View Full Version : Crashed at 110 mph
02-16-2003, 07:26 PM
And I'm completely unharmed. ??
I was doing ~110 mph on a curvy road that I frequent. I encountered some water. Rear end slid out, spun, slid up a curb, took out a street light, its concrete base, 2-3 trees, flipped, landed on the wrong side of the road facing the wrong way.
Opened the door, got out, car is DESTROYED save for the seats, walked away unharmed. I'll post pictures when I get them.
Christ, I have Nissan to thank for my S13's "excellent" drivers-side crash test rating.
02-16-2003, 07:30 PM
Maybe this will teach you not to do 110mph on a curvy road that has water puddles? Congrats on remaining unharmed.
If that isn't a joke, which it doesn't sound like it is, you are both nuts and ridiculously lucky. I don't (ever) intend on getting in an accident-- especially not at 110mph!
I won't give any lectures, but... 110mph? The road couldn't have been that curvy, unless you meant 110kph.
02-16-2003, 07:33 PM
Way to go! Don't sound so happy about doing stupid things!
BTW: I've crashed st 150mph. Twice.
02-16-2003, 07:37 PM
It's pretty freaking curvy. I'll take pictures of it too.
02-16-2003, 07:51 PM
Damn nissans great engineering, Darwin almost claimed another.
02-16-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Jeff240sx
Way to go! Don't sound so happy about doing stupid things!
BTW: I've crashed st 150mph. Twice.
good lord can we have more details about those???
02-16-2003, 07:58 PM
Yea, sure.
I had a 515rwhp Corvette. I decided to drag race it.
First time, I had a 2 mile stretch of road, and no houses / intersections anywhere. I also cruised down the road a couple times, and it was clear.
So, I went down the road. Me driving and Alan in the passenger seat and some kid "Onyx" in the rear hatch. I was going 148 and accelerating the last time I saw the spedo, and suddenly hit a pothole that was previously unseen, which blew out the tires on the passenger side. After fishtailing for a long time, the car pulled off to the right, and flew through a ditch that was deeper than the car was tall. I did a couple 360s, and skidded to a stop. From the pothole to the stop was nearly 1/2 mile.
The second time was on the highway. I hit some retread that peeled off a truck, and just kinda cruised into the big-ass median. It still sucked.
So.. I really have no sympathy for people that take less time than I did to decide where and when to go fast.
02-16-2003, 08:12 PM
wow, you should really pray tonite, thank god you are ok. Really want to see pictures. Did you have your seatbelt on?
02-16-2003, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by hookedup240 Did you have your seatbelt on? [/B]
02-16-2003, 08:19 PM
You are very lucky. People losing control like that going 1/2 that speed have been killed. Through this experience, I hope you've learned that you can't go 110 down a curvy road. You shouldn't even go that fast on a straightaway--take that speed to the track.
But, I am glad you're not injured. You'll probably be a bit sore tomorrow, but if that's all you get--you're very lucky.
02-16-2003, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by 96SEChick
You are very lucky. People losing control like that going 1/2 that speed have been killed. Through this experience, I hope you've learned that you can't go 110 down a curvy road. You shouldn't even go that fast on a straightaway--take that speed to the track.
But, I am glad you're not injured. You'll probably be a bit sore tomorrow, but if that's all you get--you're very lucky.
i'd have to agree your luckier than most, and jeff, jeez lol glad u came out alright and in 240 land :D
02-16-2003, 09:05 PM
Wow, and I thought I was stupid.
Congrats on being alive.
drift freaq
02-16-2003, 09:13 PM
I remember drifting my 71 240z at 100 mph on skyline blvd on the San Francisco penisula between page mill and highway 84 . I was doing around 100 into a descending radius right hander when my rear broke opposite lock against the grain of the road yes a left land drift in a right hand corner. Anyways I corrected back the other way and back again till I scrubbed off to about 85 straightened it out and kept on going . Needless to say I don't recommend anyone on this board try high speed drifting its not for the faint of heart and should be done on track only.
should you doubt any of this not only did I have a passenger in the car with me but I had a motorcycle following me and still have friends in the bay area that can vouch about this . none the less, I am not waving the glory flag about it I am just bringing it up .
