View Full Version : Brake Pads success :)

A Dying Devotion
02-06-2003, 09:30 PM
Well it was my first time changing a pair of brake pads omg it was so easy but the thing that threw me off the was the fact that the rear calipers had to have a special tool to push them back in I think I kinda spent an hour trying to figure that out heh but other then that it was a piece of cake. Just wanted to share my first accomplishment even though its little haha.

02-06-2003, 09:36 PM
Um... you don't NEED a special tool for the rears. You can make something work.

02-06-2003, 10:31 PM
Glad you got it. I tried mine and hate some success. I took mine apart and the pads were still good, so I put them back in. I went for a drive and I got this horrible wheel shimmy from 45-70. I think it was something I did. Maybe I bent a frame rail or crossmember when jacking it up. Who knows. Mechanics can't fix it :rolleyes:
From now on, I'm letting the pros do it.