View Full Version : Japanese help please

11-04-2008, 09:37 AM
I'm looking into some wheels on yahoo japan. Usually im ok with translating things but i'm having trouble figuring out exactly what's wrong with these wheels. If you can decipher it, please let me know!


ジャンクの理由は、タイヤショップにてバランサーで確認してもらった所、画像2の↓部分に2本とも最大8m m程度のユガミがありました(ヘコミでは無いので、パッと見は分かりません)。

画像3を参照ください(特にひどい部分のアップです)。その他、画像では分からないキズがあります。ナット インサート部にも工具で付いたキズがあります。

ホイール修正店をご存知な方、ユガミ キズを気にしない方向けです。リヤ用としていかがでしょうか。
状態を良くご理解の上、ノークレーム ノーリターンを約束出来る方のみお願いします。

●他にも18×10J+18 5H-114.3 2本を出品してます。

***One of the pics has a piece of tape w/ an arrow drawn on it pointing towards the edge of the rim.

11-04-2008, 09:42 AM
this is litteral copy and paste of your text to a translator.
whats the website adress exactly

but this is what it said

Air valve, valve cap attachment. Picture 2, the catalog of that time is defeated. As for the reason of the junk, at the tire shop when it has verifying with balun sir, also 2 there was the skewness of maximum 8m m in the ↓ part of picture 2, because (it is not [hekomi], as for seeing you do not understand in a flash). Somewhat there is a skewness on 1 these hub faces. Because you had used, circuit exclusive use (for rear) as the scratch due to tire installation and removal is many, is. Please refer to picture 3 (especially it is rise of the terrible part). In addition, with the picture there is a scratch which does not understand. There is a scratch which is attached to also the nut insertion section with the tool. The wheel correction store knowing it is one and for the method which does not designate the skewness scratch as the air. How probably will be as one for rear? The fairway of the person who in regard to understanding, can promise the no claim no return well you ask state. - Exhibiting 18 × 10 J + 185 H-114.3 2 to in addition to, it increases."

11-04-2008, 09:50 AM
If people don't stop posting threads whose subjects are only tenuously connected to 240sx/Z, I'm going to start handing out vacations. :squint: