View Full Version : Driver's door lock jammed. Won't lock.

12-14-2008, 07:01 PM
Well tonight my driver's door lock on my '96 finally gave up the ghost.

Every time I locked it with the power lock, it wouldn't sit flush like the passenger side did..... but it still locked.

Well now, it still tries to lock, but the button doesn't move very far at all, and if I try and force it by hand, it still won't budge much. So my driver's door won't lock no matter what.

Anyone had this problem? I need ideas of things to check. Unfamiliar with my 240 still.... Thanks.

12-14-2008, 10:07 PM
It's common, I've actually seen a lot lately. Pull the door panel and remove the door latch assembly, the door lock actuator is mounted to it. You can't remove the actuator separately until the latch is out. Also check for a rod binding or bent, although it sounds like the car hasn't been pilfered and it's just an electrical problem. Be happy it didn't shit the bed when locked, there's virtually no way to open the door once that happens.

12-14-2008, 11:29 PM
Be happy it didn't shit the bed when locked, there's virtually no way to open the door once that happens.

thanks for the advice man. so you think it's that actuator eh? i better dig into this one soon 'fore my shit gets stolen.

12-15-2008, 09:16 AM
More than likely. The linkage is all rods so they rarely get bent or come off their mounting unless someone has tried to slim the door open, but again it's unlikely since the lock rods are mainly on the inner side of the door. You'll know for sure once you unclip the actuator from the rod, if the rod moves freely then it has to be the actuator, if it still binds up then find where ever the it's jammed.

12-15-2008, 10:01 PM
Well tonight my driver's door lock on my '96 finally gave up the ghost.

Every time I locked it with the power lock, it wouldn't sit flush like the passenger side did..... but it still locked.

Well now, it still tries to lock, but the button doesn't move very far at all, and if I try and force it by hand, it still won't budge much. So my driver's door won't lock no matter what.

Anyone had this problem? I need ideas of things to check. Unfamiliar with my 240 still.... Thanks.

Or you can just pull it harder..... ;)

12-16-2008, 12:07 AM
Do you live in the midwest or northeast? Ice will do that, and I know we've had some bad ice storms around the country lately.