View Full Version : YET ANOTHER NON-240SX RELATED THREAD! Yippie!!

11-09-2008, 09:04 PM
i think this is the worst ive seen. im a very big fan to the GTR's and the RB's.
i think smokey is the only one that can pull a swap like this.

its sac-religious to see something like this..

GRR...no bueno

YouTube - 2JZ powered R32 GTR 4wd +800hp - One in the world (1) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpPlNc7y4js)

B Love
11-09-2008, 09:09 PM
2JZ = Better than rb get over it

11-09-2008, 09:10 PM

11-09-2008, 09:12 PM
Why? 2JZs and RB26s have the same potential. He doesnt build cars to make YOU happy, he builds cars so he can show off his capabilities as a tuner and mechanic. 2JZ'd AWD car, think about that. Not exactly something you can just pull out of your ass.

PS: Stop being a fucking fan boy. RBs are not Gods gift to mankind. And WHAT THE FUCK IS "SAC-RELIGIOUS???" Is that like religious people living in Sacramento?!?!

11-09-2008, 09:18 PM
Coming from a Toyota background I agree that a 2JZGTE, out of the box is a better motor, though the RB doesn't fall short in any way. I am all for transplants from other manufacturers. The 2JZ has more displacement which is an instant upgrade and it is one of the only motors to make over 1000hp with out opening the motor.

I want to see it run. We saw the GTR on the highway but no shots of the 2JZ running in that chassis. Not doubting it for any reason, I just want to see it moving under 2JZ power.

11-09-2008, 09:31 PM
I have a feeling this is going to turn in to a RB vs 2JZ shit talk nonsense that is going to lead no where, when really everyone should be talking about the actual car that was posted.

B Love
11-09-2008, 09:31 PM
2J is better overall in every way out of the box built whatever toyota makes good shit

11-09-2008, 09:39 PM
No swap is sacrilege.

Doing the same thing over and over is a sacrilege to the hobby.

But despite that it seems like every time there's a new swap attempted all the fanboys are up in arms about it like they're being forced to do it to their own cars.

GTR with an RB? Congratulations, you're one of thousands more.

11-09-2008, 09:42 PM
:lockd: :lockd: