View Full Version : reckless driving for doughnuts....

02-16-2003, 09:38 PM
so it snowed a whole lot today... so classes got cancelled tomorrow... so my friends and i decided to go to a parking lot to have some fun.... well not such a great idea.... we were just doing some doughnuts and whatnot, when the cops showed up. all 3 of us ended up getting reckless driving tickets... piece of advice for those that do the same thing... don't stay too long! we were there for quite a bit, so it gave plenty of time for the cops to come... damn this sucks!

sorry... had to vent....

02-16-2003, 09:54 PM
i hate blacksburg cops
gave me a dui for moving my car to a visitors spot 75 yrd away or else i would have got towed, i dont prote drinking and driving, but we would all do the same i feel if your car was about to get towed

02-16-2003, 10:02 PM
hehehh... it snowed here all day and it started last night... and last night i was doing donughts outside my work (Domino's), which also happens to be the same lot as the local police department... with my Domino's light on my roof. a couple of the cops actually came out and watched. they don't bother us drivers, it's pretty cool. i can do 15 or so over and fly by a cop with my domino's light on, and they don't hassle me.

02-16-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by 019
so it snowed a whole lot today... so classes got cancelled tomorrow... so my friends and i decided to go to a parking lot to have some fun.... well not such a great idea.... we were just doing some doughnuts and whatnot, when the cops showed up. all 3 of us ended up getting reckless driving tickets... piece of advice for those that do the same thing... don't stay too long! we were there for quite a bit, so it gave plenty of time for the cops to come... damn this sucks!

sorry... had to vent....

Yea, i hate it when cops are dicks about that kind of stuff. I think as long as you are in a empty parking lot they should just tell you to go home, not give tickets. They were kids once and probably did the same thing.

Stee Flo
02-16-2003, 10:21 PM
Yeah my bro and his friend were doing donuts and drifts in a school parking lot last night. You just gotta be careful where you do them. Pick a nice lot not easily seen from the street.

02-17-2003, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by Nerfdude
a couple of the cops actually came out and watched. they don't bother us drivers, it's pretty cool. i can do 15 or so over and fly by a cop with my domino's light on, and they don't hassle me.

Lucky bastard. I wish cops here would be so cool.

02-17-2003, 07:21 AM
i got a ticket for doing donuts as well. i was in a giant empty parking lot, it was huge no sign of anything to hit at all. asshole cop gave me reckless driving too. it was 6 points and $350. it sucked.

02-17-2003, 11:21 AM
yeah... blacksburg cops suck.... now i'm just gonna have to be more careful when i drive....

hookedup240, i agree man... i mean, there were no cars around and plenty of space. i didn't even know that doing doughnuts would result in a reckless... i thought it'd just be a fine or something.

killdie, yeah i hear ya man... now i gotta go to court... maybe i'll be able to get it reduced...

02-17-2003, 01:16 PM
Were you in the litton reives lot? Damn, that really sucks. Was Future Prospect with you? We're out 5 nights a week now tearing up blacksburg, but haven't got a ticket yet. We have been stopped by the cops more than 5 times now though. I think they are getting tired of us.

On Sunday, when it was raining before it snowed, we (jeff, marshall and I) went to the commuter lot to 'practice'. I ended up smacking a light pole doin figure eights around his car and the islands, but not too bad. Lost a corner light and dented the bumper. Nothing that cant be fixed.


02-17-2003, 02:27 PM
yeah, that was us. actually Future Prospect and i went to litton reeves on saturday too cuz it was raining. had plenty of fun there. i was trying to hit you up but you weren't home. i figured you'd be out having some fun, haha. sucks you damaged your car a lil, but better than getting a reckless ;)

02-17-2003, 03:03 PM
That's really nuts. You should be able to do donuts in an open parking lot as long as it doesn't create a lot of noise imo. That's about the only way you can really get a feel for how your car handles when you lose traction.

02-17-2003, 05:42 PM
This kid at my work kept talking about how hard it was to drive his Probe in the snow. Well I told him you don't even know come drive with my after work we'll go over to Walmart and do some drifts. Well it's right next to Dunkin Donuts, but I wasn't even thinking so after like 2 min I heard some sirens and I got stopped. He asked what I was doing and I said just practicing getting my car out of a slide. He looked at me and knew I was lying but he just told me to leave.

02-17-2003, 08:58 PM
haha, hard to drive a fwd? haha it's kinda funny tho. when we went to do our doughnuts and crap, the only ppl that drove were the rwd and awd ppl. all the fwd drivers were too scared to drive. but dang, toddnappi. you lucky he just told you to leave. i wish that could've happened to me... but no... i gotta be stuck with a reckless...

