View Full Version : Cops: Cape Girardeau woman kills man who returned to rape her second time

11-03-2008, 09:49 AM
Dude got what he deserved. Real Talk.

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Cops: Cape Girardeau woman kills man who returned to rape her second time

Ronnie Preyer.
Photo from Cape Girardeau County Sheriff's Department. (=)By Heather Ratcliffe

An intended rape victim shot and killed her attacker this morning in Cape Girardeau when he broke into her home to rape her a second time, police said.

The 57-year-old woman shot Ronnie W. Preyer, 47, a registered sex offender, in the chest with a shotgun when he broke through her locked basement door.
The woman told police he was the same man who raped her several days earlier. Officials do not intend to seek charges against her.

In the first incident, the woman heard glass breaking in her basement about midnight on Saturday. She went to leave the house, and the man attacked when she opened the front door. He punched her in the face and then forced her into a bedroom, where he raped her, said H. Morley Swingle, prosecuting attorney in Cape Girardeau County.

The victim reported the crime to police, and her landlord repaired the broken window.

She was home alone again Friday about 2:15 a.m. when Preyer broke the same basement window. The victim was awake watching television, when Preyer switched off the electricity to her house.

She tried to call 911, but couldn't because the power was off. She got a shotgun and waited as the man began banging on the basement door. She fired when Preyer came crashing through the door. When Preyer collapsed, the woman escaped and went to a neighbor's home, where she called police. Officers, who arrived within a minute, found a bleeding Preyer stumbling away from the house. He was taken to St. Francis Medical Center, where he died several hours later.

Swingle said the victim identified Preyer as the attacker in both incidents. Preyer, of Jackson, Mo., had wet caulking from the recently repaired basement window on his clothing when he was shot.

"I will not be filing any sort of charge against this 57-year-old woman, who was clearly justified under the law in shooting this intruder in her home," Swingle said.

11-03-2008, 09:51 AM
good for her... we should all be so lucky as to shoot a rapist

11-03-2008, 09:52 AM
fucker got what he deserved.

11-03-2008, 09:58 AM
Good for her and that rapist what a dickhead.........

Another note??

http://redevilrps13.blogspot.com/ (http://i%20ramble%20sometimes/)

Huh RED whose idea was this huh???

Ya Welcome...

11-03-2008, 10:00 AM
Wish this could happen to all rapists and criminals.

11-03-2008, 10:12 AM
she shoulda shot his dick off first

11-03-2008, 10:18 AM
Such a happy ending.

Disney should make cartoon out of it.

Andrew Bohan
11-03-2008, 10:35 AM
ah man, i don't wanna get shot

11-03-2008, 10:47 AM
That's justice right there.

5-6 years for rape charges these days.


That's wrong, life is what it should be.

11-03-2008, 10:53 AM
Horrible that she had to get raped in the first place.

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-03-2008, 10:55 AM
when I was in Jr High a girl got raped by a hobo a little off the path from my walk to the bus stop. It was horrible. She was never the same girl and turned from a very girly girl to gothic and shaved head very soon after. She recently got married to a midget and dressed like a skeleton for her wedding day this holloween. No offense to midgets.

11-03-2008, 11:35 AM
^^^ are you foreal?!?!? thats a bizar story

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-03-2008, 11:49 AM
^^^ are you foreal?!?!? thats a bizar story
as serious as a heart attack.

11-03-2008, 11:50 AM
when I was in Jr High a girl got raped by a hobo a little off the path from my walk to the bus stop. It was horrible. She was never the same girl and turned from a very girly girl to gothic and shaved head very soon after. She recently got married to a midget and dressed like a skeleton for her wedding day this holloween. No offense to midgets.

I am offended.

not that i'm a dwarf or anything.

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-03-2008, 11:54 AM
I am offended.

not that i'm a dwarf or anything.
well if it makes you feel any better that girl had tig ol' bitties. So that dwarf is currently hitting that shit raw son!!

11-03-2008, 12:07 PM
Do you think the results would have been the same if she was not previously raped? Food for thought.

11-03-2008, 12:17 PM
Being raped messes up a lot of girls... Understandably so though. Piece of shit got what he deserved.

Rapists, child abusers, pedophiles etc... None of them get what they really deserve. I envy the couple cops I know who've had the justifiable excuse to put a beating on guys like that.

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-03-2008, 12:34 PM
Being raped messes up a lot of girls... Understandably so though. Piece of shit got what he deserved.

Rapists, child abusers, pedophiles etc... None of them get what they really deserve. I envy the couple cops I know who've had the justifiable excuse to put a beating on guys like that.
so true. I've been friends with this guy for like 10 years now, really good guy. About 2 years ago he married this girl who previously had children in another marriage. He's around my age so I was telling him to stay away from this girl because she has baggage. He married her anyways. Well about 6 months ago that he was arrested for raping her daughters. Even though I've known the guy for like 10 years I really wish he gets raped and killed in prison. You just don't do that shit man. But you never know what a person is capable of.

