View Full Version : Sick - 19 year old commits suicide on Internet
This is just f'ed up
Unfunny: 19-Year-Old Commits Suicide Live on While Commenters Egg Him On (
11-21-2008, 09:07 AM
Just sad....
o that is fucked up. i cant believe people sometimes.
11-21-2008, 09:21 AM
Why is it that always have something to do with it. Like that one thread about a guy got his gf to model for him that started on I must admit I am a member of this forum and I don't understand why people do things like this
11-21-2008, 09:54 AM
Brandon Vedas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
11-21-2008, 10:24 AM
maaann... people dont give a fuck... a lot of people out there like to see fucked up shit...they dont care about the person.
reminds me of that movie Untraceable. Killer that kills people through webcam. the more hits the site gets the faster they die. trippy movie. i bet theres one person in this world fucked up enough to actually do that.
definately messed up though...
11-21-2008, 10:27 AM
they took the vid out i been tryn to find it!
11-21-2008, 11:12 AM
Where is the vid?
11-21-2008, 11:38 AM
Brandon Vedas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
I told u I was hardcore.
Where is the vid?
It'll turn up.
11-21-2008, 11:48 AM
Where is the vid?
you guys are sick bastards.. Why would you want to watch someone die?
11-21-2008, 11:56 AM
you guys are sick bastards.. Why would you want to watch someone die?
Because our country is so desensitized to this kinda shit it's not even a big deal watching someone's life slip away.
11-21-2008, 11:58 AM
thats a real sorry story.
Koopa Troopa
11-21-2008, 11:59 AM
you guys are sick bastards.. Why would you want to watch someone die?
He forfeited his freedom of privacy when he died.. We can do whatever we want with his videos now.
11-21-2008, 12:04 PM
Told you I was hardcore.
11-21-2008, 12:09 PM
why does all the sick shit always involve or link back to some bodybuilding site? lol
oh well, they choose to take their own lives, and did not take anyone with them. That is good.
11-21-2008, 12:23 PM
that shit is sick but at the same time i kinda wanna watch the vid....... i think im sick
11-21-2008, 12:23 PM
at least he didnt shoot himself in the head with a shotgun/hang himself/jump off a bridge like the kids i personally knew that killed themselves :(
11-21-2008, 12:28 PM
^^^ oh fuck man what kinda town you grew up in bro??
11-21-2008, 12:32 PM
at least he didnt shoot himself in the head with a shotgun/hang himself/jump off a bridge like the kids i personally knew that killed themselves :(
I know what that feels like.
Senior year, close friend shot himself in the head couple months before graduation.
11-21-2008, 12:47 PM
^that sucks.... teens dont realize that its a whole different world after you finish highschool, all that teenage drama shit doesnt matter anymore after that lol
11-21-2008, 01:16 PM
idk what everyone bitches about.... i really liked highschool.... allot... some of the most funnest times i ever had were in highschool... great stories, friends.. but i guess everyones different
11-21-2008, 01:38 PM
yeah sounds like you had a great time, ive just come to know a few who probably took the bad things too seriously...
i think someone wrote this guys name in a deathnote book lol
11-21-2008, 01:58 PM
I've dealt with having a close friend commit suicide... My cousin was just shot and killed by police last month. I've just come to accept the fact there is no escaping death and to appreciate people you have in the world.
We are all given our lives and are given the freedom to do whatever we want with it, if dumbass wanted to take his life, I do not feel sorry for him at all. I can only show sympathy for those who are affected personally by the tragedy.
11-21-2008, 02:01 PM
11-21-2008, 02:12 PM
Guess he had it coming.
11-21-2008, 02:21 PM
Why FL fails...... what a rubbish way to go out and a sad state we as humans are when you've got people egging him on to do it.
11-21-2008, 02:30 PM
uhh no that fool is a complete idiot for doing it.
11-21-2008, 03:23 PM
how is it sad? the guys a dumb ass.
11-21-2008, 03:55 PM
I can't find a link talking about it but this happened a while ago with a father who hung himself on something like Stickam or JustinTV. Everyone was encouraging him on and he ended up actuallying doing it.
Justin.TV (or whoever) mods finally cut the feed and called the cops but he was already dead. The last thing said on the chat was "this is real puma" refering is a user named Puma who asked if it was real. "This is real Puma" became a big meme on 4chan for a while. This was all before 4chan got whored out and turned into the website equivalent of Hot Topic, so it's not well known.
