View Full Version : Number ONE pet peeve on the road?

02-07-2003, 09:09 PM
For me it's tailgating. For some reason I have absolutely no tolerance for it and turn into some sorta automotive hulk. No I don't go nuts and break everything in sight, but I do get boiling mad. I'm NOT proud of it but on several occasions I have given my tailgater large squirts of overspray with my windshield wiper fluid till they back off.

I was also thinking of getting cut off...but sometimes the moment of excitement is kinda fun once the danger is out of the way! And I get over it.

02-07-2003, 09:14 PM
I hate people driving the speed limit in the left lane on a highway. The left lane's for people going OVER the speed limit dipshiits!! :mad:

02-07-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by 96SEChick
I hate people driving the speed limit in the left lane on a highway. The left lane's for people going OVER the speed limit dipshiits!! :mad:

Actually the far left lane is the passing lane...for passing.:D But I know what you mean! It bugs me too. Which is why I go to every length to make it unnecessary to tailgate me. Go the flow of traffic, stay out of passing lane..etc.

02-07-2003, 09:57 PM
I have lots, but my biggest is the left lane hoggers :mad:
When I go from school to home, it's 110 miles, 100+ of it on I40. Man, people just cannot drive.
I think people in the left lane may do like 5 over and think it's their god given right to stay there since they are already going over the limit. Like they have the right to set the limit.

There has been only one time that I have passed someone on the shoulder. It was a beat up POS Buick/Olds/whetever from the 80's doing 5 under in the left lane. I still regret doing that even though I had a clear view, but I was so ****ed.


02-07-2003, 09:57 PM
I personally hate those people who don't use thier freakin turn signals. It's god awful here in Terre Haute. I don't know how many times I'll be just driving and some idiot will cut over three lanes without signalling. Worthless bastards. Or even better, I'll be coming to a red light and the jackass in the lane next to me will start braking and just merge on over right in front of me, making me either a.) swerve or b.) slam the brakes down. I'm not stereotyping here but it's mainly women. The women in this town totally suck at driving...young, old, middle aged, it doens't matter, they should all have their liscences revoked. God I miss Indy drivers.

02-07-2003, 10:51 PM
Tailgaters, inability to use turn signals, and those people who are in such a rush, they have to turn into the street right infront of you instead of waiting another 5 seconds for the gap behind you that the USS Enterprise could fit in. And on top of it all they do 5 under the speed limit.:mad:

02-07-2003, 11:40 PM
I hate when I'm going the speed limit and other people get ****ed. It's not MY fault I can't risk getting another ticket before my insurance dumps me or I lose my license... (or is it??)

02-08-2003, 02:51 AM
people who drive too slow, especially when they brake far far too early/brake really early and make a right turn with no signal.

02-08-2003, 07:58 AM
The pet peeve over here for most people is the damn taxi drivers. Yellow cabs and private cabs. These bastards do everything imaginable as if they are above the law. Slow down immensely before making turns without signaling, cutting through gas stations, cutting through and hitting curbs, reversing into streets, cutting people off, switching 3 lanes, tailgating like a mufu and just basically acting overly aggressive and overly stupid. I HATE THEM!

02-08-2003, 08:06 AM
Cell phones and driving. Stupidest thing you can do IMO.:rolleyes:

I say this because they tend to make you unknowingly do all of the things listed above.

02-08-2003, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by goodjuan
I'm NOT proud of it but on several occasions I have given my tailgater large squirts of overspray with my windshield wiper fluid till they back off.

That's got to be the funniest "road rage" i've ever heard, lol. Honestly, a little bit of windshield washer fluid isn't going to hurt anyone, and if it gets them to back off then hell, good idea. Tailgating is dangerous, not just annoying.

I have to admit though, i've been guilty of tailgating under some circumstances, like when a big dodge pickup in front of me decides to go 15mph in a 35 in perfect road conditions. IMO, that's just plain retarded. As far as i'm concerned, if you're scared to drive, you shouldn't be on the damn road, because you're a danger to other people (with the exception of student drivers, you have to learn somehow, and they have a sticker on the car).

02-08-2003, 11:15 AM
I hate when you have a person slow down to 5mph trying to make a turn off of a road that is a 45 or 55mph zone and busy w/ traffic. I've seen too many 2 or 3 car pile ups because some person was afraid to turn their car over ten mph. Very annoying and dangerous. And another thing, it doesn't happen but once in a blue moon but I've seen someone on an interstate stop to let a bum cross the freeway. How stupid can a person be?!?!?