Andrew Bohan
11-03-2008, 12:43 PM
i guy i went to school with all my life broke into a house, killed a 12 year old girl, then raped her body, and stole all the valuables he could find, when we were in 11th grade.

he got 64 years, but then it was reduced to 32


11-03-2008, 12:52 PM
^come on dude, we all know if you plead mentally ill, you can get away with alot of shit =(

Do you think the results would have been the same if she was not previously raped? Food for thought.

she owned a shot gun so im sure she still would have pounded lead if she heard something break, then power going off then someone smashin thru the basement door.. someone wants to do damage when they cut the power.

In the story tho, it says at the bottom that they will not file charges against her,... why would they? and who said that?

Mi Beardo es Loco
11-03-2008, 12:52 PM
i guy i went to school with all my life broke into a house, killed a 12 year old girl, then raped her body, and stole all the valuables he could find, when we were in 11th grade.

he got 64 years, but then it was reduced to 32

holy crap. poor girl. what kind of guy was he? was prison just inevitable for that guy?

11-03-2008, 12:55 PM
what the fuck is wrong with people these days?
child molesters-death penalty
rapists-death penalty. Unless its some bs statutory rape charge. Like those 15 year olds who did the nasty and both got charged for indecent acts with a child under 18. wtf is that.

its been proven that you cant reform sex offenders.

11-03-2008, 03:07 PM
justice served. well done.
a good rapist is a dead rapist.

11-03-2008, 03:13 PM
what the fuck is wrong with people these days?

these days? lol leave that part out, what the fuck is wrong with people

11-03-2008, 03:27 PM
Good to see some justice being served.

Although the cops didn't do the serving lulz.

11-03-2008, 06:07 PM
Guy came back for bloody seconds.

Death penalty is stupid.
Not because it's inhumane or whatever, but because it's too humane. Who's supposed to be afraid of being put down by an injection? Most people die more painfully from natural causes.

11-03-2008, 06:11 PM
They need to put everyone on Death Row in a secure building and let them have a giant death match. What was that one movie called? With that big wrestler on the island.

11-03-2008, 06:16 PM
I was raped 2 years ago. A woman broke into my house and raped me.
I am forever changed.

The guy who broke into that womans house deserved to die. And I hope where ever that woman that raped me, gets what she deserves. A thank you basket.

Isn't weird how this situation doesn't have the same effect when the gender roles are switched?

If the woman ever came back into my house, I'd have cookies and milk ready.

Life is funny.

11-03-2008, 06:21 PM
I was raped 2 years ago. A woman broke into my house and raped me.
I am forever changed.

The guy who broke into that womans house deserved to die. And I hope where ever that woman that raped me, gets what she deserves. A thank you basket.

Isn't weird how this situation doesn't have the same effect when the gender roles are switched?

If the woman ever came back into my house, I'd have cookies and milk ready.

Life is funny.

Thats got to be the most insensitive, fucked up thing I've read today...

Too bad its true, and funny lol. Honestly, I'm digging building a Colosseum and having inmates fight to the death with weapons ranging from shanks to herring. But nope, the bleeding heart liberals would start to whine about human rights, and cruel and unusual punishment. Like those words are even in the Constitution... (lol)

11-03-2008, 06:41 PM
But nope, the bleeding heart liberals would start to whine about human rights, and cruel and unusual punishment. Like those words are even in the Constitution... (lol)
Oh please sister, blaming the liberals again.

11-03-2008, 06:46 PM
Thats got to be the most insensitive, fucked up thing I've read today...

Too bad its true, and funny lol. Honestly, I'm digging building a Colosseum and having inmates fight to the death with weapons ranging from shanks to herring. But nope, the bleeding heart liberals would start to whine about human rights, and cruel and unusual punishment. Like those words are even in the Constitution... (lol)

I second that idea. I can write to Michael Vick of the Falcons, he has the money and likes that stuff. LOL.

11-03-2008, 07:13 PM
I second that idea. I can write to Michael Vick of the Falcons, he has the money and likes that stuff. LOL.

:keke: Do it... And if they charged like 5 dollar admission, thats cheaper than a movie! And prolly less violent.

11-03-2008, 07:26 PM
^come on dude, we all know if you plead mentally ill, you can get away with alot of shit =(

she owned a shot gun so im sure she still would have pounded lead if she heard something break, then power going off then someone smashin thru the basement door.. someone wants to do damage when they cut the power.

In the story tho, it says at the bottom that they will not file charges against her,... why would they? and who said that?

Ahh good somebody brought this up. You see, Obama, our favorite little socialist, has fought to get people in jail for defending themselves in their own homes with a gun. Isn't it great America? go rob somebody, if they shoot you, you'll be fine and they can go to jail. Fucking cocksucking Home-owners trying to protect themselves. What the fuck were they thinking.