If you search enough you can probably find it, there's also screen shots of it. All I could find was the last bit of the chat log.
"Mrs_Doubtfire: his face is purple
Cassy_007: thats not funny
sandy_pants: hes face is red
KEL29: this is real puma"
11-21-2008, 04:07 PM
ah. i guess this is when the police broke in
before they covered the webcam?
11-21-2008, 04:19 PM
wow thats fucked up, but honestly if i was watching i most likely would of thought it was a joke too.
11-21-2008, 04:35 PM
Like that one thread about a guy got his gf to model for him that started on
No, that started on a local forum. Bodybuilding just seems to snatch everything.
11-21-2008, 05:08 PM
theres a pic of him on the live video dead for like 8 hours
here is the first page of the thread he made to commit suicide
Ask a guy who is gonna OD (again) tonight anything, - Forums ( erdose+again&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=au)
The Note
To Whom It May Concern,
I am going to leave this for whoever stumbles across my bookmarks later on.
I hate myself and I hate living. I think that if someone who knows me
reads this they will know who I am. So I will leave this unsigned. I am
[email protected]#hole. I have let everyone down and I feel as though I will never
change or never improve. I am in love with a girl and I know that I am
not good enough for her. I have come
to believe that my life has all been meaningless. I keep trying and I
keep failing. I have thought about and attempted suicide many times in
the past. I used to think of my failure as some mystical way of telling
me that I was really meant for something meaningful. The only thing I
dread, besides the pain, is the way my family will suffer. I do not want
my mother or father to think that it was anything they did that lead me
to kill myself. I never really had any plans of leaving a note. I
thought that I would not be able to describe why I want to do this and I
am right. There is no way to tell you or anyone else why I dread every
new day. My father had such high expectations for me and tried to give
me every opportunity to improve upon myself. I let him down. I think
that I am a major disappointment to him. I have a job but I?m always broke
and I am in college but barely, I show up to class but that?s about it.
I want my life to end. I am tired of
[email protected]#$ing up everything. I
am tired of people always telling me that they do not like me. I am
tired of trying to be decent. I hope that someone finds this post and I
hope that my parents know that I
[email protected]#$ed up not them. It is my fault I
screwed up my own life.
The hate that rages within me, rages not for those I love so dearly or
those who have crossed my path.
This hate rages full force towards me and only me.
I have long forgiven those who've hurt me, but I have not and cannot
come to terms to forgive myself for the things I have done to myself, and
the things I've done to hurt those in my life.
You have all touched my life in one way or another,
especially those whom I call family.
I cannot tell you how sorry I am for ending my life the way I did. I
hope that you can all find it in your heart to see it as way for me not
suffering anymore and that I am finally at rest with myself, for being at
rest with the guilt that constantly ate at me for so long.
Please forgive me all for taking my own life so early. I tried so hard
to fight against this strong battle. I have reached out for help so many
times, and yet I believe, I was turned away because of the things I did,
that it is a punishment I am willing to take, for I know that being who I am
has only brought myself and others pain.
I love you all and will forever live within the memories we created.
Forgive me.
Love always and forever,
As for my signature I will leave you with a quote so that if anyone
reads this they will know it's me, "Can?t feel pain if your dead? Just Saying"
11-21-2008, 05:19 PM
Damn that's crazy. Feel sorry for those that cared about him.
11-22-2008, 03:53 AM
nobody thought it was going to be real, cares what they said. the only bad person here is the one who killed himself because he couldn't deal with life. eat shit sleep, find something entertaining to do in between. oh man that's so hard.
edit: wow, that note sounds like me when i was 20, save the suicide parts. that sucks he couldn't get his shit together, but people who commit suicide aren't really dealt the right cards. at least he didn't take anybody with him.
11-22-2008, 04:08 AM
dont some drugs make you depressed? probably got to him
Koopa Troopa
11-22-2008, 04:47 AM
1 Nessus had not yet reached the other bank
2 when we began to make our way across
3 a wood on which no path had left its mark.
4 No green leaves in that forest. only black:
5 no branches straight and smooth, but knotted, gnarled;
6 no fruits were there, but briers bearing poison.
7 Even those savage beasts that roam between
8 Cecina and Corneto, beasts that hate
9 tilled lands, do not have holts so harsh and dense.
