View Full Version : EGT issues

11-04-2008, 12:31 AM
Hey guys, I put in an EGT gauge in a few weeks ago, on the downpipe right after the turbo extension (redtop, bla bla bla). It read fine for awhile, but now it either shows no reading, or the needle bounces all over the place. I checked to make sure if the sensor was still plugged in, and that none of the wiring was melted, crossed, etc etc...everything checks out ok.

Think the gauge is shot? ..or maybe it's just a bad connection:confused: I also was thinking maybe frequencies from the engine bay (other gauge wires running next to the egt signal wire) are screwing it up..but that was just an idea...

ps- Forgot to add, its a normal, run of the mill greddy electronic gauge (not peak/hold or one of the new integrated ones..just a basic greddy gauge)

Any advice would greatly be appreciated :) Thanks in advance.

11-04-2008, 10:49 AM
Is it new? If it is call it in for warranty see what Greddy will do for you, you never know they might replace it.

11-04-2008, 10:52 AM
Very strange. One thing I know is, I've never heard someone recommend mounting the EGT after the turbo - I was under the impression that it had to be before the turbo to be accurate.

If you remove the gauge, is there residue on it? Turbo could possibly be blowing a little oil over time, coating the gauge tip.