops are assholes bc they had a bad day and they feel they can make it better by fucking someone elses day up.

12-31-2008, 11:15 AM
Just so you guys know, a cops job is not to Protect you at all.
If 9 men come to your home with guns, and you can not protect yourself... Call the Police, see how well that goes. esp if in "da hood" where you cant leave your own driveway for a hour and cops neva show.

google police forum.
and just look around.

WHen a cop say shit like we should have tased her over and over again. to a women with no ID. thats fucked. But I am a ball less wonda.

12-31-2008, 11:19 AM
i was watching Hancock with will smith, i think cops are like that... after a while, that individual cop starts to loose good faith because cops are not the most respected guys out there, they dont get appreciation, so they tend to stop caring soo much.

Ive had my fair share of cop harassment, it comes with cars we like....

12-31-2008, 11:37 AM
Agreed, I don't really like cops.

But there are a select few out there that are understanding and cool.

12-31-2008, 12:09 PM
It happens.

What kind of car were you driving when you got bucted for the headlight?

One day the police might save your life.
It was a mkIII supra, bone stock though.

12-31-2008, 12:14 PM
but thats also a pretty old car in cops eyes, i think anything over 10 years old is pretty old to em lol

12-31-2008, 12:47 PM
I find County Sheriffs less a prick than City Cops.

? Poll ?

12-31-2008, 12:51 PM
you know what though, if someone stole your car, wouldnt you have loved to have it be randomly pulled over for some bullshit? lol

Sometimes cops have to act that way and enforce laws, otherwise there would be alot more shitty ass cars on the road

12-31-2008, 12:51 PM
i brother has been a cop for just over 10 years now. he just got promoted to srgt. about 8 months ago. one of the nicest cops you'll find. everyone always says he helps who ever,when ever he can.

he always says. cops will/do treat you the way you treat them.

12-31-2008, 12:53 PM
Seriously, does serve and protect mean anything anymore. I can honestly say I have never been helped by a cop. Like my car dies in an intersection and Im pushing it out and the cop slows down, looks at me, and then speeds back up wtf is that shit. And then theres tonight, Im going home driving 35 in a 35, this fucker flys by me going like 60, the cop driving the other way whips a bitch and pulls me over. My headlights out, so he gives me a ticket, and acts like its no big deal, I can just fix it and get it waived. I fuckin work full time, school full time, so I dont have time to sit at the courthouse for 3 freakin hours, and as many of you know, my car was stolen, so I am borrowing a freinds car, as the office was well aware it was not my car. FUCKIN DAMMIT. Stop harrassing people and trying to generate revenue and find my fucking car. Do your fucking jobs. Yes I understand my headlight went out, it just happened, Ill fix it. Is it seriously endangering anyone... cause you know, bikes have one headlight... Live up to your motto, "serve and protect" not "harrass and collect". Dicks

oh, BTW it's a headlight ticket/fix it ticket. GET IT FIXED it's cheap. drive your happy ass to the police dept. ask to speak with an officer and he will clear it. done deal.

ALSO. that "ASSHOLE" did SERVE AND PROTECT. There's been times i've seen 1 headlight comin down the road and i'm like oh a bike as it's next to me and it's a fuckin car 1/2 over the center line. that's protecting. or so you don't run over a kid. you have 1/2 the light out put.

grow up. it's the law.

12-31-2008, 12:55 PM
i brother has been a cop for just over 10 years now. he just got promoted to srgt. about 8 months ago. one of the nicest cops you'll find. everyone always says he helps who ever,when ever he can.

he always says. cops will/do treat you the way you treat them.

i wish your brother lives in LA !!

cops in LA are most nasty cops ever.... some say those are most corrupt ones

12-31-2008, 12:57 PM
i wish your brother lives in LA !!

cops in LA are most nasty cops ever.... some say those are most corrupt ones

yeah, i can believe that. He is a huge car enthusiest as well. He had a 400whp STI, a S/c C4 vette and a Sprayin C5 Vette. so he don't fuck with poeple car's much.....but i geuss in some aspect's that's a corrupt cop to.

