View Full Version : Its that time of the year.. California is on fire!

11-15-2008, 05:40 PM
dam crazy theres a few fires.. not typical field fires, but houses/mobile homes etc...

Im watchin the news right now, some mansion in Yorba Linda is completely on fire.. Sucks for the home owners..

Theres always some big fires out here

11-15-2008, 05:42 PM
that's just hell trying to make its way through to our dimension

thanks a lot, california

11-15-2008, 05:42 PM
Over 500 mobile homes went down in flames yesterday.

I drove out to Cerritos/Long Beach right now and couldn't stand it.

The air was terrible.

Couldn't stop coughing.

s13 @ fullboost
11-15-2008, 05:44 PM
dude in 2005 the fires burned my fence in my back yard Like the whole fence was burned. and that was in Moorpark CA we got evacuated and the fire men told us we most likely will have nothing to come home to, but god bless those fire men they saved our home

11-15-2008, 05:48 PM
man i cant imagine how that would be like to experience... id start grabbin all my shit lol

s13 @ fullboost
11-15-2008, 05:49 PM
the first thing I grabbed way my fresh copy of forza motorsport my dog and my x box lol

11-15-2008, 05:52 PM
A close friend of mine lives on the Yorba Linda/Anaheim Hills border... His neighborhood went into mandatory evac a couple hours ago. There's a good chance that by the end of tomorrow, he won't have a home to go back to.

Shitty shitty shitty. :naw:

11-15-2008, 05:58 PM
man i cant imagine how that would be like to experience... id start grabbin all my shit lol

Dude, I would panic if my area went up in flames.

Tools, my S13's, my parts, my collection of wheels, etc.

I would take off to U-Haul and rent a huge ass truck.

Stuff all my shit in there.


11-15-2008, 06:08 PM
Dude, I would panic if my area went up in flames.

Tools, my S13's, my parts, my collection of wheels, etc.

I would take off to U-Haul and rent a huge ass truck.

Stuff all my shit in there.


box 'o' photos
hanging files

all i need

11-15-2008, 06:10 PM
yeah its coming towards me too.. i live past santa clarita but once it gets in those hills its nearly impossible to stop.

11-15-2008, 06:31 PM
I can smell the ash and it was so humid last night in old town Pasadena

11-15-2008, 06:41 PM

up in Santa Anita mountain today around 2pm

air was still okay around 3 in san gabriel
but as i came out of my dental check up today around 4ish, u can totally smell the burnt stuff in the air...

11-15-2008, 07:26 PM


11-15-2008, 07:34 PM
i was at work during the day in city of industry... the sky from the yorbalinda fire looked like the ufo ship from Independence Day


11-15-2008, 07:39 PM
My god damn eyes are burning from the damn smoke and ash. Fuck fires!

11-15-2008, 08:42 PM
my gf's house (BREA) is where the fire is and her brothers highschool already went up in flames. she's witnessing people walking with suitcases because they had to evacuate but park their cars a few miles away from their homes since all streets are blocked. there is so much smoke, you can barely see your hands in front of you, all power is out so its dark. the only light they have is from the flames around them.

cxlo8331 lives in the same housing track.. i wish for everyone that lives in the fire areas to be safe.

11-15-2008, 09:05 PM
^^man thats every highschool kid's dream to have their school go up in flames lmao

sorry to hear that tho man, i hope everyones familys are safe

11-15-2008, 09:06 PM
Stock up on marshmallows.

11-15-2008, 10:27 PM
Stock up on marshmallows.

Matej...your a fucking dick....

But ill bring these...

But for reals tho, goodluck to you guys down there...:wan:

11-15-2008, 10:44 PM
Yep. Gotta love when it rains ash. I hope my house is there when I come home from work tonight. I can smell it in Culver City, like 40 minutes from the closest fire.

11-15-2008, 10:51 PM
Matej...your a fucking dick....

I'm sorry. :(

11-15-2008, 11:21 PM
It is hot in California because I am so hot. ZZZzzizzle.

We have hot beaches, best hot dogs, hot women, free hotspots at Starbukz, California is SUnshine State. We so hot, the trees say....

"hey, I am hot." Then they burn.

I say, if you live in Tornado area, don't be suprise if Tornado happens!

You live in forest, or mountain, don't be suprise at you get eat by Gorila or mountain lion. Or bush fire. Because, it will happen.