10 This is the nesting place of the foul Harpies,
11 who chased the Trojans from the Strophades
12 with sad foretelling of their future trials.
13 Their wings are wide, their necks and faces human;
14 their feet are taloned, their great bellies feathered;
15 they utter their laments on the strange trees.
16 And my kind master then instructed me:
17 Before you enter farther know that now
18 you are within the second ring and shall
19 be here until you reach the horrid sand;
20 therefore look carefully; you'll see such things
21 as would deprive my speech of all belief.
22 From every side I heard the sound of cries,
23 but I could not see any source for them,
24 so that, in my bewilderment, I stopped.
25 I think that he was thinking that I thought
26 so many voices moaned among those trunks
27 from people who had been concealed from us.
28 Therefore my master said: If you would tear
29 a little twig from any of these plants,
30 the thoughts you have will also be cut off.
31 Then I stretched out my hand a little way
32 and from a great thornbush snapped off a branch,
33 at which its trunk cried out: Why do you tear me?
34 And then, when it had grown more dark with blood, :
35 it asked again: Why do you break me off?
36 Are you without all sentiment of pity?
37 We once were men and now are arid stumps:
38 your hand might well have shown us greater mercy
39 had we been nothing more than souls of serpents.
40 As from a sapling log that catches fire
41 along one of its ends, while at the other
42 it drips and hisses with escaping vapor,
43 so from that broken stump issued together
44 both words and blood; at which I let the branch
45 fall, and I stood like one who is afraid.
46 My sage said: Wounded soul, if, earlier,
47 he had been able to believe what he
48 had only glimpsed within my poetry,
49 then he would not have set his hand against you;
50 but its incredibility made me
51 urge him to do a deed that grieves me deeply.
52 But tell him who you were, so that he may,
53 to make amends, refresh your fame within
54 the world above, where he can still return.
55 To which the trunk: Your sweet speech draws me so
56 that I cannot be still; and may it not
57 oppress you, if I linger now in talk.
58 I am the one who guarded both the keys
59 of Frederick's heart and turned them, locking and
60 unlocking them with such dexterity
61 that none but I could share his confidence;
62 and I was faithful to my splendid office,
63 so faithful that I lost both sleep and strength.
64 The whore who never turned her harlot's eyes
65 away from Caesar's dwelling, she who is
66 the death of all and vice of every court,
67 inflamed the minds of everyone against me;
68 and those inflamed, then so inflamed Augustus
69 that my delighted honors turned to sadness.
70 My mind, because of its disdainful temper,
71 believing it could flee disdain through death,
72 made me unjust against my own just self.
73 I swear to you by the peculiar roots
74 of this thornbush, I never broke my faith
75 with him who was so worthy with my lord.
76 If one of you returns into the world,
77 then let him help my memory, which still
78 lies prone beneath the battering of envy.
79 The poet waited briefly, then he said
80 to me: Since he is silent, do not lose
81 this chance, but speak and ask what you would know.
82 And I: Do you continue; ask of him
83 whatever you believe I should request;
84 I cannot, so much pity takes my heart.
85 Then he began again: Imprisoned spirit,
86 so may this man do freely what you ask,
87 may it please you to tell us something more
88 of how the soul is bound into these knots;
89 and tell us, if you can, if any one
90 can ever find his freedom from these limbs.
91 At this the trunk breathed violently, then
92 that wind became this voice: You shall be answered
93 promptly. When the savage spirit quits
94 the body from which it has torn itself,
95 then Minos sends it to the seventh maw.
96 It falls into the wood, and there's no place
97 to which it is allotted, but wherever
98 fortune has flung that soul, that is the space
99 where, even as a grain of spelt, it sprouts.
100 It rises as a sapling, a wild plant;
101 and then the Harpies, feeding on its leaves,
102 cause pain and for that pain provide a vent.
103 Like other souls, we shall seek out the flesh
104 that we have left, but none of us shall wear it;
105 it is not right for any man to have
106 what he himself has cast aside. We'll drag
107 our bodies here; they'll hang in this sad wood,
108 each on the stump of its vindictive shade.
109 And we were still intent upon the trunk
110 believing it had wanted to say more
111 when we were overtaken by a roar,
112 just as the hunter is aware of chase
113 and boar as they draw near his post he hears
114 the beasts and then the branches as they crack.
115 And there upon the left were two who, scratched
116 and naked, fled so violently that they
117 tore away each forest bough they passed.
