View Full Version : My GF sucks at driving, what to do?

11-10-2008, 03:30 PM
Seriously, she got her 98 Integra a few weeks ago for her first car. Shes 17, went through the whole permit thing. Not even 300 miles later, she gets into an accident. Completely her fault (Failure to yield). Shes one of those drivers that misses their exits because they're too scared to get over during traffic. Horrible sense of directions, missed one of her exits by 3 exits before she even realized it. Now shes going to get another car soon, what can I do to help before she wacks another car? Shes very clumsy and has horrible multitaski skills.

IBasianladydrivingjokes. :keke:

11-10-2008, 03:31 PM
Buy her an early Christmas present.

Driving lessons...

11-10-2008, 03:32 PM
Pictures of this sister?????

11-10-2008, 03:36 PM
Like an elderly person revoke her license for her own good.

11-10-2008, 03:41 PM
buy her a bike

11-10-2008, 03:43 PM

She's gotta learn to drive with the fear........

11-10-2008, 03:45 PM

talk to her, don't yell at her.

11-10-2008, 03:50 PM
Upgrade to a new gf.

11-10-2008, 03:52 PM

talk to her, don't yell at her.

I disagree. I'd use force. A series of punches and kicks. Preferably to the face, vaginal, and anus regions.

I'm completely joking BTW, but ^ is crackin me up.

11-10-2008, 03:53 PM
You might just have to teach her yourself. This isn't so much her fault, as it is the DMV for giving out licenses so easily. Also, don't let her drive when you're with her. At least you'll be spared. Personally I find few things more aggravating than having to be a passenger to bad drivers.

11-10-2008, 03:55 PM
girls suck at driving. fact of life
that's why the dude has to drive so much

11-10-2008, 03:56 PM
Oh yes, Last time she drove me around, I called my parents to let them know I love them before I got in the car. Her parents didn't give her any tips or advice when she was driving with her permit. They just kinda said, "Drive!". I'm planning on spending some time with her and teach her some basic driving skills. Also, she got her green integra because I have one. We drove 6 hours total to go get it. Now the next one we're driving 8 hours to go get it. If she wrecks this one i'm going to be pissed as hell.

And her parents suck at driving. Her dad drove me to go get her car and I almost threw up all over the place. That guy would drive on the shoulder because he can't find a spot to merge onto the interstate. =/

11-10-2008, 03:57 PM
Oh yes, Last time she drove me around, I called my parents to let them know I love them before I got in the car. Her parents didn't give her any tips or advice when she was driving with her permit. They just kinda said, "Drive!". I'm planning on spending some time with her and teach her some basic driving skills.

Is that her in your sig?

I can fly out and help teach her if need be. :2f2f:

11-10-2008, 04:05 PM
Sabotage her car. I don't want to die. My gf drives like a snail, but hey she doesn't drive like a psycho so I don't have to sabotage her car :D

11-10-2008, 04:06 PM
girls suck at driving. fact of life
that's why the dude has to drive so much

LMAO I agree 100% :snoop:

11-10-2008, 04:13 PM
shes only 17 dude... its expected.. id expect you to suck at driving too lol

11-10-2008, 04:35 PM
Hey now when I was that age I was a pro! at running into trees XD jk, but I wasn't all that bad

11-10-2008, 04:45 PM
Easy fix....get her to learn how to control the car in a safe environment. Sign her up for an auto-x event. Dunno what its like in Memphis...but they have yearly girls only auto-x events here in socal.

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-10-2008, 04:48 PM
that's why they say to get a junker for the first car because it's going to get wrecked. If you're worried about her safety get her a front bumper guard, jeep style, and let her roll on that. There's really not much you could do but complain to her so much that she stops. The first time she gets a ticket and it effects HER wallet (not her parents) she'll start driving better. trust me, my girl was horrible too until SHE started paying for her mistakes.

11-10-2008, 04:52 PM

talk to her, don't yell at her.

100% agree. if youre not calm, how do you expect her to be...

11-10-2008, 05:01 PM
FUG it first gen humvee with full armor bars and army run flats.... What she can't destroy she will just run over... All good.... Its always clear to merge with that thing.... LOL

11-10-2008, 05:05 PM
Its not so much that shes a crazy fast driver or anything. Its just that shes soooo cautious you know? That she "studders" so much in the road its dangerous. I think I drive alright, better than a lot of my friends, but dont we all think that about our selves? ;)

11-10-2008, 05:06 PM
FUG it first gen humvee with full armor bars and army run flats.... What she can't destroy she will just run over... All good.... Its always clear to merge with that thing.... LOL
I dont want her killing anybody else either! I don't support the whole thing gear her up thing. lol If every women did that it'd be scary as shit to drive on the streets...parking lots....front lawns.. ect.