12-31-2008, 01:00 PM
you know what though, if someone stole your car, wouldnt you have loved to have it be randomly pulled over for some bullshit? lol

Sometimes cops have to act that way and enforce laws, otherwise there would be alot more shitty ass cars on the road
Thats what pisses me off the most. I drove a 240, always went the speed limit, always obeyed traffic laws and every single time I have been pulled over, they never ask do you know why I pulled you over or any shit, they never give me a reason and whenever I ask its "suspicious vehicle" Then some scum ass mother fucker stole my car. This was on november 2nd. Still havent heard shit, and frankly, I dont even think the cops gave it a second thought after I filed the report.

12-31-2008, 01:16 PM
oh, BTW it's a headlight ticket/fix it ticket. GET IT FIXED it's cheap. drive your happy ass to the police dept. ask to speak with an officer and he will clear it. done deal.

ALSO. that "ASSHOLE" did SERVE AND PROTECT. There's been times i've seen 1 headlight comin down the road and i'm like oh a bike as it's next to me and it's a fuckin car 1/2 over the center line. that's protecting. or so you don't run over a kid. you have 1/2 the light out put.

grow up. it's the law.
Because having one headlight makes me drive like a douche on the center line right? And maybe serving and protecting would have been pulling over the dick in the lumina that flew past me at almost double the speed limit in front of the cop. Imagine If I had wanted to make a lane change, looked back and thought, oh, that guy is 6 car lengths back, Im clear, only to be rearended. But cops are fucking too lazy to chase that guy down. Do you ever notice how many people rip out of the hole at stop lights, and swerve traffic in common cars, and dont get pulled over for shit, while anyone with an older sporty import will get pulled over for bullshit? Hows that protecting anyone. The profiling is bullshit. Cops only protect their own intrests for as long as i can remeber. Even as a 15 year old fucking kid skating, some guy that worked at Ihop came out cussing at us, so we left, one of my dumb ass freinds said chill the fuck out on the way out, and the guy came after us, I was the slowest, he grabbed me and decked me in the face, someone called the cops cause they saw this 20 something year old guy hit a kid, and you know what the end result was? I got malicious wounding because supposedly I hit him in the foot with my skateboard, which I didnt, but even If I did, maybe its because he knocked the fuck out of me and I dropped it. Profiling is everywhere, and its bullshit. Cops are corrupt. Plain and simple. There might be a good few, but they are so rare that it doesnt count for shit.

12-31-2008, 01:39 PM
kopbusters.com is trippin me out

KopBusters.com (http://nevergetbusted.com/kopbusters/kop_brutality.php?action=view&vid=38)

12-31-2008, 02:00 PM
a lot of cops are chill. its just when you are in the wrong, its their job to ticket you.

but i know what your saying, sometimes you hope you can just get off with a warning.

12-31-2008, 02:05 PM
just the other day i got pulled over for a lisence plate frame. it was retarded. if they are illegal then why do they make them?

12-31-2008, 02:12 PM
kopbusters.com is trippin me out

KopBusters.com (http://nevergetbusted.com/kopbusters/kop_brutality.php?action=view&vid=38)

Right ... funny shit huh.
To Serve and Portect... what? and where?

12-31-2008, 02:27 PM
im not a young kid and just gunna say fuck cops

but ya i will fuck cops they have never helped me nor do i want them to. if people crash all they are good for is blocking cars and gitting in the way.maby i have bad luck but every cop i have met has been an asshole

12-31-2008, 04:36 PM
just the other day i got pulled over for a lisence plate frame. it was retarded. if they are illegal then why do they make them?

it's like loud exhausts, Window tint, fireworks,etc.

you can have them doesn't mean there street legal, hence why in tiny letters it says.

for off road use only.

12-31-2008, 04:52 PM
hey man car broke down on the 10 in la and a highway patroll rolled up behind me with my straight pipe and helped me out

12-31-2008, 05:37 PM
I have never had a good experience with a cop, except for one time one gave me a compliment on my car but I've never even been reprimanded for a crime or infraction of any sort. So even when I am not doing anything wrong they are cunts.

Plus, when I have needed them they either don't show up for 20 minutes or couldnt even find the street I was on when it is right off the biggest street in town...

These factors have led me to believe that I would be better off never having to depend on their "services". I need a gun...

12-31-2008, 05:54 PM
It's interesting, reading all the opinions of police officers. I can see why some of the posters here are aggravated with the treatment they receive when dealing with one, but every side has their own story. Obviously there's good officers as well as bad ones. There's good and bad of everything, including firefighters, paramedics, doctors, soldiers, civilians, etc. Needless to say, everyone knows that 240's generally suggests the subject of drifting/racing just like quite a few other cars.

I read news about police officers every day. I read both good and bad things and see the comments they leave about each article. It's easy to spot the difference between the nice ones and the ones you wouldn't want to deal with, but it doesn't sway my opinions of them. I've been pulled over a few times for minor things, and every time I talked to them with the utmost respect and received nothing less than the same. Granted one or two still acted like they wanted to pin something on me, but I knew that so long as I engaged them in the proper manner, they would do nothing more than just warn me. And on the other hand, I've had my fair share of problems, i.e. car broke down and once someone I knew threatened me and my girlfriend at the time, and they helped me the best they could. In fact, the same officer that took the report pulled me over a few months later for a headlight out and after realizing it was me and my girlfriend, he proceeded to escort us to her place so I could drop her off.

12-31-2008, 06:41 PM
^ All but one instance had nothing to do with the car I drive.

I rarely ever drive my 240 because I have no reason to, and am well aware of all the negative attention the cars rightfully deserve.

12-31-2008, 06:52 PM
I said "Needless to say, everyone knows that 240's generally suggests the subject of drifting/racing just like quite a few other cars." to be clear. I understand that in certain areas officers use more aggressive tactics than others, but as is my general policy, I don't speak ill of any profession if I can't properly empathize with the professionals.

For example, I would rather have to deal with an ignorant officer here than an officer in Puerto Rico, solely because at least even the most arrogant ones here show more professionalism than those on the island. Every time I drive around or go to an even where police are present, I feel no safer than if I were walking into a free-for-all battle zone.

12-31-2008, 07:01 PM
I'd rather deal with a lot of other countries officers so I could just pay them to get the fuck out of my life. Although that is also a double edged sword.

12-31-2008, 07:11 PM
Damned if we do; damned if we don't.

That's why I'd just deal with anyone the way I mentioned before. It hasn't failed me.

12-31-2008, 07:25 PM
I have never had a good experience with a cop, except for one time one gave me a compliment on my car but I've never even been reprimanded for a crime or infraction of any sort. So even when I am not doing anything wrong they are cunts.

Plus, when I have needed them they either don't show up for 20 minutes or couldnt even find the street I was on when it is right off the biggest street in town...

These factors have led me to believe that I would be better off never having to depend on their "services". I need a gun...

so you think when you call the police something pops up saying he owns a nissan 240sx and he is a punk drifter kid? :tweak:. Dude cop's are busy.

The town i live in has about 9,000 people. IT's about 10-12 miles from one end of town to the other side. It take's time to drive there even if there not on a call, then you guys have to figure they do have other people that call in. so you guys might have to wait.

12-31-2008, 07:46 PM
Those minutes could mean your life though.

So what good are they doing then, but blocking off traffic and asking some questions afterward? I won't care if they mount an investigation of what happened in the time it took them to even figure out where I was calling from. Cause I'd be dead and gone. Soooooo that doesn't benefit the idividiual at all.

12-31-2008, 10:03 PM
They respond according to priority. IF it's a life and death situation, I doubt they'd make a pit stop at the nearest Dunkin Donuts.

Just saying.

12-31-2008, 10:06 PM
They respond according to priority. IF it's a life and death situation, I doubt they'd make a pit stop at the nearest Dunkin Donuts.

Just saying.

No, but when it could be life or death and they keep bouncing you around on the phone I would call that system a little flawed.