118 The one in front: Now come, death, quickly come!
119 The other shade, who thought himself too slow,
120 was shouting after him: Lano, your legs
121 were not so nimble at the jousts of Toppo!
122 And then, perhaps because he'd lost his breath,
123 he fell into one tangle with a bush.
124 Behind these two, black bitches filled the wood,
125 and they were just as eager and as swift
126 as greyhounds that have been let off their leash.
127 They set their teeth in him where he had crouched;
128 and, piece by piece, those dogs dismembered him
129 and carried off his miserable limbs.
130 Then he who was my escort took my hand;
131 he led me to the lacerated thorn
132 that wept in vain where it was bleeding, broken.
133 O Jacopo, it said, da Santo Andrea,
134 what have you gained by using me as screen?
135 Am I to blame for your indecent life?
136 When my good master stood beside that bush,
137 he said: Who were you, who through many wounds
138 must breathe with blood your melancholy words?
139 And he to us: O spirits who have come
140 to witness the outrageous laceration
141 that leaves so many of my branches torn,
142 collect them at the foot of this sad thorn.
143 My home was in the city whose first patron
144 gave way to John the Baptist; for this reason,
145 he'll always use his art to make it sorrow;
146 and if along the crossing of the Arno
147 some effigy of Mars had not remained,
148 those citizens who afterward rebuilt
149 their city on the ashes that Attila
150 had left to them, would have travailed in vain.
151 I made of my own house my gallows place
11-22-2008, 05:24 AM
can i have some repz b4 u die?
More important than death.
11-22-2008, 07:22 AM
1 Nessus had not yet reached the other bank
2 when we began to make our way across
3 a wood on which no path had left its mark.
4 No green leaves in that forest. only black:
5 no branches straight and smooth, but knotted, gnarled;
6 no fruits were there, but briers bearing poison.
7 Even those savage beasts that roam between
8 Cecina and Corneto, beasts that hate
9 tilled lands, do not have holts so harsh and dense.
10 This is the nesting place of the foul Harpies,
11 who chased the Trojans from the Strophades
12 with sad foretelling of their future trials.
13 Their wings are wide, their necks and faces human;
14 their feet are taloned, their great bellies feathered;
15 they utter their laments on the strange trees.
16 And my kind master then instructed me:
17 Before you enter farther know that now
18 you are within the second ring and shall
19 be here until you reach the horrid sand;
20 therefore look carefully; you'll see such things
21 as would deprive my speech of all belief.
22 From every side I heard the sound of cries,
23 but I could not see any source for them,
24 so that, in my bewilderment, I stopped.
25 I think that he was thinking that I thought
26 so many voices moaned among those trunks
27 from people who had been concealed from us.
28 Therefore my master said: If you would tear
29 a little twig from any of these plants,
30 the thoughts you have will also be cut off.
31 Then I stretched out my hand a little way
32 and from a great thornbush snapped off a branch,
33 at which its trunk cried out: Why do you tear me?
34 And then, when it had grown more dark with blood, :
35 it asked again: Why do you break me off?
36 Are you without all sentiment of pity?
37 We once were men and now are arid stumps:
38 your hand might well have shown us greater mercy
39 had we been nothing more than souls of serpents.
40 As from a sapling log that catches fire
41 along one of its ends, while at the other
42 it drips and hisses with escaping vapor,
43 so from that broken stump issued together
44 both words and blood; at which I let the branch
45 fall, and I stood like one who is afraid.
46 My sage said: Wounded soul, if, earlier,
47 he had been able to believe what he
48 had only glimpsed within my poetry,
49 then he would not have set his hand against you;
50 but its incredibility made me
51 urge him to do a deed that grieves me deeply.
52 But tell him who you were, so that he may,
53 to make amends, refresh your fame within
54 the world above, where he can still return.
55 To which the trunk: Your sweet speech draws me so
56 that I cannot be still; and may it not
57 oppress you, if I linger now in talk.
58 I am the one who guarded both the keys
59 of Frederick's heart and turned them, locking and
60 unlocking them with such dexterity
61 that none but I could share his confidence;
62 and I was faithful to my splendid office,
63 so faithful that I lost both sleep and strength.
64 The whore who never turned her harlot's eyes
65 away from Caesar's dwelling, she who is
66 the death of all and vice of every court,
67 inflamed the minds of everyone against me;
68 and those inflamed, then so inflamed Augustus
69 that my delighted honors turned to sadness.
