View Full Version : What's your Wu-Name and Cyborg Name?

02-05-2003, 07:10 PM
Go here for the fun:
Wu-Name (http://www.recordstore.com/cgi-bin/wuname/wuname.pl)
and here:
Cyborg Name (http://www.brunching.com/cgi/cyborger.cgi?)

Wu-Name: Bastard, BASTARD HarbourMastah


BTW--I created this thread so the posts w/ these names wouldn't be off-topic in the "What's your screen name mean?" thread--just trying to help keep thread somewhat organized w/ their original intent :D

02-05-2003, 07:19 PM
Steeles is my wu name! (see the what does your SN mean thread :) ) but according to your site its Half cut skeleton


hehe I think I like my screen name better...


02-05-2003, 07:57 PM
<A HREF="http://brunching.com/toys/cyborger.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/S/cyb-SIMBA.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Synthetic Intelligent Mathematics and Battle Android" BORDER=0></A>

That one is a whole lot better than my zilvia name

I don't think I am designed for yardwork :(
<A HREF="http://brunching.com/toys/cyborger.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/K/cyb-KIDYNOMITE.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Kinetic Individual Designed for Yardwork and Nullification/Obedient Machine Intended for Troubleshooting and Exploration" BORDER=0></A>

and I am a 100-Watt Warlock :confused:

02-05-2003, 08:20 PM
good job Lauren. i guess that topic would have turned into a mess eventually :D

my wu name is Violent Toilet Thing :eek: :mad:

and my cyborg name (alright, copy and paste from the other one)
i'm journeying. and i'm an artificial machine, meaning i'm not even up to 'machine' status, but i am merely an artificial machine. not official. but you can count on one thing, i'm engineered for sabatoge and i believe that's a good characteristic. :D

my whole screen name wouldn't fit
here, i'm a normal worker who's reverse engineered to be an assassin who searches the land for my victims and will inflitrate your home and repair any problems (with everyday electronics) you may be experiencing. all of this will be justified and in case you forgot, i am a machine.

haha kidynomite is a faithful obedient high tech robot who wonders the planet searching for yardwork to do for people. simba is better.

02-05-2003, 10:16 PM
Wu-Name: either "Ol` Filthy, Sweaty Bastard" or "Partially-Formed Transformah". how the fakk did i get either of those?!?

in cyborg:
<A HREF="http://brunching.com/toys/cyborger.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/C/cyb-CHRISTOPHER.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Cybernetic Humanoid Responsible for Infiltration and Sabotage/Transforming Organism Programmed for Hazardous Exploration and Repair" BORDER=0></A>
i find that name totally unrealistic. how can i be responsible for infiltration and sabotage if i can't even clean my own room?

<A HREF="http://brunching.com/toys/cyborger.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/K/cyb-KURISSU.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Kinetic Upgraded Replicant Intended for Sabotage and Scientific Utility" BORDER=0></A>
i like this one better. says i'm supposed to perform sabotage, but i never do. :D

02-05-2003, 11:00 PM
wu name: Illegitimate Muslim Fundamentalist

<A HREF="http://brunching.com/toys/cyborger.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/K/cyb-KENNYWONG.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Knight Engineered for Nullification and Nocturnal Yardwork/Worker Optimized for Nocturnal Gratification" BORDER=0></A>

02-05-2003, 11:46 PM
wu name = Bellowing Rap Machine

cyborg name = http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/B/cyb-BBANDIT.gif

02-06-2003, 12:11 AM

puts mind in gutter...

:D heh heh....hydraulic unit...heh heh :D

02-06-2003, 12:15 AM
Looks like I started a trend. :D

02-06-2003, 07:06 AM
Wu-Name = Optimistic Lyricist

Means I get to judge wheather I want to fix something or go explore someshiit
Means I kill everybody that fuucks with me or my shiit and sometimes fix things (when Im not killing other droids or humans)

02-06-2003, 10:15 AM
My Wu name is International Cow. What the hell is an international cow?

02-06-2003, 10:34 AM
D.O.U.S.A.N.: Digital Obedient Unit Skilled in Assassination and Nullification


nice. :D

02-06-2003, 10:39 AM
Wu name is odd: Gorky`s Zygotic Glove Puppet or - gee, I've never heard that one (how bout you Neg? ) - Optimistic Lyricist

... that about fits :D

... so witch is it - peacekeeping or killing? (I feel like a Bush administration speech writer :sigh:

02-06-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by dousan36
D.O.U.S.A.N.: Digital Obedient Unit Skilled in Assassination and Nullification


nice. :D

DUDE!!! your a slave!!! lol :D (sorry the black man finds this amusing)

02-06-2003, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by HippoSleek
(how bout you Neg? ) - Optimistic Lyricist

Fuuck yeah! Optimistic Lyricist is in the hizzouse, and heres is one for you all.

(to "mary had a little lamb")
Negular is always happy, always happy, always happy
Negular is always happy, cuz hes an optimistic lyricist

Lets everybody join at hands, join at hands, join at hands
lets everybody join at hands... so I can shoot everysingle one of you motherfuuckers in the face.
fuuck fuuck, mother mother fuuck fuuck.

The end.

I'll just stick to the killer android thing.:D

02-06-2003, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
Looks like I started a trend. :D

And a very amusing one! I thought it deserved its own thread :D

02-06-2003, 08:40 PM
Wu-Name: Radiophonic Oddity



02-06-2003, 08:55 PM
<A HREF="http://brunching.com/toys/cyborger.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/A/cyb-ADAM.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Android Designed for Assassination and Mathematics" BORDER=0></A>

<A HREF="http://brunching.com/toys/cyborger.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/D/cyb-DRIVER.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Digital Replicant Intended for Violence and Efficient Repair" BORDER=0></A>

the head
02-08-2003, 01:51 AM
HREF="http://brunching.com/toys/cyborger.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/T/cyb-THEHEAD.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Transforming Hydraulic Entity Hardwired for Exploration and Accurate Destruction" BORDER=0></A>
HREF="http://brunching.com/toys/cyborger.html"><IMG SRC="http://www.brunching.com/cybimages/J/cyb-JEFF.gif" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Judge Engineered for Forbidden Fighting" BORDER=0></A>

Wu nameDubious Masturbatah-X for real name
Greasey Chiorboy for S/N