01-01-2009, 01:23 AM
Locally, the older cops are nice and never give tickets unless you are doing something stupid or its a no brainer that you deserve it. The young cops on the other had are the biggest power tripping people ever.

Koopa Troopa
01-01-2009, 01:57 AM
I think it has to do with attitude and the way you present yourself.

I've never had a problem with cops. MPs, SPs, JPs, IPs, TPD, etc. I give them respect and they give it back to me.

01-01-2009, 02:09 AM
I can say this with out any remorse FUCK THE CHP.

The city cops and sheriffs are cool and very helpful. The highway patrol are just a bunch of bullies with badges. Every dealing I've ever had with a patrolman was any thing but positive.

01-01-2009, 02:22 AM
Some cops are cool, they have a job to do. BUT I got a ticket yesterday for "driving too fast for conditions," 55 in a 65, after I flipped my SUV. Strong winds(had no warning) and slippery road. Give me a break, I just got into an accident where mother nature chose to blow me off the road. Can you give me a warning please. Trust me I learn something here and not going to want a repeat.

01-01-2009, 03:55 AM
one time a cop pulled his gun on me and told me to step out of my car when i was in my own neighborhood. he told me someone called the cops about a suspicious vehicle. what a dumb fuck. i damn near shot his dumb ass for comin up on me like that.

01-01-2009, 09:44 AM
Keep this thread clean.

I don't want to see that bickering in here again.

01-01-2009, 09:45 AM
Sir yes sir!


01-01-2009, 11:10 AM
I though racial profiling ended but i was wrong. Right outside my house two cops beat the crap out of a black guy, i saw the whole thing and the dude didnt do shit. He wasnt resisting, he was covering his face on the ground while they freaking beat them with the night stick. I wish i had a camera so i could fire those assholes.

01-01-2009, 11:24 AM
I have had only good experiences with police officers. I've been rolled on for modified exhaust before but he just gave me a warning. When I got into my 'accident' the cops were very calm and understanding and helped calm me down. When they told me to pull to the side of the road, I started up my s13 with a bone stock ka and buddy club spec II... they didn't say a word.

Then somebody taking a walk went past my car and noticed it was leaking some gasoline... they called the police and the firemen were saying that it would have to be towed... the cop let me drive it home and I fixed the leak. He said he could write me a ticket for the exhaust but instead said he understood that I was just a kid messing around with my car.

Drift S30Z
01-01-2009, 11:47 AM
My only speeding ticket ever was given to me buy a dick. No other way to put it. I had a VR4 at the time, was in the right lane doing 55-60 on RT 21 in Jersey, where the average speed limit is 70-80mph. I pulled over, thinking it was a tail light that was out, and he came to me saying that he had to go 90 just to keep up with me. Since I love my cruise control, I know I wasn't speeding, and told him he'd naturally have to drive faster to catch up if I'm moving and he's standing still. He said, "A smartass, huh?" took my papers, and came back with a ticket. 3mph over the speed limit. He didn't show up to the court date, and I had to reschedule before eventually getting the points reduced to 0 and paying $500. Even the judge read it funny. That guy was a dick, and I really do hope he gets what's coming to him eventually.

On the other hand, I had an 86 and was broke sometime into my sophomore or junior year in college. No inspection, and when I was looking for my papers, I only had my license on me. I tried to make a red light, but the yellow turned red and I made the turn anyway. Cop pulls me over, asks me a couple of questions, then tells me to get my paperwork in order before I get in trouble next time. I've since started slowing to a stop when I see a yellow light.

Some drivers ask for it. You always see people talking about street racing and running from cops, and they're the same ones that get pissy about the subject when it comes to talking to them, be it on the street or on forums. There are ways to get around it though. Look at that video on the kopbusters website. Why couldn't he have just recorded the cop being a dick and taken him to court without talking so much? He wasn't going to get a ticket until he started mouthing off. I've been pulled over before and had my license run after making a goofy turn when I was tired some late night, and I appreciate them stopping me to make sure I wasn't a drunk driver. The cops that go on power trips only get satisfaction out of the stop if you react the way they want you to react.

