View Full Version : Mustang in a Ditch

02-16-2003, 09:45 PM
I took a trip to visit my sister in college this weekend and I brought my camera along for the hell of it to take pictures of my trip or for any ricey cars. Didn't find any ricey cars but I did happen to see a Mustang in a ditch. It was raining (freezing rain) and I guess the driver switched lanes too fast and went out of control.

Nobody was helping the person and you could barely see it because everyone was higher and you couldn't see it until the last second. But, out of the 100 cars I had seen pass it, nobody had the heart to stop. I stopped about 150 ft after from doing about 65 mph, skidding a little bit, ABS kicking in (I was in my Blazer) and realizing how slick it was.

As I'm running my ass off in the cold with freezing rain hitting my face, I'm thinking it's serious because the hazards are flashing and the horn is honking as if someone were holding it down signaling for help or worse, slumped over unconcious. The windows were tinted on the side with 5% so I couldn't see anyone.

Kinda freaky. So I don't know what to expect really. And I didn't see anyone around or anyone start to open the door of the Mustang. Off to the side, I see a younger guy, around 18-20. He didn't hear me walking because the horn is still blaring. I walk up to him, he looks teary eyed, and I say "Are you ok man????" He said yah. He slid off the road. As we are walking closer to eachother so we can hear better, I say is someone coming to pick you up? He said ya, his parents are, and he thanked me for stopping. And when he said that, the smell of Watermelon Pucker hit me like a brick wall.

I felt like punching the guy for drinking and driving, but I'm sure his busted ass ride will be a reminder. I grabbed my camera before I left because I wanted to take pictures but he looked stressed out due to his fixed up Mustang screwed up and he knew it was probably the drinking that caused the poor judgement.

This is the only picture I got because I would feel dumb saying "Hey, I know your Mustang is ****ed up right now, you probably have frame damage, the suspension is shot and your car is scuffed up, but you do think I could take some pictures of your wrecked pride and joy?"

As I was walking away, I snapped a quick picture


some people :rolleyes:

02-16-2003, 10:06 PM
damn that sucks for him, but he shouldn't have been drinking an driving, especially in cars like that, you begin to think you are al big and bad, next thing your crying in a ditch:(

Glad to see you tried to help him out though.

02-17-2003, 01:35 PM
Yeah, drinking and driving is most likely the stupidest thing you can possibly do.

I'm glad to see that there are still people like you James, who actually stop to check if the person is ok. Good job.

02-17-2003, 09:06 PM
Damn, about 1% of me feels sorry for that kid. The other 99% feels that he deserves what he gets for D&D. If his parents are anything like mine, I wouldn't want to be within 100 miles of the wrath of them.

02-17-2003, 09:36 PM
damn ... there goes the undercarriage

Evil S14
02-18-2003, 12:29 AM
mud stains on the Mudstain... hmm

02-18-2003, 12:48 AM
Were you having a seizure when you took that pic, or cruising around in a Viper off-roading?

02-18-2003, 12:15 PM
One less drunk driver in a mustang to kill and innocent person... I find it hard to feel sorry for him, hooked up car or not...

02-18-2003, 12:39 PM
I'm shocked nobody else tried to help the person. Seemed like the right thing to do when I saw the Mustang down in the ditch. Not as in being a hero or anything, but we were in the middle of nowhere and I would have offered to give the guy or girl a ride to the nearest rest stop or gas station or use the cell phone.

It drops down pretty far, behind the Mustang, and to the right of it is a wall of rock that was cut through to make the highway. While doing about 65 (in a 70) it looked like the Mustang may have bounced off the rock, but when I got up close, I don't think that's what happened.

I took pictures of 3 other cars about 15 minutes later, on the side of the road, but they had people helping them out already. :)

Jeff: it's a combination of a crappy camera, me shivering, and me walking, plus the freezing rain I guess. :D I didn't want him to see me taking the picture so I just kinda turned around real quick while still walking, turned on the digital zoom (which reduces the quality even more) and snapped a picture. I was facing oncoming traffic too.

I hate this camera. Do not buy an Olympus D-370