View Full Version : weird thing I heard about the 9/11 attack last night

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-06-2008, 08:23 AM
ok, so it's 7am and I'm a little bored but I thought I would share this with everyone and maybe people could share their stories or add input. DON'T TURN THIS INTO A "BUSH KILLED EVERYONE" THREAD!!!!

So I went to pick up my friend from work last night who inspects aircrafts. We hung out in the parking lot with about 10 older guys in their 50's/60's. Our talks turn to politics, then to the 9/11 attacks. They said that the second plane that hit the WTC was obvious to them that it wasn't a plane that was in AA fleet. They stated the exact plane it was and said that those types of planes didn't fly commercially since 85.
I guess they played all angles and with over 150 years of experience with building planes they ALL agreed to this.
I DO remember hearing THAT DAY that flight 175 was grounded in an emergency in Cleveland so I was shocked that it was 175 that crashed into the south tower. Going back and looking at the videos too there are tons of people that say "a plane hit the tower but it couldn't have been a commercial plane" or "the plane had no windows."
Now, I know that it doesn't make much sense because there were tons of people on that plane and what happened to them if this is true? There's just so many questions surrounding 9/11 that none of it makes sense, including the pretty obvious one with a "plane" hitting the pentigon when there was no evidence of a plane. The government said that the jet fuel insinerated the plane, yet the bodies weren't insinerated! WTF?
I know this is pretty stupid but I'm bored and this subject is pretty interesting to me simply because I always thought people were crazy for thinking conspiracies are true.

11-06-2008, 08:26 AM
Hmmm, coincidence you have Zeitgeistmovie.com in your sig?

"Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see."

11-06-2008, 08:28 AM
Flight 175's Windows
Claim: On Sept. 11, FOX News broadcast a live phone interview with FOX employee Marc Birnbach. 911inplanesite.com states that "Bernback" saw the plane "crash into the South Tower." "It definitely did not look like a commercial plane," Birnbach said on air. "I didn't see any windows on the sides."

Coupled with photographs and videos of Flight 175 that lack the resolution to show windows, Birnbach's statement has fueled one of the most widely referenced 9/11 conspiracy theories — specifically, that the South Tower was struck by a military cargo plane or a fuel tanker.


FACT: Birnbach, who was a freelance videographer with FOX News at the time, tells PM that he was more than 2 miles southeast of the WTC, in Brooklyn, when he briefly saw a plane fly over. He says that, in fact, he did not see the plane strike the South Tower; he says he only heard the explosion.

While heading a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) probe into the collapse of the towers, W. Gene Corley studied the airplane wreckage. A licensed structural engineer with Construction Technology Laboratories, a consulting firm based in Skokie, Ill., Corley and his team photographed aircraft debris on the roof of WTC 5, including a chunk of fuselage that clearly had passenger windows. "It's ... from the United Airlines plane that hit Tower 2," Corley states flatly. In reviewing crash footage taken by an ABC news crew, Corley was able to track the trajectory of the fragments he studied — including a section of the landing gear and part of an engine — as they tore through the South Tower, exited from the building's north side and fell from the sky.

Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - Popular Mechanics (http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html?page=3)

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-06-2008, 08:33 AM
Flight 175's Windows
Claim: On Sept. 11, FOX News broadcast a live phone interview with FOX employee Marc Birnbach. 911inplanesite.com states that "Bernback" saw the plane "crash into the South Tower." "It definitely did not look like a commercial plane," Birnbach said on air. "I didn't see any windows on the sides."

Coupled with photographs and videos of Flight 175 that lack the resolution to show windows, Birnbach's statement has fueled one of the most widely referenced 9/11 conspiracy theories — specifically, that the South Tower was struck by a military cargo plane or a fuel tanker.


FACT: Birnbach, who was a freelance videographer with FOX News at the time, tells PM that he was more than 2 miles southeast of the WTC, in Brooklyn, when he briefly saw a plane fly over. He says that, in fact, he did not see the plane strike the South Tower; he says he only heard the explosion.

While heading a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) probe into the collapse of the towers, W. Gene Corley studied the airplane wreckage. A licensed structural engineer with Construction Technology Laboratories, a consulting firm based in Skokie, Ill., Corley and his team photographed aircraft debris on the roof of WTC 5, including a chunk of fuselage that clearly had passenger windows. "It's ... from the United Airlines plane that hit Tower 2," Corley states flatly. In reviewing crash footage taken by an ABC news crew, Corley was able to track the trajectory of the fragments he studied — including a section of the landing gear and part of an engine — as they tore through the South Tower, exited from the building's north side and fell from the sky.

Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - Popular Mechanics (http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html?page=3)
Well that debunks the "remote test plane" theory that I've been reading all about. The theory about it being an older plane not in AA's fleet I still question though.

11-06-2008, 08:35 AM

Looks like a commercial jet to me.

Boeing 767-200ER


11-06-2008, 08:37 AM

Looks like a commercial jet to me.

Boeing 767-200ER

Photoshop obviously.

11-06-2008, 08:38 AM
their are also claims that say the planes weret planes at all BUT MISSLES
which is so fucking retarded

11-06-2008, 08:38 AM

That pic pretty much proves it.
No windows :keke:

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-06-2008, 08:40 AM
Photoshop obviously.
lol. A plane is a plane to me. If it has 2 jets on the side then it looks like every plane with 2 jets on the side. I'll call him later and ask what distinctions are different. I'll also post the plane they said it was. But you're talking about well over 100 years of professional experience for reasonable people, most of whom voted for McCain.

11-06-2008, 08:41 AM
That pic pretty much proves it.
No windows :keke:

That was planted there like cops sprinklin crack.

PS I'm being very sarcastic with every post.

11-06-2008, 08:42 AM
lol. A plane is a plane to me. If it has 2 jets on the side then it looks like every plane with 2 jets on the side. I'll call him later and ask what distinctions are different. I'll also post the plane they said it was.

I've given you photographs that SHOW the windows and that it is a current aircraft used for passengers.

Call, whoever you want.

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-06-2008, 08:51 AM
just got off the phone with him and he said that the distinctions are that the plane is about 30 feet too long. He didn't know what type of plane it could be but he'll ask. He said that the 767-200 was 175 and that a 767-200 is 159 feet long. The 767-300 is 180 feet long and the plane that hit the WTC was obviously over 200 ft long. He never worked on a plane that big

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-06-2008, 08:52 AM
I've given you photographs that SHOW the windows and that it is a current aircraft used for passengers.

Call, whoever you want.
old planes have windows too. My arguement isn't that it didn't have windows, it was that the plane that hit was so old that it wasn't even in AA fleet.

11-06-2008, 08:52 AM
I've given you photographs that SHOW the windows and that it is a current aircraft used for passengers.

Call, whoever you want.

If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck...

just got off the phone with him and he said that the distinctions are that the plane is about 30 feet too long. He didn't know what type of plane it could be but he'll ask. He said that the 767-200 was 175 and that a 767-200 is 159 feet long. The 767-300 is 180 feet long and the plane that hit the WTC was obviously over 200 ft long. He never worked on a plane that big

He could tell from grainy as hell CNN footages?

11-06-2008, 08:54 AM
their are also claims that say the planes weret planes at all BUT MISSLES
which is so fucking retarded

in technical definition once the plane went from being used as a passenger carrier, to weapon it became a missile, as in it is a self propelled munition with the ability to change directions. lol i don't believe any of the damn conspiracy theory's out there, its like there is one for everything that happens.

11-06-2008, 08:57 AM
"Dude, yesterday, I fell off the stairs."

"Oh, really? Maybe you were pushed?"

"No dude, I fell."

"What if you were pushed?"


This is going to be one of those bickering back and forth threads.

It happened.

Terrible day in the USA, but there's nothing we can do about it now.

Let it be.

11-06-2008, 08:58 AM
i don't believe any of the damn conspiracy theory's out there, its like there is one for everything that happens.

That's what happens when a bunch of hippies high off their minds on acid get together and "talk politics" or "talk current events".

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-06-2008, 08:59 AM
He could tell from grainy as hell CNN footages?
In a blurry view you could still recognize size.

But seriously, I know it's popular and everything to call people lame for questioning the attacks but there ARE tons of questions surrounding the attacks. I just find some of this interesting. Not only that but if a single thing is true about any of the questions surrounding 9/11, not only is it not crazy, it's patriotic.

11-06-2008, 08:59 AM
Wait wait...I know...

Today is 11/6 OMG if you flip that upside down it's 9/11! OMG OMFG!


11-06-2008, 09:00 AM
wait wait...i know...

Today is 11/6 omg if you flip that upside down is 9/11! omg omfg!



11-06-2008, 09:03 AM
Ban Mel!

He's one of them!!


Mi Beardo es Loco
11-06-2008, 09:03 AM
"Dude, yesterday, I fell off the stairs."

"Oh, really? Maybe you were pushed?"