70 My mind, because of its disdainful temper,
71 believing it could flee disdain through death,
72 made me unjust against my own just self.
73 I swear to you by the peculiar roots
74 of this thornbush, I never broke my faith
75 with him who was so worthy with my lord.
76 If one of you returns into the world,
77 then let him help my memory, which still
78 lies prone beneath the battering of envy.
79 The poet waited briefly, then he said
80 to me: Since he is silent, do not lose
81 this chance, but speak and ask what you would know.
82 And I: Do you continue; ask of him
83 whatever you believe I should request;
84 I cannot, so much pity takes my heart.
85 Then he began again: Imprisoned spirit,
86 so may this man do freely what you ask,
87 may it please you to tell us something more
88 of how the soul is bound into these knots;
89 and tell us, if you can, if any one
90 can ever find his freedom from these limbs.
91 At this the trunk breathed violently, then
92 that wind became this voice: You shall be answered
93 promptly. When the savage spirit quits
94 the body from which it has torn itself,
95 then Minos sends it to the seventh maw.
96 It falls into the wood, and there's no place
97 to which it is allotted, but wherever
98 fortune has flung that soul, that is the space
99 where, even as a grain of spelt, it sprouts.
100 It rises as a sapling, a wild plant;
101 and then the Harpies, feeding on its leaves,
102 cause pain and for that pain provide a vent.
103 Like other souls, we shall seek out the flesh
104 that we have left, but none of us shall wear it;
105 it is not right for any man to have
106 what he himself has cast aside. We'll drag
107 our bodies here; they'll hang in this sad wood,
108 each on the stump of its vindictive shade.
109 And we were still intent upon the trunk
110 believing it had wanted to say more
111 when we were overtaken by a roar,
112 just as the hunter is aware of chase
113 and boar as they draw near his post he hears
114 the beasts and then the branches as they crack.
115 And there upon the left were two who, scratched
116 and naked, fled so violently that they
117 tore away each forest bough they passed.
118 The one in front: Now come, death, quickly come!
119 The other shade, who thought himself too slow,
120 was shouting after him: Lano, your legs
121 were not so nimble at the jousts of Toppo!
122 And then, perhaps because he'd lost his breath,
123 he fell into one tangle with a bush.
124 Behind these two, black bitches filled the wood,
125 and they were just as eager and as swift
126 as greyhounds that have been let off their leash.
127 They set their teeth in him where he had crouched;
128 and, piece by piece, those dogs dismembered him
129 and carried off his miserable limbs.
130 Then he who was my escort took my hand;
131 he led me to the lacerated thorn
132 that wept in vain where it was bleeding, broken.
133 O Jacopo, it said, da Santo Andrea,
134 what have you gained by using me as screen?
135 Am I to blame for your indecent life?
136 When my good master stood beside that bush,
137 he said: Who were you, who through many wounds
138 must breathe with blood your melancholy words?
139 And he to us: O spirits who have come
140 to witness the outrageous laceration
141 that leaves so many of my branches torn,
142 collect them at the foot of this sad thorn.
143 My home was in the city whose first patron
144 gave way to John the Baptist; for this reason,
145 he'll always use his art to make it sorrow;
146 and if along the crossing of the Arno
147 some effigy of Mars had not remained,
148 those citizens who afterward rebuilt
149 their city on the ashes that Attila
150 had left to them, would have travailed in vain.
151 I made of my own house my gallows place
pretty epic, whats taht from?
11-22-2008, 07:58 AM
Just sad....
that he wasn't man enough to use a gun or cut his wrists. What kind of pussy takes pills?
11-22-2008, 09:18 AM
11-22-2008, 10:16 AM
I'm a member of that forum. Nobody took him seriously at first because he posted three other threads saying that he was going to kill him self. So they looked at it as the Boy Who Cried Wolf. They realized too late that he was serious. It's not their fault.
11-22-2008, 04:46 PM
dont some drugs make you depressed? probably got to him
thats why you do more drugs to get you hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh my brutha.
11-22-2008, 05:13 PM
that he wasn't man enough to use a gun or cut his wrists. What kind of pussy takes pills?
dude shut the fuck up
sensitive subject to some of us much?
losing friends isnt fun
11-22-2008, 06:05 PM
ah. i guess this is when the police broke in
before they covered the webcam?