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-10-2008, 05:13 PM
I dont want her killing anybody else either! I don't support the whole thing gear her up thing. lol If every women did that it'd be scary as shit to drive on the streets...parking lots....front lawns.. ect.
have her as the passenger while you drive. give her tips and let her watch. Just looks like she spent most of her life staring aimlessly out the window in the passenger seat instead of watching the road and studying the driver. a little bit of watching might do her good.

11-10-2008, 05:36 PM
Headbutt her in the uterus and take her liscense away.

11-10-2008, 05:43 PM
have her as the passenger while you drive. give her tips and let her watch. Just looks like she spent most of her life staring aimlessly out the window in the passenger seat instead of watching the road and studying the driver. a little bit of watching might do her good.

:bigok: yeah I've taught a girl how to rev match, and heel toe

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-10-2008, 06:06 PM
:bigok: yeah I've taught a girl how to rev match, and heel toe
but my guess is she doesn't stop completely at a stop sign now. Chicks get overconfident and careless.

11-10-2008, 06:06 PM
here's a thought,

you do the driving, just let her suck :)

11-10-2008, 06:11 PM
Don't let her get an SUV.

That's what parents seem to buy their kids when they realize they're bad drivers, then innocent people end up hurt or get their cars totalled.

Buy her a moped and a kute pink helmet with flowers on it.

11-10-2008, 06:11 PM


11-10-2008, 06:23 PM
why dont you teach her how to drive, geez

11-10-2008, 07:16 PM
Sounds like you need to teach her how to drive.

Tell her to be assertive behind the wheel.

People being all wishy washy and unsure while they're driving cause bad accidents because they hesitate and then react at the last minute.

It also sounds like she just needs experience and to be more aware of her surroundings.

11-10-2008, 07:50 PM
Is that her in your sig?

I can fly out and help teach her if need be. :2f2f:

Sure if you want to get locked up?

11-10-2008, 07:53 PM
you can teach her how to drive in a nice manner. the more angry you are, the more scare she is.

just tell her relax, and learn how to check mirror by moving the body or head to get clear view. it is very clear to me that she is not comfortable in look at the mirror in moving motion. tell her to scan around every 2 seconds and she will realize it is ok not to star the front view all the time.

11-10-2008, 07:57 PM
This thread makes me f***in nervous ...my gf has my other car THIS VERY MOMENT! :eek3: teach her..go with her and have her drive on the freeway late late at night or early in the morning, preferably on a weekend

11-10-2008, 08:02 PM
That's why I don't let bitches drive my main squeeze!

11-10-2008, 08:11 PM
That's why I don't let bitches drive my main squeeze!
my girl doesnt even wanna ride in my car, hahaha

11-10-2008, 08:13 PM
too much vtec sauce?
i just kidding...
obviously you need to teach her, or make her take a driving class. or get a gps for when she misses her exits.

11-10-2008, 08:17 PM
get her some stunt driveing lessons then boom she will drive better than you

11-10-2008, 08:19 PM
I suggest you take her to a really good driving course. You teaching her how to drive can be disastrous.

And her parents suck at driving. Her dad drove me to go get her car and I almost threw up all over the place. That guy would drive on the shoulder because he can't find a spot to merge onto the interstate. =/

LOL for some reason I was rolling when I read this.

11-10-2008, 09:00 PM
One of my friends gf sucks at driving to. She pushes and releases the gas on the freeway instead of holding it at a constant speed so its really jerky. She also thinks that alaska and hawaii are next to each other because thats how they are shown on some maps. She also thinks that you cant go to a dinner and ask to see a menu without having to eat there, she almost broke down in tears when we did that cause she thought we would get in some sort of trouble.

11-10-2008, 09:16 PM
its all good as long as your gf doesnt ask if she can date another girl:coolugh::keke:

11-10-2008, 09:35 PM
its all good as long as your gf doesnt ask if she can date another girl:coolugh::keke:

lmao omg u fuckin craked me up!

anyway, teach her how to drive my gf is 17 too, and complete noobie, already had to replace the clutch in my Z32 cos of her. pretty gay but u gotta do wht u gotta do.

