View Full Version : East coast snowboarding

12-12-2008, 11:17 AM
Has anyone gone snowboarding in the north carolina area ? Im from the west coast and have not been on the east coast yet since I moved here. I want to go a few times this year but I do not want to go to any shitty ass mountians. So If anyone has some advice please share.

Locations, Maps, How to Find, Directions for the Ski Resorts of North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, West Virginia and Maryland (http://www.skisoutheast.com/resort_locations.htm#Cloudmont)

Im thinking these 3 places:

North Carolina Ski Resorts, Ski Resorts in North Carolina, Skiing in North Carolina (http://www.appskimtn.com/)

Wintergreen Resort - Virginia's Premier Blue Ridge Mountain Vacation Getaway (http://www.wintergreenresort.com/)

Wisp Resort-Maryland's own 4-season ski and golf destination (http://www.wispresort.com/)

Please tell me what you think.

12-12-2008, 11:18 AM
We were planning an event for us east coast guys, Dook knows some good spots where he lives as well

12-12-2008, 11:58 AM
i know a few spots out by upstate new yourk like hunter mountain and Windom.. cool half pipe and everything. im not to sure about NC tho sorry

12-12-2008, 12:01 PM
We were planning an event for us east coast guys, Dook knows some good spots where he lives as well

When were you planning on going ? Care to share some info on the trip ?

12-12-2008, 12:24 PM
We had it posted in another thread i forgot which one, but we didn't come up with a set date or anything...

word Shmiddy i haven't been to hunter in years, camel mt just opened last weekend too

12-12-2008, 12:28 PM
well if anyone picks a date please keep me informed. I would like to go.

12-12-2008, 12:32 PM
^^ No problem bro...

I'll keep you in the loop...

12-12-2008, 12:39 PM
never veen down south to go snowboarding always went up north
gray rocks canada
killington vermont
killington was always a every year thing for christmas
i wont be going this year due to not owning a board anymore :-(

12-13-2008, 09:06 PM
I've been to Wisp many times. It's only like 40 minutes from Morgantown, but if you're going up that way, make the extra 45 minutes to an hour trip and go to 7 springs up in PA. It's much better.

12-13-2008, 09:09 PM
We were planning an event for us east coast guys, Dook knows some good spots where he lives as well

What??? I didn't get the memo!

Mountain Creek FTL, but Triple Play is damn cheap.

12-13-2008, 09:55 PM
I've been to Wisp many times. It's only like 40 minutes from Morgantown, but if you're going up that way, make the extra 45 minutes to an hour trip and go to 7 springs up in PA. It's much better.

I will check out the website and see about prices.

Im going to be going with my wife. We want to do a two day trip in jan and a few more in feb~mar. She has never been before so I wanted to find a few first timmers or people new to snowboarding to keep her company while she learns for the first part of the day.

If anyone else wants to come along we could do a zilvia thing and get a little group going, the more the merrier. If anyone wants to come along lets try to set up a trip. If enough people are interested lets see about starting or adding to the thread.

12-13-2008, 10:41 PM
ive been a couple of times to both sugar mountain and ski beech. both are ok , sugar i beleive has a new terrain park this year . ive heard its good.i havent got to go this year . fundage is low and im still looking for a job so ..... or you could check out appalachian ski resort its good too.
ski beech and sugar are in the banner elk nc. area

12-15-2008, 01:43 PM
wisp is the ass of the skiiing/boarding world...

snowshoe resort
canaan resort
7 springs resort

all within 1.5 hours of me...

12-15-2008, 07:03 PM
7 springs looks fun, but its pretty far, I will think about that one.