02-08-2003, 03:17 PM
the only thing i hate is when people use their brakes when they shouldn't. if there is the SLIGHTEST fvcking turn, they feel like they are going to run off the road so they panic and hit the brakes.

even if the sign for the turn says 45mph, doesn't matter they must do 30-35. they feel they can't risk understeering on a wide ass turn in a brand new car with new tires so they hit the brakes, the front of the car dips down and poor james has to downshift for no reason. only because someone is unsure about their car and they could have taken the turn 15 mph faster than what the sign suggests, if they wanted.

then when they get on a straightaway, they become a drag racer instantly and try to get away. of course, they don't get away :)

i have a high tolerance for tailgaters. i love it when someone tailgates me. just downshift smoothly without them knowing, keep the RPM's up, then when they least expect it, simply let off the gas. it really teases those 3 ton SUV drivers :D

02-08-2003, 06:39 PM
-kids that think they themselves and their cars are badass.
-women drivers
-people that don't get out of the left lane on the interstate
-kids that think because we both drive modified imports they think i want to talk to them

02-08-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by tnord
-women drivers

Ouch--that one hurts, man :(

j/k--most women are totally horrible drivers--but then you have the exception-- ME! :D

02-08-2003, 07:07 PM
i hate ppl that don't use their turn signals! those inconsiderate bastards, using a tiny amount of power for a split-second every second won't kill ur battery!

oh yea, tail gaters suck big donkey balls!

02-08-2003, 07:37 PM
*People that don't use turn signals, drive slow and don't pay attention to the "yield" sign and don't yield right of way <-- that's how I got into my fucking accident. :mad:

*People that slow down to almost a complete stop, then make a right turn without any signals.

*People that are speeding on the highway....but when they see my car....they decide to cruise beside me, infront of me, and behind me just to get my attention for a little game of "highway chase".

*People that try to switch lanes when you car is right beside them.

*Minivan drivers

*Big SUV drivers


02-08-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by transient
... and if it gets them to back off then hell, good idea. Tailgating is dangerous, not just annoying....).

I agree it is dangerous. And decorating sparkling-just-washed-soccer mom's SUV or BMW with water is not only crazy funny it's also therapeutic as well. I suggest you try it sometime. But careful for people to the back left or right of the perpetrator...don't want innocent bystanders.

02-08-2003, 07:40 PM
-people who taillgate mean while there is no one on the road but me and that person
-people who dont use their turn signal or when you signal to get into the next lane and they speed up
-Cops who use their sirens and lights just because they dont want to wait at the light :mad: :mad: :mad:

02-08-2003, 07:51 PM
I agree that most of you have good peeves. The only one I do not majorly agree with is about tailgaters.

I mean why don't you guys/gals just let the person pass you, your obviously going too slow, so let the @sshole pass and be done with it. :rolleyes:

02-08-2003, 10:01 PM
how about this one. when someone is going slow in front of you (way under the speed limit), you go to pass and they floor it because they don't want you to pass them. then they honk their horn and flash their lights at you because they gave it everything their poor car had yet you still passed them like nothing.

(sigh) :D

oh oh and i almost forgot. when there is PLENTY of room to switch lanes, i'm talking 5 car lenghts or more (doing 35-40), you use you blinker and start to get over and by the time you get in the lane, you notice the prick is right on your bumper and you see his front go down because he hit the brakes. yep, that's right, he didn't want you in his lane so he thought he'd speed up.

those people usually turn into instant tailgaters, then you just do what i said, above. gently downshift, wait for a while, then let off the gas :)

02-09-2003, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by masta
I agree that most of you have good peeves. The only one I do not majorly agree with is about tailgaters.

I mean why don't you guys/gals just let the person pass you, your obviously going too slow, so let the @sshole pass and be done with it. :rolleyes:

Uh oh! Sounds like we got a guilty tailgater on our hands...:p jk

02-09-2003, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by whateverjames
how about this one. when someone is going slow in front of you (way under the speed limit), you go to pass and they floor it because they don't want you to pass them. then they honk their horn and flash their lights at you because they gave it everything their poor car had yet you still passed them like nothing.

(sigh) :D


02-09-2003, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by goodjuan
Uh oh! Sounds like we got a guilty tailgater on our hands...:p jk ;) I also yield to others too if they are tailgating me, especially on extreme uphill roads with the V6's & V8's.

02-10-2003, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by masta
;) I also yield to others too if they are tailgating me, especially on extreme uphill roads with the V6's & V8's.

So do I. Don't get me wrong man. I yield all the time. But I will not yeild to someone who tailgates me when there are 3 open lanes to the left...cuz that kind of tailgating is just rediculous!!! But to a tailgater who I saw weaving through traffic-not signaling-passing on the right sunnabeeooch...well that person can just go F themselves and pass me on the left if they wanna go faster than the 85 i'm going.

