View Full Version : Prop 8

11-03-2008, 09:37 PM
so whats everyones ideas on that? I had just received a call from some random man saying "hi, i would like to remind you to vote yes on prop 8 tomarrow, have a good night".. whats a trip was he was live.. not a recording.. i was like "uhhh ok.. thanks". i thought it was pretty weird lol. I shoulda talked to him about it, take up his precious time so he cant get many other calls in lol.

I know the gay marriage thing doesnt bother me, but im all for adam and eve , not adam and steve shit.. Just anoyed seein all these girls on myspace sayin "vote no on prop 8, people should be allowed to marry regardless".. its annoying enough to make me vote yes on it lol.

You will see more homosexual activity on tv no doubt.. wasnt there some tv show like dawsons creek or something where 2 guys kissed??
again it doesnt really bother me, but those people who say it wont change a thing, i think thats silly.

11-03-2008, 09:41 PM
Vote no on prop 8. “When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” -- Sinclair Lewis

Who gives a shit what the gay people do with each other? Who is going to get hurt by prop 8 passing? Little kids learning about gay marriage? Get the fuck over it.

I don't agree with gay marriage, but I realize that its not my place to stop anybody from doing it. If it hurts my feelings then oh well.

Laws should not be written to protect people's feelings.

11-03-2008, 09:41 PM
No on Prop8.

they have the right to be as miserable as single people.

i love all the propaganda ads you hear/see on tv/radio about teaching gay marriage in school. that shit has nothing to do with Prop8. if marriage was taught in school, people wouldn't get married!

if i was gay i would vote Yes so i wouldnt have the pressure(no pun intended) of having to get married hah. gays have it good if it passes!

11-03-2008, 09:43 PM
I personally am voting Yes on prop 8. Why? Well I consider myself fairly religious and I feel that marriage should be between a man and woman. Sorry if people take offense to it, those are just my personal beliefs

11-03-2008, 09:46 PM
no prob dude, i dont want this to turn into a flame war, just appreciate hearing peoples thoughts.
I feel you tho, im not very religious but i feel the same way. Plus i think it would protect their lives, gay still isnt commonly accepted yet in the public esp with those cases of violence that rarely happens upon someone.

11-03-2008, 10:03 PM
You know, there was a time when people actually believed they were helping black people by keeping them as slaves... Don't act like you're doing they gay people a favor by helping prop 8 pass.

I personally am voting Yes on prop 8. Why? Well I consider myself fairly religious and I feel that marriage should be between a man and woman. Sorry if people take offense to it, those are just my personal beliefs

I can understand your beliefs about marriage, but why would you vote for a proposition that has basically nothing to do with you?

How would it feel if you were part of a religion that wasn't such a large majority of the people in this country? Religion should have nothing to do with the laws that are shaping people's lives.

11-03-2008, 10:05 PM
Where did the other prop 8 thread go?

Yes would be my choice. Not only am I going to have to explain the birds and the bee's to my kids, but if it's approved I'll have to explain what Bill likes to fuck Tom. Just because this is the U.S. and it's the land of the free, doesn't mean we should be conforming to every single fucking person out there. 10 years from now, women will want to marry horses.


Locked, but still has a lot of arguments.

11-03-2008, 10:14 PM
You know, there was a time when people actually believed they were helping black people by keeping them as slaves... Don't act like you're doing they gay people a favor by helping prop 8 pass.

I can understand your beliefs about marriage, but why would you vote for a proposition that has basically nothing to do with you?

How would it feel if you were part of a religion that wasn't such a large majority of the people in this country? Religion should have nothing to do with the laws that are shaping people's lives.

Believe it or not, this country was founded upon religion. And thankfully religion and government are not mixed. Also, this proposition isnt about me so like I said I am voting against something I do not believe in. I dont care what people do in the privacy of their own lives, I may not agree with it but I dont support it. So if I have the power (Yes I said power) to vote for something I am not okay with, why not do it?

You can vote no on 8 all you want, but I have seen too much shit in my time as a police officer to sway me otherwise. Much love all.

P.S. Lets keep this a positive thread and not into some flame war

11-03-2008, 10:19 PM
thanks for the post cc4usmc, great way of putting it. i will check out that thread... didnt realize this was discused b4. thanks hopefully this wont get closed.

This shouldnt be compared to racial issues, because man and man can not reproduce.

11-03-2008, 10:20 PM
^^ lol what does being a police officer have to with homosexuals being able to marry? Plus, it says you're 21. You haven't seen much as police officer at that age :keke:

To stay on topic though, I'll be voting no on prop 8. Reason being is that I don't see it justified for anyone telling someone what they can or cannot do while others can do it legally.

The bestiality argument is asinine. How that even compares too two people wanting to marry is seriously just "slap you in the face stupid" and really shouldn't be compared.

11-03-2008, 10:24 PM
Actually I'm 22. I messed up on the age thing when I joined, always been too lazy to correct it. Anyways, I have been a deputy for 2 years now. I have seen my fair share of crazy, two years on the job is more then sufficient.

I also think that for whatever reason this proposition loses, it will not be the end of it in California. In all honesty, I am not for changing the state constitution, but my personal beliefs ironically enough would have me voting for such a thing. Regardless, I hope that whatever the outcome is it will be a smooth and hassle-free transition.

beeracing s14
11-03-2008, 10:25 PM
Im yes on this one just because i advocate what God has designed ...marriage between man and woman.

11-03-2008, 10:25 PM
Where did the other prop 8 thread go?

Yes would be my choice. Not only am I going to have to explain the birds and the bee's to my kids, but if it's approved I'll have to explain what Bill likes to fuck Tom. Just because this is the U.S. and it's the land of the free, doesn't mean we should be conforming to every single fucking person out there. 10 years from now, women will want to marry horses.

yes because before this prop was up for vote, gays didn't exist. either way, your kid will be subjected to homosexuality. you ever turn on the tv? watch a movie?

its 2008 guys, stop looking at marriage as "between man and woman". its a union between two people. man or female.

11-03-2008, 10:26 PM
YouTube - Vote NO on Prop 8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exPoH1JX0Q8)

it's so easy to add sarcasm to the real commercials of prop 8, it's funny. If Japanese people succeed on the petition for marrying two dimensional figures, then I will vote yes for gay marriage. LOL

11-03-2008, 10:27 PM
I don't care what gay people do. I dont care if they're allowed to marry or not.

But as soon as I hear that being gay is illegal, thats when shit's gonna hit the fan. I'd seriously have to go strap a bomb to myself and walk into the Capital building, because thats just not right.

11-03-2008, 10:28 PM
^ that video was perfect. lol

11-03-2008, 10:30 PM
Where did the other prop 8 thread go?

Yes would be my choice. Not only am I going to have to explain the birds and the bee's to my kids, but if it's approved I'll have to explain what Bill likes to fuck Tom. Just because this is the U.S. and it's the land of the free, doesn't mean we should be conforming to every single fucking person out there. 10 years from now, women will want to marry horses.


Locked, but still has a lot of arguments.

Prop 8 has nothing to do with Bill and Tom fucking, it has to do with what they want to call their relationship.

And guess what, homosexuality is something every kid is going to have to deal with at some point in life.

11-03-2008, 10:30 PM
"Eliminates the Right"

Since when is a constitution amended to eliminate a right?

The government has no right to say who can and cannot marry. It is absolutely not their place.

11-03-2008, 10:32 PM
The bestiality argument is asinine. How that even compares too two people wanting to marry is seriously just "slap you in the face stupid" and really shouldn't be compared.

Really? How is this for asinine


yes because before this prop was up for vote, gays didn't exist. either way, your kid will be subjected to homosexuality. you ever turn on the tv? watch a movie?

That's what a remote is for. I'm not against gay people having a formal union, just call it something else and give them the same benefits. Done.

And guess what, homosexuality is something every kid is going to have to deal with at some point in life.

Wouldn't you rather your kids learn about it at a mature age? I'm not going to go into this argument like I did in the Prop 8 poll, in fact I think I'm just going to stay out of this thread from now on lol.

11-03-2008, 10:34 PM
I myself have a couple of gay friends and i have nothing against that. but i do believe in religion, and i don't like the fact that people are trying to marry in a christian/catholic church. it just isnt right.

make it legal for them to be partners of some sort, just under the title of married.

either way, its going to be legal, maybe not now, but in the next few years.

11-03-2008, 10:35 PM
Im yes on this one just because i advocate what God has designed ...marriage between man and woman.

well it looks like the design was flawed from the get go

lets take a poll of how many people have had a divorce in their immediate family :snoop:

Marrige was created by man so their 'wife' wouldn't go out and fuck the mailman.

11-03-2008, 10:35 PM
Prop 8 has nothing to do with Bill and Tom fucking, it has to do with what they want to call their relationship.

And guess what, homosexuality is something every kid is going to have to deal with at some point in life.
Thank you. I could've said it better myself.


Threads like this are neat because they help to expose which members are ignorant fucking idiots.

11-03-2008, 10:37 PM
Really? How is this for asinine

Japanese Man Petitions To MARRY Comic Book Wife (http://zilvia.net/f/222347-japanese-man-petitions-marry-comic-book-wife.html)

Honestly, how does either compare to two people who love each other and want marry? We're talking about two consenting adults who are able to make their own decisions and base their relationship on love.

You're throwing up examples of a depressed man, who is probably antisocial, wanting to marry a comic book character; and a fictional argument of women wanting to marry horses. If that's how insignificant you consider marriage to be then why even bother voting on anything related to the matter?

11-03-2008, 10:37 PM
That's what a remote is for.

thats how homophobic you are? youre gonna disown your kid if he turns out gay?


Im yes on this one just because i advocate what God has designed ...marriage between man and woman.

you ever look up the divorce rate? 50%. straights are probably scared that gays i will do a better job.