02-16-2003, 09:27 PM
Glad that your alive and well.
But you have to admit.....doing 110 on a wet curvy road in a RWD car was not smart.....and this is how you learned you lesson....just not the hard way....
02-16-2003, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by GT specR
Glad that your alive and well.
But you have to admit.....doing 110 on a wet curvy road in a RWD car was not smart.....and this is how you learned you lesson....just not the hard way....
Yeah, in a FWD car he would have lost traction, still, an instead of swaying back and forth, he would have simply jetted off the road head-on. I don't know why people think FWD is more controllable. The worst thing in the world, maybe besides SUV's, is understeer.
02-16-2003, 09:47 PM
I've heard some stuff that may be an interesting update to this wreck. First off, apparently the water was in the road because my car broke some kind of thing that had water in it.
And someone suggested that my loss of traction could have been lift throttle oversteer from the 118 mph fuel cut. Come to think of it, I was taking that corner faster than I ever had before...
Originally posted by /etc/shadow
I've heard some stuff that may be an interesting update to this wreck. First off, apparently the water was in the road because my car broke some kind of thing that had water in it.
And someone suggested that my loss of traction could have been lift throttle oversteer from the 118 mph fuel cut. Come to think of it, I was taking that corner faster than I ever had before...
Glad you didn't hit anybody else...what the **** were you thinking?
Honestly, I think that is the stupidist thing I have ever seen anybody post on this forum.
Another togue car or whatever bites the dust eh?
Hopefully you won't be dumb enough to go doing it again :mad:
02-16-2003, 10:54 PM
I hope you are a canadian and 110kph is 68mph. Even 68 is a hard wreck!
Glad you are okay though.
That's why I keep my 110mph "romps" on the rare highway stretches where I can see for miles.
02-16-2003, 11:36 PM
your one lucky SOB, glad your ok, maybe insurance will pay you for a better S13/4 now, and a few mods. Sorry about your lose.
02-16-2003, 11:54 PM
I don't even know what to say....110 on a wet and curvy road
02-17-2003, 12:10 AM
Man you guys are pretty darn stupid going 110 on a curvy road. how stupid can you be. You guys that go 110 and crash are the type of people that give the import scen a bad rep. ALL I GOTTA SAY IS THING BEFORE YOU DO STUPID THINGS, BEFORE YOU RUIN IT FOR ALL OF US THAT DOESN"T DO STUPID STUFF LIKE THAT
02-17-2003, 12:31 AM
I'm sure everyone has done some stupid things from one time to another. Unfortunately, some suffer consequences, some more serious than others. I'm glad that you're okay.
Personally, I'm on my last chance because insurance is a killer. 2 1/2 years ago some dumbass kid decided that he wanted me to stop by stepping in the road when I'm going 80km/h. Instead of killing him, I swerved and wedged between a tree and a pole. Approx $3500CDN damage. About 3-4 months ago, I basically "tapped" some guy in an old MR2 in a parking lot. Did $1200CDN to him, $500CDN to myself. My car was getting fixed, and I had a 2001 Sentra as a rental car. I was driving too fast and it was a little wet, slid, hit a pole, did $7000CDN damage. My insurance quote for next year was around $11,000/year. I'm gonna have to wait until the first one expires, and pay off the second incident, to bring it down to around $2400/year. Fun fun!
Sorry for the long post, but sometimes people just have to crash to actually learn something. It seems there are some prime examples of that right here in this forum.
BTW, were you charged with anything, and how is this going to affect your insurance?
02-17-2003, 12:40 AM
i surved a 120mph crash in my old 2nd gen integra on the freeway, walked ay completely un harmed also. its pretty baddass:D ;) :eek:
02-17-2003, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by Dorifto180sx
Yeah, in a FWD car he would have lost traction, still, an instead of swaying back and forth, he would have simply jetted off the road head-on. I don't know why people think FWD is more controllable. The worst thing in the world, maybe besides SUV's, is understeer.
