View Full Version : car got broke into...but they left the screw driver

02-09-2003, 08:16 PM
I left my car at midas saturday night because they were going to charge me $600 to install a water Pump!!! So I had them park it and I was going to have it towed somewhere else on monday...well I went back tonight to get some books out of it and my drivers side window is busted in. I get out and look at it and my stereo is gone and my sub and amp is gone. They left the screw driver sitting in the drivers side seat so I put it in a plastic bag to have it finger printed tomarrow. I don't know if anything will come of it. If we get a good print I'd like to have the a few of the Mother ****ers at Midas to be printed. I seems likely that one of those ****ers did it because they knew it would be sitting there and they saw my system when they drove it.

Anyway...My car is now being snowed in...Does anybody think that it is likely that someone at midas stole it. Nobody in Nashville really know's that I've got a system in my car and you can't see it in the trunk...anyway...I just needed to vent


02-09-2003, 08:25 PM
isn't midas responsible for the safe storage of your car while they have it?

no way they'll let you fingerprint everybody at midas, but i bet one of those ****ers took it :mad:

Once again...i hate everybody

02-09-2003, 08:27 PM
Don't the people at Midas have the keys... if you have no car and it has to be towed tomorrow?
Also.. you may have to pay for the printing, cuz cops suck, and won't devote time and money into a piddly case like that one. ****.. they barely work on a burglary.

02-09-2003, 08:36 PM
They didn't technically have my car cause I told them to park it outside because I found a place the would do my water pump for $170 but I could have it towed there untill monday...they left the key in the center console...I got the key out last night about 9:00 and the car was fine...Every thing would have been fine if Midas wouldn't have been trying to **** me over with trying to get my car fixed...it wouldn't been in the garage and being fixed monday, but instead they wanted to charge $580 dollars for the waterpump replacement and they wanted to give me new Plugs for $50 (Which I just replaced about a month ago and they told me they were bad) then they told me the Wires for my car cost $105 and a bunch of other bull**** so I told the ****er to park it and it would be gone on monday.


02-09-2003, 08:52 PM
Man, that really sucks. When I am in downtown Nashville (Nashvegas :p ) I will normally pull my fuel pump fuse and take my faceplate with me.

I bet some ****er at Midas took it. He'll probably sell it, so maybe check pawn shops or ebay? You may get lucky.

Another long shot, but mechanics have to use their own tools. Ask the owner if you can see if anyone has the same set as the screwdriver. I wouldn't count on it though.

You houldn't be that far from Murfreesboro. Just hope onto I24. There is a place called Rays Imports. They have doen my Nissan, looked at other Nissans, my old VW, and my dads Honda. Great work and decent preices. Pretty fast. A pain if you have to do something that day though, cause you will be without a car for a few hours. But Mike who runs the place is a cool guy.


02-09-2003, 09:00 PM
I found a place called Karco on west end ave. I don't know if he's anygood yet or not. but his prices sounded way more decent than midas. I'll check out ray's imports for my next repair.


02-09-2003, 09:34 PM
I agree with Natty on going back to Midas w/ the screwdriver to see if anybody has the rest of the set. But I do have an odd question. If it was somebody from Midas, do you think that they would have made a copy of your key, since they knew you left it there, and broken into it w/ the "spare" key, instead of bashing in your window? Or would they not be smart-enough to think of that?

That totally sucks about your car, though. Every day I'm more and more surprised about the disrespect many people have for other people's hard-earned belongings. Did they do any other damage to your car, other than breaking your window? Good luck!

02-09-2003, 10:19 PM
If it was somebody from Midas, do you think that they would have made a copy of your key, since they knew you left it there, and broken into it w/ the "spare" key, instead of bashing in your window? Or would they not be smart-enough to think of that?

I don't think they would have...

I just found out they also got my checkbook...If they are real stupid they will go and use them and have the cashier put the license number on the check. That would be great.

Every day I'm more and more surprised about the disrespect many people have for other people's hard-earned belongings. Did they do any other damage to your car, other than breaking your window? Good luck!