11-03-2008, 10:38 PM
Ill have to explain to my kids why Tom married Steve and cheated with Dale because people voted no on prop 8 lol

We should give rights to immigrants too, they are people and demand their rights as well. We should open up the borders since we should give them what they want.

I have no problem with gay people, im just thinking about the future of america, where gay relations will be more commonly open in the future.. Will open up more temptations to relationships.

20 years ago, this wasnt even considered debateble... 50 years ago, people had long great marraiges.. now a days , the devorce rate is at a all time high... Of course tho, i hear that could be in relation to womens rights having a greater roll now with individuality.

11-03-2008, 10:39 PM
That's what a remote is for. I'm not against gay people having a formal union, just call it something else and give them the same benefits. Done.

While your at it give them 40 acres and a mule. Naw but in all serious'ness. I totally agree with that. Unfortuantately it resembles a lot of the "seperate but equal" talk that plagued america 50+ years ago.

11-03-2008, 10:42 PM
I have no problem with gay people, im just thinking about the future of america, where gay relations will be more commonly open in the future.. Will open up more temptations to relationships.

^ So if gays are allowed to marry then people will be tempted to cheat with gay people? :rofl: wow... That logic is simply outstanding.

I guess everyones' hidden "gayness" will just be free to come out :keke:

11-03-2008, 10:42 PM
That's what a remote is for. I'm not against gay people having a formal union, just call it something else and give them the same benefits. Done.

Thanks for confirming my assumptions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only difference between a same sex civil union and same sex marriage is only in the name itself. none of the actual rights are compromised. If such is the case, I'm all for prop 8. Like you, this is not something I care to have to explain to the kids. I'll let them figure that out themselves.

11-03-2008, 10:46 PM
I have no problem with gay people, im just thinking about the future of america, where gay relations will be more commonly open in the future.. Will open up more temptations to relationships.

20 years ago, this wasnt even considered debateble... 50 years ago, people had long great marraiges.. now a days , the devorce rate is at a all time high... Of course tho, i hear that could be in relation to womens rights having a greater roll now with individuality.

well this isnt 50 years ago. shit changed. get with the times.

how will this open up to more temptations? if they're gonna cheat they will cheat. PERIOD.

11-03-2008, 10:47 PM
My question to you all is...
what do you say to your kids when they see two men holding hands or two women kissing in public? Prop 8 won't all of a sudden spark children's curiosity. The stuff is all around. Prop 8 won't make it more apparent. But it will give gay couples the rights they have been wanting for a significant amount of time.

11-03-2008, 10:48 PM
thats how homophobic you are? youre gonna disown your kid if he turns out gay?

Well since you decided to throw that out, I'll have to defend myself. I'm not homophobic. I don't think it's right, but I'm not going to condemn people because that's just the way they are. But I don't want my kid to think that just because it's ok, that it's natural. How would I know if my kid is legitimately gay if he thinks it's ok to play both sides of the field?

you ever look up the divorce rate? 50%. straights are probably scared that gays i will do a better job.

Oh right, so just because the marriages are failing, we should just give up on them and let everyone do what they want... is that what you're saying? If anything, the Government needs to encourage couples to work it out. Not every couple gets divorced because one or the other cheats.

Threads like this are neat because they help to expose which members are ignorant fucking idiots.

And it's people like you who are like you that shouldn't have political positions. You just say A-OK to everything. Pretty soon the saying will go "Land of the free, because nobody gives a shit and they tossed everything out the window!"

11-03-2008, 10:49 PM
My question to you all is...
what do you say to your kids when they see two men holding hands or two women kissing in public? Prop 8 won't all of a sudden spark children's curiosity. The stuff is all around. Prop 8 won't make it more apparent. But it will give gay couples the rights they have been wanting for a significant amount of time.

when is the last time you saw two men openly kissing in public?

and did you notice this shit when you were 6 years old?

and does a 6 year old even notice anything anyways?

11-03-2008, 10:55 PM
Give the gays their rights..

done and done.

11-03-2008, 10:56 PM
Oh right, so just because the marriages are failing, we should just give up on them and let everyone do what they want... is that what you're saying? If anything, the Government needs to encourage couples to work it out. Not every couple gets divorced because one or the other cheats.

the whole gays do marriage better was a joke.

im saying, let these gays get married, will your life change? no. do they have the right to? HELL YES

you guys bitch about Rights but take away theirs?

this has nothing to do with religion because religion gets thrown out the window when most people decide to have sex before marriage.

11-03-2008, 10:58 PM
Give the gays their rights..

done and done.

simple and to the point.
good job.

11-03-2008, 11:02 PM
im saying, let these gays get married, will your life change? no. do they have the right to? HELL YES

you guys bitch about Rights but take away theirs?

Why does it have to be a marriage? Instead of all the bullshit, why don't they fight for a relationship title that will offer them the same benefits? Seriously, someone go find some homosexuals and tell them so register at this amazing site so they can join us in this conversation.

11-03-2008, 11:09 PM
when is the last time you saw two men openly kissing in public?

and did you notice this shit when you were 6 years old?

and does a 6 year old even notice anything anyways?

Ever been in Hollywood? Kids notice a lot FYI. My brother is 11. He notices things. We explain things to him clearly. He doesn't think it's ok for him for him to be chasing down other guys for some loving. Hell, be barely likes girls yet, lol.

And what's with the whole thing about not calling it marriage? Civil union sound better? Because it sounds like the same thing to me.

11-03-2008, 11:12 PM
Well since you decided to throw that out, I'll have to defend myself. I'm not homophobic. I don't think it's right, but I'm not going to condemn people because that's just the way they are. But I don't want my kid to think that just because it's ok, that it's natural. How would I know if my kid is legitimately gay if he thinks it's ok to play both sides of the field?


If your kid thinks it's okay, he'll be safe about it it won't be a big deal.

On the other hand, if your kid thinks it's taboo but gets the urge to try it anyway, you're just asking for some Larry Craig style, hardcore, anonymous, airport bathroom sex.

Seems like what you're asking for is the latter, which is incredibly disgusting.

11-03-2008, 11:13 PM
Alright, they should allow gay marriage but not under any religious terms. If gay people want kids there should be a proposal to adopt a poor foreign kid LOL. Why? Cause once that kid is in high school, that kid is fucked. Might as well help poor foreign kids have a chance, and they probably won't even know what our society is talking about when it comes down to it. I'm just kidding guys on this

Why allow gay marriage in my opinion? Hey they pay taxes and if they want the financial benefit from an official marriage then let them have it. To solve the religious factor, don't let them marry under any religious terms. It's been done already for straights who do not have any religious beliefs. I'm still voting yes on prop 8 just because of this girl YouTube - Yes on Prop 8, pt. 4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiNe2Vfhj1A) that's cute. LOL, i kid again.

NO, I KNOW that 6 years olds notice EVERYTHING. THEY'RE ATTENTION SPAN is so huge a parent will not notice that their youngster is not only noticing the gay couple kissing, but the bird getting shot, the guy that threw the stick in the front of bicyclist, all at the same time. it's the concept of the parent asking their kid "Why are you on the neighbor's lawn?" and the kid answering "cause their grass taste better." Shit i don't know what this theory is called, but oh well. The matter about the kid thinking it's okay (such as gay marriage, racism, politics) is up to the owner (their idealogy) of the kid.

Yes, I have saw gay couples male and female kissing at various clubs in Downtown L.A, Orange County, and Riverside. It's not like your porn video, it's pretty ugly.

11-03-2008, 11:13 PM
I'm voting yes. God designed marraige to be between a man and a woman. IMO who are we to change that? Plus think of what it will do to family values and the kids of gay marraiges? My 2 cents.

11-03-2008, 11:14 PM
luftrofl, I wish I knew what you were trying to say. Maybe it's because I don't know who Larry Craig is...

11-03-2008, 11:15 PM
And it's people like you who are like you that shouldn't have political positions. You just say A-OK to everything. Pretty soon the saying will go "Land of the free, because nobody gives a shit and they tossed everything out the window!"
You just keep making yourself look better and better.

What you're saying is bullshit. "Let them call their union something else! Why is it have to be a marriage? I'm too close-minded and unintelligent to explain this to my kids!"

You see, even if a ruling is made to call a homosexual union something OTHER than marriage, you would STILL have to talk to your kids about it.
Whether they call it marriage or a "homosexual life partners legal union", it makes no difference. Love is love, whether gay or straight, and your kids will learn about it either way at some point in time. You can't keep them sheltered forever!

11-03-2008, 11:19 PM
Well, if I was a child of a gay marraige I wouldn't want to tell people about my "2 daddys" or "my 2 moms." And I wouldn't want to put a child through the torment of having to go through that shit. We might have more columbine high or virginia tech incidents due to kids losing it.

Don't get me wrong, I respect other opinions here. I'm just posting mine like the thread is requesting.

11-03-2008, 11:20 PM
I'm a yes on Prop 8.

11-03-2008, 11:20 PM
I'm voting yes. God designed marraige to be between a man and a woman. IMO who are we to change that? Plus think of what it will do to family values and the kids of gay marraiges? My 2 cents.

Hooray for vague ideas and assuming that gay parents will raise bad children. Straight parents are always good parents, it's a 100% proven scientific fact.

luftrofl, I wish I knew what you were trying to say. Maybe it's because I don't know who Larry Craig is...

I hear that there are these great things called search engines.:tardrim:

11-03-2008, 11:22 PM
Hooray for vague ideas and assuming that gay parents will raise bad children. Straight parents are always good parents, it's a 100% proven scientific fact.

I hear that there are these great things called search engines.:tardrim:

Calm down. Don't take it personally. Did you read my post before this one? "Assume?" I never posted that. I'm sure there are homosexuals that have good parenting skills but what their kids have to go through is an entirely different issue that you're not taking into consideration.