"No dude, I fell."

"What if you were pushed?"


This is going to be one of those bickering back and forth threads.

And wasn't Hemmingway crazy for thinking his house was bugged? Or how about the magic Roger Rabbit bullet that went through John F. Kennedy's head?

It happened.

Terrible day in the USA, but there's nothing we can do about it now.

Let it be.
sure there is (http://www.prosecutionofbush.com/images/bookcover.gif)


But in the 60's no one believed that Leary was a CIA agent either. How wrong we were.

11-06-2008, 09:10 AM
sure there is (http://www.prosecutionofbush.com/images/bookcover.gif)


But in the 60's no one believed that Leary was a CIA agent either. How wrong we were.

thats a little smaller scale than blowing up the largest buildings in nyc, do you really think that if it was true every person involved could keep a secret? hell they couldn't even keep bill clintons affair under wraps.

11-06-2008, 09:15 AM
As someone who spent a lot of time at an airport growing up... Airlines etc. are always changing things... Including which planes they use, at times even using planes they don't regularly use anymore to fit needs and scheduling. Ok, so sure, that plane may not be a plane still used in AA fleet at the time of 9/11, but they were used at one time, and you yourself said that the plane for 175 was supposedly grounded that day. Could the airline perhaps have used an older AA plane still in the fleet to take its place? Happens quite often. Most airlines keep a certain amount of older aircraft that they no longer routinely use for various purposes.

Again, that's only IF it is in fact the "wrong" plane. All we have is your story of "A guy I know who works for AA says it's wrong"

Ok, well then a guy I know who works for this little government department called the FAA says that's the correct plane that it was always believed to be. How do you know I'm telling the truth or not? You don't... My point is just that so far you haven't proved anything at all.

11-06-2008, 09:18 AM
Ban Mel!

He's one of them!!


Just because I stumbled upon the answer your gonna go ban me...CONSPIRACY!

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-06-2008, 09:24 AM
As someone who spent a lot of time at an airport growing up... Airlines etc. are always changing things... Including which planes they use, at times even using planes they don't regularly use anymore to fit needs and scheduling. Ok, so sure, that plane may not be a plane still used in AA fleet at the time of 9/11, but they were used at one time, and you yourself said that the plane for 175 was supposedly grounded that day. Could the airline perhaps have used an older AA plane still in the fleet to take its place? Happens quite often. Most airlines keep a certain amount of older aircraft that they no longer routinely use for various purposes.

Again, that's only IF it is in fact the "wrong" plane. All we have is your story of "A guy I know who works for AA says it's wrong"

Ok, well then a guy I know who works for this little government department called the FAA says that's the correct plane that it was always believed to be. How do you know I'm telling the truth or not? You don't... My point is just that so far you haven't proved anything at all.
the only thing I've proven is that I'm a fucking lunatic, in case you havn't already known that. But there really isn't much to prove except a plane hit the WTC. What kind of pane is it is the question.

11-06-2008, 09:44 AM
I love turtles.

11-06-2008, 09:47 AM
I love turtles.

Turtle Sunday's! Oh yea.

11-06-2008, 09:49 AM
i was actually in my moms office building maybe 6 blocks away when this all happened
i only managed to get one picture before running for all holy hell



it was fucking drftgirl i knew that pyscho was coming for me

11-06-2008, 09:50 AM
This shit's gay.

9/11 happened and it wasn't because of a government conspiracy.

Most these "riddles" regarding what happened that day have been answered. The link Barry provided is a perfect example.

Now, I do believe there are certain pieces of information that the government hasn't released to the public, primarily due to national security reasons.

But that's completely different from arguing that the U.S. government actually orchestrated the events that happened on September 11th.

By the way, man never landed on the moon.

11-06-2008, 09:51 AM
By the way, man never landed on the moon.

Word it was a desert!!

11-06-2008, 09:51 AM
the only thing I've proven is that I'm a fucking lunatic, in case you havn't already known that. But there really isn't much to prove except a plane hit the WTC. What kind of pane is it is the question.
Well actually we know that a plane hit and we might never know what actual plane was used but what gets me is why the WTC fell in the first place. Now let me take you back i remember watching the news like 5 min after the first plane hit (so i was glued to the tv during the hole time till the second tower fell). When One of the towers fell i remember cnn or some other big news company interviewing a couple of people on the streets including a fireman and a police officer and some other random people and they all said the same thing that they heard multiple loud bangs like 5 or 6 bangs as the tower was falling now what could that be?

