View Full Version : WTB: OEM or CF Kouki s14 Hood in TEXAS (or ship)

12-09-2008, 03:02 PM
I am looking to buy a Kouki hood, either OEM metal or aftermarket CF. However, I plan to paint the hood, so CF is not particularily a plus for me unless I must resort to having it shipped.

Basically what I am looking for:
- OEM s14 kouki hood in good mechanical condition (no rust, majors dents etc) but paint condition is completely open
-Must be located in Texas within an hour drive of 75075
-We might be able to talk shipping (I know greyhound is a good option but shipping a metal hood will take serious thinking by both of us)
- We are looking at about $200 all told for me picking this up (negotiable but this seems to be about right to me)


- OEM Style Carbon Fiber kouki hood again, in good mechanical condition. I would prefer no hood pins or AeroCatch style pins (which I would obviously discuss a fair price for)
- Shipping is an option here for me (greyhound would prob charge 50-60 to ship it to me or we can discuss other methods. I would be paying shipping)
- As I said, CF isnt a selling point for me however I know it is generally more valuable so I would think something like 250-275 before shipping or 300-325 All told


- Vented Carbon Fiber kouki hood
- I dont know the name of this style, but looks like at a mild vent that flows with the lines of the hood (pics are a must for this one, obviously, as there are many many many types on the market)
- Obviously want one that is undamaged
- Would be willing to discuss pricing above that of the OEM style CF hood but not much more (they cost the same often when sold new to my knowledge)

One of the above, preferably located in texas near 75075. Pricing negotiable and shipping can be worked out for cf and maybe, MAYBE for metal (i dont really want to an neither do you prob :) )


florante rea
12-09-2008, 06:59 PM
konrad, how's your conversion coming along?

12-10-2008, 12:36 PM
I needs a hood :( However, I have the fenders thanks to you and I know what body kit and lights I want, so I just have to purchase those. Basically, once I have a hood we can go forward :). How are all the brembo adapters selling?