11-03-2008, 11:23 PM
Well, if I was a child of a gay marraige I wouldn't want to tell people about my "2 daddys" or "my 2 moms."

maybe you should tell this "man" that...

Why does it have to be a marriage? Instead of all the bullshit, why don't they fight for a relationship title that will offer them the same benefits? Seriously, someone go find some homosexuals and tell them so register at this amazing site so they can join us in this conversation.

either way, you will have to explain to your children what gay marriage/union is. so in the end, it doesn't matter.

11-03-2008, 11:27 PM

That's just it, it's not their right. They found a loophole in the definition of a marriage and are fighting to get it adjusted in their favor. [/QUOTE]

You see, even if a ruling is made to call a homosexual union something OTHER than marriage, you would STILL have to talk to your kids about it.

That's completely expected. But if you legalize gay marriages, you're telling kids that it's ok to like the same sex. And that's the point I'm trying to make that you're not understanding.

Love is love, whether gay or straight, and your kids will learn about it either way at some point in time.

Love is love? Well.. what were to happen if all the divorced women fell in love with their son's because in a single parent relationship they became the dominant male figure. Now what? You think mom's getting married to their sons is ok?

I hear that there are these great things called search engines.:tardrim:

If you're going to make an argument, it's best if you don't make people work to understand it. It looses it's point if I have to waste my time looking shit up.

11-03-2008, 11:32 PM
That's completely expected. But if you legalize gay marriages, you're telling kids that it's ok to like the same sex. And that's the point I'm trying to make that you're not understanding.

and who the fuck are you to say it isnt ok?

11-03-2008, 11:32 PM
Well, if I was a child of a gay marraige I wouldn't want to tell people about my "2 daddys" or "my 2 moms." And I wouldn't want to put a child through the torment of having to go through that shit. We might have more columbine high or virginia tech incidents due to kids losing it.

Norm, I've known several people, male and female, that grew up with two same-sex parents, and they turned out just fine. In fact, they've turned out better than most of the broken-home kids I've known (myself included).

Trust me, two gay and loving parents make for a much better parenting combo than one loving mother and a dad who lives 50+ miles away and doesn't send his kids birthday cards anymore.

11-03-2008, 11:33 PM
Calm down. Don't take it personally. Did you read my post before this one? "Assume?" I never posted that. I'm sure there are homosexuals that have good parenting skills but what their kids have to go through is an entirely different issue that you're not taking into consideration.

I posted just after you posted it. I'll respond to it below this.

Well, if I was a child of a gay marraige I wouldn't want to tell people about my "2 daddys" or "my 2 moms." And I wouldn't want to put a child through the torment of having to go through that shit. We might have more columbine high or virginia tech incidents due to kids losing it.

Don't get me wrong, I respect other opinions here. I'm just posting mine like the thread is requesting.

You wouldn't want to tell people that because you're straight up insecure. Grow up.

Trying to connect horrific violence to being the child of gay parents is, by far, the stupidest thing I've heard in the gay marriage debate. The whole "what if [insert horrific, yet unrelated event] happens because of [insert whatever you're insecure about here]?" is just fear mongering and pathetic.

11-03-2008, 11:34 PM
Norm, I've known several people, male and female, that grew up with two same-sex parents, and they turned out just fine. In fact, they've turned out better than most of the broken-home kids I've known (myself included).

and that's where my joke "straights are scared that gays will get it right" comes into play.

11-03-2008, 11:34 PM
this is getting buckwild.

11-03-2008, 11:34 PM
and who the fuck are you to say it isnt ok?

I'm the general consensus I believe. I take it you do think it's ok?

Rey of Spots
11-03-2008, 11:35 PM
All in all, America is fucked.


beeracing s14
11-03-2008, 11:36 PM
Let me remind the "NO" people that you all came out from your mother's womb and not some guy's ass. bwahahahha! seriously, im goin yes because i dont want to re create soddom and gomorrah again.

11-03-2008, 11:36 PM
As a conservative, I feel it is not right to have 2 men or 2 women "married" but as a constitutionalist, I feel they have every right. And it is the responsibility of the parents to raise their children to be understanding, compasionate, and open-minded. Worked for me, It'll work for other kids.

LOL this reminds me of the southpark episode, where Mrs Garrison tried to stop same-sex marraige.

"Instead of Married, how about we call you 'butt-buddies.' Instead of bethrowed, how about 'butt buddies?'"

And honestly, its almost been scientifically proven that sexual preference is a chemical reaction that takes place in the womb and in your genes. So even though im strait, and someone tells me that its ok to like a dude, guess what... Im still gonna like chicks.

11-03-2008, 11:36 PM
I posted just after you posted it. I'll respond to it below this.

You wouldn't want to tell people that because you're straight up insecure. Grow up.

Trying to connect horrific violence to being the child of gay parents is, by far, the stupidest thing I've heard in the gay marriage debate. The whole "what if [insert horrific, yet unrelated event] happens because of [insert whatever you're insecure about here]?" is just fear mongering and pathetic.

Insecure? Grow up? I'm posting in a completely objective manner. You seem to be taking this waaaaay too personally. Sorry you feel that way. And don't hate me for my opinion.

11-03-2008, 11:38 PM
You seem to be taking this waaaaay too personally.

He's not the only one :rofl:

11-03-2008, 11:39 PM
That's completely expected. But if you legalize gay marriages, you're telling kids that it's ok to like the same sex. And that's the point I'm trying to make that you're not understanding.
And there you have it. You ARE homophobic. That statement says it all.
Most gay people are born gay. They're going to like the the same sex whether their parents tell them its okay or not.

Love is love? Well.. what were to happen if all the divorced women fell in love with their son's because in a single parent relationship they became the dominant male figure. Now what?
Falling in love with your own kids? Now, that's just weird. lol

11-03-2008, 11:39 PM
Ever been in Hollywood? Kids notice a lot FYI. My brother is 11. He notices things.

no i have never been to hollywood

I smoked weed when I was 11.

its not like I was in the dark about homosexuality
when i was 11 my favorite saying was "YOUR GAY!"

Rey of Spots
11-03-2008, 11:41 PM
Falling in love with your own kids? Now, that's just weird. lol
Well, the same thing was probably said back then when guys started liking guys,
and girls started liking girls. Now look at where we're at.

11-03-2008, 11:42 PM
Insecure? Grow up? I'm posting in a completely objective manner. You seem to be taking this waaaaay too personally. Sorry you feel that way. And don't hate me for my opinion.

Sorry, it's just that you're drawing connections between completely unrelated things. I should be more accepting of people who don't like to think about the things that they say.

My bad.

beeracing s14
11-03-2008, 11:43 PM
oh my oh my...why cant we have a pastor or a priest to end this up!

Rey of Spots
11-03-2008, 11:44 PM
Even priests like to touch little boys. This country has gone to shit.

11-03-2008, 11:44 PM
Well, the same thing was probably said back then when guys started liking guys,
and girls started liking girls. Now look at where we're at.
Your guys are seriously comparing incest to homosexuality? That's.... Wow, just wow.

11-03-2008, 11:45 PM
And there you have it. You ARE homophobic. That statement says it all.
Most gay people are born gay. They're going to like the the same sex whether their parents tell them its okay or not.

I'd rather my kid be gay because he was born like that, rather then them thinking its ok to be with guys/girls because the law says they can. Everyone jumps on here and assumes that people that oppose (in this case are with) are just haters and homophobes, like there's not logic to my argument.

Falling in love with your own kids? Now, that's just weird. lol

Hey, if you keep letting people get away with shit, it's going to happen. There has to be a line somewhere.

Your guys are seriously comparing incest to homosexuality? That's.... Wow, just wow.

What do you think will happen you you give people what they want?

11-03-2008, 11:46 PM
there should have just been a poll with no posting. i just wanna see.

11-03-2008, 11:46 PM
what is this whole argument with a child's innocence anyways

kids grow up and become people who understand... like all of us

how old were you when you watched your first rated R movie and you saw boobies and they said 'fuck' and 'shit'.... and what about violence? people being shot and killed with the pull of a trigger, kids watch this shit on tv and somewhere in the back of their minds they say "i guess its that easy" and they pick up a toy gun and pretend to brutally kill everyone for the next 3 years (every single one of us went through that phase)

how is the concept of homosexuality worse than the concept of murder?

11-03-2008, 11:47 PM
I'm the general consensus I believe. I take it you do think it's ok?

sure why not? people are different. you cant expect everyone to be like you. i know some gay people, im fine with them.

11-03-2008, 11:47 PM
there should have just been a poll with no posting. i just wanna see.

There already is.. go look in the Polls section.

11-03-2008, 11:47 PM
there should have just been a poll with no posting. i just wanna see.

Best post in this thread so far.

Rey of Spots
11-03-2008, 11:49 PM
Your guys are seriously comparing incest to homosexuality? That's.... Wow, just wow.
C'mon now. I'm sure back then, people thought homosexuality
was just disgusting, but now it's widely accepted. Incest could
be next, especially the way people want to be accepted as to love
WHOEVER they want, incest or not. It could happen.

11-03-2008, 11:50 PM
I'd rather my kid be gay because he was born like that, rather then them thinking its ok to be with guys/girls because the law says they can

When its time for you kid to start sticking his dick in other people his male instincts will tell him to crave the beaver. If he doesn't then your a crappy parent.

11-03-2008, 11:51 PM
Vote no on prop 8. “When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” -- Sinclair Lewis

Who gives a shit what the gay people do with each other? Who is going to get hurt by prop 8 passing? Little kids learning about gay marriage? Get the fuck over it.

I don't agree with gay marriage, but I realize that its not my place to stop anybody from doing it. If it hurts my feelings then oh well.

Laws should not be written to protect people's feelings.FUCKING THANK YOU....
thats all that needs to be said...

if i have tim eot vote ill vote no...who gives a fuck if 2 people wanna get hitched, there lucky not to die alone...

