View Full Version : fire but no start? fuel issues?

11-17-2008, 12:51 PM
Hey all,

So this is a follow up for what I thought was a spark issue before.
95 S14 with KA24DE-T. 9.0:1 low compression pistons, crower v3 cams, PowerFC running off of a custom SR20 program. Walbro 255, T04E small turbo.
Initial Prob:
Drove the car from San Diego to los Angeles, no problems. parked it in the garage and it wouldnt start after that. It was cranking fine but no fire to be sure. Thought it was a spark problem so I changed the dizzy, plugs and wires.
found out the pump was out instead. So I put my dizzy back in (since the "new" one was used) and replaced the old 255 that was in there with a used one I had lying around. After replacing the unit, I turned on the ac and it started priming/pumping the fuel.

I got all excited after that happened so I got a friend to park next to me and jump me to ensure I had enough juice. after cranking for a few seconds and twisting around the distributor I got to a point where the engine was cranking and firing but not strongly enough to fully start. I was clearly getting fire going because the turbine housing was getting hot to the touch like it does after a few seconds of running.

What I need to happen: get it to fire enough to fully start itself and run.
What I did so far: thought it was flooded so i took out the plugs and let it air out, also cleaned off the plugs and kept the gap small to ensure everything was happening that needed to happen.
tried re-setting the timing over and over incase I was 180 off. found out after doing it a few times that I was already on the right tdc. I still didnt get any better results.
when setting the timing I put it at the tdc mark and set the dizzy so it lined up with the #1 point on the cap. I may have been one notch off but i'm 95% positive that I had it on the right point.

ideas i need feedback on:
possibly clogged filter that burnt out the old pump?
possibly malfunctioning stock fuel pressure regulator?

any other ideas, anyone with similar problems?

11-18-2008, 05:35 AM
try messing with your coil.

11-18-2008, 11:00 AM
the coil is internal to the distributor, how do I mess with it?

11-18-2008, 03:47 PM
ignition coil. deff not inside the dizzy.

11-18-2008, 03:52 PM
hmm, is that S13 or S14? I'll take a look around when I get home but I remember seeing in the FSM that S14's had a coil internal to the dizzy. I could be wrong. But at the same time I am getting spark to all 4 plugs so could it be a strength issue? Not a strong enough spark to keep things rolling?

11-18-2008, 04:01 PM
hmm, is that S13 or S14? I'll take a look around when I get home but I remember seeing in the FSM that S14's had a coil internal to the dizzy. I could be wrong. But at the same time I am getting spark to all 4 plugs so could it be a strength issue? Not a strong enough spark to keep things rolling?

lol didnt read it was s14 KA. yeah they are internal. never messed with that setup. you can always convert it to external using an s13 setup. im sure there write up somewhere. it really sounds like you're getting a weak spark.

11-18-2008, 04:06 PM
also, you are running more fuel/air, its not a crazy setup but its not always a bad idea to upgrade your spark too. i'd convert to s13 external coil a upgrade to msd 6AL/blaster.

heres a good write up


11-18-2008, 04:09 PM
heres my old setup


s14 ka
AEM ems

never had a problem.