02-17-2003, 09:04 PM
i did some un un-intentional do-nuts when it snowed here, but i was going about 35 down a road ... oh wait that considered spinning out ... yah it was kinda scarey .... but i didnt damage the car

02-17-2003, 09:08 PM
when there's snow covering the streets, i take my dad's olds cutlass to work.. it's fwd. after driving rwd for 7 months, fwd is like a joke to me. i'll be flying down a 4-lane street doing about 40, and have to drive down the middle f the road to avoid people who can't control thier fwd's doing about 15mph or so. it's sad, honestly.

02-17-2003, 10:47 PM
Well, I wouldn't say that's too brilliant either. Regardless of how easy it is for you to keep yourself in between the lines when it's snowy out, if you had to stop quickly for some reason, you wouldn't be in good shape.

02-17-2003, 11:31 PM
yeah, that's true, transient. i always drive pretty slow in snow, hehe. when noone's around, i'd punch it in 2nd gear just to get a lil wheel spin, just for fun, haha. but yeah. i mean a lot of fwd and awd people are always going pretty fast, even in snow... better keep it slow though... quick stops are bad for everyone, regardless of what wheel drive.

02-18-2003, 01:05 AM
I love taking both of my FWD cars out in the snow... my AE82 Corolla and my B13...

the AE82 is more fun though... it's got only 5HP less than the B13, but weighs nearly 1,000 lbs less... and it's got no power steering, so it gets really "heavy" when you have to countersteer...

I can't wait until I'm through with A-school and I buy my S13... then I'll be in for a real fun time!

02-18-2003, 11:45 AM
I can't wait until I'm through with A-school and I buy my S13... then I'll be in for a real fun time!

just take that money and buy an sr20det for your sentra... make it a true sleeper .... :D

02-18-2003, 12:39 PM
damn 019 that sux bout the ticket
do u go to tech too?

02-18-2003, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by CoasTek240
damn 019 that sux bout the ticket
do u go to tech too?

yeah it does suck... i wish the cops would've just told us to leave.... and yeah, i do go to tech

Stee Flo
02-19-2003, 05:32 AM
Yeah I dont think its a good idea to go fast in the snow. Even if you can control it well, doesnt mean you are able to stop well at that speed. Whats with all these 4 wheel drive cars speeding around like they are special or something. Sure 4 wheel drive is good for not getting stuck but doesnt help when trying to brake at 50mph.

02-19-2003, 05:44 AM
Here in the land of the snow, I've found it a lot easier to handle my 240 in bad weather than any of my previous cars. It's much easier to feel the road (As long as you develop sensitive feet).

02-19-2003, 06:51 AM
Was the parking lot private property? You can't get a moving violation for driving done on private property i think.

02-19-2003, 08:03 AM
My friends and I were over in an empty parking lot here at school doing donuts. So there was an S14, an FCTII, and a civic all doing donuts and whatnot. Campus security comes flying towards so we all drive back to the dorm and he follows us. He tells us basically to stop driving like idiots on "his" campus and also tells us that spinning donuts in a huge empty parking is a "BIG problem." He then tried to threaten us by saying he once towed a Porsche..:rolleyes:

02-19-2003, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by DuffMan
Was the parking lot private property? You can't get a moving violation for driving done on private property i think.

that's a good point. went to talk to a lawyer yesterday and he said that we might be able to argue that the parking lot was not a highway (you can only get reckless driving on a highway, but the definition of highway isn't what we think it is). but that'll probably be a weak argument.

thelinja, you're lucky. we were trying to dip, but the cops just came at us. we couldn't really get out cuz they sort of trapped us in the lot.

02-19-2003, 09:14 AM
what's so fun about doing donuts anyways?

02-19-2003, 09:27 AM
I dunno. You guys don't get snow in socal... here in the northeast it's good release from cabin fever to head out to a parking lot and be stupid in a car. It's a hell of a lot safer than doing it on the street in those conditions. Tracks are closed, autocross season doesn't kick off for another month...

The police are just doing their job, reckless driving is excessive though. Reckless driving implies a complete lack of regard for public safety, which isn't the case if you're in an empty parking lot.