LOL @ looters comment.:keke:
fail @ 4chan.
11-22-2008, 06:10 PM
About being the boy who cried wolf, that note seems pretty honest and well thought out to me.
He even says he failed already trying to kill himself, as in the other times he was serious also.
Is the entire thread still up anywhere?
11-22-2008, 06:30 PM
So sad.
11-22-2008, 06:39 PM
dude shut the fuck up
sensitive subject to some of us much?
losing friends isnt fun
If the dude doesn't care about himself alive, why should people who don't know him?
This is america. The land where 9/10 people are immune to the death of someone they don't know.
Sure, "Boo hoo. Sucks he's dead." And all that, but in reality, I'll forget about this guy in five minutes.
11-22-2008, 06:52 PM
Yeah, I have no sympathy for this guy.
First of all, trying to kill yourself by overdosing on pills is the dumbest thing ever. If you really want to die, there are plenty of other fail-proof ways to do it. This guy is lucky it worked for him, and that he didn't wake up later vomiting out his liver or something. Then he'd really be in pain.
Second, why would you advertise your own suicide like this? Obviously you only want attention. Or perhaps you want someone to stop you. In which case you should seek help, instead of threatening suicide and worrying people who care about you. If I was going to kill myself, I definitely wouldn't want to be anyone's burden.
I know a girl exactly like this. She used to want to kill herself, at least that's what she kept threatening all her friends with. She attempted suicide a bunch of times by overdosing on random pills. I still don't understand how someone can "attempt" suicide. You either do it or you don't, why would you want to kill yourself using a method that might not even work. Anyway, after going through her suicidal phase, this girl decided that life is worth living after all. The thing is, her organs are completely messed up from all the pills now, she's sick all the time, she cost her parents tens of thousands of dollars in hospital visits, and her body will never be ok again.
I only feel sorry for these people's families.
11-22-2008, 07:09 PM
Yeah i heard about this...fucken sucks. He coulda probably been helped sooner with all the warning signs n such
11-22-2008, 07:15 PM
thats a trippy ass note btw...he spoke his mind right there
11-22-2008, 07:27 PM
dude shut the fuck up
sensitive subject to some of us much?
losing friends isnt fun
your friend was a pussy.
11-22-2008, 09:00 PM
First off, let me say lol at Zar for the "Repz. More important than death." thing.
I want to comment here because I have personal experience with someone overdosing (and dying) in my immediate family. My younger brother, who was 2 years younger than me, died of a heroin overdose a couple years ago. He went to bed one night and never woke up. He wasn't shooting it, he was smoking what he called Opium (i think it was black tar heroin, just a guess though, I don't have personal experience with it, its dirty and gross) on a seriously regular basis. I'm talking multiple times a day. The situation besides that in itself was ultra shitty. My dad was in Europe on his first vacation in like 10 years, who didn't find out until he got back into the country almost a week later. My mom, who he was living with at the time found his body in the morning when she woke up. Out of all of this I felt the worst for my mom because that is the kind of image you will never get out of your head. It changed her, but she is living her life again and doing well. I took it somewhat well I guess, as well as you could losing a close family member. I think about it once in a while, but I had accepted it quickly and moved on with my life. It's awkward nowadays because Ill be in a bar somewhere and someone we went to school with will come up to me and ask about him and I'll make up some bullshit response about how he is doing, because I honestly don't feel like talking about it.
I listen to Love Line on my way home from work at night, and have for years. Dr Drew has said many times, if someone doesn't want to stop, all the help in the world won't prevent it. This was true for my brother. I tried numerous times to get him help, forcefully stopping him, told my parents, and even got him in the hospital for treatment and it still ended horribly.
I read the entire IRC log of that link posted above and yes, it's pretty fucked up that it happened. The guy was obviously only worried about looking cool on the internet and that's the part that depresses me. A couple people did try to help him, and it didn't work. Before you start calling people pussies for committing suicide with pain killers and prescriptions, think about this. Would you rather die in agonizing pain, or peaceful bliss? And to whoever commented above (i don't feel like scrolling up) about the everyone is given life and it's your choice to do what you want with it, it's true. Ultimately, YOU are in control of YOUR life and no one else.
The sad part is, most, if not all of those were done for attention. But you can't blame everyone else for the inevitable. If the person really wants to do it, they will succeed eventually.
11-22-2008, 09:01 PM
your friend was a pussy.
