View Full Version : why u shouldnt street race

02-07-2003, 07:17 PM
sad **** (http://azian.com/forum/topic.aspx?topic_id=2407&category_id=9&page=1)

i got this from a friend of mine. this is y u shouldnt street race, this goes for drifting too

02-07-2003, 09:05 PM
man that is just ****ing sad :(

02-07-2003, 11:00 PM
I've gotten into one race on the streets, and half way through it realized how stupid I truely was for doing such. After reading something like that, I know that I will never do anything like it again. I like to think of myself as a good driver, but something like that goes to show that there are too many variables, especially when public traffic is present.

It truely is sad to see/hear about something like that, whether you know the people or not. I just hope that it never happens to anyone I know. The last person the told me that got into a street race I verbakky laid into for about 5 minutes. I think I almost got him to cry too.

02-07-2003, 11:07 PM
That is so extremely sad. Instead of spending time with friends and family on Thanksgiving, these punks had to be out racing and wound up seriously injuring a mother and her son, and killing her daughter. And the fact that the Eclipse fled the scene like nothing happened, just pi55es me off to the point I am literally shaking.

02-07-2003, 11:14 PM
Street racing on deserted streets, in quick drag races isn't exactly smart, but what these guys were doing was plain wrong. Racing in and out of traffic is really about the most dumb thing you can do with a car.

The mother really should have had those kids buckled up though.

02-07-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by DuffMan
The mother really should have had those kids buckled up though.

VERY true. It probably would have saved the boy's arm and the girl's life during this situation. Every aspect of that accident really pi55es me off!!

02-07-2003, 11:37 PM
Man... Thanksgiving is just a bad time for stupid drivers. A year and a half ago (two Thanksgivings ago) right before Thanksgiving a friend of mine who was in her last semester here at UConn was killed by a drunk driver. She was thrown some 80 ft. or so in front of her sister and cousin by the car that swerved onto the wrong side of the road in a speeding drunken stupor.

Don't drink and drive.
Don't race or drive stupidly on public streets.
Wear your f**king seatbelt.

02-07-2003, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by DuffMan
Street racing on deserted streets

racing ANYWHERE isnt safe. track or not. but on a track is more safe since the environment is more controled and people are on stand by if anything happens. unlike on the streets. people will scream and be horrfied and jsus stand there in shock. until somebody screams "dial 911!" even so..98% of the people still gonna stand there and one person calls orsomething.

it doesnt matter ifyou race on the street, freeway, or secluded area. too many varibles can appear. even if your racing out of no where behind a barnyard etc. what if you run and a bovine comes stumbling out? or that ball of hey what are you gonna do? i know

you slam on the brakes becuz your gonna say "Oh ****! my stock paint!" causing you to spin out either

a) off road and crashing into something
b) you go off and T-Bone your opponent

either way..both are very bad. street racing is dumb keep it off the streets and on the track!!! be the Real Man/Woman

not trying to attack what you said DuffMan, im juss stating a point. people who think they are alltyte and street race "hey im not wearing my belt! im kool" are dumb, like that impresses girls haha.

im not gonna lie, i use to street race and go to the runs all the time. now i dont no more, after a beating from my older brother, and scolding me how stupid it was.

remember. you dont only hurt yourself, other driver but you also hurt ur family.

we all know it sucks to be buried 6ft under.

02-08-2003, 02:10 AM
I feel so bad for the ppl in the van :( and ofcourse the families of everybody involved :( :(

darwin did his duty with the rest...

I don't even know what to say about the eclipse driver :rolleyes:

02-08-2003, 02:13 AM
Old story and supposedly fake :\ Started on hardocp forums.

02-08-2003, 03:17 AM
NZO- I read the original posting of this story on the [H] forums, and I'm surprised that it could possibly be a fake. I mean the guy who orignally posted it drives a Nissan. :p

I see your point SilviaDriver. But it's really unsafe to drive a car at all period. Thousands of people die each year from auto accidents. Do you ever listen to music while driving? This significantly increases your chances of being involved in an accident. It's unsafe to get out of bed in the morning and go outside because there are a million things that can hurt you in this world and just as many ways you could accidently hurt someone else.