02-10-2003, 03:44 PM
My #1 Pet Peeve = Other Drivers :mad:


02-10-2003, 05:11 PM
When on a 4 lane (2 one way, 2 the other) and I am doing 80 in the left lane with no one in the right lane, EVERY TIME there is someone pulling out and which lane do they pull into in the face of the fact that they are SUPPOSED to pull into the closest lane to them? You guessed it...

02-10-2003, 06:24 PM
Another one of my HUGE pet peeves happened tonight on the way home. We just had a crapload of snow Thursday and Sunday, so the roads still have tons of salt & sand on the roads. I'm at least 7-10 car lengths back from the truck in front of me--who, by the way is doing 7mph UNDER the speed limit in the LEFT PASSING LANE, and he's driving w/ his DS tires on the shoulder, kicking up all that sand & salt. I couldn't get over because the other 2 lanes were full. I kept backing off, and I was still getting pelted by the crap his tires are throwing up. It piissed me off!!!!

So, finally I get a clearing so I could pass him. I cut him off and started doing the same thing--trying to kick the crap up on his truck (doesn't work as well w/ a car 5" off the ground as it does w/ a PU whos 14" off the ground), and he started riding my ass--and I'm doing 10 OVER the speed limit!! Finally, he changed lanes to take an exit. I hope I at least got a few chips in his black paint.

02-10-2003, 07:57 PM
That's the spirit! We have to fight back.

But seriously I hate that sh*t too. ?

02-10-2003, 11:04 PM
i hate it when you have the courtesy to switch lanes because of a tailgater and they don't speed up. they actually slow down. it's like they are satisfied that you are out of their way and there are no more people in front of them, so they just chill. as you are now pulling away (still doing the same speed as were before, mind you) you are eventually coming up on some cars in the lane you switched to, so you signal to get over in the initial lane so you don't have to drop down 15 mph and get behind 5 cars in the lane you were in, and they try to speed up like to prevent you from getting over. but i just keep creeping over :) piissing people off is priority #1

02-10-2003, 11:39 PM
O-man you got me started on this one diddent you. I do a min of 100 miles a day city type driving and I have to deal with all this crap 10 fold. 1 pet peeve, please I could name 500, I yeild, use my turn signals and try not to suprise ANYONE but somehow some F-n idiot thinks I've done him wrong in some F-n way every F-n day. AHHH I hate most of the damb idiots out there but I gotta make my money so I just wave like there honking does not **** ME OFF!!! and go about my buisness. I mean I have well over 300,000 miles under my belt and I'm the moron.... I've driven in the snow more than those people have driven period. I think I'm done with my rant for now sorry.:mad:

02-12-2003, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by whateverjames
how about this one. when someone is going slow in front of you (way under the speed limit), you go to pass and they floor it because they don't want you to pass them.

This one derfinately has to be the one that ticks me off the most...:mad:

02-13-2003, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by whateverjames
how about this one. when someone is going slow in front of you (way under the speed limit), you go to pass and they floor it because they don't want you to pass them. then they honk their horn and flash their lights at you because they gave it everything their poor car had yet you still passed them like nothing.

uh oh. sounds like wut i do :D j/k.

tailgaters **** me off. especially if its SUVs that do the tailgating. can you say BLINDED? usually if someone's tailgating me and im already going 10mph over the speedlimit, i go extra slow to just **** them off...then when they change lanes so they can pass me, i speed up to match the speed of the car in the next lane. when the guy is forced back into my lane behind and starts tailgating again, i repeat the process :D :D :D its a great laugh, not to mention it ****es the hell outta them. shoot....that should teach them not to tailgate.

02-13-2003, 08:35 AM
People driving faster than you are mainiacs.(sp)

People driving slower than you are idiots.

02-13-2003, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by silnv
People driving faster than you are mainiacs.(sp)

People driving slower than you are idiots.

You hit that one right on the head!:D

02-13-2003, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by asiangirL
uh oh. sounds like wut i do :D j/k.

tailgaters **** me off. especially if its SUVs that do the tailgating. can you say BLINDED? usually if someone's tailgating me and im already going 10mph over the speedlimit, i go extra slow to just **** them off...then when they change lanes so they can pass me, i speed up to match the speed of the car in the next lane. when the guy is forced back into my lane behind and starts tailgating again, i repeat the process :D :D :D its a great laugh, not to mention it ****es the hell outta them. shoot....that should teach them not to tailgate.

that's always fun. my friend and i did that to someone for over 300 miles one time. he was in his car, i was in mine and for about 4 hours we piissed this couple off. whenever they'd get close to me, i just wouldn't look at him and pretend i was talking on my cell phone. and when the driver would roll down his window and antagonize me and try to get me to pull over, i just looked and waved at him like i knew him from somewhere. we went from kansas city to st. louis, and it turns out the guy lived a few exits away. :D at the end they backed off and looked somewhat scared and didn't do anything for the last 25 miles.