View Full Version : Tranny will not shift

12-26-2008, 09:39 PM
Alright, here's a rundown of the situation.

Engine blew, rod was knocking like mad.

Replaced engine with same tranny, clutch, etc, the whole deal.

I did NOT use a clutch alignment tool (spent the whole day trying to find one, nothing, so I figured I would wing it with my eye and a broomstick lol) however it (to the eye) is nice and centered, and the shaft went in nice and smooth.

Got the car all timed up, started it, runs strong. I think great, time to finally get back on the road. I try to shift, it WILL NOT move out of neutral. I can't even force it. Clutch pedal is soft as crap.

HOWEVER. Slave still moves, no leaks, tried to bleed it, no air bubbles. Fluid is topped off.

Tried to adjust the clutch pedal as a last resort, no change.

Took out the tranny, nothing looks out of place.

Any ideas? Tranny shifted/ran great before swap. No release bearing whining or gears grinding.

Thanks for the answers ahead of time, I'm tired of running into these problems now =P

EDIT: After searching through all 31 pages of the technical forum and googling for 3 hours prior to this post, I can't find anyone with a problem that fits this description. Some things come close, but nothing to the extent that I'm getting.

Also: It's kind of like there is NO activity whatsoever in the tranny.. However this only happens when the car is on.

12-27-2008, 04:06 PM
does it shift with the car off?? if so then all i can think of is maybe the clutch disc was installed backwards.(not even sure if its possible) what type of clutch is it?

if tranny does not shift at all you just need to pull the tailshaft off of the tranny and re-align the shifter and shift levers- kinda tricky-
when i got my sr the shifter didnt move- i think that something hit it really hard during shipment.

make sure that the slave cyl is moving the complete distance(i think its like 1 inch)

have you removed the vibration dampener from the clutch system????

pull the shifter and check for obvious things that would prevent it from moving

12-27-2008, 11:37 PM
Check the easy things first before pulling the trans apart,

If the motor and trans are still apart check to see if the trans shifts freely threw the gears

if it does, and like you say "Clutch pedal is soft as crap." the problem is in the parts between the motor and trans, your clutch system

12-28-2008, 12:00 AM
Since you said it only happens when the car is on i would assume you have air in the system and you are compressing the air instead of moving the clutch as far as it should... if you start the car with the clutch in, in first gear im willing to bet the car will lurch forward due to the clutch still being engaged with the clutch pedal to the floor... If this is the problem the air pressure powered brake bleeder machines work very well in my opinion (and theyre cheap)

12-28-2008, 01:05 PM
Check to see if the clutch fork is still in place on the pivot ball, and that the ball isn't broken. The T/O bearing retainer could also be slid too far up the input shaft cover and stuck against the pressure plate.

12-28-2008, 01:24 PM
maybe its your master cylinder, just a hunch, or the clutch was installed wrong