View Full Version : ROUGH ROUGH cold starts!

12-23-2008, 10:24 PM
So, I just got done replacing the oil pan gasket, which took a excess of 14+ hours. Finally it all payed off and no leaks.

So, I go to start it up after now being started for a good week or so, and it takes me maybe 25 tries for it to start up. Thats just starting up, thats not even indling right, maybe 75 to idle right. But, does anyone know what could cause this? I checked a bunch of stuff a tut suggested if your having rough cold starts and everything checked out.

Fuel lines = getting good flow
Spark plugs = good spark
Inj. are pumpin
Batteries good
Timings good
Dizzy is good
Ignition coil is good
Fuel pump is a pumpin

Im not sure what it could be

Any suggestions?

12-24-2008, 12:37 AM
1st run a large bottle of cheveron techron through,

its either fuel or spark. Then swap out the fuel filter for a z32 OEM filter.

Next is a leaking fuel injector seal, which will flood the cylinder causing a hard start.

Bet you that if you pulled the fuel pump relay it would start right up.

12-25-2008, 11:52 AM
Thanks bro, lemme try that.

But just out of curiosity, what will pulling the relay do to help it start right up?


S-Nation S13
12-25-2008, 05:58 PM

pulling the fuel pump relay would make the fuel pump inop. so your car will run on what ever fuel you have left with in the fuel rail makin fuel pump inop. = no flood situation b/c as you stated you try and try to start car everytime you try to start car fuel pump will prime itself then send fuel to fuel rail if you have busted o-ring on your injector fuel would just leak into your cylinder

12-25-2008, 07:24 PM
So basically he's betting I have a busted o-ring and im just flooding fuel into the cylinders?

S-Nation S13
12-25-2008, 08:28 PM
So basically he's betting I have a busted o-ring and im just flooding fuel into the cylinders?

yup yup exactly oh one question does your car shack and sound like a subi..thats what happened to me a while back it certainly was cause by busted o-ring i guess i needed more lube and had to drive them injectors in slowly **NO-HOMO**

assumin you confirmed: (all good)
fuel pump

12-25-2008, 08:31 PM
Spark is a yes.

It gets fuel through the fuel filter and up to the rail.

Can I just simply take out each injector and look at it if it has a busted o-ring instead of just taking out the fuel pump relay?

S-Nation S13
12-25-2008, 08:34 PM
ya you could do that but to be honest i would just go replace them as soon as you take them out just cause they look good dosent mean there actually sealin up

12-25-2008, 08:36 PM
Okay. Would you have any other suggestions on what it could be?

I also had another question.

I have a stripped yellow near my alternator, and its just dangling freely, is that supposed to be?

I left my car out for 2 days and its dead.

Everytime I want to turn the car on or off, I have to unplug both terminals.

S-Nation S13
12-25-2008, 08:50 PM
1.hm..stripped yellow wire do you have a pic?
2.car battery no good if it sits not to sure i would say after repeadily tryin to start your car w/o it turnin over thats where your killin your battery
3.unpluggin to start car that wouldnt work?? last question im confused on

what year is your car again??

12-25-2008, 08:55 PM
Sorry, I meant, when I turn the car off, I unplug the terminals to keep it from dying.

So, something is still running or using power when the car is turned off, and thats if I left the terminals on.

S-Nation S13
12-25-2008, 09:03 PM
ya you could have something draining your battery while the is off i remember in my autoclass days my teacher told me to check voltage on battery while a friend of mine pulled fuses out by doing this if you see a change in voltage mean an increase in volts you found the culprit

from there inspect wires youll have to trace them back to what ever it controls

do me a favor if you can get your car to start hook up a voltmeter to the post of your battery while its runnin does it read 14.6 anything lower that 14v your alternators not charging the batter= bad alternator

12-25-2008, 09:20 PM
I will do that on monday, thats when I go back to my dads house which is where the car sits now.

S-Nation S13
12-25-2008, 09:23 PM
coo do that im guessin its a bad alternator im lookin at fsm theres is no yellow wire goin to alternator only black, white, white, and white with red trace line..looks like you alternator wires are good but wrap that wire with electrical tape asap