View Full Version : Trying To Learn Japanese.

11-14-2008, 01:25 PM
Hey guys, I'm currently Trying to learn some Japanese. I really admire the culture and I'm just trying to get atleast some of the language down. Maybe even visit over in Tokyo someday. I just bought a cheap Japanese immersion 5 CD set. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried that roseta stone software ?? Before i spend houndreds of dallors on just the first set witch i belive about 200 bucks ? then theres like 3 other lessons, and thats almost like 400 or so dallors. Just wanted to see what you guys think of this. What sucks for me right now is i live about 40 miles away from almost any civilisation and college is alittle bit of a hassle to afford to get back and forth.

Do you guys think its possible to atleast speak fluent Japanse using CD software ?

Thank you all for your time.

Kody Hughes :bigok:

11-14-2008, 01:32 PM
Ha... I d/l'ed rosetta 4 lesson with 21 other languages hahaa.... Don't bother with none of that stuff.... First watch more anime and and japanese drama... Watch those like 3 hours a day especially dramas. Then start watching eps without subtitles and see how much you get out of it....

Then move onto rosetta stone and stuff like that.... I personally am very visual and in rosetta stone and other programs lacks emotion which humans have better retention. Then do rosetta stones for the basics... You gotta get used to the language and culture and immerse yourself... then start learning... Otherwise you lose interest fast....

That is how I started and still haven't really had time to go to class and rosetta stone, but I can pick up about 40% of normal speed conversations when I am in Japan. Side note, I got there like 4 times a year to Tokyo cause GF lives there... Unfortunately... she is there... otherwise it would be crazy.... oh wellz....

Oh watching dramas and stuff will give you a good basis of Japanese slang and pronunciations. Oh and if you didn't know Japanese is kinda spoken in slang which is VERY different from textbooks....

Hope that helps....

11-14-2008, 01:33 PM
you wont be able to speak it fluently unless you speak to people.

I have those cd's too and i still can't say anything. lol I can navigate through yahoo.jp and i can tell when my friend is giving me shit for not being able to understand her. lol

11-14-2008, 01:35 PM
Thanks, should i look that stuff up on youtube or somthing ? cuz i have BASIC cable HA. so i only get like 60 channels.

(none of witch have anything Japanese)

11-14-2008, 01:45 PM
D-Addicts :: Index (http://WWW.D-ADDICTS.COM)!!! FTMFW!!!

All dramas are subtitled in english and downloaded in DIVX using torrents.... obviously click on the english tabs under torrents lol!!

All free otherwise you can use like youtube or something....

11-14-2008, 01:52 PM
Awesome thanks once again! really appriciate it guys. My mom wanted to just send me there with out being able to speak Japanese at all.. What do you guys think of that idea? Cuz she said thats probly the best way to learn since ill be at the source of it all. I just dont wanna look like an idiot and not be able to understand a word what there saying.

I could actually go there when ever i want if i just talk to one of our family friends cuz he travels alot and give my mom plane tickets around the whole world just to see each other.. He said tokyo is one of his favorite places to go. So im sure if i had my mom talk to him about it he would buy me tickets, send me money to get around and get and sleep. Hes really rich.. But im just alittle nervious with no knowlege of this language.

11-14-2008, 01:55 PM
Its nerve racking I think.... Its like people look at you kinda weird especially in Tokyo cause they are renowned to be a little snobbish... You gotta know something and being alone and not knowing the language... ergh.... would be a little tough....

If anywhere go to Osaka or where ever to Navy guys are at like Okinawa... Some zilvia members are there so that would awesome...

Well I am there in Dec for Xmas and new years, you can meet me there lol!

11-14-2008, 01:58 PM
HA! thad be awesome. I just wish there was a reletively fast way to learn this language.

My mom was emailing some place in Japan where i could have been an exchanged student and lear at a school or college of some sort.

11-14-2008, 02:13 PM
Yah if you have boat load of money just go to a language school there... Lol

otherwise, do the JET Program if you are over 18. They pay for your housing and you learn Japanese while you teach english to High School Students or Adult College students.... Only catch, you don't have any choice to WHERE you go teach. So you can be in the boonies like Gunma or something but you will be drifting everywhere lol

You can come meet some of my GF's friends... Some are pretty cute actually and there are hot girls everywhere there who like Americans, too fucking bad they don't speak a word of english lol.... Also fucking gf's friends are rich out of fucking hell and a little snobby sometimes... I don't really like that.... OH wellz... Shigoto, Shigoto...