11-06-2008, 09:57 AM
When One of the towers fell i remember cnn or some other big news company interviewing a couple of people on the streets including a fireman and a police officer and some other random people and they all said the same thing that they heard multiple loud bangs like 5 or 6 bangs as the tower was falling now what could that be?


Have you ever been in a huge city? The large, mostly flat, surfaces and dense concentration of high rises are perfect for reflecting sound.

The sound of an explosion as loud as what happened on 9/11 would have been reflected several times across the city.

11-06-2008, 09:58 AM
^(Killa_D) You honestly think a building would collapse and not make banging noises?

The thing that gets me the most about all the theories is how quickly they change and how quickly people grasp onto each theory as irrefutable facts.

For one reason or another, some people want to believe there is some huge conspiracy. I'm sorry, I just don't believe that Bush or anyone else convinced some commercial airline pilots to commit suicide for some imaginary new world order movement or something.

11-06-2008, 10:03 AM
isn't it incinerated... not insenerated? i'm just saying. You guys need to look into the spelling before getting to the facts.

11-06-2008, 10:18 AM
i was actually in my moms office building maybe 6 blocks away when this all happened
i only managed to get one picture before running for all holy hell

it was fucking drftgirl i knew that pyscho was coming for me



11-06-2008, 10:19 AM
Have you people not seen any of the documentaries where they interviewed all the top engineers that have built some of the world's most recognized high rise buildings, and they all provided information on why/how the towers fell?

The evidence is there to support the fact that the jet fuel weakened the structure enough to where the building itself could no longer support the weight of the tower above the impact point, thus the buildings fell.

It's not rocket science, there's no conspiracy on that, it's just physics.

11-06-2008, 10:21 AM


Pics of the terrorist have been leaked.


11-06-2008, 10:23 AM
Where's his turban?

11-06-2008, 10:37 AM
...Ok, so sure, that plane may not be a plane still used in AA fleet at the time of 9/11, but they were used at one time, and you yourself said that the plane for 175 was supposedly grounded that day. Could the airline perhaps have used an older AA plane still in the fleet to take its place? Happens quite often. Most airlines keep a certain amount of older aircraft that they no longer routinely use for various purposes.
why would they ground a flight and then let another plane take its place. wouldnt it just make more sense to let the original plane take back off??? Replacing a new plane with an old one on the fly sounds fishy to me...

Ok, well then a guy I know who works for this little government department called the FAA says that's the correct plane that it was always believed to be. How do you know I'm telling the truth or not? You don't... My point is just that so far you haven't proved anything at all.

and even if u have a friend in this "little government department" thats the problem at hand, its a government controlled department...please get your head out of your :mrmeph: and look at the facts...

11-06-2008, 10:40 AM
why would they ground a flight and then let another plane take its place. wouldnt it just make more sense to let the original plane take back off??? Replacing a new plane with an old one on the fly sounds fishy to me...

If the original plane had mechanical issues, and the "older" one didn't, which one would you have assume the flight number 175 and take passengers around instead?

and even if u have a friend in this "little government department" thats the problem at hand, its a government controlled department...please get your head out of your :mrmeph: and look at the facts...

Honestly, if you don't trust your government THAT MUCH, nobody's keeping you here.

You can always GTFO and nobody will cry over you leaving.

11-06-2008, 10:44 AM
The evidence is there to support the fact that the jet fuel weakened the structure enough to where the building itself could no longer support the weight of the tower above the impact point, thus the buildings fell.

It's not rocket science, there's no conspiracy on that, it's just physics.

physics my a$$ after that long re-routed flight back to NY there wouldnt be enough fuel to heat metal till it was molten...look at the numerous instances where buildings..high rise buildings... have been struck my planes and burned completely from top to bottom and are still standing today... so your telling me the little remnants of jet fuel that were left took down that building. and the explosions that were heard from inside the building were not echo...they were spaced explosions, planted within the towers. they did not happen all at once, they were planned and spaced throughout the burning of the building to create the illusion that shit was going wrong...you people honestly have no idea

11-06-2008, 10:47 AM
Honestly, if you don't trust your government THAT MUCH, nobody's keeping you here.