11-11-2008, 02:25 AM
pic of ur g/f!

if she's not worth teaching then forget it!!!

11-11-2008, 02:29 AM
Too lazy to read other replies, but... Put her behind the wheel of a powerful, hard to drive 5/6 speed car.

She'll either get better at driving or die.

Win/win situation.

One more thing, you're 17... why the FUCK do you have a girlfriend? Be single, fuck sluts, have fun. If you don't, you'll regret it later on.

11-11-2008, 02:33 AM
does she realize/know that she is a bad driver?

i think that's step 1.

then after you get her to admit that she sucks at driving... help her yourself or get her to take driving lessons or something...

11-11-2008, 03:59 AM
my girlfriend spun a jeep grand cherokee on a straight road. i drive EVERYWHERE from then on.

i suggest you do the same if you value your lives. :)

11-11-2008, 04:18 AM
Do not let her drive your car. SImple.

11-11-2008, 07:35 AM
have her as the passenger while you drive. give her tips and let her watch. Just looks like she spent most of her life staring aimlessly out the window in the passenger seat instead of watching the road and studying the driver. a little bit of watching might do her good.

My gf was a horrible driver.

She would turn like in this gif: :hsdance:

She would slowly pass the steering wheel to the other hand and keep repeating the process.

In other words, she sucked at turning.

U-turns were terrible too.

So, before we swapped my car from auto to manual, I took her out to a nice open parking lot, told here to watch what I did at a certain turn, then have her repeat it.

Now, she's a much better driver compared to before, she just has to learn how to "force" your way when merging into traffic.

11-11-2008, 08:05 AM
Sure if you want to get locked up?

Details, details. :angel:

11-11-2008, 08:52 PM
One more thing, you're 17... why the FUCK do you have a girlfriend? Be single, fuck sluts, have fun. If you don't, you'll regret it later on.

LOL I don't know man, I've been on off with her since I turned 15. We're just so attached now. :love:
I can't teach her anything yet. She can't drive my car cause its a manual. So i'm just ganna wait til she gets another integra.
Here's some pics of her, don't mind my ugly mug.

11-11-2008, 08:59 PM
she really doesn't look like the driving type to me

11-11-2008, 09:03 PM
Does she have any cute friends who wannna come to Los angeles to be famous?

11-11-2008, 09:31 PM
memphis huh? im out in cordova, i could teach her...:l101:
jkjk...but really...integra, hmm i usually dont hang out with that crowd ;)

11-11-2008, 09:59 PM
You look better than her.

11-11-2008, 10:09 PM
You need to find her a nice and reliable automatic car. Also try to look at your local SCCA regions for driving schools that are being offered. They teach you driving skills for kids under the age of 21 in all sorts of weather conditions and driving occasions.

11-11-2008, 10:17 PM
I know a bunch of chicks who can't drive to save their life and I'll usually take them out in my S13 and do something boring like E-Brake 180 in to do a u-turn or Slide into a parking spot and all of a sudden they want to drive awesome. From that point on they usually pay more attention to driving... and me ;)

So basically, just give her a reason to drive better

11-11-2008, 10:30 PM
AutoX. Let her learn the car and get comfortable driving. HPDE after some AutoX. She'll be knowin her car real well and will pwn from now on.

11-11-2008, 10:48 PM
Take her to the track and let her learn at high speed. Then normal driving will seem a lot slower and easier to react to.

And I agree with that comment above. In LA, you really do need to drive much more offensively.

11-11-2008, 10:54 PM
hire a limo driver

11-11-2008, 11:17 PM
Take her to the track and let her learn at high speed. Then normal driving will seem a lot slower and easier to react to.

And I agree with that comment above. In LA, you really do need to drive much more offensively.

yeah but then we will all have a woman on the road that thinks she can drive

11-12-2008, 07:48 AM
My gf was a horrible driver.

She would turn like in this gif: :hsdance:

She would slowly pass the steering wheel to the other hand and keep repeating the process.

In other words, she sucked at turning.

U-turns were terrible too.

So, before we swapped my car from auto to manual, I took her out to a nice open parking lot, told here to watch what I did at a certain turn, then have her repeat it.

Now, she's a much better driver compared to before, she just has to learn how to "force" your way when merging into traffic.

M GF has this same prob. I just took her to an empty parking lot and turned her loose. I sat in the car and gave her constructive criticism and let her know what she did right and wrong.

Details, details. :angel:

Thats what OJ said

11-12-2008, 08:19 AM
she really doesn't look like the driving type to me

Exactly what I thought. First reaction was "That girl LOOKS like a bad driver" haha

Seriously, just spring for a couple hours of driving lessons and teach her yourself calmly and carefully and she'll do fine. My ex gf was terrible so I paid for an hour with a pro instructor and then took her driving for about 4hrs. after all through city traffic, a lot at rush hour, and just walked her through things calmly while she recalled what the instructor taught her (I already noticed a huge improvement from that hour alone). It's often they just lack confidence and get panicky etc. Calm them down and build confidence and they'll learn.

... I haven't a fucking clue where the hell she is now. But I can tell you for a fact she can outdrive 90% of the people on here. :2f2f:

11-12-2008, 09:37 AM
put hte bitch in a driving school, wtf!?

11-12-2008, 10:12 AM
I just read "My gf sucks...." and ran in here. Then I realized it was about sucking at driving...Booo!

Anyways, I say dump her for an older chick, unless she's hot. If she's hot, then deal with it and dont ever get in the car if she's driving. Dont let her drive you're car and maybe buy her a football helmet and pads? Goodluck

11-12-2008, 11:20 AM
Why are you driving 8 hours to buy an integra? How can there not be one that's local? I drove 10 hours to get my convertible S13, but an integra? If you think she's just gonna fuck it up, why not get like a corolla?

One of my friend's girlfriend was just like yours, she would literally cry when she hit the onramp of an expressway. Once we were driving in her car and she accidentally got on the freeway. She started panicing and pulled to the shoulder, my friend had to drive. She didnt take lessons or anything, but she eventually just got better at driving. Just give it time and for now buy her a crappy car.

By the way, you guys have some balls to let your girlfriends drive your cars. I think I would have a mental breakdown if I let my girlfriend borrow my car, and she's an average driver.

11-12-2008, 11:56 AM
just remeber start off slow and with the basics. sounds like she never got them. also if you have the option start off in an auto, less things to do more ability to concentrate on the driving aspect. also take her out and demonstrate the limits of HER SPECIFIC car to her. im not saying do e-brake driftinf or stupid things, but go to a large parking lot and brake until they lock so she knows the limits. show her WOT acceleration. etc. that way if she ever needs them shell have a good idea of what itll feel like.

11-12-2008, 11:56 AM
she really doesn't look like the driving type to me

I think you're right, she looks like a girl.

Definitely not the driving type.

11-12-2008, 11:58 AM
Why are you driving 8 hours to buy an integra? .............................I drove 10 hours to get my convertible S13

Ha ha.


11-12-2008, 01:55 PM
Why are you driving 8 hours to buy an integra? How can there not be one that's local? I drove 10 hours to get my convertible S13, but an integra? If you think she's just gonna fuck it up, why not get like a corolla?

One of my friend's girlfriend was just like yours, she would literally cry when she hit the onramp of an expressway. Once we were driving in her car and she accidentally got on the freeway. She started panicing and pulled to the shoulder, my friend had to drive. She didnt take lessons or anything, but she eventually just got better at driving. Just give it time and for now buy her a crappy car.

By the way, you guys have some balls to let your girlfriends drive your cars. I think I would have a mental breakdown if I let my girlfriend borrow my car, and she's an average driver.

i did that before, it wasn't so nice. thank god it's over. i need to find a racer chick. HAHA

11-12-2008, 01:58 PM
Why are you driving 8 hours to buy an integra? How can there not be one that's local? I drove 10 hours to get my convertible S13, but an integra? If you think she's just gonna fuck it up, why not get like a corolla?

Whatever you do, do not get a corolla as a replacement. I don't think they they came from the factory with gas pedals. Every time I see a corolla on the road, it seem like the driver just slap the car in D and let the car roll from there. Or at least that what it seems like to me - on highway + local roads. It is really irritating.

They also tend to be on the left lane too.

11-12-2008, 02:07 PM
My girl is the same way - she didn't take her car to school with her because she says she would never drive anywhere. I tell her why don't you get the car so you can visit me? She would rather hitch a ride...