Anyways, I had a blast when I went there myself hahaha on year... Broke up with another girlfriend and just wanted to fling... Girls just started talking to me in Rappongi... yah yah Rappongi, but still I barely slept for the entire week....

11-14-2008, 02:49 PM
Yah if you have boat load of money just go to a language school there... Lol

otherwise, do the JET Program if you are over 18. They pay for your housing and you learn Japanese while you teach english to High School Students or Adult College students.... Only catch, you don't have any choice to WHERE you go teach. So you can be in the boonies like Gunma or something but you will be drifting everywhere lol

You can come meet some of my GF's friends... Some are pretty cute actually and there are hot girls everywhere there who like Americans, too fucking bad they don't speak a word of english lol.... Also fucking gf's friends are rich out of fucking hell and a little snobby sometimes... I don't really like that.... OH wellz... Shigoto, Shigoto...

Anyways, I had a blast when I went there myself hahaha on year... Broke up with another girlfriend and just wanted to fling... Girls just started talking to me in Rappongi... yah yah Rappongi, but still I barely slept for the entire week....

That sounds awesome. I highly doubt our friend will give us THAT much money. but never know.

But how would i be drifting? Would i be using like a car over there ? cuz i dont think i was ship my car over there lol. id rather ship a car from there to here HA!!

Hmm... I just need to think it all over more cuz im still not sure on what i wanna do. Id probly just hae to learn atleast SOME japanese so i can get around you know ?

But meeting you there would be awesome HA. Yeah japanese girls are like the finest out of all races to me lol. I went to HIN night shift in pomona and was in heaven!

MySpace.com - KODY-T.S.W NIGHT SHIFT EVENT 2008 HOSTED BY HIN (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=26609933&albumId=2517924)

11-14-2008, 02:49 PM
Yah if you have boat load of money just go to a language school there... Lol

otherwise, do the JET Program if you are over 18. They pay for your housing and you learn Japanese while you teach english to High School Students or Adult College students.... Only catch, you don't have any choice to WHERE you go teach. So you can be in the boonies like Gunma or something but you will be drifting everywhere lol

You can come meet some of my GF's friends... Some are pretty cute actually and there are hot girls everywhere there who like Americans, too fucking bad they don't speak a word of english lol.... Also fucking gf's friends are rich out of fucking hell and a little snobby sometimes... I don't really like that.... OH wellz... Shigoto, Shigoto...

Anyways, I had a blast when I went there myself hahaha on year... Broke up with another girlfriend and just wanted to fling... Girls just started talking to me in Rappongi... yah yah Rappongi, but still I barely slept for the entire week....

You need a college degree to go into the JET program I think. My cousin did it for 2 years before he found his baller ass job in Ginza. If your currently going to a state college Im sure they have a foreign exchange program which is a lot more affordable than paying to go to a private language school.

11-14-2008, 02:51 PM
Lol... its different over ther TRUST me.... fuck those race queen shit... Its about class... but eh.... whatever they got some brazilians over there too lol....

Well depends how long you will be over there.... Just think it over.... JET program is your best bet...

11-14-2008, 02:58 PM
Yeah agreed. Well thanks guys for taking your time to help me deside what i should do. Ill probly study abit more and then later on give an update on if ive made any progress and if ill be traveling over there. Unfortnatly the closest college is a comunity college.

Once again thanks guys.

One more question even tho this is in the "off topic chat"

What does it mean when your driving down the road and you put it in neutral to cost to a stop sign and you can hear the rear diff winning?? HA idk if it even has gear oil in it cuz i dont have that square tool to actually unscrew it and see if there anything.

Its a 1992 coupe KA24E-T

11-14-2008, 02:59 PM
What? Japanese girls like Americans? Wow, I'm about to learn Japan and head over there. They are HOT

11-14-2008, 03:01 PM
What? Japanese girls like Americans? Wow, I'm about to learn Japan and head over there. They are HOT

INDEED! But there has to be another reason why you wanna go there lol.

11-14-2008, 03:08 PM
Yah that gets old quick.... I actually go there so much I am pretty sick of the place especially Tokyo. Yes they do, but you have to be just in the right areas... If you are American and can speak pretty good japanese, even if you have accent... I promise you mark my Mother F...ing Words...