Because when it snows, its alot easier to get out of my parking lot in my Dad's Camry......I always get stuck in my 240.
02-17-2003, 09:41 AM
Wow that is pretty ****ing stupid...then to sound proud? People have to be smarter about how and when they run their car. Please be more carefull in the future!
02-17-2003, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by nrcooled
Wow that is pretty ****ing stupid...then to sound proud? People have to be smarter about how and when they run their car. Please be more carefull in the future!
give the guy a break, when talking on-line u dont get to really hear what that person is feeling weather it be sadness hurt or scaredness, so why assume he's proud? i dont think he was being proud, but i definately agree people need to be smarter about how they drive and what not.
02-17-2003, 10:48 AM
Man don't listen to the people b*tching. I guess they bought a sports car so they can go slow. And I bet they have never broke a single law in there life. They just want to be a b*tch for the mod's. F*ck um they are not your parents. I'm sure you learned all you needed to know and more. Can you say A*s kisser? I knew you could.
I wrecked doing about 80 a week ago. Fortunately I only busted My right rear control arms, and I have a spare car. Not like you probably care.
Don't let the panzies get to you. Half of them probably don't even have a 240, much less try to push some limits in their car. Yeah some of them are cool, but sh*t they love to get on the bandwagon.
Remember the Stage of the Street, is just that. Anything can happen. Take care ;)
02-17-2003, 10:54 AM
****...35mph around a 140* bend into a curb almost flipped my old gen3 camry... walked away fine, until Dad found out....
Okay okay enough bickering... we've established that he shouldn't have been driving that fast, and that we all make mistakes.
NOW let's see some photos! :o
02-17-2003, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by adey
Okay okay enough bickering... we've established that he shouldn't have been driving that fast, and that we all make mistakes.
NOW let's see some photos! :o
yesssss pics!!!!! :D
02-17-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by AutoDestruct
Man don't listen to the people b*tching. I guess they bought a sports car so they can go slow. And I bet they have never broke a single law in there life. They just want to be a b*tch for the mod's. F*ck um they are not your parents. I'm sure you learned all you needed to know and more. Can you say A*s kisser? I knew you could.
I wrecked doing about 80 a week ago. Fortunately I only busted My right rear control arms, and I have a spare car. Not like you probably care.
Don't let the panzies get to you. Half of them probably don't even have a 240, much less try to push some limits in their car. Yeah some of them are cool, but sh*t they love to get on the bandwagon.
Most of us (meaning more than 50%) have a 240, and I bet some of us do push are cars pass the speed limit. I tend to push my car to the limit, but there are three things you can control when your, light, and road conditions. Sure you can push your car to the limits...but you have to use your head sometimes.
Nobody can change the law of physics......
02-17-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by AutoDestruct
Man don't listen to the people b*tching. I guess they bought a sports car so they can go slow. And I bet they have never broke a single law in there life. They just want to be a b*tch for the mod's. F*ck um they are not your parents. I'm sure you learned all you needed to know and more. Can you say A*s kisser? I knew you could.
I wrecked doing about 80 a week ago. Fortunately I only busted My right rear control arms, and I have a spare car. Not like you probably care.
Don't let the panzies get to you. Half of them probably don't even have a 240, much less try to push some limits in their car. Yeah some of them are cool, but sh*t they love to get on the bandwagon.
Remember the Stage of the Street, is just that. Anything can happen. Take care ;)
As a matter of fact I own the SR you see as my Avitar w/ 14lbs of boost. I just happen to be smart enough to do it on a track.
You just sound like one of the stupid kids on the Civic boards. Grow up
02-17-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by AutoDestruct
Man don't listen to the people b*tching. I guess they bought a sports car so they can go slow. And I bet they have never broke a single law in there life. They just want to be a b*tch for the mod's. F*ck um they are not your parents. I'm sure you learned all you needed to know and more. Can you say A*s kisser? I knew you could.
