View Full Version : Just Wondering

02-16-2003, 03:15 PM
I was just wondering if anybody knew what the name of the front end on Fast and The Furious for the 240sx was? And if you did where could I find it. I just wanted to see some more pictures of it and different angles and what-not. If ya do, thanks.

02-16-2003, 03:23 PM
jebbus.. :rolleyes:

to me that is a ugly body kit..... but my opinions dont matter to you... its a zeal stalker body kit

For some reason I think of a vacuum cleaner when I see that kit… :p :D

02-16-2003, 03:27 PM
yeah yeah about the comments. I never said if I "liked" it. I'm just reviewing various kits. Where can I find it? The Zeal Stalker Kit?

02-16-2003, 03:29 PM
there around man... just try searching....

02-16-2003, 03:49 PM
Well I've done plenty of searching and I never found it. But now that I know the name of it I got lucky and saw some pictures and decided against it. It really is ugly. But for some reason I found some pictures of Michelle Rodriguez by her car and it actually looked decent. But wait.. could I have been mistaken? Looking at her instead of the car? Hrmm......?

02-16-2003, 04:38 PM

They have a lot of kits for our cars. I personally don't care for Zeal kits either. I'll take a Vertex kit over the Zeal anyday.

02-16-2003, 04:39 PM
lol she is the only one that can make that kit look good(maby cause i wouldnt be paying much attention to the car).. im glad you dont like it... we dont need any vacuum clearner 240s....

02-16-2003, 05:18 PM
Takakaira is practically the best site that I know of so far. And the Vertex don't look shabby. Though I think its more for someone who likes a more clean look to their car. Not so aggressive you know? But its still nice. So far I was thinking of the C-West front. Its really nice. My friend is suppose to show me this one thats fairly aggressive but not over done from when he had a 240sx. Hoping to see it soon. I want something that'll reach out and bitch slap someone for me cause I'm too lazy to do it. :-\

02-16-2003, 06:20 PM

Another bad ass site to check out. I'm the opposite of yourself, I like the subtle clean look. Vertex is one of my favorites for that reason. Also, INGS makes some pretty damn smooth looking kits. Do-Luck is as crazy as I would get in terms of "bitch slapping" someone. :p

02-16-2003, 06:34 PM
yeah I know man they are really nice. I was actually stuck on the Do-Luck for a little while. But to be honest with ya I think I'm leaning more towards the "Trial" s14 front end on Taka Kaira site. Its a little more my style. Got some design but isn't totally over done. Some kits you know have slight problems like they would come too far from the car or are way over done.

02-17-2003, 12:45 PM
Yea Trial has some good stuff. For the best bang for the buck CWest has just about everyone beat. My friend has the CWest kit on his 97 240, it looks very clean, yet mean at the same time. And for a little over $1300 I see most places charging for it, its a very good price.

02-17-2003, 03:25 PM
Yea, I know what you mean about the C-West. They are so damn nice in my personal opinion. Thats why I was going to get it but thought against it. I have a quesiton about the Trail front end. On the site it shows it on a 98 version of the car and I have a 95. And I know on most front ends the alter significantly. Just meaning you can see a difference and personally I want that exact same one. Nothing changed on it lol. Couldn't I just get it and it would fit on mine? No doubt I could get it customized but I'm not sure of the dimensions between the two different year in cars. (The width of the front and the length blah blah stuff like that.) I've never seen it on a 95 so I don't know and I dont want to waste money and not like it ya know? So if ya can fill me in a lil i'd appreciate it.

(( I'm thinking of just getting it and customizing the front end if it doesn't work just to have it. Also, getting the Eyelids for the lights so they are more asian.. eh.. i mean.. slanty eyed. No offense to to anybody about that comment. ))

02-17-2003, 04:46 PM
by far the best s14 kouki aero kit (imo) is the ings Dspec...should check it out its got simple but agressive lines...

Evil S14
02-17-2003, 05:19 PM
only problem with the ings (and maybe other kits)
is that the rear lip needs the J spec back bumper to look right

02-17-2003, 11:33 PM
Ahhh!! This is driving me crazy guys. I'm all for the Trial Front End althought I can only find it for the 98 version. Everybody knows that the kit alters a little for the 95 version so I don't know if it looks good cause I cannot find a picture of it. And you know the lights are different on the 98 so the Trial kit on Taka Kaira looks great. If I made it custom to fit on mine with the lights being more buldged it might not look as great.

What are you guys opinions?

Also, if someone has pics of the Trial on the 95 240sx please hook me up! I've been looking forever and no luck :(

02-18-2003, 12:10 AM
http://www.importfan.com/gtp.html http://www.takakaira.com/
yeah i read the thread i know that you wanted to look at the zeal kit but here other sites tah would up your mind to other kits...the last one ummm...i hope that you understand jap.:)

02-18-2003, 02:37 PM
lol, i was just curious on how it looks. I've seen pictures. Its DAMNED ugly. Lol, I've made up my mind. I'm going for the Trial Kit. If I can't find one by the time I've made up my mind on getting it I'm just going for the 98 version and have it customized. Going to put eyebrows on the lights so theya re more slanted and aggressive. But thanks for the links man :D