You are going to get laid if you have some type of game.... Cause they really respect people who try to learn their language and its exotic for them....

11-14-2008, 03:10 PM
INDEED! But there has to be another reason why you wanna go there lol.

Oh yes there is. Cars, Girls and Culture are my basic reasons. For some reason I've been obsessed with learning about other cultures.

This summer I'm going to backpack across Europe. I'm learning Italian and French right now. I'm using the Rosetta Stone program and I'm taking an Italian 101 class at school so I can get the grammar down.

Rosetta Stone teaches you words like your a baby. They give you pictures and you have to guess what they mean or visa versa (They give you words and you have to guess what pictures they go with.) I think its a great way to learn but you can't JUST learn it this way. You have to know that grammar. This program just teaches you words (or at least with what I've seen so far.) Watch some shows and talk on some forums online that are based on the language you're learning and you'll be good.

I decided. If traveling through Europe is fun I am going to Japan next December.

him (5:10:54 PM): learn japanese
him (5:10:56 PM): lol
him (5:11:01 PM): sideways pussy
Rabbi010 (5:11:03 PM): great reasons to go...girls and cars. I want a s15!!!
him (5:11:09 PM): thats life
him (5:11:10 PM): and money

11-14-2008, 03:13 PM
Wow Cody
its me Cesar

11-14-2008, 03:14 PM
crunchyroll - feed your need! (http://www.crunchyroll.com/)

11-14-2008, 03:21 PM
I think I have the same 5 cd set you do. Rosetta stone is very anoying to setup IMO. Stick with repeating.

Even when you are driving around, say phrases over and over again. We all learn by doing.

11-14-2008, 03:26 PM
Wow Cody
its me Cesar

Ohh, whats up man ?? Yeah just trien to get some imput on learning japanese.
I think its probly the best sounding language ive ever herd. so i look forward to learning it.

Ohh cesar.. we might have some practice put in at the very back of the magic mountain parking lot cuz i think there getting sold to some one else so they dont open much any more. We just need squeeze our cars threw the coment poles and chains above them lol. You down ?

11-14-2008, 03:27 PM
I think I have the same 5 cd set you do. Rosetta stone is very anoying to setup IMO. Stick with repeating.

Even when you are driving around, say phrases over and over again. We all learn by doing.

Yeah somtimes ill just say random things just so i can get the pronounciation down and not have to worry abotu having such an american accent

11-14-2008, 03:43 PM
I talk to my girlfriend with phrases in Japanese in general lol... But I need to string those words togehter... The hardest part.... Sound so stupid cause in conversational Japanese you drop a LOT of subjects and prepositions and the sentence is modified on the fly in context and tones.... Its not easy to speak fluent.... It is the most insy outsy sort of culture....

11-14-2008, 03:46 PM

11-14-2008, 03:51 PM
Exactly! Its crazy....

F.. this Anata wa crap..... its Anata.. or like DOo means wassup, where its actually "do desuka" to it formally..... Sigh....

Boku means I for a kid but in writing... its boku wa/ga.... sigh... its tough...

11-14-2008, 04:05 PM
You need this guy.


11-14-2008, 04:23 PM
You need this guy.


LMAO (the pain never helped) ha man i cant belive i watched that show.

11-14-2008, 04:42 PM
Don't lie. It's the best show evar.

11-14-2008, 04:46 PM
Well.. i watch it when ever theres nothing on... and when i mean nothing on that happens alot cuz i really do only have like 60 channels HA.

11-14-2008, 05:13 PM
I have wanted to learn Japanese too but the key to retaining what you have learned is to speak to people to get down basic conversation and flow. If you're not using it you just forget it. I had the CD's and a couple books but didn't get really far. I do want to go to Japan maybe next year so I need to dust off those cd's lol. There is a Japanese strip mall near where I live. I go there to get the baller Option magazines. I was thinking I would ask the shop owner if I could come in every now and then and practice what I've learned and to actually hear it from a native speaker. Maybe you have a Japanese spot around where you live? If you're going to buy the Rosetta Stone stuff just make sure you're dedicated enough to follow through. That would suck ass to pay $500 plus for the set and then don't do anything with it. That's car part money!!! lol I also thought of going to Berlitz Language school. I figured that being in a class verus being at home would motivate even more.