I know what you mean, nobody has any respect for anybody elses property anymore. Everybody's looking for fast cash and anyway to do it. I don't think they did anyother damage to my car, but it is dark out and I couldn't see a whole lot. I guess I'll have to find out tomarrow morning. :mad:

02-09-2003, 10:42 PM
that sucks man. water pump install 6 bills!?!? thats insane!! my dad and i did it in about 2hrs. not saying thats fast ors omething tho. but thats outragous!

make sure u make the bastards that stole ur **** pay. bubba will own them.

02-09-2003, 10:47 PM
Good luck catching the F***er that did it.

02-09-2003, 10:57 PM
hey I never told my insurance that I had my sub and stereo, but it was bolted down to hell. Will they cover it? I hope so I've been with them for 3 years and never had a claim untill now.


02-09-2003, 10:58 PM
I have state farm insurance by the way. I tried to edit my last post but it wouldn't let me??


02-10-2003, 12:02 AM
that sux a$$... i'd bash some heads and ask q's later

02-10-2003, 12:29 AM
I hope you find the thief, but I doubt you will. Good luck with the manager even letting you check their mechanics toolboxes. They really don't have to show you a thing and there is NO WAY they will get fingerprinted just because your car was broken into in their lot, sorry man, just won't happen. Unless you get lucky and there are prints on the car (which the cops a lot of the time don't seem to bother checking for, it just is not worth their time and effort), but those prints would have to be for somebody that has a record to be worthwhile.

BTW, when you said you bagged the screwdriver for evidence, how did you bag it? Did you touch it? Did you wear gloves? Did you pick it up using the bag? If you were not careful, then most likely the only prints the cops will pull off that thing are yours.

Dude, I totally sympathize, some punks stole my stereo back in highschool. They busted my window and broke my lock to my glovebox, but they didn't get the unit itself, just the face plate. They were trying though, they helluv jacked up my center console trying to get at it, they got three screws out and it only had one more screw to go before they would of had my deck. I was totally ****ed and a LOT later I ended up finding some note in my car that must have been there by the person who broke into my car. It was a bunch of random stuff, I don't even remember what it says, but it would of been no help to anybody most likely.

Hopefully insurance will pick up the tab for you.

Tim '95 SE

02-10-2003, 01:19 AM
if the car is broken into and things stolen, and possibly a key is used it must be midas. the best way for them to have done it is to use the key, take what you want, THAN break the window. it removes suspicion from the employees " why would i break the window, i have a key" about a year ago my civic was robbed of 3 optima yellow batteries while in the shop for a new tranny, it was left in the "unprotected lot" . didnt take much to figure out who did it, because one kid always asked me tons of questions about the system whenever i was at the dealership( i had free car washes so i was there quite often)

i found the kid who did it, smashed a few windows in his car, removed my property, and than later on screwed his girl for good measure. also i tried to keep the damage under 500, so it was less than his deductable so he would have to eat the cost of repairs. oh yeah, i also urinated on his taillights

02-10-2003, 06:17 AM
Originally posted by s13rookie
I found the kid who did it, smashed a few windows in his car, removed my property, and than later on screwed his girl for good measure. also i tried to keep the damage under 500, so it was less than his deductable so he would have to eat the cost of repairs. oh yeah, i also urinated on his taillights

So that was YOU? Mother fukka. j/k. You are now my hero. I love urinating of people's stuff you hate, it is just way too entertaining.

02-10-2003, 11:35 AM
i found the kid who did it, smashed a few windows in his car, removed my property, and than later on screwed his girl for good measure. also i tried to keep the damage under 500, so it was less than his deductable so he would have to eat the cost of repairs. oh yeah, i also urinated on his taillights

Wow, thats not just excellent, that is thorough and creative! I would hate to be on your bad side!

drift into a curb
02-10-2003, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by s13rookie
oh yeah, i also urinated on his taillights

hahahah nah man, you should have urinated in his air vents!