You can always GTFO and nobody will cry over you leaving.

bush was slumping and needed something to turn heads and make him the hero...he brought pain and suffering on thousands of unexpected people. not including those he sent to take over and remove middle eastern rule... are u kidding me..:fawk2:

11-06-2008, 10:48 AM
your fighting a losing battle

11-06-2008, 10:52 AM
physics my a$$ after that long re-routed flight back to NY there wouldnt be enough fuel to heat metal till it was molten...look at the numerous instances where buildings..high rise buildings... have been struck my planes and burned completely from top to bottom and are still standing today... so your telling me the little remnants of jet fuel that were left took down that building. and the explosions that were heard from inside the building were not echo...they were spaced explosions, planted within the towers. they did not happen all at once, they were planned and spaced throughout the burning of the building to create the illusion that shit was going wrong...you people honestly have no idea

The WTCs were built with an exoskeleton design, meaning the main support structure was from the OUTSIDE of the building.

The interior shafts were not meant to support the brunt of the weight of the building, although it helps.

When the exterior of the building was compromised, the SKELETON of the structure, were weakened in like, 3 out of 4 sides of the building, the center part of the building was now burdened with bearing the weight of the entire structure above it.

Also, when the plane struck the building, the fire proof material wore off on numerous parts of the remaining structural part of the center shaft, causing them to catch fire and heat up.

Here's a good example for you.

Ever watch that episode of House when Wilson filed House's cane down the middle, and when House put his weight on it, the cane snapped in half and he fell on his ass?


Well, same principle.

You have a cane, for a person, whom uses it to brunt his weight when he walks because of a leg problem.

The cane has been filed down the middle, so that most of the material that helps distribute the entire weight of the person goes up and down the entire circumference and center of the cane has been compromised, concentrating on a point only a few millimeters wide in diameter.

When the same weight pushes on it, that point can no longer bear that weight, and snaps.

Apply that same concept to a building.

How is that not physics?


Fighting a losing battle?

I am not fighting any battle?

I'm just saying, if you hate your government or the country you live in so much, then why not simply GTFO?


All of you conspiracy theoriests should become lawyers, if you guys aren't lawyers already.

You can turn any case into a conspiracy and thrown out of the court with the way you guys argue about anything.

11-06-2008, 10:53 AM
Aircraft & Aircraft Carrier Data | Airliners.net (http://www.airliners.net/aircraft-data/)
i cant find any info on the 767-204
all these plane looks the same to me, but i probably can ID most every car on the road including some aerokits/wheels.

Rey of Spots
11-06-2008, 11:16 AM
Enough with these damn conspiracy threads. 9/11 happened.
No, Bush was not behind it.


11-06-2008, 11:21 AM
on a side note..
-Planes that lose contact with control towers are usually intercepted by fighter jets inside of ten minutes, as the incident with the golfer's plane a few months earlier so clearly demonstrated. Yet on 9/11, the jetliners that struck New York were allowed to proceed unmolested for more than a half-hour, and the plane that supposedly crashed in Washington was not intercepted for more than an hour and forty minutes after it was widely known that four planes had been hijacked.

-The names of the alleged hijackers, all ostensibly Muslims, were released to the public only hours after the attacks, despite Mueller saying we had no knowledge this would happen. This is an impossible twist of logic. If he didn't know of a plan to strike buildings with planes, how would he know the names of the hijackers? Various artifacts were discovered in strategic places to try to confirm the government's story, but these have all been dismissed as suspicious planting of evidence. Since that time several names on that list have turned up alive and well, living in Arab countries. Yet no attempt has ever been made to update the list. And why were none of these names on the airlines' passenger lists?

-The hole in the Pentagon was not made by a jumbo jet. Damage to the building was simply not consistent with the size of the hole nor the absence of debris. At the supposed point of impact, a whole bank of windows remained unbroken and there were no marks on the lawn. No airplane debris (except what was planted on the lawn) nor remains of passengers were ever found.

-Radio communications from firefighters on the upper floors of the Trade Center towers clearly indicate that fires were under control and the structure was in no danger of collapsing.

and to top things off, an image released by the goverment...http://www.memlo.net/wtchoax/

11-06-2008, 11:21 AM
Enough with these damn conspiracy threads. 9/11 happened.
No, Bush was not behind it.


OR was he...:tweak::squint:


11-06-2008, 11:24 AM
Enough with these damn conspiracy threads. 9/11 happened.
No, Bush was not behind it.


Thank you for your all mighty wisdom.


11-06-2008, 11:25 AM
Conspiracy theoriests can only exist in the US of A, other wise, they'd all be arrested and prisoned in all the other countries that have remotely any world power.

Let's think about that for a second.


All they have in common is that they all did too much acid and are now paranoid, and have nowhere else to go but sit behind their computers all day and typing up "that knock was not a knock" on all the forums on the interweb.