11-14-2008, 05:38 PM
I have wanted to learn Japanese too but the key to retaining what you have learned is to speak to people to get down basic conversation and flow. If you're not using it you just forget it. I had the CD's and a couple books but didn't get really far. I do want to go to Japan maybe next year so I need to dust off those cd's lol. There is a Japanese strip mall near where I live. I go there to get the baller Option magazines. I was thinking I would ask the shop owner if I could come in every now and then and practice what I've learned and to actually hear it from a native speaker. Maybe you have a Japanese spot around where you live? If you're going to buy the Rosetta Stone stuff just make sure you're dedicated enough to follow through. That would suck ass to pay $500 plus for the set and then don't do anything with it. That's car part money!!! lol I also thought of going to Berlitz Language school. I figured that being in a class verus being at home would motivate even more.

Thats very well thought out. I Probly needa sit and think about this for awhile cuz thanks to you all ive recieved all good advice and strategies. Needa figure out a more striaght forward plan so i KNOW what im gonna be heading towards.

Im assuming the CD's i got arent that good. They do although have the MIC thing where you can repeat the things ur supposed to stay and itll have you repeat it untill you say it right lol.

11-14-2008, 06:58 PM
If you can't practice with real live people, then learn to write it first.

Learn katakana and hiragana, and just start writing out everything you write to yourself in Japanese instead of English.

Luckily, other than memorizing kanji, it isn't a tough language. It's all phonetic, same intonation on every syllable, and not fucking tonal like Mandarin. Mandarin sucks.

I learned what little Japanese I know by translating shit-tons of RPG game text, most of which was in kana because it's for kids, and kids don't tend to know that many kanji. I still don't know many kanji, I can read a menu, but not a newspaper.

11-14-2008, 07:22 PM

11-14-2008, 07:32 PM

HA! that guy is soo ugly! but funny video lol.

11-14-2008, 08:48 PM
Holy crap that's my future wife right there.

11-14-2008, 10:32 PM
^ ha good luck

11-14-2008, 10:57 PM
Only way for you to read/speak japanese is to knock up a fine ass japanese girl. Once you got her knocked up you got 9 months to learn the language and find yourself a job in Japan. LAWL

11-14-2008, 11:12 PM
lol, Well i doubt i would do that... im to nice of a guy to do that HA

11-15-2008, 12:43 AM
But funny thing is it does work!!!.... hahahhathat is great! Lemme try it on my girlfriend hahaha... She would be pissed... lol

11-15-2008, 01:50 AM
Man... I dont think i would be able to do that even if i was paid. Im a bitch when it comes to being an asshole.

11-15-2008, 01:54 AM
That shit was funny. And yeah the best way to learn a language is to knock the girl up. She'll be cussing and screaming at you for the next 9 months. You'll pick it up sooner or later.

I picked up some tagalog from friends through random convo's. And getting bitched at by my homegirl for saying something perverted.

Otherwise tho I too would love to go to japan. Pick up what you can, then immerse yourself in the culture. I've learned a bit from doing those things. And yeah practice almost daily to retain it.

11-15-2008, 09:32 AM
That was being an ass, that is really how japanese people respond.... And that is polite.... lol!!

11-15-2008, 03:47 PM
HA, thats crazy i can only imagine if they were completely ticked off.

Hey, quick question sorry its off the topic were on right now but. I just got some RX7 460 CC injectors. im thinking i need a bigger fuel pump? cuz i just installed em and it takes FOREVER to rev out.


01-02-2009, 12:04 AM
Bump: so anything else on learning Japanese ?

Some of the family friends say it can take YEARS to learn to speak it fluently. Could this be from only studying it once in a while or studying it constantly??

Thanks for the time

01-02-2009, 12:59 AM
I am moving there in March so I have been studying as much as possible. Here is some stuff to start you off.

Here are a few decent sites that are free you can start with:

iKnow! - The Social Learning Platform. - iKnow! (http://www.iknow.co.jp/)

Language exchange SNS Lang-8 (http://lang-8.com/)

All Japanese All The Time Dot Com: How to learn Japanese. On your own, having fun and to fluency. » About (http://www.alljapaneseallthetime.com/blog/about)


Here is a good blog on breaking down learning the language:

YouTube - All Japanese All the Time pt. 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J34i9lr94pI&feature=channel_page)

YouTube - All Japanese All the Time pt. 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9wUEiSHtqU&feature=channel_page)

YouTube - All Japanese All the Time pt. 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CikSHzrAZI&feature=channel_page)

01-02-2009, 01:12 AM
god this thread is so fucking retarded

you're all idiots

and thank you motegineon i was going to post the iknow site

it is very helpful

01-02-2009, 01:38 AM
^ haha no prob just tryin to help

D-Addicts :: Index (http://WWW.D-ADDICTS.COM)!!! FTMFW!!!

