View Full Version : 240SX being used as the choice chariot of ricers......

02-10-2003, 01:17 AM
Just wanted to point out that the 240 IMO seems to be the vehicle of choice for "pop" racers, ex-honda ricers, etc etc and the rest of them. What sparked this was the fact that 2 Super Street editors now have 240s.......... :rolleyes: The same magazine, if some of you can remember, a couple years ago was kissing honda ass and cutting credit from cars like the 240, and still are promoting rice in general.

I guess it makes me a bit "sad" so to speak, seeing as that was my first car about 4 years ago and what helped me build a firm foundation in proper FR driving/tuning. Seeing as the KA wasnt really a power monger, it was that fact that led me to enjoy the 240's entire range of abilities (driving on the mountain/canyons).

During that time the 240 never got its fair share of respect from a majority of people, from my POV, (most not even knowing it was a 240) I remember thinking at that age, "wow, if only people knew the potential of this car". It may sound selfish but I wish I could have taken that back. Slowly the questions went from "What kind of car is that haha" to "Do you have a "silvia" conversion" "oh man, its an S13, do you have a SR20 motor" "When are you gonna do THE swap?"

Not only did the questions change, but so did the cars. 4 years ago at the HS, it was all Civics & Integras. Now, they're trading in their cars for 240's, 86's, etc. Too bad they aren't trading in their ricer mentality as well. On weekend nights its hard for me to go out to eat without being approached by some other kids asking whether "I drift" or not............. really lame.....

Whats even more surprising is the attiude of some of the shops. One in specific: Dynamic Autosport(?) in OC. I remember going back there for parts and their usual advice consisted of "Trade in your 240, get a Integra or something man". One conversation in specific
GSR Driver "Why dont you get a Integra or something"
Me: "The 240's an excellent car etc etc, and everyone has a Honda/Acura"
GSR Driver: "why do you think everyone has one?" (with an arrogant attitude, in such a way implying that Honda sold supercars to all 16 year old kids labeled as Civics, Integras)
As you can imagine, I dont give any business whatsoever to Dynamics anymore, nor do I recommend them to anyone.

In the end, what seperates a real driving enthusiast from a "ricer" is that the driving enthusiast, to me, is the one always learning and helping others grow and learn. The ricer is the one whos always right, can never be wrong and just has an overall bad attitude approaching the subject.

Following that path, they'll always just be watching my tailights.

02-10-2003, 01:37 AM

02-10-2003, 02:18 AM
True that.

SS magazine does bug. Now all of a sudden its 240 this and Silvia that. I wish they would all just hop off the frickin band-wagon :mad:

Hey, i think we (zilvia.net's non ricers......no flames intended, but yes, there are a few here. I wont mention names...you know who they are) should write a letter as a collective unit to Super Street. Basically calling them out on their recent "hopping of the band-wagon" and stuff like that. They'd probably print it and follow it up with some lame, sarcastic remark and some stupid excuse to explain their recent fetish with the 240/Silvia. ah whatever, im just ranting. But ya, Ni5mo180sx, i feel ya.

02-10-2003, 09:09 AM
I have to be the Devil's advocate here, it may not be cool that these ricers are riceing our cars out, but the more people that fix up 240s the lower prices get on 240 products. I like the attn. it's getting, kinda vindacation for a job well done. We get to say you may be on the bandwagon be we drive it, so sit down and shut up!!

nissan slut
02-10-2003, 10:12 AM
yea it makes part prices lower, but car prices higher, me harder to buy one. lame. like this is really the beginning of the end. i wouldn't have cared at all if that fag had gotten a skyline or something, but he had to get a s13. somebody should write a letter, and maybe don't hate too much, but just tell him nicely that he should just say he sold it so ricers won't get it. like just tell him to not say he has one, make something up that he lost it or something, i don't know

02-10-2003, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by nissan slut
yea it makes part prices lower, but car prices higher, me harder to buy one. lame. like this is really the beginning of the end. i wouldn't have cared at all if that fag had gotten a skyline or something, but he had to get a s13. somebody should write a letter, and maybe don't hate too much, but just tell him nicely that he should just say he sold it so ricers won't get it. like just tell him to not say he has one, make something up that he lost it or something, i don't know


02-10-2003, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by nissan slut
yea it makes part prices lower, but car prices higher, me harder to buy one. lame. like this is really the beginning of the end. i wouldn't have cared at all if that fag had gotten a skyline or something, but he had to get a s13. somebody should write a letter, and maybe don't hate too much, but just tell him nicely that he should just say he sold it so ricers won't get it. like just tell him to not say he has one, make something up that he lost it or something, i don't know

so you dont have a 240sx?
so you are jumping the wagon too?

wtf are u talking about???

people can do what they want. just because there's lots of ricers out there buying them doesnt infect your car. stickesr wont appear one day on it out of nowhere. yu are the master of your own destiny.

rice this rice that.
annoying WHO CARES
no one is putting a gun to your head and making it rice.
if the guy from SS wants a 240sx. so be it. this is america. rice it out, it doesnt matter to me, because i probably wont see him at the track anyways.

you people take this WAY to seriously.