11-03-2008, 11:51 PM
Sorry, it's just that you're drawing connections between completely unrelated things. I should be more accepting of people who don't like to think about the things that they say.

My bad.

Nice try at insulting me.

The 2 incidents that I posted about (Columbine and Virginia Tech) were caused by kids losing it. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that a kid might eventually lose it after being teased and mocked about being in a gay family for so long. I hope we never find out.

11-03-2008, 11:52 PM
I'd rather my kid be gay because he was born like that, rather then them thinking its ok to be with guys/girls because the law says they can. Everyone jumps on here and assumes that people that oppose (in this case are with) are just haters and homophobes, like there's not logic to my argument.

Hey, if you keep letting people get away with shit, it's going to happen. There has to be a line somewhere.

What do you think will happen you you give people what they want?

so you think because there is a law its going to stop something such as having feelings for the same sex not happen?

they have laws about speeding, people still do it.

so you think if there is a law about gay marriage..the number of gay relationships will be on the rise.......nice.

shit is going to happen no matter what.

11-03-2008, 11:54 PM
Why does it have to be a marriage? Instead of all the bullshit, why don't they fight for a relationship title that will offer them the same benefits? Seriously, someone go find some homosexuals and tell them so register at this amazing site so they can join us in this conversation.

Why should they have a separate title? Are they second class citizens? Separate but equal was shot down a long time ago.

I'm voting yes. God designed marraige to be between a man and a woman. IMO who are we to change that? Plus think of what it will do to family values and the kids of gay marraiges? My 2 cents.

God didn't design marriage, people did because this is about CIVIL marriage (at city hall). If religions don't approve of gay marriage, then they won't be forced to grant them.

Well, if I was a child of a gay marraige I wouldn't want to tell people about my "2 daddys" or "my 2 moms." And I wouldn't want to put a child through the torment of having to go through that shit. We might have more columbine high or virginia tech incidents due to kids losing it.

Both the Columbine kids and the Va Tech shooter were the products of heterosexual marriages. As far as ridicule, the kids that go through that sort of thing usually turn out to be the Bill Gates type people because they have to overcome adversity at a very young age.

And as far as the marrying a comic character or horse, that is irrelevant. Legally, when two people get married, they become one entity. Both parties have to be able to consent to be married. A horse cannot consent to get married, nor can a fictional character.

Rey of Spots
11-03-2008, 11:54 PM
so you think because there is a law its going to stop something such as having feelings for the same sex not happen?

they have laws about speeding, people still do it.

so you think if there is a law about gay marriage..the number of gay relationships will be on the rise.......nice.

shit is going to happen no matter what.
The main point in Prop 8 is to not have the homosexual union called
a marriage. It's not telling them not to be together. Be together for all
we care, just don't call their legal union, a marriage.

beeracing s14
11-03-2008, 11:54 PM
INcest and Gay? wooohooo! real sodom and gomorrah to me! Brace yourself people as we are about the be rained with fire and salt!

No wonder with things like these goin on, I cant help that the end of this cruel world is nearby.

11-03-2008, 11:55 PM
I'd rather my kid be gay because he was born like that, rather then them thinking its ok to be with guys/girls because the law says they can. Everyone jumps on here and assumes that people that oppose (in this case are with) are just haters and homophobes, like there's not logic to my argument.

Regardless of what the law says, they're gonna want to be with whichever sex they're genetically designed to be with. If your son is straight, he's gonna want to pound vag no matter how many times he is told that it's okay to want to pound boy butt.
If your daughter is born straight, she's gonna want to get pounded by penis no matter how many times she's told that its okay to scissor other girls.

Then again, in this day in age, [emo] straight boys sometimes kiss other [emo] straight boys to get attention from cute [emo] chicks, and straight girls regularly suck face with other girls just to tease the boys, sooo. lol

The 2 incidents that I posted about (Columbine and Virginia Tech) were caused by kids losing it. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that a kid might eventually lose it after being teased and mocked about being in a gay family for so long. I hope we never find out.
And that, Norm, is exactly why parents should teach their children to be ACCEPTING of other people, rather than telling them that it is wrong to like people of the same sex.

Rey of Spots
11-03-2008, 11:59 PM
Guys, the main point of Prop 8 is to eliminate the legal union
of homosexuals by not calling it a marriage. Most of you seem
to think that it's about trying to eliminate homosexuality.

and straight girls regularly suck face with other girls just to tease the boys, sooo. lol
Now there is nothing wrong with that. :bigok:
I encourage it actually.


beeracing s14
11-03-2008, 11:59 PM
God said to go out there and multiply... how can 2 people of same sex multiply? by adoption?

11-04-2008, 12:02 AM
God didn't design marriage, people did because this is about CIVIL marriage (at city hall). If religions don't approve of gay marriage, then they won't be forced to grant them.

I read the Bible and yes it's in there. And this country is "One nation under God" so...yeah.

Both the Columbine kids and the Va Tech shooter were the products of heterosexual marriages. As far as ridicule, the kids that go through that sort of thing usually turn out to be the Bill Gates type people because they have to overcome adversity at a very young age.

The point has nothing to do with the parents peing heterosexual. It has to do with the fact that they lost it from being mocked. Homosexual parents would be just another excuse to insult the kids of these marriages. Anyway, unsuscribing because this is way out of hand :sadwavey:

11-04-2008, 12:03 AM
The main point in Prop 8 is to not have the homosexual union called
a marriage. It's not telling them not to be together. Be together for all
we care, just don't call their legal union, a marriage.

oh i know what it is, im just replying back to what he said.

to me, i don't care. marriage to me is a UNION between two people, let it be male or female.

11-04-2008, 12:05 AM
God said to go out there and multiply... how can 2 people of same sex multiply? by adoption?
The world is overpopulated as it is already, and there are tons of kids out there that need loving homes, so yeah, why not?

11-04-2008, 12:06 AM
God said to go out there and multiply... how can 2 people of same sex multiply? by adoption?

soooooo did you seriously post this?
lets stay outta the whole REL___ION topic.

Rey of Spots
11-04-2008, 12:07 AM
What if that trend continues? Pretty soon there will be no
more kids to adopt. OH NOES!


11-04-2008, 12:07 AM
god said to go out there and multiply... How can 2 people of same sex multiply? By adoption?

if the gay don't no one else will!!!!!!!11111!

11-04-2008, 12:08 AM
Nice try at insulting me.

The 2 incidents that I posted about (Columbine and Virginia Tech) were caused by kids losing it. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that a kid might eventually lose it after being teased and mocked about being in a gay family for so long. I hope we never find out.

I'm not insulting you. I'm just acknowledging that you tend to combine unrelated issues and unproven arguments to form opinions.

You're still using the "what if...?" argument without any real facts. Repeating it doesn't make it more valid, unfortunately.

I'm amazed that people still confuse their religious beliefs with absolute facts.

beeracing s14
11-04-2008, 12:11 AM
alright alright... im sleepy now but yet i wanna let you guys know that i rather stick my long rod to a cleaner hole. just my 10 cents there. good night yo!

11-04-2008, 12:11 AM
The world is overpopulated as it is already, and there are tons of kids out there that need loving homes, so yeah, why not?

good point!

im sure there are alot of orphaned toddlers living in a third world country and could give a shit less how their adoptive parents have intercourse under the covers of their bed in their room in the middle of the night while the kid is asleep

im sure when that kid (lets say hes a boy) gets older hes gonna be starring at some cutie girls thong sticking out of her pants for the entire 4th period biology class in middle school and say "yeah my parents are gay but I still wanna put my dick in sally's ass"

11-04-2008, 12:13 AM
You guys are funny.

Are you watching the news right now? There is bigger shit going on right now. The world is about to end with Nuclear WARS. It's on all news channels.....grab your guns and hide. :aw:

drift freaq
11-04-2008, 12:15 AM
Ill have to explain to my kids why Tom married Steve and cheated with Dale because people voted no on prop 8 lol

We should give rights to immigrants too, they are people and demand their rights as well. We should open up the borders since we should give them what they want.

I have no problem with gay people, im just thinking about the future of america, where gay relations will be more commonly open in the future.. Will open up more temptations to relationships.

20 years ago, this wasnt even considered debateble... 50 years ago, people had long great marraiges.. now a days , the devorce rate is at a all time high... Of course tho, i hear that could be in relation to womens rights having a greater roll now with individuality.

Austin, Austin, Austin, 50 years ago people had long great marriages because divorce was considered a big no no. If you were catholic you could be ex communicated for it. It was highly frowned on. Fact was people stuck in unhappy marriages stayed that way because of the social and religious stigma surrounding the concept of divorce. Trust me, my parents were married 25 years and when I came home one afternoon at the age of 15 and heard them talking about telling the kids about the divorce I tripped. It was like damn they are getting a divorce but they are Catholic wow. Things have changed for the better in that sense. Of course, If we want to debate the whole marriage thing? A lot of straight people get married for all the wrong reasons. Have children and get a divorce. Is that right?

Oh and to all the religious people in this thread who are talking about voting against it because its not how God intended and or morally wrong.

I suggest you take some of your own medicine i.e. Judge lest ye be Judged. In other words. Let people do what they want to and leave it up to God to decide.
To many people these days try to decide other peoples lives.

SexPanda has it right. Regardless of whether he agrees with it or not. The constitution of the United States clearly states that there shall be a complete separation of Church and State. Therefor the very act of voting down the right to marriage among gays based on religious opposition is a violation of the charter of this Nation.

Its time to take the Country back from the Religious who want to control the country through Religion!

This is a constitutional principle of the United States issue and anyone who votes yes on this measure? Seriously needs to go back and study the constitution and realize your violating the very foundation of this Nation.