02-10-2003, 04:35 PM
I feel your pain bro, my quarter panel got kicked in by some lil wannabe thug, and now i know where he lives, Karma is a mutha Phuka


02-10-2003, 04:42 PM
Keep us in the loop man, let us know what happens with the prints

02-10-2003, 07:25 PM
i totally feel for you man.... i got my stereo stolen twice out of my old teg, once at a shop(guess that what you get for getting a honda :D ). But yeah im agreeing with s13 rookie

s13rookie if the car is broken into and things stolen, and possibly a key is used it must be midas. the best way for them to have done it is to use the key, take what you want, THAN break the window.

it totally throws suspicion off of midas.

as for getting paid from state farm, you can get your money back ONLY if you have reciept for your stuff... or someone else's stuff (fraud what you had.. karma is a b!tch though). about going to midas and asking them to show thier tools, instead, you and/or a friend drive up there in his car (so they dont remember you or your car) ask the manager if the mechanics use thier own tools and than tell him that someone left thier screwdriver in your car and you would like to re-turn it to them.. if the manager gives it to the mechanic get his name, if he lets you return to a mechanic yourself than look for matches in the set and than confront the person... dont show him the tool first that way they can't deny it....

i've had the same thing happen to me so i've had time to think about this... and just to let you know i didnt get my money back

02-10-2003, 11:20 PM
A reason why the Midas guys (if they in fact did it) smashed your window instead of simply using the key (or copy of the key) to open your car: It would look like a real robbery since they smashed the window. If someone gave me keys to their house, and the house was robbed and there was no evidence of forced entry, it's not going to look good for me. They may have planted the screwdriver, and it's probably not one like the screwdrivers they have in the shop.

But, a reason why the Midas guys should not automatically be accused: Thieves probably drive by that Midas every night, just waiting for the perfect vehicle to break into. They probably drive around everywhere looking for cars to break into.

02-11-2003, 06:49 AM
But, a reason why the Midas guys should not automatically be accused: Thieves probably drive by that Midas every night, just waiting for the perfect vehicle to break into. They probably drive around everywhere looking for cars to break into.

Yeah I was talking to the tow truck driver and he said that bums walk all over back behind midas at night and they are probably the ones that did it. I didn't know there were theives in that area being as I just moved here not to long ago.

02-11-2003, 08:27 AM
First off, it seems like you've been jipped twice, $600 bucks for water pump, you can do it yourself for $45 bucks, Pick up the pump at Car Quest for 45 bucks with the gasket. Take out the mechanical fan, loosen the powersteering pump. Should take like 10 min to do that, then take out hte bolts to the waterpump, knock it out with a hammer... make sure you got all the bolts out lol. Then put on the new one, and put everything back, fill the radiator back up with 50/50 mixture of coolant/water, leave radiator cap off, run motor at 2k rpm untill all air bubbles come out of the radiator (hot coolant will fly out be warned) and when that's done, ur finished, done in less then 1 hour.

If you guys already gave directions I apologize, but about the theft. all I can say is OUCH! I'm sick and tired of people mess'n up other people's property. That sucks man.

02-11-2003, 09:19 AM
As service management at a related company, Pep Boys, your car is not protected by Midas. Your car is covered if damage is done while an employee is using your car or while the vehicle is in the shop. Other then those two situations it is hard to pin anything on a company.

If you really think it is a mechanic then your right to follow your leads. One thing to ponder is the fact that although their not all bright, I am pretty sure dude wouldnt be the dumb enough to leave his tool in your car. What could have happened:

Hey I'm the local drunk thug....ohh heres a screw driver I found on the ground. [Pick Up Screw Driver]..ohh here is a cool car with
a headunit and maybe some sub hardware. [Smash Glass with Screw Driver]..... Old VGA Police Quest style....

If you really want to check the mechanics tools make a huge ****ing scene....businesses CAN NOT stand a huge scene. If you start accusing them of stealing openly and in public, they will crumble in front of you. "Dont you want to know if your mechanics are stealing from your customers cars?" "Are all Midas' theives?"

Slogans like that will bring any punk ass store/service manager to their knees..