Not long now. Hope everybody is ready for what they deserve, except for those voting against Obama, who will just be dragged down with the rest of you uninformed swooned, Obamunists. Get ready. Hope you don't like rights.

11-03-2008, 07:51 PM
I think most people voting against Obama are white.

Is it because Obama is bi racial?
At least if you don't like black people, VOTE FOR OBAMA's white half.

Political posts suck.

11-03-2008, 07:57 PM
Im not voting for Obama because he's far too liberal. He wants to "change" so much so fast. It just doesnt work like that. People can't handle sudden change.

Im part black, part white... Mostly white. Its not a race thing with me, its a policy thing.

And if someone breaks into my home and wants to rape me or kill me or force me to watch Ellen Degeneres reruns then you'll be damn sure I'm gonna pop a cap in dey bitch ass, yo.

11-03-2008, 07:57 PM
Lets not ruin his thread by going OT with our political views

Back to topic, i applaud the woman for being brave and protecting herself

11-03-2008, 09:19 PM
Fuck, this article has me all worried about my mom at home with just my little brother and that something like this could happen. I'd beat the living shit out a rapist if I ever saw one. Just typing this makes me wanna kill someone. Gah!

11-03-2008, 09:34 PM
think the legalization of prostitution would help prevent this?

11-03-2008, 10:06 PM
Thats got to be the most insensitive, fucked up thing I've read today...

Too bad its true, and funny lol. Honestly, I'm digging building a Colosseum and having inmates fight to the death with weapons ranging from shanks to herring. But nope, the bleeding heart liberals would start to whine about human rights, and cruel and unusual punishment. Like those words are even in the Constitution... (lol)

lol, this reminds me alot like the cartoon show superjail on adult swim.

there is a better episode that showed a great example of prisoners fighting to the death, but i could not find it.

YouTube - SuperJail! Episode 6 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxG8h-0xDf0&feature=related)

11-03-2008, 10:08 PM
shit, double post on accident

11-03-2008, 10:35 PM

Gun Control is gay. If this was california, that lady would have gotten raped again, because we have a 10 day waiting period.

11-03-2008, 11:54 PM
think the legalization of prostitution would help prevent this?


The fact he returned to rape her is highly indicitive of motivations that are not sexual in nature. Most rapes aren't sexually motivated... It's usually a motivation of power and domination. The fact they are forcing themselves onto someone against their will is exactly the high they're searching for. Often there is a secondary sexual motivation as well, but a rape to strictly satisfy a sexual desire is actually quite rare.

Andrew Bohan
11-04-2008, 12:06 AM
right, so if you're a woman, and man looks like he's going to rape you, try to seduce him. once he knows you want it, he'll lose interest and move on.

good strategy?

11-04-2008, 12:33 AM
right, so if you're a woman, and man looks like he's going to rape you, try to seduce him. once he knows you want it, he'll lose interest and move on.

good strategy?

Depends on the motivation, but in some rare cases (such as sadistic serial rapists who tend to stalk and pick their targets carefully) that can be true. It's also why some "defense" strategies towards rape suggest just submitting if no other option is available. In cases of exceptionally violent attacks it can possibley be the difference between being a rape victim, and a rape/murder victim.

If you'd like I can explain the different categories that rapes fall into as to their motivations and goals of the rapist. :hs:

11-05-2008, 02:07 PM

The fact he returned to rape her is highly indicitive of motivations that are not sexual in nature. Most rapes aren't sexually motivated... It's usually a motivation of power and domination. The fact they are forcing themselves onto someone against their will is exactly the high they're searching for. Often there is a secondary sexual motivation as well, but a rape to strictly satisfy a sexual desire is actually quite rare.

Dude. That's straight from a tv police show. The one with chubby blonde that stays back at the office and works the computers. The words you said came out of the nerdy young guys mouth. I think he has reddish hair.

Thats funny. Do you do that shit for a living?

11-05-2008, 02:14 PM
Dude. That's straight from a tv police show. The one with chubby blonde that stays back at the office and works the computers. The words you said came out of the nerdy young guys mouth. I think he has reddish hair.

Thats funny. Do you do that shit for a living?


Well not yet at least. ;)

My ass sits in a classroom writing papers and learning shit I'll never use to get a piece of paper that gets me into the training that says I can track down scumbags like that...

When I'm like 35.

Show you're thinking of is "Criminal Minds". Believe it or not... I actually rarely watch it. haha

11-10-2008, 10:24 AM
I don't get why people just don't masterbate...

Fucked up world.

11-10-2008, 10:32 AM
I don't get why people just don't masterbate...

Fucked up world.

If it makes you feel better, I'm masturbating right now. At work.

11-10-2008, 09:32 PM
people are fucked up now adays

11-11-2008, 01:46 AM
that's what's up. cape is like 90 mins south of STL

why did this thread go political? it should just be about how rad missouri is :P