View Full Version : Help : super glue on paint ah!

02-09-2003, 02:46 AM
i was superglueing my wing back on cuz it was falling off.. anyways ...

i got some on my side quarter panel, and i wiped it off w/ some tissue [ REALLY DUMB i kno ] and yea now i can some white stains on my car...

how can i get this stuff off?

02-09-2003, 09:57 AM
Unfortunately, the only way I could think is to sand it off & touch-up-paint the area. You can try nail polish remover, but it will probably destroy the paint also. Paint thinner will probably tarnish the clear coat as well. But, if you leave it on there, the solvents in the glue may also eat away at the clearcoat & possibly damage the paint so it starts to bubble up. I'm sorry I don't have a solution for you. I don't think there's any way of getting super glue off your paint w/o damaging the paint.

Hopefully, somebody here is an expert at body/paint repair and has a secret? Hopefully?

02-09-2003, 02:55 PM
i remember on TV there was some super cleaner thing for your car it claimed to take off even super glue, does any one remeber what that was? or know if it works?

02-09-2003, 09:17 PM
Get a bottle of Goo Gone . It works great and will take off anything.

02-09-2003, 10:56 PM

02-10-2003, 06:55 PM
already tried mothers clay bar... thing was expensive.. didnt do anything...

so far ive been told...

sand paper, detail paint.

hot water

nail polish remover

paint thinner

and clay bar.

i will do the sanding down as a last resort.. and if im going to do that, im going go the full 9 and just detail the whole car and all the paint chips and etc..