I wrecked doing about 80 a week ago. Fortunately I only busted My right rear control arms, and I have a spare car. Not like you probably care.
Don't let the panzies get to you. Half of them probably don't even have a 240, much less try to push some limits in their car. Yeah some of them are cool, but sh*t they love to get on the bandwagon.
Remember the Stage of the Street, is just that. Anything can happen. Take care ;)
What you don't realize is that he could have killed someone innocent. I'm not sure about you, but I'd rather be a panzie then take someone's life away for the simple fact of having fun.
02-17-2003, 03:55 PM
It's good to see you all rush to the defencive. GT spec R I am with you on the laws of physics, they bend for no man. It just ****es me off when these kids come off all high and mighty. It's like they are the police. If he would have killed somebody he would have gone to jail. The Civic boards ha. Somebody sounds a little guilty. P.S. It just that you don't know anything about where it happened, when it happened, or why. So don't be so quick on the Judgement button. You would have pronounced him guilty already.
It's not like if he goes and kills somebody cause he F'd up they are going to come knocking on your door.
Nrcooled I know you have a 240. lets get some pics anyway. lets all please remember we are. We all have made mistakes. :)
[edited for content]
02-17-2003, 05:05 PM
Guys. This is a topic. The topic is called "crashed at 110mph." If you're not going to post thoughts on the crash or the driver, don't post, or I'll lock this.
02-17-2003, 05:23 PM
Pictures can be found at:
It felt rotten seeing my car today. It was like saying goodbye to an old friend, but I had to see it in such dismal shape. I could have sat in that broken drivers' seat for days, silent...
There will be another.
02-17-2003, 05:40 PM
wow glad to see ur okay man, at least the engine and tranny and such are salvageable, are u going to part the car out? or let the insurance take it?
02-17-2003, 07:16 PM
I noticed that the windshield wipers were partly up, which means they were probably being used at the time of the crash. If not, then forget this. However, if they were, that means it was wet enough to need them, and therefore too wet to be going 110 on a straight road.
Understeer is not the worst thing ever. Oversteer is at least as bad, if not worse. All racing vehicle dynamic books explain that some amount of "stable understeer" is required to be able to drive a car near the limit. If you want to drift that's fine, but if you want to be fast or safe, then slight stable understeer is what you want. There is a very good reason why almost every production car, whether it be a taurus or corvette or McLaren F1 has understeer. I have yet to hear about any car that handles well with oversteer.
02-17-2003, 07:18 PM
No, it wasn't wet. They just came up on their own. I probably hit the lever when I hit the concrete pillar and momentarily lost consciousness.
02-17-2003, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by /etc/shadow
Pictures can be found at:
It felt rotten seeing my car today. It was like saying goodbye to an old friend, but I had to see it in such dismal shape. I could have sat in that broken drivers' seat for days, silent...
There will be another.
damn man ... thats bad ... glad to hear your ok ... on a different note ... would you be interested in selling your under spoiler if it is in good condition ... if so could you PM me ... thanks .....
02-17-2003, 08:57 PM
I could see how you could hit the switch, that must have been quite the jolt. Glad to see that you are okay. This probably won't happen again too many times. I'm sure you'll be a little more cautious about going fast. Also, man I'm surprised you got that thing up to 110, when I had the SOHC that thing was so slow. I think I maybe went like 100 a couple times downhill. Then again, I'm trying not to speed anymore since I would get my license suspended if I get another ticket.
02-17-2003, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by 240racer
I could see how you could hit the switch, that must have been quite the jolt. Glad to see that you are okay. This probably won't happen again too many times. I'm sure you'll be a little more cautious about going fast. Also, man I'm surprised you got that thing up to 110, when I had the SOHC that thing was so slow. I think I maybe went like 100 a couple times downhill. Then again, I'm trying not to speed anymore since I would get my license suspended if I get another ticket.
You kidding me? That little SOHC will soar if it's in good shape. A new O2 sensor, fuel filter, air filter, cleaned it up a bit, and the thing would pull all the way to 118!
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