View Full Version : help with my speach

02-03-2003, 05:33 PM
I have to give an informative speach in my speach class so I thought i would do it on how a turbo works.

Does anyone know of any good books, mags, or websites that would be of help to me?

feel free to post any speach advice you have too.


02-03-2003, 06:14 PM
how a turbo works basics (http://www.turbotechnics.com/turbo/turbowork.htm) and more basics (http://www.motorsport-developments.co.uk/how_does_it_work.htm) . Good luck:D

02-03-2003, 06:23 PM
LOL! I am giving my praise speech this week, informative in a couple weeks.

02-03-2003, 06:28 PM
Wow. I took my college speech class in Spring '95 :eek: I'm so glad I don't have to do crap like that anymore. Being an older fart has its priviledges though--if I want to further my education I don't have to take the basics--already done!! All I have to do is take the classes for that specific field. :D

Good luck guys!!

02-03-2003, 10:37 PM
Hahaha, I had to take a year of speech in high school which was simple enough. Then I had to take another semester of it in in college. It's amazing how many people have a fear of public speaking. Some people even fear it more than death.

Good luck w/ your speeches and have fun...just picture the beautiful women in their underwear. :D

02-04-2003, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by Sniper-X
Hahaha, I had to take a year of speech in high school which was simple enough. Then I had to take another semester of it in in college. It's amazing how many people have a fear of public speaking. Some people even fear it more than death.

Good luck w/ your speeches and have fun...just picture the beautiful women in their underwear. :D

Maybe I should ask you then... I will be needing to give a 4 minute speech on a random topic soon.. Anyone got any tips on how to structure the speech and what a professor would be looking for? If I could write the speech it would be fine, but I need to make it up on the spot .

02-04-2003, 10:44 AM
Huh? Are you in a Speech class CA18guy? If so... I'll start quoting out of my textbook.

02-04-2003, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Jeff240sx
Huh? Are you in a Speech class CA18guy? If so... I'll start quoting out of my textbook.

I'm CLEPing speech. Please quoute on how to structure a speech correctly, its the main part that is worrying me.

02-04-2003, 04:36 PM
CA18guy this is how I basically outline my speeches...

Introduction - This should be something that grabs your audience. Some people use humor, a personal account/anecdote, interesting facts about the topic. Also include what exactly your speech is about in the introduction or what your purpose of the speech is. Then you can also preview your main points.

Body Cover all of your main points here. Depending on how long your speech is...have maybe 2-4 Main points. Be sure to use transitions between points. Speech teachers love that stuff. Something that will lead one of your points nice and smoothly to the next one, like a smooth upshift.

Conclusion Wrap everything up here. You can recap all the points that you've just made, and summarize. Close w/ something relevant to what you've just said and again, some people use humor and such.

Something that is always good in any speech and can/should be used in every part, is to relate the topic in some way to your audience. That will make them feel like you're really trying to communicate with them and they'll want to listen to you that much more. Eye contact is always a must as well as a steady pace.

Hope that helps in some way!

02-04-2003, 04:44 PM
Yea. Don't forget transitions! My professor is a stickler for transitions. "Make sure the audience knows that you are moving from one point to another, or from one section (into, body, conclusion) to another.
And good job Sniper. Beat me to it.