Rey of Spots
11-06-2008, 11:26 AM
Thank you for your all mighty wisdom.
STFU, as if any of your retarded posts have any substance to them.
Go cut your hair, emo boy.

11-06-2008, 11:27 AM
I have like an inch of hair...

You want substance? Try a Quiznos.

11-06-2008, 11:29 AM
yumm quiznos

11-06-2008, 11:43 AM
Im sorry. But half of the posts in this thread are just fucked up. Alot of people died on that day, and alot of soldiers and other people have died because of what happened on that day. 9/11 is something I dont really joke about.

11-06-2008, 11:56 AM
STFU, as if any of your retarded posts have any substance to them.
Go cut your hair, emo boy.


get the fuckin sand outta your vagina

11-06-2008, 11:58 AM

11-06-2008, 12:01 PM
Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face...

11-06-2008, 12:04 PM
Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face...

Or was it BUSH that shot Marvin in the face?....:eek:

11-06-2008, 12:05 PM
Have you people not seen any of the documentaries where they interviewed all the top engineers that have built some of the world's most recognized high rise buildings, and they all provided information on why/how the towers fell?

The evidence is there to support the fact that the jet fuel weakened the structure enough to where the building itself could no longer support the weight of the tower above the impact point, thus the buildings fell.

It's not rocket science, there's no conspiracy on that, it's just physics.

we talk about this in my fire tech class. the impact of the plan hitting the building and support beams basically knocking off any fire protective coating to protect them from fire. at 1000 degrees steel starts to elongate. at about 1300 degrees steel loses 50% of its carrying load. the more you learn about building construction the more it make sense on how/why the buildings collapsed.

11-06-2008, 12:05 PM
"no it wasnt bush...i haz t3h f4ctZ"

11-06-2008, 12:08 PM
Or was it BUSH that shot Marvin in the face?....:eek:

Way to blow my mind.

11-06-2008, 12:08 PM
I have like an inch of hair...

Cut it emo boy.

Ha ha.

11-06-2008, 12:11 PM
Yes sir.

Right away sir.

I'm just a like a little kid playing with his dick when he's scared.

11-06-2008, 12:14 PM
Playing with your dick isn't something you should do when scared, it's something you should do all the time.

11-06-2008, 12:16 PM
Listen, you guys can continue to discuss the topic of the Thread...

or you can continue cluttering it up with nonsense, in which case you will be Pinked and the Thread will be locked.

Your choice.

11-06-2008, 12:26 PM
we talk about this in my fire tech class. the impact of the plan hitting the building and support beams basically knocking off any fire protective coating to protect them from fire. at 1000 degrees steel starts to elongate. at about 1300 degrees steel loses 50% of its carrying load. the more you learn about building construction the more it make sense on how/why the buildings collapsed.

You are only being taught that so that the GOVERNMENT COVER UP will be complete, as nobody else will find out the true cause of the buildings' collapse.


11-06-2008, 12:36 PM
there's been a few theories that Thermite was planted in the building or on the planes that crashed into the buildings...

11-06-2008, 01:00 PM
I heard theres a really good documentary that just came out about it.
Its a french film or some shit. i guess half the thing is in french, but its still really good.
I will try to find it for you all, might be interesting.

Not so sure its a whole conspiracy theory, But I think that there were alot of obvious signs of it coming up. And I think the fuck up was covered up and then the facts after that were manipulated so Bush could do what he wanted.

I think its like Katrina, they just fucked up big time during the event.

Im still amazed at the brave passengers on the Penn. flight, that did the ultimate duty and gave thier lives to save more lives.
Those people are Hero's IMO.

11-06-2008, 01:06 PM
I think its like Katrina, they just fucked up big time during the event.

Im still amazed at the brave passengers on the Penn. flight, that did the ultimate duty and gave thier lives to save more lives.
Those people are Hero's IMO.

What did THEY fuck up with katrina?

11-06-2008, 01:19 PM
you are only being taught that so that the government cover up will be complete, as nobody else will find out the true cause of the buildings' collapse.

it's still a conspiracy!!!

damnit i knew it was all liesssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!

11-06-2008, 01:24 PM
Loose Change 9/11 Blog & Home Page (http://www.loosechange911.com/blog/)

Thats a good site for some conspiracies... It's all pretty interesting, but I still think it was terrorists.

Rey of Spots
11-06-2008, 01:26 PM
What did THEY fuck up with katrina?
FEMA took too long to react. I think.

11-06-2008, 01:34 PM
Who did it? Simple answer