I'm not condoning anything here, but the reality is each person must make decisions that ballance risking your life against having no reason to live at all. It's not always black and white. There's a huge grey area. Moderate speeding, spirited driving, testing out how your car responds to pushing it closer to its limits, it's something we have all done before. There aren't rigid definitions of what is safe and what isn't, it really boils down to the individual. You have to find a ballance.

This situation was obviously too dangerous. I think we can all agree on that. But can any of us decide for others what is safe and unsafe, right or wrong? No. None of us is God. Having a rightous attitude about the whole thing is phony. We have all made bad, dangerous decisions in our lives. None of us is perfect.

02-08-2003, 08:25 AM
Real or not it is a horrible story and a realistic warning to not be a moron on the roads.

I can say that I have seen a fatal street racing accident on the highway. Not a pretty thing.

I was driving on I94 through St. Paul and saw a fire crew using the jaws of life to pry open a civic on the opposite side of the road. On the ground there were two bodies covered in white sheets. The police had one other kid in the back of a squad car and ambulances were speeding away. The civic had crashed into the support beams for a bridge and quite obviiously gone between them it was messed up. That was at 3 in the morning on "sparcely populated roads." The other car immedeatly involved was an Integra, and I immagine the kid in the squad car didn't come from that car because that car was pretty ****ed too.

I know I am a gawker but now I wonder what happened to the kid in the back of the squad car. I would hate to be the cause of a fatal accident. Yikes. That IS real. I was comming home from a two week tour of the east coast with my band and we had seen enough dumb driving allready.

On our last tour I saw a worse accident but it didn't involve street racing. Accidents are just not cool.:(

02-08-2003, 01:19 PM
thats very sad..
once 2 fast 2 furious come out,
i hope it get into kids' mind and started the street racing trend all over again ( i doubt that ):(

02-09-2003, 09:21 AM
I think a lot of you, especially DuffMan are missing a big point about organized racing. It isn't safer b/c someone is standing there w/ a walkie talkie connected to a rescue squad. Racing is very dangerous no matter where it's done.

The difference is that when you go to a track, you accept the risk. In order to be on the premises, you have to sign a waiver saying that you are participating in an ultra-hazardous activity. The waiver also says that your insurance policies are void b/c the risk is to great and that no matter what happens, you can't sue anybody unless someone did something to intentionally injure you. No one signs a waiver like that on the streets - no one but the a$$hole racing accepted any greater risk. At a track - EVERYONE accepts the increased risk. That is the key difference.

Sure, driving a car on the freeway or getting out of bed or taking a shower is dangerous - but all of it is insurable and none of it involves a specific legal waiver of any and all rights. Racing is different -- and the fact that most of the people doing is don't see any difference shows how stupid they are. Whether this specific story is true or not, this type of sh!t happens all the time around here.

02-10-2003, 03:10 AM
I'm not defending street racing on city streets, or any traffic-laden highways, it is the prime example of stupidity. I think that if you are going to street race at all, at least do it on some uninhabited back-roads, with as much safety as you can. Park cars far off to side of the road, keep people watching far off to the side too, basically have the road blocked off FAR ahead of where the race is taking place with quick warning systems (cells, lights, etc) to notify of oncoming traffic. I feel this is as safe as it can get, without going to a track, which is the ideal place to do it. Anyone that comes out to these "semi-safe" races know full well that there is a huge risk. There would be no other innocent people at risk. Again, this is only if you must race. Some people may not be even remotely close to a track, which is a main problem in street racing.

In the end, we are all humans. We all make mistakes, we are all different. Some people drive the way they do, it's just who they are. Some people think that nothing will ever happen to them, until it does, and hopefully they are able to live through it.