02-10-2003, 11:15 AM
The only thing I don't like is the attention from cops and emission control people. It would be better if we could be a more popular community without the bad rap of street racing. But, overall I think it's good that people are lookin at 240's as a good performace car. As for the ricer remarks............go put stickers on your car or something and quit whining. It's fine to ask about what you think is ricey, if someone thinks it is or something like that. But, when it get's out of hand like James has pointed out COUNTLESS times.....you need to just drop it and go eat rice...

j/k:rolleyes: :D

02-10-2003, 01:32 PM
i apologize for using the "R" word. Seriously, it was out of line.
What i meant was that im irritated because a few years ago performance shops and magazines (any "import" magazine) wouldnt give us 240 owners the time of day. Like what Ni5mo180sx said, shops would tell you "get a integra or a civic or something (not that those are bad cars or anything...im jus making a point). Magazines wouldnt give us our props netiher. (not that i need conformation from a magazine to make me feel good about my car, like i said, im making a point). It was like "A 240sx, ah whatever". Now all of a sudden they're all over the 240's nuts. Granted, the attention is nice because our cars are getting recoginized as quality sports cars. I guess what bugs me the most are the ignorant comments they make about how KA engine sucks and how all of us need to get the SR20DET cuz its mad tyte yo! The KA is a truck engine yo, it sucks, it dont do this it doesnt do that. WTF!

I gotta go to class. I will elaborate later.

02-10-2003, 02:18 PM
It has been said before I am sure but, I think we should all just build our cars and know that some people will like them and some will hate them. I love to point out the growing similarities between our community and the "Old School" Hot Rod community. We are growing in our knowlege of these cars and with that we are expanding on the possibilities of performance. Nothing wrong with that. We are no different than the guys that were building Camaro's when the "OG's" were building the older hotrods and now look at the Camaro. It is an icon of the hot rod community. I hope that one day the 240 can share that same respectability among everyone, and that wont happen until everyone gets the chance to see it, feel it, and appreciate it. Keeping it holed up and hiding it from others isn't the solution, you just have to build it as best you can and let the rest catch up. That being said, some people don't have the requisite skills to build an engine and just want something that looks good to drive. Nothing wrong with that either. They can still be called enthusiasts, they are just not as (and I hate to use this word) hardcore. Again, that is fine, not everyone has to be.

I think Ni5mo180sx is correct to point out in the end that the difference between an enthusiast and a "ricer" is an attitude not a car. I own a 240sx S13 and a Honda Civic, and allthough I do get the same dumb questions from time to time, most people just want to praise the car and the owner-me.

Worrying too much about what Honda/Acura owners think of your car might say something about your priorities as an enthusiast too. I don't mean that to be directed at anyone in particular, just as a general statement to ponder.

I guess in a way I am glad that our cars are getting that attention. Unless that person asking about your car is planning on stealing it, they appreciate it, and that can only be considered good.

That is my 2cents.:)

02-10-2003, 02:48 PM
Oh, one more thing. The amount of time we spend trashing other manufacturers cars is silly. If every honda enthusiast saw these posts they would kill us all, at this point, they outnumber us. Don't burn a bridge before you cross it. Just enjoy your car.

James you are 100% right, too much ricer talk.:)

Sorry to rant back at ya'll.

02-10-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by James
I've never been on another car forum where everyone seems to be obsessed with talking about ricers 24-7
What's wrong with you people?

The "ricer" topics are outnumbering the REAL topics about 240's and modifying them. It's ridiculous. Amen! Not to start a war, but topics like these are a waste of time.

02-10-2003, 10:22 PM
I must say that i'm getting a bit tired of the whole term "rice" and "ricer." Can't it just be said that the person has different taste that yourself. If you don't like it, then, don't like it. It's your opinion and leave it at that. It's not like someone is going to force you to do what he did to his car to your car.

As for Super Street....I think its good exposure and may draw out some good tuners. Maybe with a understanding of how the car works (compared to Honda's) people might respect it a bit more. I will agree that there will be some who will build tasteless cars but so be it...it'll be just like everything else and in the end no one will really care about it.

Lastly, on the price issue...maybe it was just my area but I have not seen any increase in vehicle price on any year/model 240SX and if anything, Honda prices have gotten cheaper. Not to mention that there wont be any shortage of cars anytime soon. As for parts....I hope that prices on 240 parts DO go down...and drastically:D It's been hurting my wallet for quite a while paying high prices for parts that Honda owners can get for half the price.

Well....thats my .02

02-10-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by nissan slut
yea it makes part prices lower, but car prices higher, me harder to buy one. lame. like this is really the beginning of the end. i wouldn't have cared at all if that fag had gotten a skyline or something, but he had to get a s13. somebody should write a letter, and maybe don't hate too much, but just tell him nicely that he should just say he sold it so ricers won't get it. like just tell him to not say he has one, make something up that he lost it or something, i don't know


02-10-2003, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by masta
Amen! Not to start a war, but topics like these are a waste of time.