I blame Global Warming.

11-15-2008, 11:31 PM
best hot dogs

Sorry man. I've lived in LA my whole life and I would never say we had the best hot dogs. It's Chicago ftw.

Just out of curiosity, what restaurant are you referring to here?

touge monster
11-15-2008, 11:57 PM
my gf's house (BREA) is where the fire is and her brothers highschool already went up in flames. she's witnessing people walking with suitcases because they had to evacuate but park their cars a few miles away from their homes since all streets are blocked. there is so much smoke, you can barely see your hands in front of you, all power is out so its dark. the only light they have is from the flames around them.

cxlo8331 lives in the same housing track.. i wish for everyone that lives in the fire areas to be safe.

Oh shit that's not fun at all. Shit starts to suck when it its close to home. Best wishes to your gf and her family. Hope they're all safe. What the hell are you doing on Zilvia Criss?!?!

11-16-2008, 12:02 AM
Sorry man. I've lived in LA my whole life and I would never say we had the best hot dogs. It's Chicago ftw.

Just out of curiosity, what restaurant are you referring to here?

NOt possible. Chicago Very COld. HOt dog do not exist.
They have COLD dog in Chicago. =)

Maybe taste better because HOT dog good in Cold snow?

Maybe you right. :bigok: I cannot live in snow states. My car will die and I will drift on ice...

11-16-2008, 12:48 AM
I live in Cypress/La Palma area and this morning it was fine and now its horrible my lungs are killing me.
Hope everyone who is close to the fire stays safe.

11-16-2008, 12:57 AM
I can see the flames from my place when I go up the mountain a lil.

11-16-2008, 01:00 AM
I've had two people ask me if I was ok tonight.

I am.

Fucking Trogdor at it again...

Oh hey look what I did!

:trogdor: <--- :trogdor:

11-16-2008, 01:03 AM
my gf's house (BREA)...and her brothers highschool already went up in flames.
Brea Olinda High School?

I dunno, I'm just guessing.

11-16-2008, 01:04 AM
it was snowing at my house earlier.

11-16-2008, 01:07 AM
took this from the top of my hill a couple hours ago, but thankfully i recently went back and i cant see the flames anymore. Just a slight orange glow


11-16-2008, 01:58 AM
:trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor: :trogdor:


11-16-2008, 02:25 AM
^yeah, we get it, you think California is a plague on the nation. WE GET IT.


I'll take fires and earthquakes over tornados, hurricanes, and insane snowstorms anyday.

11-16-2008, 02:26 AM
my gf's house (BREA) is where the fire is and her brothers highschool already went up in flames. she's witnessing people walking with suitcases because they had to evacuate but park their cars a few miles away from their homes since all streets are blocked. there is so much smoke, you can barely see your hands in front of you, all power is out so its dark. the only light they have is from the flames around them.

cxlo8331 lives in the same housing track.. i wish for everyone that lives in the fire areas to be safe.

^^ Thanks man.

Hope Joi and her family were/are able to get out safely.

My wife, sister, brother-in-law, two neices, and myself evacuated earlier this afternoon just before the mandatory evacs were issued.

Too hard to breath in that thick black shit.

Luckily I was able to get all 4 cars out of the area.

Was able to get all docs, file cabinet, cpu tower, pictures, and clothes.

Flames were crazy close earlier today;, but passed quickly.

But unfortunately, the yorba linda fire is creeping fast.

Wind keeps kicking flames back up and shifting the direction of the fire.

Choppers were dropping water earlier literally in my back yard.

Hope all my neighbors get out ok if need be.

Some decided to stay.

Went back about an hour ago, but still cant get it.

We gotta walk in to the neighborhood.

Luckily the neighborhood is still safe.

Hopefully, everything will work out and no homes will be lost.


11-16-2008, 02:27 AM
^good luck man. This shit sucks.

11-16-2008, 03:26 AM
yes brea olinda high... brand new building with a few classrooms burned down.

joi and her family are hardcore, her dad said he wasn't leaving the house so they stayed. carlo glad you and your family are okay.. :bigok:

JayDee M Rolly
11-16-2008, 03:44 AM
damn i know a few people out there in those areas, stay safe guys. good luck.

11-16-2008, 09:00 AM
yes brea olinda high... brand new building with a few classrooms burned down.

joi and her family are hardcore, her dad said he wasn't leaving the house so they stayed. carlo glad you and your family are okay.. :bigok:


yeah, wanted to stay, but kids were freaked out a lil. and the wifes migrains started cuz of the smell of smoke.

hard to breath too.

situation looks better today. looks like backfires are helping. hopefully winds will cooperate.

hope losses are kept to a minimum.

11-16-2008, 02:55 PM
The smoke seems to lifted somewhat by now. Was pretty bad this morning, and spread out even as far as west LA/SFV.
This hasn't been a good year with all the socal fires. Hope those of you out there are safe!

11-16-2008, 04:49 PM
Hope Joi and her family were/are able to get out safely.

yea..we're ok. we were on mandatory evac at 8 last night but my dad could not leave the house. he was telling my mom and everyone to leave and my dad and i were going to stay behind but we didn't want to separate from each other. at 7am this morning, my sister woke everyone up because her friend called and said that the fire was coming up on valencia toward our track. we could see the active flames across the street and the smoke clouding over our house from the balcony. the fire map scared my whole family..we were in the middle of the brea, yorba linda and carbon canyon fire. we packed and left but the fireman below told us we were still in the clear and that they would notify us again if we needed to evac. we didn't want to leave cause we wouldn't be able to come back in. i dropped my sis off at corner to get her car off of valencia since the fire was coming up. she called us crying and freaked out cause the fire had reached valencia and the trees were on fire by the side of the road where all the cars were parked. she said she had to walk with her arms out in front of her cus she couldn't see and that a fireman had to rescue her from the flames. the fireman drove with her in her car to where it was safe but she hasn't been able to come back. luckily my sister got to her car in time cause the fireman said that if she came any later..her car would have been gone and possibly her too. thank goodness my family is ok. the helicopters pass by every 15sec. i feel like we're in war or something.

the firemen have done a tremendous job of taming the flames. thank you thank you thank you to all of them!!! i hope everyone and their families are safe..

(carlo..i passed by your house this morning and was going to stop by but i forgot which house it was. im glad u and ur family are ok. take care)


Look how close my family was...right in the middle of the fires. soo glad we were saved..

11-16-2008, 10:16 PM
Want some of the 12 inches of snow we got in 6 hours, to put that fire out?

11-16-2008, 11:37 PM
Just passed by that mansion that burned down in yorba linda. That thing is toooaasted. The flames circled my ex-girlfriends house, luckily those homes were saved on weir canyon. Well, except for those expensive apartments that burned down. So bad

Asthma sucks too...hard to breathe in this nasty weather, even in Long beach at Formula D with all the ash falling on us it was still hard to breathe.

11-16-2008, 11:43 PM
OMFG...My nephew is near there...its scary for old people like my gramps and his tracheotomy (sp) (tube in throat) :naw:

Update, borther and GF and my nephew are stayin here till shit clears...to thick to breath they told me, i might be getting my truck ready for some evac help for some friends who are covered in ash... shits crazy

11-17-2008, 12:40 AM
My friends just had to evac from Carbon Canyon in CHills. Sucky.

Its not as harsh until it effects you. Then its shithole city.

11-17-2008, 09:14 PM
Gotta give mad props to the fire fighters. Not one single house in the country estates in diamond bar went up in flames. The shit was right in my back yard!

11-17-2008, 09:14 PM
took this from the top of my hill a couple hours ago, but thankfully i recently went back and i cant see the flames anymore. Just a slight orange glow


same view i had in my back yard

11-17-2008, 09:28 PM

i thought trogdor had been long forgot by now

11-18-2008, 07:00 PM
Attn socal.

Thanks for all the smoke you sent to norcal.

11-18-2008, 07:37 PM
Is California On Fire? (http://www.iscaliforniaonfire.com)

11-18-2008, 07:45 PM
I feel for you guys - that shit sucks. Why don't they engineer housing developments with a "dead zone" around them for nothing to burn? They are brushfires that just keep spreading, right?

I mean, hindsight is 20/20 and they'll start doing it eventually - but as of now, hope nobody gets razed.

11-18-2008, 08:19 PM
ill send a hurricane your way to help with the fire fighting

11-18-2008, 08:54 PM
Attn socal.

Thanks for all the smoke you sent to norcal.
You're welcome. <3

ill send a hurricane your way to help with the fire fighting
No thanks. We'll take fires over hurricanes any day.