Rey of Spots
11-04-2008, 12:18 AM
Who here thinks Prop 8 will actually pass? We all know your views,
but realistically, will it pass? I think it will.

beeracing s14
11-04-2008, 12:23 AM
it will pass as there are a lot of people basing it on moral grounds.

drift freaq
11-04-2008, 12:26 AM
I do not think it will pass, California is basically a state carried by Democrats. Democrats will vote no on prop 8 because they have the voting majority and lend themselves to liberal viewpoints. it will not pass.

11-04-2008, 12:26 AM
I sincerely hope that the majority of California voters are NOT close-minded enough to make this pass.

11-04-2008, 12:30 AM
Waking up tomorrow at 7am to vote for my presidential candidate and no on prop 8.

Shit the line is gonna suck....

11-04-2008, 12:30 AM
Thank you. I could've said it better myself.


Threads like this are neat because they help to expose which members are ignorant fucking idiots.

And I couldn't have said that better myself.


11-04-2008, 12:39 AM
And I couldn't have said that better myself.


we missed your always omnipotent and sarcastic viewpoints elliot

feel free to continue discussing what you already know:keke:

11-04-2008, 12:41 AM
Yeah I was too busy jerkin to this new thing I found thanks to prop 8.

Shits like regular porn, just the girls never come.

Hide the children.

11-04-2008, 12:43 AM
Yeah I was too busy jerkin to this new thing I found thanks to prop 8.

Shits like regular porn, just the girls never come.

Hide the children.

i should have known all along...

11-04-2008, 12:46 AM
i should have known all along...

That's why I feed you turkey and tylenol pm when you crash at my place.

Wouldn't want you waking up and putting the calcium clamp on the old balls while I'm making tea...

11-04-2008, 12:48 AM
That's why I feed you turkey and tylenol pm when you crash at my place.

Wouldn't want you waking up and putting the calcium clamp on the old balls while I'm making tea...

waking up?

but im never asleep...:w00t:

11-04-2008, 12:48 AM
waking up?

but im never asleep...:w00t:

I should have known all along...

JayDee M Rolly
11-04-2008, 12:50 AM
you wanna know what to vote for? watch the damn commercials, the one that makes sense is the correct one to vote for.

the yes on Prop 8 commercials doesnt even have a fucking good argument as to why you should vote against gay marriage, it just uses children as an excuse which is sad...

the points have already been made on this thread:
-your kids are going to find out about gays sooner or later
-it isnt right to take away people's rights
-gay people are born gay, they dont turn gay because they see steve and adam making out, hell because of our society today the only chance you will actually see steve and adam making out is at a gay club.
-you arent going to be hurt at all by gay people getting married, you arent going to see them get married, you arent going to see them make out, you arent seeing them AT ALL.

11-04-2008, 12:53 AM
with that being said I officially mark this


11-04-2008, 12:55 AM


Now you can end it.

11-04-2008, 12:57 AM
drift freaq i wanna thank you for that mature response. good night man !

i shouldnt even debate this, my ass didnt register *didnt feel like it was a priority for me right now, being jobless and all wasnt really in the mood* but wish i did so i could do something. oh well.

hope u guys get your votes in!!

11-04-2008, 01:01 AM
lol this thread is awesome and funny. thank god i'm in Oklahoma and dont have to deal with this. Although I'm for it. Its kinda what drift freaq said, but in the opposite. It'll never pass here. and I know that. Doesn't affect me, I dont care.

11-04-2008, 01:04 AM
drift freaq i wanna thank you for that mature response. good night man !

i shouldnt even debate this, my ass didnt register *didnt feel like it was a priority for me right now, being jobless and all wasnt really in the mood* but wish i did so i could do something. oh well.

hope u guys get your votes in!!

The chick in your avatar has a dick.

Rey of Spots
11-04-2008, 01:08 AM
Maybe that's why he wants Prop 8 to fail.


11-04-2008, 01:09 AM



Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California.
Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
Summary of Legislative Analyst’s Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact:

Over the next few years, potential revenue loss, mainly from sales taxes, totaling in the several tens of millions of dollars, to state and local governments.
In the long run, likely little fiscal impact on state and local governments.

Basically, Proposition 8 is against Gay marriages.

If you vote NO, then It's okay for gay marriages and NOT eliminate the right of gay marriage.
If you vote Yes, then you are against gay marriages.

Isn't it tricky, people think that it's Yes for gay marriages and No for no Gay marriages, IT'S THE OPPOSITE!!!



11-04-2008, 01:19 AM
im hoping EVERYONE that has an opinion
is voting tomorrow.

11-04-2008, 01:24 AM
I love how people took either
Nature or Nurture and not a combination of both.

If it wasn't for society and all the norms were establishing with laws, we wouldn't be where we are today. Although we are genetically predisposed to do certain things and grow a certain, we all influence each other.

I'm voting No on 8 just to see the backlash it'll create in society where the kids of same sex couples get beat up. Or if not beat up, to see the values that gay parents will instill in their kids. If it'll make an army of caring loving children who don't know what being an Alpha Male is about. Technically culturing a 2nd class citizen. It won't matter though, since the kid will still have the genetics of a 'true' male and a 'true' female. Unless a gay male finds a gay female...

And yes, I'm also excited at the fact that there will be new terms. The terms like 'true' male / 'real' parents will certainly alienate those gay males / parents and then we'd have another battle of words, symbols and ideologies.
(like Policeman vs Police officer to be gender neutral)

This is going to be a pretty radical change.

11-04-2008, 01:29 AM

The New Social Experiment.


11-04-2008, 01:33 AM
I love how people took either
Nature or Nurture and not a combination of both.

way to miss out on half the posts man

11-04-2008, 01:41 AM
Im voting yes on 8

11-04-2008, 01:50 AM
Pick up a history book seriously... learn about the Roman's and Greek's with Christianity and Judaism

11-04-2008, 01:52 AM
I love how people took either
Nature or Nurture and not a combination of both.

If it wasn't for society and all the norms were establishing with laws, we wouldn't be where we are today. Although we are genetically predisposed to do certain things and grow a certain, we all influence each other.

I'm voting No on 8 just to see the backlash it'll create in society where the kids of same sex couples get beat up. Or if not beat up, to see the values that gay parents will instill in their kids. If it'll make an army of caring loving children who don't know what being an Alpha Male is about. Technically culturing a 2nd class citizen. It won't matter though, since the kid will still have the genetics of a 'true' male and a 'true' female. Unless a gay male finds a gay female...

And yes, I'm also excited at the fact that there will be new terms. The terms like 'true' male / 'real' parents will certainly alienate those gay males / parents and then we'd have another battle of words, symbols and ideologies.
(like Policeman vs Police officer to be gender neutral)

This is going to be a pretty radical change.

Just watch George Carlin and his "soft" language segment.

I Personally have never met a Gay person, or at least a bad Gay person. I've meet bad Mexicans, bad Asians, bad white people, bad Black people, but I've not met any bad Gay persons in my life.

I reserve judgement on gay people. The fact is, no matter what race, there are GAYS. Gays are the Ninjas in every culture, they exist in the night.

I DON'T EVEN LIKE THE CONCEPT OF MARRIAGE ITSELF. I am against Marriage in general. It's just a concept created by women and fortified by religion and certified by the government.

Who is to say that two people in love, can't live happily without a document or a ceremony?

It's not even about morals and values. It is upon the person and persons.

I would rather have two Smart lesbians raise a child than some straight KuKluxKlan couple raising their kids to hate.

It's not a about values. There are straight couples that shouldn't raise kids, and there are gays that shouldn't either.

It's about human rights. Stop cock blocking people, let them Scissor all they want, as long as it doesn't hurt me physically, mentally, financially, I don't care.

With respect to my kids, I probably will kick his butt wants to be gay, but if he is gay and gets married, i'll probably be pissed off, but i won't be a dick about it and torture him. I'll probably just tell him to make good decisions and do what he loves. I may not approve, but that doesn't mean that it is morally wrong.

As long as the two people consent and are not hurting anyone, let them butt ram themselves. Just do it in private.

It's not like gay marriages will fix the economy or not, it's not like gay marriage will end wars, it's not like gas prices will drop because you vote yes or no......

I rather have happy gays than angry gays. Gays=People.

Let them be married, ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME~ Tupac~

Vision Garage
11-04-2008, 01:54 AM
hahaha i figured there would be a thread on this shit. If i were to vote I would vote yes on 8. I really dont see why they need the "name" when they already get all the rights? I really dont think "God" intended for gays to exist. I mean, if he did "intend" for them to exist, wouldnt he allow them to "create" together? A sperm and egg is needed which comes from a male and a female. Not a male and a male.

I know San Francisco will vote no by a landslide! Gluck gays!

Continue with the thread plz.

11-04-2008, 02:04 AM
If i were to vote I would vote yes on 8. I really dont see why they need the "name" when they already get all the rights?
Thats the issue. "Domestic Partners" DO NOT get all of the same rights and benefits as married couples do.
Hence why they want that title.

11-04-2008, 02:06 AM
hahaha i figured there would be a thread on this shit. If i were to vote I would vote yes on 8. I really dont see why they need the "name" when they already get all the rights? I really dont think "God" intended for gays to exist. I mean, if he did "intend" for them to exist, wouldnt he allow them to "create" together? A sperm and egg is needed which comes from a male and a female. Not a male and a male.

I know San Francisco will vote no by a landslide! Gluck gays!

Continue with the thread plz.

Well, that's incorrect.

We are living God's plan and if God created everything and it is planned and destined, Gays are created by GOD.

It's Gods fault if gays exist. Since he made us, and gave with all the genetics, Gays can't help it, it's genetic, it's God that made them.

Even if Gays had the ability to chose to be straight or not, GOD gave gay people these freedom of choices.~:love:

Vision Garage
11-04-2008, 02:10 AM
can you send me a link to where being gay is linked to genetics? I dont believe that there is a gene that says whether one human or another will be gay.