I think that may be half true when these type of threads are littered with trash (posts) like yours.

I dont post often here, so I dont know if theres been a large rising in ricer posts. If thats the case, and you feel theres too many, please, by all means, do not feel obligated to post on this thread (as it seems like some of you have). I just wrote what was on my mind that night.

If you think that post was just bitching about ricers (yes there was some included), im sorry but you've missed the point entirely.

02-10-2003, 11:17 PM

02-10-2003, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by M5150


02-11-2003, 02:42 AM
Hmm, well I bought my car, I enjoy it. Whether or not "ricers" are getting into or not isn't much of a big deal. Maybe it's different out in cali, but where I live just about every 240sx driver I've met has been pretty cool. Even the few with stickers and big wings, aren't complete assholes, just a little bit, um different.

On annother note, I have tons of rice in my apartment. Why? It's cheap, tastey, has a lot of carbs and is easy to make which is good because I can't cook for ****. What does this have to do with this conversation? Absolutely nothing. ;)

02-11-2003, 02:58 PM
LOL, well us poor white people do.

02-11-2003, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by M5150

:p t3h 7 can nevar loose!

yes there have been quite a few anti-rice threads lately, but I just see it as venting. It is very frustrating, especially in SoCal where most car trends originate from.

Kouki this, Zenki that, strawberry face conversion, black top, wangan wing, TEINs, azenis...sure enough they're hip modifications...but what frustrates me most is that the 'ricer mentality' gets these kids thinking they'll be able drift-MAD-tyte with ease once they slap things like that on...unfortunately adding all that stuff will only steepen the learning curve for them, and will most likely keep them from really learning anything as a driver or truly apreciating the abilities of their specific platform

that's my rant

02-11-2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Ni5mo180SX
... I dont post often here, so I dont know if theres been a large rising in ricer posts... Hmmm Post Count:
masta [39] < Ni5mo180SX [397] :rolleyes:

Well I get your point, we all need to vent every once in a while. Like you, my post was what was on my mind that day and now that I look at it was "a waste of time" too. Cool? ;)

02-11-2003, 07:53 PM
Unfortunately, because of RWD making a comeback and drifting being the "in" thing, you're going to see a lot more exposure. I mean, look at import tuner. My lord, they're showing WAY more 240s than ever before.

02-11-2003, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by Apparition
Unfortunately, because of RWD making a comeback and drifting being the "in" thing, you're going to see a lot more exposure. I mean, look at import tuner. My lord, they're showing WAY more 240s than ever before.

Is it more 240's or is it EVERY other car w/Silvia Headlights? Hee hee. Yeah...had to add that.:D

02-12-2003, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by MikeFD3S
:p t3h 7 can nevar loose!

yes there have been quite a few anti-rice threads lately, but I just see it as venting. It is very frustrating, especially in SoCal where most car trends originate from.

Kouki this, Zenki that, strawberry face conversion, black top, wangan wing, TEINs, azenis...sure enough they're hip modifications...but what frustrates me most is that the 'ricer mentality' gets these kids thinking they'll be able drift-MAD-tyte with ease once they slap things like that on...unfortunately adding all that stuff will only steepen the learning curve for them, and will most likely keep them from really learning anything as a driver or truly apreciating the abilities of their specific platform

that's my rant

MikeFD3s- heh, yes the 7's are great :D
And I agree, the frustrations a little more since we're in South CA and we see it so often.

Masta- I see what you mean but I dont post on here often anymore. My 240 was totalled a little over a year ago and have since picked up a 2nd gen RX-7 so I think it was just a misunderstanding :)

drift freaq
02-12-2003, 01:42 AM
ok I am gonna drop on this subject. If you own the car just do with it what you want. I live in socal and yes I have seen an increase in the cost of cars over the last year . Funny thing is its the 91 and up S13's that have gone up in price. the 89-90's have dropped in priced. Seems like the word is out its easier to a SR swap on a 91-93.
Now the thing I do see since I am involved with swaps is kids buying cars taking them right to the swap and coversion shops and getting SR's put in on stock high mileage suspension:eek: :rolleyes: :confused:
Its like I have to start telling these guys put a engine in the car you better put in suspension too. If you don't like what these guys are doing educatet them! They can only learn if we are willing to teach. Schooling them is the best thing you can do . If they have bought the car already then you need to steer them down the right road plain and simple.

02-12-2003, 05:08 PM
Damn right man all with you. I was looking at this S13, and I was like wtf and started crying. It had a bomex kit, exhaust, and some PIAAs. Thing is that it had Mexican Lowrider Truck Rims sticking out offset. The seats were broken they did a crappy job of spray painting the dash, destroyed the wing with some wooden crap, and spray painted the car Dupont red spray can, and the engine parts. I started crying, until I saw GTR symbol with a large Super Street Decal and sticker saying SR Inside. I walked away. What is this world coming to?. Ohh by the way anybody selling a 240 I need one.