It's a busted system, but it's much better than most other countries for the time being.

01-01-2009, 11:50 AM
One time I was rear ended in my s14 on the freeway.
A motorcycle officer was right behind and pulled up to us about a minute after it happened.
what did he do?

Yelled at me to get over to the shoulder. He then took off and didn't help in any way.
oh well.

Sometimes they "suck", but in general they are helping all of us.

Part of me wants to become an officer just so I could bust people all day long for stupid things.

No turn signal? If I could, I'd bust you.
Chrome license plate frame? I'd bust you.

Too many people these days think driving is a RIGHT.
bullshit. It is NOT that.

Break ANY law while driving, expect to get busted for it.
Don't bitch about it.

01-01-2009, 11:53 AM
Such hatred here, I'm a cop, im a nice guy, If I ever do see a 240 when on patrol I would wave at them if I could. ( Sadly im never on patrol =\ )

Deputy Sheriff for LA County.

01-01-2009, 01:29 PM
^^^^^you beat me to it but Im a PO too and not every cop is an asshole i'd say honestly maybe 80% of cops are(sometimes i dont really like cops too but hey!). You guys gotta realize being a cop is not the easiest job out there. People do the stupidest shit and ask the stupidest questions and you gotta deal with this shit everyday. You guys wanna vent my ass worked for 12 hours last night in 0 degree weather on foot in the projects in the HOOD. while you were out having a grand time with your family. That shit sucked i had to deal with a couple hundred drunk muthasuckas and people shooting guns off the roof of the building near where i was standing. We have complaints too. At times you get desensitized to alot of things and cant use peoples personal feeling to make decisions and thats what people dont understand about cops. Alot of you are complaining about police taking long to show up...HELLO your not the only one in need some "jobs" have priority over others. I cant answer everbody questions on this thread nor will i attempt to but if your doing something wrong there is always a consequence. Cops are not perfect we are normal people too, we make mistakes too. I drive a 240sx just like you!!!!!!

01-01-2009, 01:49 PM
I have no sympathy for anyone who has problems with cops because of vehicle related instances. All of these could easily be avoided and yes you are being profiled because of your car, so get the fuck over it.

My major concern is getting help when you actually need it and it seems when everyone needs it, they are nowhere to be found.

01-01-2009, 03:03 PM
i have had very few encounters with cops, but the one that really pissed me off was about a year and a half ago i was driving the parents dodge caravan with the few friends coming home at about 1:30-2am after a midnight show, we stopped over at a friends apartment to get her spare set of car keys, and when i pulled out of the complex i flipped my lights back on as i was pulling out, next thing i know a cop is on my ass and then flips his lights on. Now there were 6 of us including me, we all had gone out to dinner before the movie so we were dressed up a little. He gets out of his car with gun drawn and tells me to put my hands out the window. at that point 2 more officers pull up and start taking my friends out of the van. i was told to open my door slowly and step out. Confused, i opened my door, stepped out, and he grabbed me and forced me against the van. Outside the van, me and the 2 other guys were faced towards the van and patted down while one officer searched the van. keep in mind this is a family van, we have a trailer, and boat, and we have tools in the back for both. The cops were not too friendly with me and my friends after they saw the tools, questioning us individually of why we were in the van. Eventually we were all let go after an hr of questioning, no apologies, they thought we were trying to break into cars...i guess 6 dressed up kids in a minivan at 1:30 looks fuckin suspicious...fuck them.

01-01-2009, 03:05 PM
that was in a different neighborhood, the only thing cops in my neighborhood do at that time are race their cruisers/suvs/motorcycles and go carts against eachother coolest shit ever

01-01-2009, 08:27 PM
These "Fucking Cops" threads are FUCKING LAME.

Yes, you were endangering others by having only ONE headlight. Bikes only NEED one as they are a fraction of the size of a car. What if someone (as stated earlier) thought you were a bike and crossed over the line a little and hit you?

Cops do their job. Just because your car had a violation, is no need to vent about it. Fix it, be done with it. That cop very well could have just saved your life or anothers.