11-23-2008, 12:05 AM
Sure, "Boo hoo. Sucks he's dead." And all that, but in reality, I'll forget about this guy in five minutes.
Exactly. Someone farting in a car has far greater impact than this kid offing himself.
your friend was a pussy.
LOL !!!!
11-23-2008, 12:26 AM
he anhero'd himself
11-23-2008, 03:20 AM
pretty epic, whats taht from?
I think that is Inferno XIII, by Dante Alighieri. Correct me if I'm wrong.
On the kid, well a suicide is hard on a family. and i hope they are coping and doing well. Sounds like he had a lot of physiological issues/a mental illness, and I wanna say the abuse of a drug(s) didn't help it (i say that since it was a prescribed drug). To blame the people on for the death is dumb and just trying to justify him taking his life, as if it wasn't his fault. And to Neverrain, i'm sorry to hear about your brother. But i dont think most of them are saying that cause he committed suicide by overdose. I thinks its the fact he committed suicide, not how.
11-23-2008, 08:47 AM
YEah I thought that was the inferno.
Koopa Troopa
11-23-2008, 09:24 AM
I think that is Inferno XIII, by Dante Alighieri. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes, Inferno from the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri.. I forget which canto but it's the middle section of the 7th Circle of Hell, Those Who Commit Violence Against Themselves; in the Wood of the Suicides.
I read the book religiously yet I've never read past Inferno.. Funny how that works..
11-23-2008, 11:08 AM
Yeah, I have no sympathy for this guy.
First of all, trying to kill yourself by overdosing on pills is the dumbest thing ever. If you really want to die, there are plenty of other fail-proof ways to do it. This guy is lucky it worked for him, and that he didn't wake up later vomiting out his liver or something. Then he'd really be in pain.
Second, why would you advertise your own suicide like this? Obviously you only want attention. Or perhaps you want someone to stop you. In which case you should seek help, instead of threatening suicide and worrying people who care about you. If I was going to kill myself, I definitely wouldn't want to be anyone's burden.
I know a girl exactly like this. She used to want to kill herself, at least that's what she kept threatening all her friends with. She attempted suicide a bunch of times by overdosing on random pills. I still don't understand how someone can "attempt" suicide. You either do it or you don't, why would you want to kill yourself using a method that might not even work. Anyway, after going through her suicidal phase, this girl decided that life is worth living after all. The thing is, her organs are completely messed up from all the pills now, she's sick all the time, she cost her parents tens of thousands of dollars in hospital visits, and her body will never be ok again.
I only feel sorry for these people's families.
Well see thats the thing with most suicide, its a cry for help. If you left notes or such as this, having a web cam on, its definitely a cry for help. Maybe part of him is hoping somebody will come save him (call the cops) and they get to him before its too late.
But either way, Im with you tho, I dont feel any remorse for him. He chose to do it on his own. There's a difference between accidentally OD'ing on something and doing it intentionally. What's he trying to prove? Its one thing to just simply kill yourself, but what he did just brough more limelight to his situation and to his loved ones. Think about how much more they have to deal with because of what he did. They are probably getting interviewed like crazy. Imagine how it feel to have somebody remind you about your loss until its just another news.
11-23-2008, 06:27 PM
sorry, but this made me seriously LOL
11-23-2008, 06:35 PM
honestly... the kid killing himself is nothing compaired to Mr Hands.
now THAT was some fucked up shit.
s13 @ fullboost
11-23-2008, 06:40 PM
thats so sad =/
11-23-2008, 06:58 PM
who cares if ya'll called him out on being an attention whore? he still won: you're all talking about it.
11-23-2008, 09:48 PM
Meh, I have mixed feelings. I dont particullarly care to see anyone die. The loss of life is sad. However at the same time he took himself out. That I dont agree with. I feel its a bit dastardly to kill oneself.
At the same time, the closest i have been to hard times is talking to people who lived through them. So I dont know what its like.
I think its sad he felt so bad he wanted to die. I am wonderin how the people around him missed the signs that he was so down.
But like zar said I'm american, his death will be put aside from my mind the moment I hit post reply
11-23-2008, 10:09 PM
Meh, I have mixed feelings. I dont particullarly care to see anyone die. The loss of life is sad. However at the same time he took himself out. That I dont agree with. I feel its a bit dastardly to kill oneself.
Dastardly, you say?
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