All dramas are subtitled in english and downloaded in DIVX using torrents.... obviously click on the english tabs under torrents lol!!

All free otherwise you can use like youtube or something....

Any recommendations on some decent ones to watch?

01-02-2009, 03:36 AM
D-Addicts :: Index (http://WWW.D-ADDICTS.COM)!!! FTMFW!!!

All dramas are subtitled in english and downloaded in DIVX using torrents.... obviously click on the english tabs under torrents lol!!

All free otherwise you can use like youtube or something....

LOL i watch it RAW!

01-03-2009, 10:41 AM
go to japan that's
the best way to learn ahaha :rofl:

01-03-2009, 11:05 AM
go to japan that's
the best way to learn ahaha :rofl:

Really? Or Are you being sarcastic ??

I was looking into that on this little program thing about about 544 bucks and they send you to japan for about 4-12 weeks to this place to teach you Japanese but unfortunatly i have college right now so i cant actually apply for this.. Learning Japanese by short term programs (http://www.nils.gr.jp/programs_short.htm)

01-03-2009, 11:25 AM
eh, i duno bout all that..seems pretty expensive after you take into account the price of the airfare and housing/food while your their..I mean the program might be good, but for that kind of money you could go to a good school here or hire a tutor for a long while..

01-03-2009, 11:57 AM
eh, i duno bout all that..seems pretty expensive after you take into account the price of the airfare and housing/food while your their..I mean the program might be good, but for that kind of money you could go to a good school here or hire a tutor for a long while..

Yeah your right..I never think of those things HA.


Right now i have this little cd set with interactive cs and a mic your supposed to talk into it and stuff and it corrects you... But im not sure it will teach me fluent japanese. i think it just gets my tongue to work alittle differently .... deffinatly harder than i hoped and imagined.

01-03-2009, 12:14 PM
Yea you definitely have to learn to work your mouth differently (no homo lol). Best thing i think is just to begin writing, thats how i learned hiragana so fast. After you learn that you can begin writing actual words to expand your vocab. But yea now my concern is now im getting good at writing and reading, but I have almost 0 speaking practice. I guess when I get to japan I will really start working on that part.

Ur right though, definitely is tough, but i think the end result will be well worth it. Just knowing the llittle bit I do know now I have found useful.

01-03-2009, 12:29 PM
Yea you definitely have to learn to work your mouth differently (no homo lol). Best thing i think is just to begin writing, thats how i learned hiragana so fast. After you learn that you can begin writing actual words to expand your vocab. But yea now my concern is now im getting good at writing and reading, but I have almost 0 speaking practice. I guess when I get to japan I will really start working on that part.

Ur right though, definitely is tough, but i think the end result will be well worth it. Just knowing the llittle bit I do know now I have found useful.

Yes ofcourse, Japanese is my favorite language. IM tired of america its turned into a bore for me. especially when you havent left california for over 8 years.

America is a sad country now as we rely on every other country to survive... Shows how lazy we all are and that we would never make it if the countries that help us now stopped, america would simply (STOP)....

01-03-2009, 12:38 PM
CD's wont do you justice, you need to take some classes. And you need to practice or you will end up like me, taking a 6 months class and forgetting it simply because I did not practice it. fuck I was pretty good.

01-03-2009, 12:42 PM
im with the second poster
watdch tons of japanese tv shows adn anime and whatever else u can get your hands one. movies at blockbuster anything with subtitles
be one of those fags that even listen to the pop music as well.

after a few months of that and saving money because u watched it all online for free
buy a ticket, average price is about 1200 USD
find some hostels thru the internet
have another 1k for whatever
and spend a few weeks out there

its really not hard
u can be totally clueless in japan and be fine because people are ridiculously nice.

do it.
expirience is the best

ive been to japan 4 times and dont speak a lick really, so minor but my friends take me around tokyo and other areas.
just go. meet people have fun

01-03-2009, 01:09 PM
like what the guy said above me, watch it with the subs then the raw. Watch the old school gundam series anything past wing is a recycled plot lol.