View Full Version : Top Gear Reviews Dodge Challenger, Corvette ZR1, Cadillac CTS-V...And They Like Them!

11-10-2008, 10:42 AM
Top Gear Reviews Dodge Challenger, Corvette ZR1, Cadillac CTS-V...And They Like Them! (http://jalopnik.com/5081442/top-gear-reviews-dodge-challenger-corvette-zr1-cadillac-cts+vand-they-like-them)
via Jalopnik (http://jalopnik.com/) by Ray Wert (http://jalopnik.com/people/Ray%20Wert/posts/) on 11/9/08

Clarkson on all three: "We came wondering if America had finally made a car that might actually work in the civilized world. The answer is no, they haven't. As you can see from our smiles, they've made three."

Car: 2009 Corvette ZR1
Driver: Jeremy Clarkson
Review:"This is made by two fat blokes in Kentucky." "I'm starting to like this Corvette...it isn't the power, it's the surprise of the power. When you're driving a Ferrari Enzo, you're expecting it. This though, it's quiet, it's comfortable, it's beautifullyair-conditioned...so you're simply not ready for the savagery when you put your foot down. I've got a heads-up display with your lateral G...and the best stereo in the world...!" "Man, this is great. " "How can a car as docile as this one be as exciting when the road gets this twisty." "A proper manual gearbox." "Are you listening Ferrari? Well done fat man from Kentucky...this...is...a.masterpiece!"
Bonneville Salt Flat Speed - One Mile Marker: 176.549 MPH

Car: 2008 Dodge Challenger SRT8
Driver: Richard Hammond
Review:"Is that real carbon fiber?" "Challengers aren't very good at this type of thing... (curves)"
Bonneville Salt Flat Speed - One Mile Marker: 150.2 MPH

Car: 2009 Cadillac CTS-V
Driver: James May
Review:"Stupid..." "This isn't a proper luxury car..." "robble, robble, robble..." (Then on the curves) "This is the best American car I've ever driven by a distance as great as this road."
Bonneville Salt Flat Speed - One Mile Marker: 163 MPH

There are some Youtube imbeds on the page as well, but I am at work right now and cannot view them to post them here, so click the headline for the link to the original story.

11-10-2008, 10:44 AM
Brings a tear to my eye.

drift freaq
11-10-2008, 10:55 AM
All is not lost, maybe it is worth bailing these dumbshits( people running American Automobile companies) out. Of course somebody needs to fire management and hire some proper people. People who know how to run car companies and not push them into the ground, while building 2-3 good cars amongst a bunch of junk.

Guess I have to go test drive a Vette. :D hahahahaha

11-10-2008, 11:01 AM
All is not lost, maybe it is worth bailing these dumbshits out. Of course somebody needs to fire management and hire some proper people.

i agree, jeremy clarkson should be fired. the man knows not about what he speaks

drift freaq
11-10-2008, 11:06 AM
i agree, jeremy clarkson should be fired. the man knows not about what he speaks

Wow that so went right over your head. LOL I was talking about the people running the American Automobile companies.

Clarkson is what makes Top Gear Brilliant. He specifically trashes stuff and says things you may or may not like. Whats brilliant about is he gets away with it. Trash shit like that on a American show and the sponsors would get all up in arms. Like what he says or not he adds great color to the show, which makes for great television.

In effect you have to let what he says about the U.S. to roll off your shoulders. Its not like outside of the cars listed above there is a whole lot Automotive wise our country has done in recent times worth mentioning.
Its great that those cars managed to elicit praise from Top Gear.
Top Gear is actually a decent barometer of cars, manufacturers and build quality. They actually trashed the Benz's of the last 10 years for failing in build quality as they did BMW as well,even though they like both.

11-10-2008, 11:22 AM
I thought he was being sarcastic, Dave.

11-10-2008, 11:24 AM
Clarkson has very specific taste in cars, I can see how he often doesn't much like certain American products.

He's also reviewing things as they're sold in the UK, wherein a C6 isn't the same screaming bargain that it is here for tariff reasons, among others.

That said, anyone who doesn't like the ZR-1 or the new CTS-V just isn't a car guy, so I'm glad to see he likes both. The new CTS-V in particular is just the very greatest deal in the history of vehicles.

Top Gear still ain't Best Motoring, but it's hella fun to watch.

11-10-2008, 11:33 AM
Clarkson has very specific taste in cars, I can see how he often doesn't much like certain American products.

He's also reviewing things as they're sold in the UK, wherein a C6 isn't the same screaming bargain that it is here for tariff reasons, among others.

That said, anyone who doesn't like the ZR-1 or the new CTS-V just isn't a car guy, so I'm glad to see he likes both. The new CTS-V in particular is just the very greatest deal in the history of vehicles.

Top Gear still ain't Best Motoring, but it's hella fun to watch.

Couldn't agree any more. I like how you think.

11-10-2008, 11:51 AM
I thought he was being sarcastic, Dave.

phlip wins again :love:

drift freaq
11-10-2008, 12:24 PM
phlip wins again :love:

I stand corrected but with the way you lash out against California and a lot of other things. It could have easily been taken the way I saw it. You are notorious for having an anti attitude.

If you want people to think your actually being sarcastic? You should throttle back on your rantings about other states and whatnot.

11-10-2008, 01:59 PM
I stand corrected but with the way you lash out against California and a lot of other things. It could have easily been taken the way I saw it. You are notorious for having an anti attitude.

If you want people to think your actually being sarcastic? You should throttle back on your rantings about other states and whatnot.

no, i hate california, that's the only state i hate
every other state is cool and can come to my party
california isn't invited

except the PCH, that can come to the kegger.

i also hate mac zealots

11-10-2008, 05:18 PM
the best part of that review, was when clarkson was sliding the vette around the mountain. i'm pissed tho, had i known top gear was giong to be in SF i would of went and got autographs... :(

11-10-2008, 05:32 PM
now, where is the fucking camaro? Thats what should have been in this segment with the Challenger. CTS-V is meh, maybe a good car or w/e, but isnt a muscle car. Now, the camaro is supposed to be so where the fuck is it?

I know, it is finally coming out sometime next year I think provided the car companies dont completely fail (financially, in terms of product the have been busy completely failing for a while but maybe there is now a light at the end of the tunnel).

Oh, and the challenger is pretty much pure american sex in person. I accidentally saw one on election night (walking back to my room) and in an already good mood I was rather stunned and had to stop drooling. I cant believe that american cars are finally getting back to what we do well; truethfully they may have all the problems of the old muscle cars, but that is sorta the point isnt it?

11-10-2008, 06:09 PM
I got 'video no longer available' on the link. God, I hate Youtube. Was really looking forward to this.

11-10-2008, 09:11 PM
All the haters realize Clarkson's just being entertaining and does not always say his actual opinion on the show, right..?

All eps available on WWW.FINALGEAR.COM

Show's producer even talks about that forum. Wilman rocks.

11-11-2008, 02:31 AM
I'm kinda surprised... Normally, Clarkson talks all kinds of shit on the Corvettes. For him to say something nice about it... Well damn, that's amazing. lol

11-11-2008, 08:14 AM
CTS-V is meh, maybe a good car or w/e, but isnt a muscle car.

Isn't a muscle car? lol. Besides the extra set of doors, it's the definition of a muscle car. It's got a super car engine stuffed under the hood of a daily commuter.

Actually, wait...you are right. It's more of a super car sedan then a muscle car. It's far too smooth, dependable, luxurious, and bad ass to be considered a muscle car.

11-11-2008, 08:50 AM
I am sure Clarkson made numerous remarks to Americans being stupid, fat, etc during the review.

I guess it is cool people like these cars but on the AM News Radio this morning I heard how GM is completely in the dumper nowadays. Like they are going to be cutting crazy amount of jobs and such. I think they said it was also estimated that they have enough money right now to operate for no more than 6 months. (Probably not accurate)

That is very insane when you think about it GM is a big part of this country.
A lot of jobs...

11-11-2008, 09:01 AM
I am sure Clarkson made numerous remarks to Americans being stupid, fat, etc during the review.

I guess it is cool people like these cars but on the AM News Radio this morning I heard how GM is completely in the dumper nowadays. Like they are going to be cutting crazy amount of jobs and such. I think they said it was also estimated that they have enough money right now to operate for no more than 6 months. (Probably not accurate)

That is very insane when you think about it GM is a big part of this country.
A lot of jobs...

It's less actually. they have like $13 billion right now and are burning through $2-3 billion/ month. There are some experts that think if they are not bailed out they will go under by X-Mas. That is a completely scary scenario and anyone who hopes it happens is a compete fuckin moron and does not understand the repercussions of such an event happening. The US will dive immediately into another great depression.

John McElroy puts it best:

If GM collapsed it would have national security consequences, it would gut the U.S. manufacturing base, and it would cripple many hi-tech American companies.

Some people say, "They deserve it. Let them die."
Even in its damaged state, GM is still a gigantic corporation that plays a significant role in the American economy. Everyone focuses on its manufacturing plants and the tens of thousands of blue-collar jobs they provide, but its importance to the economy goes well beyond that.

GM is a leader in the use Information Technology and buys billions of dollars worth of IT equipment. The same goes for cutting-edge virtual reality displays, advanced electronics, and the latest simulation software. It probably has the most work-stations of any company in the country. And it is pioneering the development of smart materials (memory shape alloys and polymers), advanced batteries, fuel cells, and telematics.

More importantly, GM is a major recruiter of the kinds of people who know how to develop and work on these things. The company employs all kinds of engineers, scientists, and researchers. And it hires its best and brightest minds mainly from American universities.

11-11-2008, 09:01 AM
FinalGear.com :: Shows :: Top Gear (http://www.finalgear.com/shows/topgear/)

you can download all the episodes, i did :D

11-11-2008, 09:41 AM
Yah I am so happy these cars are so great! I personally like ZR1 more than the GTR... I mean it looks like its going to have sex with every car on the street cause its so bad ass....

Hopefully its not too late for US car companies....

11-11-2008, 11:04 AM
After declaring bankruptcy, GM won't be liable for its union contracts anymore.

From the ashes, the phoenix will rise...

11-11-2008, 01:10 PM
After declaring bankruptcy, GM won't be liable for its union contracts anymore.

From the ashes, the phoenix will rise...

100% with you on that, unions caused most of the problems for American car manufacturers, down with those unions :2f2f:

11-11-2008, 02:07 PM
nothing like getting paid 30 dollars an hour to bolt fenders up to a car.

11-11-2008, 03:55 PM
After declaring bankruptcy, GM won't be liable for its union contracts anymore.

From the ashes, the phoenix will rise...

Great point. Hope all goes well.