02-19-2003, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by 019

thelinja, you're lucky. we were trying to dip, but the cops just came at us. we couldn't really get out cuz they sort of trapped us in the lot.
Eh. Not really lucky. Campus security = rent-a-cop. A month ago we got busted too. Our garage for the motorsports club got broken into and about $4500 in tools/parts were stolen, since we didn't have anything to work on, me and a few of the guys decided to have a mini WRC race in the snow covered field by our garage. Campus security came by after about twenty minutes, told us to leave and said we were very immature and that we should think about what we were doing.

Also, the "real" cops here in Terre Haute stay away from our campus. It's pretty sweet. Not once this year have I seen a real cop car on campus.

02-19-2003, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by AKADriver
I dunno. You guys don't get snow in socal... here in the northeast it's good release from cabin fever to head out to a parking lot and be stupid in a car. It's a hell of a lot safer than doing it on the street in those conditions. Tracks are closed, autocross season doesn't kick off for another month...

The police are just doing their job, reckless driving is excessive though. Reckless driving implies a complete lack of regard for public safety, which isn't the case if you're in an empty parking lot.

ahh snow that's right. hm. we do that here but on dry pavement of course.

snow is for the weak! haha..j/k

makes sense no track and such. im dying right now, between track events..blah.

02-19-2003, 10:08 AM
I was out Sunday night in my 180 and got video to prove it. I give mad props to my boy in his 90 Ford Escort....some how or another he can get sideways with the best of 'em. Ill tell you what, I thank god for open lighted parkin lots. Wide open, callin your name..."Come to me Butthead....."

Either way, my friend (Sean) did a 90* turn at 35mph and became throughly introduced with the snow bank. He he he.... I however pulled her at my record best of 32mph (Entrance speed) and pulled out rather nicely.

A learning experience:

I learned alot more about control in these last few snow days than I have learned in the entire time I have been on the road. I realize the advantages of a RWD vehicle while making a snowy turn.....gangsta

02-19-2003, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by AKADriver
The police are just doing their job, reckless driving is excessive though. Reckless driving implies a complete lack of regard for public safety, which isn't the case if you're in an empty parking lot.

yeah it is. but my lawyer said that it's actually because that's the only thing they can charge us. they can give us an improper driving ticket. after taking it to court, they'll most likely reduce it to improper driver or just tell us to take driving school. so it's not as bad as i thought it'd be.

yeah, doughnuts are fun once in a while too. i think we prefer doing it in snow so our tires can live a little longer, haha. it's also nice to go a lil crazy after you're burnt out from studying or whatever.

02-19-2003, 10:07 PM
I know the only thing that can be given on privite property in VA us a rechless ticket, in fact you can get on for just driving across the parking spaces in a lot. Silviaholic, I know how that goes, my roomate and I tape evertime we go out to parking lots in the snow, great times. There was once we had five cars all driving around doing dumb stuff in a small parking lot for like 15 minutes. Great conversation video

02-19-2003, 10:58 PM
Blacksburg cops are the worst. They definitely try and screw any and everyone they can. I'm not going to rant about them because it's pointless. It sucks that you guys got those tickets. You should be able to get it dropped down from reckless if you take it to court. You probably don't even need a lawyer for it, just go there and they should offer you something less or driving school if you're a VA resident. I spent some time in court in B'burg and I saw people getting reckless for just about everything. One guy got it for his tires squeeling as he went around that turn in front of Squires and even the cop said he was driving the speed limit. The cops here are the worst kind, there's basically no crime around here besides alcohol related events and traffic violations.

Well good luck with the ticket. 019, does your car have a silvia badge on the back, in the middle. It's the written out badge. I keep seeing all these 240's around campus and never really get a chance to meet anybody. I've talked to a couple people, I saw Heinikenns on here. Well hopefully i'll see you around.


Oh if anybody ever gets pulled over in Blacksburg by officer Sowicki, just ask him about having trouble pulling over a red s13 hatch last October. Well maybe you shouldn't.

02-20-2003, 01:58 AM
yea, blacksburg cops do suck... i have to take it to court, i get no say in that. i figured it'd be easier with a lawyer around, since he can use his connections. and yeah, they're probably going to drop it if i take driving school.

that's funny, haha. tires squeeling when making a turn?? haha. wow that's so reckless... that's not even improper driving!!

naw, my car doesn't have the silvia badge. i think i know which car you're talking about though. red s14 with the silvia badge. i saw the guy one day. he's korean. didn't get a chance to talk to him though. but you should be able to spot me around. red s14 with hks hiper. you'll hear me ;) i'm rolling steelies too (w/o hubcaps), so just check out my rims and you'll find me. honk, high beam, flash hazard lights if you see me.