Everyone makes mistakes, even GOD :)

JayDee M Rolly
11-04-2008, 02:12 AM
i think he meant its natural for gays to be gays, its not necessarily genetic.

Vision Garage
11-04-2008, 02:18 AM
see i cant really buy that its natural argument. I think it has to do with their environment or from some type of trauma that caused them to be gay. A girl who has failed too many relationships with guys decides to date girls because its easier. Or a guy who was molested as a kid or one who hung out with too many girls. Nothing genetic but more environment.

Exposure to homosexuality will only make kids curious about it. Id rather schools teach kids about adam and eve in 6th grade and have them learn about homosexuality later. Exposing them to it at such a young age and saying that "IT IS OKAY" can really mess up a kids mind.

JayDee M Rolly
11-04-2008, 02:26 AM
not necessarily, kids know more than you think, and if you have little siblings youd know that. and your arugment saying that exposing them to such a young age can mess up their mind is stupid, because like soreballz said, theres alot of kids raised by same sex parents, and they end up better than most straight parents. and they end up not gay? wow how is that possible...

if you think an environment changed the sexual preference of one person, then that might be the case, but what about the other gays? did they too get sexually molested or had failed marriages? doubt it...

if the gays had a choice whether or not to be gay, then wouldnt they choose not to be gay for society's sake? or atleast kill themselves (which happens to be the case for most gays) just because our society is so damn ignorant.

i guess ignorance isnt bliss.

Vision Garage
11-04-2008, 02:36 AM
haha i love playing devils advocate. As kids, we learn from right and wrong, good and bad, and all that good stuff. I dont feel that it is right to say its okay to be gay to little kids at such a young age. Let them find out in high school. Yes they will find out about homosexuality sooner or later. I just prefer the later. it is apart of society yes, but is it "okay"? I wouldnt want my kids thinking that is was.

p.s no kids yet.

Environment has a great deal to do with how people turn out. Not all gay kids will have some sort of "incident" or what not as a kid but it doesnt prove that that is not a factor. Let them have all the rights of marriage and call it a "domestic partnership" is that good enough?

JayDee M Rolly
11-04-2008, 02:40 AM
marriage is a right a person should have in this country, and voting against that is basically taking away rights this country was built upon.

i think someone said that already?

11-04-2008, 05:37 AM
Why do people not believe that people can be gay without having a fucked up childhood?

Vision Garage
11-04-2008, 08:32 AM
So if getting high all day makes me happy should we vote to make it legal? DISCUSS?

11-04-2008, 08:34 AM
So if getting high all day makes me happy should we vote to make it legal? DISCUSS?

That is a seperate discussion.

Vision Garage
11-04-2008, 08:39 AM
So what does that guy have to say about all this?

11-04-2008, 08:39 AM
can you send me a link to where being gay is linked to genetics? I dont believe that there is a gene that says whether one human or another will be gay.

Everyone makes mistakes, even GOD :)

Can't give you the papers since it would be pirating (weird, I know) but if you have access to journal subscriptions then check out:

Are Complex Behaviors Specified
by Dedicated Regulatory Genes?
Reasoning from Drosophila


Control of Male Sexual Behavior
and Sexual Orientation in Drosophila
by the fruitless Gene

I had to read these and discuss them for a major exam I had earlier this semester. There is a lot of evidence from twin studies to this gene in Drosophila that point to there being not only a genetic aspect to homosexuality but also behaviour in general.

I'm sure you're going to say "But those are flies, not humans!" This is true, but the gene simply affects a pathway, the same way it would in a human. ;)

Awaiting your response.

11-04-2008, 08:40 AM
Assuming you are asking me, even though I am ThatGuy not that guy...

I stated my opinion in the Poll Thread, numerous times. :bow:

As can be seen here:
Everyone deserves the right to be happy. If that happens to be with someone of the same gender, then so be it.

Yay for Ellen and Portia!!

^Prostitution and Maijuana are already legal in some places.

Segregation and hate are more demoralizing to our country then acceptance.

Too many people treat Gay like it's super AIDS. "OMG there's a Gay person on my street, now we're all gonna get it, and the world is going to open up and swallow us hole, then deliver us into Hell. It's all the Gay's fault!"

It's just silly. Live and let live people.

I really don't like this turning into a religious debate, but please allow me to say this.

L. Ron Hubbard wrote a book, filled with stories and fables, and a religion was based off of it. The members of that religion are highly criticized.

King James (among others) translated and CHANGED a collection of stories and fables, put them all in one book, and a religion was based off of it. The members of that religion have taken over most of the world.

Now, let it be said. I believe in God. I have read the Bible. I enjoy the lessons it teaches, and was brought up to respect it. However I do not regard it as the "END ALL KNOW ALL". Except for maybe the words written in red and even those have been translated from someone's interpretation of what was said at the time.

Both sides of this argument have quoted scripture and passages to support how they feel one way or another. That just proves that it has been personal preference that has dictated the Bible throughout history. When you pick and choose verses, you can make whatever claims you like.

I'm pretty much done with this Thread and I don't forsee it staying open much longer.

This should be a discussion about human rights, not religious practices.

You know it's funny, my daughter is kindergarten right now, and she's never come home talking about marriage. Same sex or not.

If they aren't teaching marriage now, why would they start?

Paranoid bigots.

Vision Garage
11-04-2008, 08:52 AM
svensko, we are talking about creatures of logic, although it may be found in flies, can you really say that are logically enough to know what they are doing? I do not believe we can compare species who are on different levels. Find me research that portains to humans or monkeys and it will be a different story.

11-04-2008, 08:55 AM
^^ ThatGuy, you've gained my respect. I know it may not mean much coming from some guy you've never met on an online forum, but honestly the way you've placed everything so thoughtful and organized in that last post was simply perfect. Thanks for that.

11-04-2008, 08:55 AM
svensko, we are talking about creatures of logic, although it may be found in flies, can you really say that are logically enough to know what they are doing? I do not believe we can compare species who are on different levels. Find me research that portains to humans or monkeys and it will be a different story.

How do you think humans are formed? Magic? :tardrim:

No, they are formed through biochemical pathways, just like monkies and flies. Don't pull a Sarah Palin on me and show off your ignorance to the entire world. Did you even bother to read the papers? They mention how it relates to humans. Do you have any sort of genetic/biological/developmental background to even qualify you for discussing this topic?

Also, did you not read my comment about twin studies? Those are done on humans. Please, do some more research before you try to preach to others about this stuff.

11-04-2008, 09:22 AM
I'm actually not voting this year. But, I have alot of close friends who are gay so I hope it does not pass...

That is all.

11-04-2008, 09:27 AM
Vision Garage, Drosophila do infact have fairly complex courtship rituals. Once again, don't forget to at least read the paper before you embarrass yourself agian. :hsdance:

Vision Garage
11-04-2008, 09:34 AM
gosh ppl get so irate about this. sorry I didn't have time to read your link since I'm at work on my phone. if you are gonna get butt hurt from my comments the internet is not for you my friend

11-04-2008, 09:37 AM
gosh ppl get so irate about this. sorry I didn't have time to read your link since I'm at work on my phone. if you are gonna get butt hurt from my comments the internet is not for you my friend

You are just spouting ignorance, have no background knowledge to back it up and are even denying published papers without even reading the papers. :ugh:

11-04-2008, 09:53 AM
Prop 8 was nowhere on my ballot this morning....

Rey of Spots
11-04-2008, 09:53 AM
It's a Cali prop.

drift freaq
11-04-2008, 09:54 AM
You are just spouting ignorance, have no background knowledge to back it up and are even denying published papers without even reading the papers. :ugh:

It's hopeless. He is being ignorant and I seriously doubt he will believe even the facts, if he read them.
Truth be told to Vision, I said this in the last thread about this and I will say it again here.

Do you, honestly think someone just decides to be ostracized, discriminated against, ridiculed, segregated to separate areas etc... All due to choice to like dick instead of pussy?.

I am sorry, but if you think even the dumbest people in the world wish that upon themselves, if they had a choice, your dumber than they are.

I know Gay people. They have even said, they did not decide to be gay and they made a statement similar to the question I poised to you above, about choice.

Oh and this response is not about being butt hurt because I am not gay. LOL Its about me being tired of seeing the amount of ignorance that's been being spouted on this forum of late.

11-04-2008, 10:27 AM
[QUOTE=drift freaq;2427936]

Do you, honestly think someone just decides to be ostracized, discriminated against, ridiculed, segregated to separate areas etc... All due to choice to like dick instead of pussy?QUOTE]

I'm all for everyone having equal rights, but i don't believe that ALL gays are born that way, yes there may be some that have always been that way, but there are many that do it for other reasons. Some do it for pleasure, some do it because there simply wasn't anyone of the opposite sex that found them attractive, some have childhood experiences that change the way they feel about the opposite sex. All I'm saying is that you cannot classify all gays under the same "They were born that way" argument. Because as much ridicule as they may come upon for their decisions some do actually choose to be that way.

11-04-2008, 10:29 AM
vote (whichever way keeps george takei married), you california retards

don't oppress people with religion, thx (ADMIT IT).

(edit: i may have had that backwards, i don't know, i'm not from there)

11-04-2008, 10:31 AM
No one knows for sure, 100%, why gay people are gay. No one.

Don't pretend you do, because you do not.

Vision Garage
11-04-2008, 10:31 AM
haha ill read up on it when I get home. ignorant this ignorant that. I jst like to argue. but seriously ill read it

11-04-2008, 10:34 AM
^^ ThatGuy, you've gained my respect. I know it may not mean much coming from some guy you've never met on an online forum, but honestly the way you've placed everything so thoughtful and organized in that last post was simply perfect. Thanks for that.

Well, thanks for the kind words. All those quotes above were just my answers to other people's arguments from the first Prop 8 Thread.

