View Full Version : stock amps did search

02-06-2003, 12:54 PM
what two (signal) wires do i use to bypass the stock amps. are they the same colours for all the amps? i dont want to run new wires because why run new wires when theres already some there.
ive done a search and in each post they said different wires so i just need this cleard up
thank you:confused:

oh yeah where are the amps its a 1990 coupe

02-06-2003, 11:11 PM
I dont know what you mean by "2 signal wires"
If you want to bypass the amps, you will need to jumper together 2 wires for each speaker for a total of eight wires.
I know there are posts that list the ones that need to be joined, but I dont remeber what they were when i did it offhand.

As for where are they? I dont know about the s13, but on s14s they are suspended from the rear deck.

02-06-2003, 11:13 PM
Oh, just did a search. Guess the s13 is a different setup than mine.
It looks like there are individual amps in the doors for the speakers and ll you have to do is take the wires from the head unit and splice it right to the wires from teh speakers and cut out the wires to the amps.
Heres what I found:

02-07-2003, 01:35 AM
I bypassed my amps, but don't recall the color. They are not black and red, that would ahve been too easy :P I pretty much guessed and checked untill it sounded right, if you have a multimeter, you would be able to find out for sure.

Basically, you will hack off all the wires into the amp, find out which are the ones you need. Or, if you feel so inclined, run fresh wire from the head.