View Full Version : Greek Mythology

11-17-2008, 02:16 PM
Anyone take this course? anyone know alot about it? Im trying to find a figure that closely resembles a martyr. A martyr is someone that believes in something and dies believing in what they think is right. Examples include mahatma ghandi, MLK jr. I need to do a term paper and my topic was to do a paper on Antigone and modern figures but the professor said it will be too long lol so she suggested I use another martyr figure in greek mythology. Can anyone think of another one besides Antigone? is prometheus considered one?

RaceBred 17
11-17-2008, 02:45 PM
Hercules was valued by the people and some of the other gods. His death was becuase he tried to save his wife. So he is considerd a martyr.