11-04-2008, 10:35 AM
No one knows for sure, 100%, why gay people are gay. No one.

Don't pretend you do, because you do not.

I'm not pretending i know 100% but based on people i do know, not all of them were "born gay"

11-04-2008, 10:37 AM
haha ill read up on it when I get home. ignorant this ignorant that. I jst like to argue. but seriously ill read it

Take about four years of biochem/genetics classes so it makes sense too. :bigok:

11-04-2008, 10:38 AM
That's fine. There's a difference between forming an opinion based on what you've seen, and decisively saying "ALL gay people (are born that way/decided to be that way)."

drift freaq
11-04-2008, 10:40 AM
[QUOTE=drift freaq;2427936]

Do you, honestly think someone just decides to be ostracized, discriminated against, ridiculed, segregated to separate areas etc... All due to choice to like dick instead of pussy?QUOTE]

I'm all for everyone having equal rights, but i don't believe that ALL gays are born that way, yes there may be some that have always been that way, but there are many that do it for other reasons. Some do it for pleasure, some do it because there simply wasn't anyone of the opposite sex that found them attractive, some have childhood experiences that change the way they feel about the opposite sex. All I'm saying is that you cannot classify all gays under the same "They were born that way" argument. Because as much ridicule as they may come upon for their decisions some do actually choose to be that way.

Ah.... sorry man, but people's sexuality, while it might be on a sliding scale, I do not feel is a choice they make.
Any person that decides they are gay, was probably gay to begin with and had just not come to terms with it. Due to society socially stigmatizing that reality.

With your argument above, I could say you chose to be straight, or for that fact some people chose to be straight, even though they are gay.

Guess what, when gays were even more repressed,gay men tried to chose to be straight. They discovered it did not work. They wound up changing teams because they realized they could not fight what they really were. Now you're

Seriously if you think someone goes gay because someone of the opposite sex does not find them attractive well that's pretty damn ignorant. Gay guys are the pickiest mother fuckers this side of the sun. You think a non good looking guy is going to have a better chance by going gay. LOL

Plus contrary to your typical male belief that looks determine how a Women is attracted to man. Most mature, intelligent non air headed women will tell you that looks actually figures farther back in the equation than you think. Women are attracted to confidence and power. This explains why extremely powerful fat man pull down awesome women. My father has been overweight ever since my parents got divorced and he has never had a problem pulling in movie stars and powerful exciting attractive women. Why? He is successful and powerful man.

Wake up and smell the coffee learn more about what makes people tick seriously.

11-04-2008, 10:51 AM
Okay but with your arguement, I can bring an example in where that is not 100% true that they are born that way. A girl I knew back in middle school liked dudes alot until she was raped by her uncle, then she developed a hatred for men, and from then on only liked women. It's just a personal example and maybe the trauma to her caused something in her to change but it is something that I would say she was not "born with".

11-04-2008, 10:52 AM
can you send me a link to where being gay is linked to genetics? I dont believe that there is a gene that says whether one human or another will be gay.

Everyone makes mistakes, even GOD :)

LOL. If God makes mistakes then we all could be "mistakes."

Right there is your flawed premise.

If God can make a mistake, he made gay people and "god" didn't want gay people, that must mean that it may be Okay for gays to exist.

Your arguement FAILED.

11-04-2008, 10:55 AM
With respect to genetics and nature.

IT is a fact that there are homosexual animals besides that human species. There are animals who also exert homesexual behaviors.

Since man is the only animal who can have the ability to "reason"

How do you explain homosexuality in animals?
How can animals "Chose" or not chose to be homesexuals if they do not have an understanding of logic and reasoning?

Hence, homosexuality may be nature or genetics. IT IS NOT A CHOICE.

11-04-2008, 10:57 AM
Behavior is affected by both nature and nuture. Also, you do realize that males typically mount males in nature to show dominance, right?

11-04-2008, 11:01 AM
I acutually don't know why males hump males. It may be an expression of dominance, passion, love, or what not.

By definition, isn't that homosexual behavior?

Males humping males is a homesexual behavior, no matter if it is in human or in animals.

Now, is a male humping male considered homosexuality?

Well, if you had sex with your buddy, are you a homosexual?
You may be, for the moment, because you're engaging in homosexual activity.

But can one say that "oh I was only gay for that hour"....and is that the homosexuality were talking about?

11-04-2008, 11:01 AM
Hence, homosexuality may be nature or genetics. IT IS NOT A CHOICE.

The fact is, though, you cannot logically eliminate any factor from being a possible influence on how someone turns out, in regards to their sexual orientation or anything else.

Maybe there is a gene that some people are born with that influences, not decides, their susceptibility to having a homosexual orientation.

Maybe a person's upbringing has an influence on their sexual orientation when they become adults.

Maybe there are other factors as well, all of which would play a role in determining same-sex or other-sex preference. How can anyone say definitively that the choices a person makes can't be one of those factors?

11-04-2008, 11:09 AM
The fact is, though, you cannot logically eliminate any factor from being a possible influence on how someone turns out, in regards to their sexual orientation or anything else.

Maybe there is a gene that some people are born with that influences, not decides, their susceptibility to having a homosexual orientation.

Maybe a person's upbringing has an influence on their sexual orientation when they become adults.

Maybe there are other factors as well, all of which would play a role in determining same-sex or other-sex preference. How can anyone say definitively that the choices a person makes can't be one of those factors?

That has truth to it. Influence does have a percentage of contribution to a persons life. However, we all know that hormones, testosterones, and pheromones can have an effect on the human body biologically.

Is it possible that there can be a chemical imballanace that can cause a Male to be more towards female genotype?

If a woman had excessive or irregular amounts of hormones, couldn't that effect her body and mind?

I am just saying that it could be a combination of factors, but biology may have a big factor.

No one really wants to be Gay, i would assume that if they could change and be "normal", they would. No one wants to be stricken with a disease or cancer, if people could "choose" to be "normal" they would.

11-04-2008, 11:09 AM
i read through this whole thread and i see a lot of comments referring towards "God"...

and thats the problem with this proposition, is that people are forgetting to keep separation of government and religion...if everyone thought that way (sparation of church and state) then they would be able to see that it is wrong to deny someone their constitutional rights...

11-04-2008, 11:19 AM
Stoichiometric, err SqueekyClean, err Duce, who said you were welcome on Zilvia again after banning your other user names?

11-04-2008, 11:20 AM
LOL. If God makes mistakes then we all could be "mistakes."

Right there is your flawed premise.

If God can make a mistake, he made gay people and "god" didn't want gay people, that must mean that it may be Okay for gays to exist.

Your arguement FAILED.

God doesn't exist
your opinion is based on lies

awww :(

11-04-2008, 11:22 AM
You have the wrong person.

I've been a member since april. I am not Squeekyclean or duce.

11-04-2008, 11:22 AM
Seeing how many liberals there are in Cali, its going to be hard for No on 8 to succeed.

11-04-2008, 11:24 AM
This is such a good thread.

Contrary to what my brother's said, i'm voting NO on 8.

Some people might argue that escalation will happen, them wanting more rights, etc etc etc. i say, So what? if you really want to stop homosexuals from exercising their rights, might as well send all non-white's back to their homelands. I associate not being able to get officially 'married' the same as not giving afro-americans rights. Its that damn serious.

11-04-2008, 11:25 AM
Seeing how many liberals there are in Cali, its going to be hard for No on 8 to succeed.

Please know your prop 8.

It is easy for NO on prop 8 in Cali. No means not eliminating gay marriages.

Man, people don't even know the proposition...at all.

11-04-2008, 11:27 AM
This is such a good thread.

Contrary to what my brother's said, i'm voting NO on 8.

Some people might argue that escalation will happen, them wanting more rights, etc etc etc. i say, So what? if you really want to stop homosexuals from exercising their rights, might as well send all non-white's back to their homelands. I associate not being able to get officially 'married' the same as not giving afro-americans rights. Its that damn serious.

If you vote NO, you will eliminate the proposition and GAYS will WIN.

THE proposition is "ELIMINATING GAY RIGHTS" If you VOTE no, then you're FOR GAYS.


11-04-2008, 11:29 AM
90% of people don't even know the damn proposition.

They think it's Yes for gays and No for no gays.



Mi Beardo es Loco
11-04-2008, 11:33 AM
Okay but with your arguement, I can bring an example in where that is not 100% true that they are born that way. A girl I knew back in middle school liked dudes alot until she was raped by her uncle, then she developed a hatred for men, and from then on only liked women. It's just a personal example and maybe the trauma to her caused something in her to change but it is something that I would say she was not "born with".
this is a horrible example. That girl needs psychiatry. It is so blatantly obvious why she hates men, so does that mean most lesbians had that happen to them?
The state needs to stay the fuck out of people's business and let people live their lives. Think about this, if a gay couple were together for 50 years and lived the lives of a married couple yet one family disapproves of them and that person dies then his spouse does not
Point is that people just need to be a lot more tolerant. It's sad that gay marriage is even being considered abolished. It speaks volumes for how simple minded people who are for the bill are.


Rey of Spots
11-04-2008, 11:36 AM
90% of people don't even know the damn proposition.

They think it's Yes for gays and No for no gays.



The main point in Prop 8 is to not have the homosexual union called
a marriage. It's not telling them not to be together. Be together for all
we care, just don't call their legal union, a marriage.

Guys, the main point of Prop 8 is to eliminate the legal union
of homosexuals by not calling it a marriage. Most of you seem
to think that it's about trying to eliminate homosexuality.

message length

11-04-2008, 11:36 AM
Please know your prop 8.

It is easy for NO on prop 8 in Cali. No means not eliminating gay marriages.

Man, people don't even know the proposition...at all.

If you vote NO, you will eliminate the proposition and GAYS will WIN.