11-12-2008, 02:21 PM
Why are you driving 8 hours to buy an integra? How can there not be one that's local? I drove 10 hours to get my convertible S13, but an integra? If you think she's just gonna fuck it up, why not get like a corolla?

Its actually kinda stupid, she wants matching cars with me. I bought my 99 Clover green Integra, she was also looking for a car but it had to be auto and 4 door. So I found a 98 clover green integra 4 door, auto. So we drove 3 hours there and 3 back. Now that she wrecked that one, she found another exactly the same 4 hours away. 4 there 4 back. I really don't care what she drives as long as she doesnt wreck it. But it looks like shes not ganna be 100% happy unless its the same car.

11-12-2008, 02:37 PM
lol good times

11-12-2008, 05:36 PM
My girlfriend wants a 240...at first i was skeptial...and still sometimes she doesn't drive all that good but im starting to feel better about getting her a 240. i just dont want her to hurt it if i put time into it.

11-17-2008, 01:14 AM
o this was the same as one of my friends basically you just scare them or let them scare them self until they learn hahahah

11-17-2008, 08:41 AM
My girlfriend wants a 240...at first i was skeptial...and still sometimes she doesn't drive all that good but im starting to feel better about getting her a 240. i just dont want her to hurt it if i put time into it.

Its a trick for her to make you spend time with her. You will end up building a dope ass car, all the while being nagged and question to death.

Only to have her total it 3 days later..................you have been warned :squint:

08-04-2009, 02:47 PM
Update- Totaled second Integra today. :(

Bad news is, For some stupid ass reason, after she wrecked the first one. Her dad decided he didn't want full coverage on her car anymore. It wasn't her fault and the car that hit her was stolen and the guy took off. So a total loss on this one.

Vision Garage
08-04-2009, 03:27 PM
wow hasnt even been a year yet! New Xmas present....


08-04-2009, 03:38 PM
Apparently he didnt get my warning..........

08-04-2009, 03:40 PM
Totaled second Integra today. :(

It wasn't her fault

No, of course it wasn't.

Things that consistently happen are always by chance.

You have one option, kill her.

08-04-2009, 03:49 PM
No, of course it wasn't.

Things that consistently happen are always by chance.

You have one option, kill her.

What about doing her sister/cousin etc?

08-04-2009, 04:10 PM
take her driving in rush hour traffic and change lanes a lot so she can get the hang of it in slow moo.. then try it again in no traffic at all, like 9pm. freeway first and after she mastered those, randomly order her to make rights, lefts, exits, turns changing lanes. Thinking about it, she just needs more practice.... yet some people suck at driving GL

08-04-2009, 04:13 PM
Get her into a defensive driving class and then buy her an old civic or a 1g integra to learn how to drive. If that doesn't work then just get her a public transportation schedule.

08-04-2009, 04:28 PM
teach her how to drive correctly. let her watch you drive for a couple of times in different situations of driving( heavy traffic, flowing traffic, etc.) then let her drive and correct her mistakes she makes. hopefully you can teach your girl how to drive. wish you luck

08-04-2009, 04:31 PM
id suggest SUPRISING her with a day at the track with lessons. i tried to talk to my ex about doing that and well, "my driving is just fine" shit is what i got back. i said yeah, but itll be fun. she wasnt havin it, so be gentle, haha.

08-04-2009, 11:03 PM
haha, tried teaching my ex how to drive a manual. what a good time. she was mad at me after it was over

08-04-2009, 11:59 PM
make HER buy the car. im sure she'd be more careful then if someone else kept handing her shit.

08-05-2009, 01:04 AM
Hey bro, i read summ where u had a problem. U should touge, i mean, thats what the pros do.

(dammit i tried to type the entire sentence in caps lock, i guess it has been disabled though :/ )

oh, and have her observe you, or other drivers that are more avid then her. Best of luck.

08-05-2009, 01:19 AM
this is not her fault, just bad luck... although one could blame her that she could have avoid it, but better than she ran into someone.

a week ago my lexus got hit by an illegal mexican has no English, no license, no money. the damage was estimated $800 and my deductible was $1000. FML

08-05-2009, 01:39 AM
Accidents makes people a better driver. Let her learn her lesson, i think sometime in our life we have to go through like 3 accidents before we learn our lesson lol. After those accidents we start to drive like a grandma, and reacts faster, and get paranoid when we here screeching tires behind us, lol i know i do.

