View Full Version : ka-t_180sx

12-21-2008, 12:05 PM
guy was flakin and makin excuses the whole time. I went way down in price, then offered to deliver them. Also offered $20 in gas money. Idiot gave me a FAKE ADDRESS and I drove an hour from Los angeles to Laguna Hills, at 11 at night. This guys a real piece of work.
Don't deal with him. Dumbass doesn't even have a phone.

12-21-2008, 12:32 PM
haha same stuff here i was trying to buy some tokiko blues off him that he never had hahah

02-18-2009, 03:28 PM
Dude flaked on me also. I gave him my contact number and he didn't give me his, which is my bad on my part. I agreed to meet in at the Pipeline meet and I told him to be there at 9pm and I had to come back to my area at 10pm to pick up some parts. I waited for him till 10pm, till I got pissed and left. At least he could of called me to tell me he wasn't going to show, so I didn't have to drive down there. He even called me earlier and confirmed that he will be there at 9pm.

03-06-2009, 04:40 PM
This guy called me about a seat I was selling, and told me his name was Jose and wanted to trade me a power fc or something else, so I saved his number, and called him back, I think it was either a payphone or a fax machine.
Weeks go buy and my seat hasn't sold, so I put another thread up, and the same guy calls, and his name comes up on the caller I'd, and I ask what his name was and he gave me another name, but has the same voice.
So after chatting with him for a moment, I call him on his Bs and tell him when he gets the cash or the parts in his hand to call me, and have never heard back from him.
He would buy your stuff, and then post it back up here on zilvia

03-09-2009, 10:51 AM
lol wtf is wrong with that guy

he must be a pot head.. my buddy smokes WAY too much weed and is just like this guy..

ka-t_180sx told me he was going to meet me at pipeline pizza, i was going there anyway so i was ok with bringing my wheel spacers.. guy never showed and some guy brought a diff to pipeline that ka-t_180sx said he was going to buy also, so we bolth kinda waited on him.. no show but i kinda knew it was going to happen.

KA-T_180sx :down:

03-09-2009, 03:42 PM
Yeah this homeboy showed up at my house at midnight to buy some stock seats after trying to lowball me to the fullest. Price was 150 he gave me like 146 dollars and a fist full of quarters cause he deducted his toll road fees from my price.

03-09-2009, 05:16 PM
ka-t_180sx told me he was going to meet me at pipeline pizza, i was going there anyway so i was ok with bringing my wheel spacers.. guy never showed and some guy brought a diff to pipeline that ka-t_180sx said he was going to buy also, so we bolth kinda waited on him.. no show but i kinda knew it was going to happen.

That'd be me with the diff.

He hit me up about 10 days ago to buy an open diff from me. He told me to bring it to the Pipeline meet and he'd pick it up there. That was fine. I told him that I'd also be at the "Oxnard Bash" at Bolsa Chica Beach on Saturday if he wanted to get it sooner. He said he'd pick it up there.
So 1pm rolls around and he's still not at the beach. I texted him, and he said he was working, and he'd get out at 3pm. I wasn't gonna be there that late, so I told him if he wanted it, I'd be hanging out at my buddy's shop in Santa Ana. He knew of the shop, and told me he'd come by.
5pm, he wasn't there, so again, I texted him.
me - hey man, you gonna come out to the shop?
him - yeah
me - any idea what time you'll be here?
him - nope
I ended up leaving around 8pm. He never showed.

So, Tuesday rolls around, I figured he'd be at the Pipeline meet to pick up the diff... He never showed.

Dudes a huge flake. If you're gonna do business with him, DO NOT go out of your way to do it. Make him come to you, but don't wait around for him.

03-10-2009, 06:51 PM
i guess, ill join the bandwangon!!!

i bough the hks carbon ti cat back for my s13 off this bitch. sent him the money and now 2 weeks later i still aint got my shit. he ignores phone calls and give excuses. i tried helping that piece of shit out when the bitch told me that he lost his job, 3 days later he tells me he hasnt answered my calls because he is working. hes a piece of shit. i will give anyone on this forum 100 bux to go to his house and fuck him up!! and also get my exhaust. hes a fucking thief and a low class piece of shit.


no one trust this fool.

03-11-2009, 03:14 AM
hmm this guy definitely flakes and asked me to go to the pipeline meet also! I'm glad i didn't go cause of all of your stories basically relate to mine. I was selling snowboarding goggles and he replied and actually called me but after that just went downhill. BIG TIME FLAKE! frosted FLAKES - full of ka-t 180sx

03-11-2009, 11:49 AM
here is the story,

2 weeks ago i bought an s13 hks carbon ti exhaust from this guy. when i saw the thread i had to jump on it cuz i needed an exhaust badly to get my car done. anyways, i call him up and asked him if it was an authentic hks exhaust and why he was selling it. he told me that he recently got laid off and needed the money really bad. so since im a nice guy, i decided to help him out and sent him the money the next day so he can take care of his problem. i asked him to get me a tracking number so that i can know when the exhaust was gonna arrive, he told me that ups was gonna email him the tracking number cuz the line was too long. at that time i knew shit was gonna be bad. i call him and he ignores my calls and pms. a few days he calls me back and tells me that he has been ignoring me because he is busy working. what a fucking liar. 2 weeks later i still have no exhaust.

this guy is a big time thief and scammer.

hes a flake and i advice NO ONE ON THIS FORUM to deal with him!!!!

i tried to help him out and this is what i get.

** I will give anyone on here 100 bux to go to his house and beat his fucking ass, and get my exhaust back ** lmao

Please people dont deal with him. he cannot be trusted!!!!

Kat-180 - what goes around comes around you low class piece of shit. this is all gonna bite you in your ass one day.


drift freaq
03-11-2009, 02:27 PM
this bitch is not only a flake, he is a fucking thief!!!! i really hope that no one on this forum deals with him. it will piss me off to see someone else get robbed like i did. i have a few people that live in cali near this asswhole im gonna send them his address and see what happens. i really wanna see this bitch get his ass beat for scamming other people.

im very serious about the 100 bux to fuck him up!!!! i just wanna see a video for evidence. lol

Just for your info. He works at his parents restaurant in San Juan Capistrano. I answered his add for 180sx quarter windows. He said they were clean and he did not have pics.
I asked him explicitly if the rubber was clean, he said it was.

I drove all the way down there from LA. San Juan Capistrano is Southern Orange county right next to the San Diego county line. I got there and the rubber was all messed up. You cannot buy the rubber from the dealer separate it comes on the quarter glass and they are quite expensive. I did not buy them and laughed it off. Though it was a complete waste of my time that could have been avoided by him sending me pics.

10-11-2009, 11:50 AM
I've gotten the same bullshit from him. He's flaked over and over again.

I traded him my cage for his incomplete to shit Greddy FMIC kit(that he said was complete). I specifically asked him if it was complete before I left my house to drive 2 hours all the way to his place and he insisted that it was complete. WRONG. I get there and he says that his friend has the rest of it and that he would deliver it to me once he got it. This is where I went wrong because I didn't know his name on here and I hadn't seen his review thread so I trusted him. So we excahgne the stuff and I'm getting ready to be on my way when he asks me to help him install the cage in his car because he had been screwed over before with some parts and didn't want that to happen again in case the cage didn't fit. Now, I could have said no because it was already 11pm and I had to wake up at 7am the next morning, but I just said yes. An hour goes by and we're still there there, 1am comes around and finally get around to finishing. We agree that he would get my needed parts and deliver them to me and I'm on my way.

He even told me to add my spacers on top of the trade to make it fair so I said whatever since I wouldn't be needing them.

2 weeks go by and I haven't heard anything from him. I text him and he says to go pick it up that night at 10pm. I said ok because I was desperate to have my car running. Again, BIG MISTAKE. I drive 2 fucking hours all over again. I called him before I left just to let him know I was going and he didn't answer. Called him when I was half-way there and no answer. Finally I texted him when I arrived at his place and he replies to me right away saying that he was at his friends house in San Diego and he wouldn't be able to go home to meet up. ASSHOLE. I said fuck it and just left. Just waisted almost 4 hours of my fucking day. He told me that night that his friend had lost the part he was supposed to give me and he would go half with me for a new one. I was fucking pissed because I was supposed to get a complete fucking FMIC kit from him. By this time I didn't believe him, but I just said yeah whatever paypal me the money and he said he would when I found which hotpipe I wanted to run.

I finally decided to go with a Greddy hotpipe just to complete the Greddy kit and told him it was like $100 so he'd need to give me $50 and he proceeded to tell me that it was too much money. I said fuck you just give me whatever you want then and he said he would paypal me $40 the next day. It's been 4 or 5 months now and haven't received shit.

-ka-t dude lies about his fmic being complete
-makes me drive 4 hours just to get blown off
-flakes every time we are supposed to meet up
-haven't received any of my money ever since

I know JDMslide180 is banned, but if anyone knows JDMslide180, let him know I'll take him up on that $100. I have his home address and I'll fuck his shit up. And I doubt he ever received that HKS exhaust because ka-t was bragging about his exhaust being Titanium so I'm guessing it's the same one.

I was never aware of this thread because I didn't know his username, but this guy's a piece of shit and should be BANNED FROM THE MARKETPLACE.

EDIT because the internet is serious business guys...

10-12-2009, 04:15 PM
flaked on buying my door panels.