THE proposition is "ELIMINATING GAY RIGHTS" If you VOTE no, then you're FOR GAYS.


90% of people don't even know the damn proposition.

They think it's Yes for gays and No for no gays.



lolumad triple post?

11-04-2008, 11:38 AM
I was in Escondido recently. There were a bunch of Prop 8 supporters on the sidewalk and there was some mondo traffic. So I decided to perform an experiment. I hung out the window of my car and yelled "Fuck Q****" most of them started cheering and saying it themselves, even with small children in their midst.

People... I can't stand it.

11-04-2008, 11:45 AM
I'm an IDIOT!

I am FOR gay marriages.

I am voting NO on 8.

I'm enabling you to get married to your BF, Brutus.

11-04-2008, 11:47 AM
I was in Escondido recently. There were a bunch of Prop 8 supporters on the sidewalk and there was some mondo traffic. So I decided to perform an experiment. I hung out the window of my car and yelled "Fuck Q****" most of them started cheering and saying it themselves, even with small children in their midst.

People... I can't stand it.

you think that's bad?



11-04-2008, 11:49 AM
why am i not surprised they are white and redheaded (at least it looks like that, im colorblind :( )...i know they're white for sure

11-04-2008, 11:49 AM
why am i not surprised they are white and redheaded (at least it looks like that, im colorblind :( )

Yeah, what do they care what god thinks? He didn't even give them souls.


drift freaq
11-04-2008, 11:49 AM
Okay but with your arguement, I can bring an example in where that is not 100% true that they are born that way. A girl I knew back in middle school liked dudes alot until she was raped by her uncle, then she developed a hatred for men, and from then on only liked women. It's just a personal example and maybe the trauma to her caused something in her to change but it is something that I would say she was not "born with".

Well see she may not be a lesbian. Because what you're seeing in her actions is a mental reaction to a traumatic event, that she has failed to come to terms with in a proper process. In other words she is acting out.
Rather than accepting and getting over what happened.

However horrible it may be, stuff happens in life and we have to learn and grow through it. She is not doing that. If she worked on herself she would probably discover she still likes men and maybe was actually bi but not a 100% lesbian. Or that in all honesty she like guys because society told her to like guys.

Therefor a person deciding they are one sexuality or not is not a decision one makes. Its something that's hard wired into the makeup of the person. The only thing they do is come to the realization of what they are and accept it.

11-04-2008, 11:53 AM
why am i not surprised they are white and redheaded (at least it looks like that, im colorblind :( )...i know they're white for sure

westboro baptist church, they're located in kansas. they come to STL all the time, it sucks
they're probably in cali right now because of prop 8 though

11-04-2008, 11:53 AM
I'll reiterate this.

The fact is, though, you cannot logically eliminate any factor from being a possible influence on how someone turns out, in regards to their sexual orientation or anything else.

Maybe there is a gene that some people are born with that influences, not decides, their susceptibility to having a homosexual orientation.

Maybe a person's upbringing has an influence on their sexual orientation when they become adults.

Maybe there are other factors as well, all of which would play a role in determining same-sex or other-sex preference. How can anyone say definitively that the choices a person makes can't be one of those factors?

11-04-2008, 02:14 PM
in a perfect world we could just call it something else and everything would be fine but that's avoiding what the gay community really wants. they don't want to be called something different. they just want to be accepted as people and get treated the same, so calling it something else is out of the question.

to me people are people and they should be treated the same but thats why we vote. im not saying everyone will get what they want but if in the future having sex with animals becomes more social i bet there will be a prop for that. it all depends on the people and in california we all know the gay community is big so thats why this got brought up here imo.

i know that some people belive that if we let them have marriage then we have to allow others to get married but thats not the point at hand. when there is a prop to vote for or againts the right to marriage between "X and X" then our state will decide.

11-04-2008, 02:15 PM
No, in a perfect world we wouldn't have stupid shit bags everywhere everyone looks and we could just call it marriage and be done with it.

11-04-2008, 02:32 PM
i read through this whole thread and i see a lot of comments referring towards "God"...

and thats the problem with this proposition, is that people are forgetting to keep separation of government and religion...if everyone thought that way (separation of church and state) then they would be able to see that it is wrong to deny someone their constitutional rights...

The problem with marriage is that it is a union of man and woman under god, it is a ceremony that was created by religion. Thus the government is stepping in and telling these people they have to modify their religion to atone to the change in the times.

It's bad enough people have a hard time coping with the fact that religion is make believe.

Basically making it OK for gays to marry is like telling star wars fans that george lucas is going to remake the star wars trilogy and change historical events in the story line to atone for some idea's he left out.

In the end, religious zealot's head's exploded and faces have melted causing an outrage amongst the half assed lord loving citizens of California. There are so many different religions out there besides Christianity and Catholicism but truth be told those are the front runners who feel their belief's are more popular than the consensus.

So now to fight back they have fabricated guestimizations on what the outcome would be and gays will now run the country. Next thing you know our future president will be a homosexual middle eastern man married to a goat. All hope for the KKK will be lost and America will finally find it's place as a 3rd world country.

These are the types of things people are trying to express will happen with Obama's term in office and the failure of prop 8. It's all quite silly actually, I can respect the fact that the zealots and heretics would like to keep their stupid religion somewhat sacred still.

However going around and telling your children they need to discriminate against other people for what they do in public and behind closed doors, and it's not right to feel how you feel about other people and live the life you want.

Well that right there is called hatred, and these same type of people are the ones who made me feel it was wrong to be half black when I was a kid, and to tell me my parents were wrong for having an interracial relationship. And now that the black man is just another man amongst society, we need to find someone else to hate and discriminate and we can all agree we don't like homos.

Because they come in all colors, shapes, and sizes and sexes. But these same people probably masturbate to lesbo porn, or love seeing big cock money shots getting dabbed on little innocent debbies teen face, while touching little boys in church and molesting them.

but god forbid we let the preacher have his alter boy to have and to hold until death do them part.

i'm bored.

prop 8 is fucking retarded and unnecessary.

it's a win/win lose/lose situation depending on where you are on the fence.

in a nutshell, if I cared to vote. I would vote no, because I don't discriminate against other people regardless of their faults.

We all bleed the same color in the end.

11-04-2008, 02:33 PM
The chick in your avatar has a dick.

thats megan fox
it does look like she has a bulge tho huh...

11-04-2008, 02:45 PM
thats megan fox
it does look like she has a bulge tho huh...

I've already made my stance on that cake face very clear.

But seriously... what's up with that bulge?


11-04-2008, 02:47 PM
punk! now i gotta redue my avatar lol

11-04-2008, 02:47 PM
They airbrushed out her "toe" and got a little carried away. Plus the fluff she's holding in her left hand obscures part of the image and accentuates the "bulge".

Back to Prop 8 discussion.

s13 @ fullboost
11-04-2008, 02:48 PM
I already opend a poll on this and it just turned into a giant war and thats why I locked it. but seems like yours is going a little better I hope EVERYONE votes today I wish I could vote also but seeing how I am 17 =/ I cant have a good day everybody

11-04-2008, 02:54 PM
I live in Toronto Canada, and gay marriage is legal here.
I think for the most part though, it passed here because we dont have as many stupid, fucking rednecks that you guys down there do. Unfortunatly people in america have a tendancy to be more close minded about shit like this because of the way religion is forced on you.

The sky didnt fall, we arent burning in hell, gee i guess god didnt care after all.

11-04-2008, 03:15 PM
i love reading the prop8 thread on ziptied. shits comedy.

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-04-2008, 03:23 PM
I live in Toronto Canada, and gay marriage is legal here.
I think for the most part though, it passed here because we dont have as many stupid, fucking rednecks that you guys down there do. Unfortunatly people in america have a tendancy to be more close minded about shit like this because of the way religion is forced on you.

The sky didnt fall, we arent burning in hell, gee i guess god didnt care after all.
What? you mean god DID'NT create 9/11 because he works in mysterious ways? But you have to admit that god has visiting Bush and gave him the thumbs up.....right?

11-04-2008, 03:50 PM
What? you mean god DID'NT create 9/11 because he works in mysterious ways? But you have to admit that god has visiting Bush and gave him the thumbs up.....right?

Get your fucking facts straight, 9/11 was orchestrated by the all great Allah.

JC and GOD get a pass on that one.

Rey of Spots
11-04-2008, 03:50 PM

Baka Sama
11-04-2008, 04:14 PM
...marriage is that it is a union of man and woman under god, it is a ceremony that was created by religion. Thus the government is stepping in and telling these people they have to modify their religion...

I dont understand why gays fight so hard to call their union "marriage". Why not just give civil unions the same rights as regular marriages.

Its not a normal marriage by the definition of marriage from the bible, so why call it that? Call it what it is, a civil union between two people, and give them their rights.

I was walking down south beach one day with a friend and someone came up to me to sign a petition for gay rights. I listened to everything he had to say then told him I supported equal rights but not homosexuality lol. :tardrim: And this coming from a black guy, just F'in with his brain.

s13 @ fullboost
11-04-2008, 04:15 PM
^^ space out your words at first glance I though you were making some racist joke about Allah

11-04-2008, 04:21 PM
looks like it says "allah is a bunch of shit" to me.

11-04-2008, 04:28 PM
^^ that qualifies for ban. careful.

11-04-2008, 04:37 PM
Personally I can care less whether gays can get married, but since when is the Bible the authority on marriage? I'm pretty sure non-religious people get married too.

11-04-2008, 04:38 PM
^You qualify for a ban.

No worse then saying JesusTittyFuckingChrist.

He didn't say Allah Is a Bunch of Shit.

Allah Bunch of Shit.

Like... all a bunch of shit.

tard monkies

11-04-2008, 04:39 PM
Since you want to start playing the Blame Religion game, this is :lockd:

Is it really so much to ask that you stick to the topic of the Thread and communicate in a civilized manner?