Just let her learn her lesson, and if your in the car with her, you drive, dont let her drive. I dont feel safe when a girl is driving me around, and it feels weird.

08-05-2009, 02:21 AM
sounds like the family has a problem cuz if the dad is a bad driver and the daughter is too then if you and yur gurl ever have a kid he/she will have a 50/50 chance at being a good driver lol jk cross yur fingers:D

08-05-2009, 03:04 AM
Seriously, she got her 98 Integra a few weeks ago for her first car. Shes 17, went through the whole permit thing. Not even 300 miles later, she gets into an accident. Completely her fault (Failure to yield). Shes one of those drivers that misses their exits because they're too scared to get over during traffic. Horrible sense of directions, missed one of her exits by 3 exits before she even realized it. Now shes going to get another car soon, what can I do to help before she wacks another car? Shes very clumsy and has horrible multitaski skills.

IBasianladydrivingjokes. :keke:

There is a reason why they don't let women drive in certain countries.... but more or less, why the hell are they giving people licenses especially here in LA to people who don't know how to pull to the side of the road when a fire truck is coming, i see people always stopping in the middle of the FRIGGIN road. and kids shouldn't get license soo young, they should have to get some strict requirements like in germany where it costs about 1,000 euros and requires 20 to 40 hours of driving instruction.

Some people just should never get behind the wheel, and if they do, STOP TEXTING

08-05-2009, 03:08 AM
oh yeah one other thing, don't buy her the car, but make her get a manual transmission

08-05-2009, 03:12 AM
is your girlfriend asian:duh:? cause if she is, there's a good chance this will keep happening, it happened when i dated an asian girl, and she claimed that it's an asian thing. then again, sillys13 did almost drive off the canyon, but got his car stuck on a sign, and he wasn't speeding.... needless to say, i think thats a bad stereo type.
Some people just should never get behind the wheel, and if they do, STOP TEXTING
lol as i stated above steve! we have to atleast go through 3 accidents to learn our lessons! and if asians cant drive then theres no drifting, steve!. Oh yea FILIPINO's are not asians steve!

08-05-2009, 08:19 AM
lol as i stated above steve! we have to atleast go through 3 accidents to learn our lessons! and if asians cant drive then theres no drifting, steve!. Oh yea FILIPINO's are not asians steve!

what if.....3 accidents....is....too....laate
just a "what if" type of question.. lol

08-05-2009, 09:10 AM
New girlfriend, one that is older and has life experience.

08-05-2009, 09:29 AM
Your gf trying to cut across 3 lanes of traffic to get off an exit or something? If she knows her exits coming up, why would she be anywhere BUT the right lane? Unless its left exit but, memphis doesnt have any unless you count the 40/240 split on the northside.

Tell her to keep that ass in the right lane til her balls drop. I dont want her holding me up when Im rollin thru memphis.

08-05-2009, 12:27 PM
lol as i stated above steve! we have to atleast go through 3 accidents to learn our lessons! and if asians cant drive then theres no drifting, steve!. Oh yea FILIPINO's are not asians steve!

Dude Filipino people are Asian, I'm not even Filipino and I know that.

08-05-2009, 12:52 PM
filipinos are asians.. go to a porn site and check under asians.. most are filipino

08-05-2009, 01:11 PM
filipinos are asians.. go to a porn site and check under asians.. most are filipino

lol :werd:

my gf backed out of a parking spot in school and managed to scrape about 10in into deep black paint off a Brand new honda ridgeline! While the driver was still in the car! :rant2:

08-05-2009, 01:24 PM

08-06-2009, 07:32 PM
Accidents makes people a better driver. Let her learn her lesson, i think sometime in our life we have to go through like 3 accidents before we learn our lesson lol. After those accidents we start to drive like a grandma, and reacts faster, and get paranoid when we here screeching tires behind us, lol i know i do.

Just let her learn her lesson, and if your in the car with her, you drive, dont let her drive. I dont feel safe when a girl is driving me around, and it feels weird.

Accidents do no make people inherently better drivers. Their lack of driving skill and foresight won't be magically fixed when they run into something and scare themselves.

It's nice to think that people learn from mistakes but that isn't always the case.

I think the driving school/tutoring is a good first step, maybe even simple auto-x to improve confidence in operating the car.

Of course, all of this might be misguided advice if the just lacks the mental faculties to drive safely.

08-15-2009, 04:19 PM