View Full Version : wireless router cause lagging

11-01-2008, 11:24 PM
yo all you geeks help me out here. I purchased a wireless router from best buy so that while my brother was on xbox live i could use the internet. Well if i go into a picture thread where multiple pics are being dowloaded my brother gets a bad connection on xbox live. I dont want this. The best buy rep said that this wireless router ( Linksys wirless-g broadband router) will be good and not cause lagging. This wireless router only cost me 52 bux after tax. Well that is my problem and wonder how many of you guys use the internet to watch youtube videos while your bro/sis/ grandma / mom are playing video games live???

I swear these best buy rep's can sometimes just be idiots and waste your time. The first thing i told him was that I didn't want my brothers connection on xbox live going to shit while i am on the internet and said it wouldn't.

So....What kind of wireless router do YOU use that works best as in you are able to view youtube videos a long with somebody else using the xbox live connection or any other connection without encountering lag

also will they take this wireless router and give me a better one? of course me providing the difference..
I just wanna know what you guys recommend and know first hand it works really well:coold:

11-01-2008, 11:29 PM
Belkin routers are the shit...

11-01-2008, 11:30 PM
What kind of linksys router? If it's a WRT54G then flash it with DDWRT and enjoy. Also, look for QoS in the router config - available at
Login with admin/password

You might also look at running a program on your computers to throttle your download/upload speeds to like 80% of normal max... the pings go up because of saturation.

11-01-2008, 11:35 PM
What kind of linksys router? If it's a WRT54G then flash it with DDWRT and enjoy. Also, look for QoS in the router config - available at
Login with admin/password

hey my linksys model No. is WRT54G2

what exactly do you mean "flash it with DDWRT"

Thanks for the reply!:bow:

11-01-2008, 11:37 PM
That sucks. The G2 isn't compatible with any aftermarket firmware like DDWRT yet.
Linksys WRT54G series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linksys_WRT54G_series#WRT54G2)

11-01-2008, 11:37 PM
I know my admin / password but i cant go through that link is it because its only for the specific model No. WRT54G1?

11-01-2008, 11:41 PM
So should i just return it and get the earlier model? so that I can get the aftermarket firmware?

So if i do this I will be able to completely watch vids/ look at multiple pics all while my brother is on his own xbox live connection WITHOUT giving him a shitty connection?

thanks much appreciated

11-01-2008, 11:41 PM
you're just sucking up the bandwidth. you need to set a limit for your computer's IP. i have the same router as you. it's pretty much THE wireless router.
edit: no i don't, mine's a wrt54g

i hate Belkin, by the way.

11-01-2008, 11:45 PM
you're just sucking up the bandwidth. you need to set a limit for your computer's IP. i have the same router as you. it's pretty much THE wireless router.
edit: no i don't, mine's a wrt54g

i hate Belkin, by the way.

what do you mean by " set a limit for your computer's IP "
I was going to go with like a 100$ router but then the dude said nah you dont need that all you need is this one right here and he pulled out a 50$ one.
I was thinking the whole time you get what you pay for so i didnt want to go back to best buy a 2nd time. Guess this rep at the best buy didn't help out much. Ima have to go back there tomorrow and return this router.

11-01-2008, 11:48 PM
Also before i purchased this router i saw many reviews and pretty much all of them were good after browsing through the first pages no complaints. After i stumbled upon a review that mentioned they had a ps3, xbox360, labtop and the computer hooked up all at the same time without a problem i was sold. Turns out wrong i guess.. discuss people!

11-01-2008, 11:54 PM
Dude, as Busted and I said you're going to need to get into your routers config and adjust the QoS to give the xbox bandwidth priority or install a program on your computer to limit your down/upstream to avoid saturating the connection. No consumer router will fix your problem out of the box. I suggest you use a program to do it, it's easier and will work. Netlimiter will do what you want, check it out - it's free for a month.

11-01-2008, 11:57 PM
the problem is you're clearly computer illiterate. you need to set a bandwidth limit for your computer.

this should get you started:

WRT54G limit Bandwidth per port...? - Chetnet Unofficial NTLworld Forums (http://www.chetnet.co.uk/portal/forum/showthread.php?t=6727)

11-01-2008, 11:58 PM
Alright I see ima try to get a hold of some customer support
Just wanted to know what is QoS thats it thanks.

11-01-2008, 11:59 PM
Alright I see ima try to get a hold of some customer support
Just wanted to know what is QoS thats it thanks.

Try netlimiter... NetLimiter - The Ultimate Bandwidth Shaper (http://www.netlimiter.com)

11-01-2008, 11:59 PM
the problem is you're clearly computer illiterate. you need to set a bandwidth limit for your computer.

this should get you started:

WRT54G limit Bandwidth per port...? - Chetnet Unofficial NTLworld Forums (http://www.chetnet.co.uk/portal/forum/showthread.php?t=6727)

Thanks, yeah you go it! I am computer illiterate or I think just an Idiot. Ill take my questions to customer support now. Thanks for all your help guys.

11-02-2008, 12:13 AM
for the record i wasn't trying to be a dick, just saying. honestly linksys has pretty good customer support, they should just walk you through it.

11-02-2008, 12:13 AM
:squint:hey my linksys model No. is WRT54G2

what exactly do you mean "flash it with DDWRT"

Thanks for the reply!:bow:

Screw LINKSYS! Dude, I have the same.

WRT54G2 and a PCI adapter WMP54.....

SUCKS Penis! I can only get signal from 5 feet away. SPENT like $100 bucks on both and it's useless.

*I should have gotten a 300ft Ethernet cord and ran a hard wire.
* Everything was working but I was like WTF? Why wont it connect?



I ASKED THE TECH MOTHER F**Kers, what's the range ????

He said, oh if it's in the house you can connect to it.

I said< WHAT IS THE RANGE!!?? The distance!! The point A to point b!!!???

It's kind of useless, to have 2 desktops right next to each other for me.

God, this wireless G shit is horrible.

11-02-2008, 12:21 AM
my wrt54g is in the living room, and i get signal upstairs, downstairs, and even a good distance outside without issue...

11-02-2008, 12:36 AM
for the record i wasn't trying to be a dick, just saying. honestly linksys has pretty good customer support, they should just walk you through it.

Yeah man i know you weren't being a dick just stating the obvious:boink:


Screw LINKSYS! Dude, I have the same.

WRT54G2 and a PCI adapter WMP54.....

SUCKS Penis! I can only get signal from 5 feet away. SPENT like $100 bucks on both and it's useless.

*I should have gotten a 300ft Ethernet cord and ran a hard wire.
* Everything was working but I was like WTF? Why wont it connect?



I ASKED THE TECH MOTHER F**Kers, what's the range ????

He said, oh if it's in the house you can connect to it.

I said< WHAT IS THE RANGE!!?? The distance!! The point A to point b!!!???

It's kind of useless, to have 2 desktops right next to each other for me.

God, this wireless G shit is horrible.

Holy shit that sucks balls my brother is about 15-20ft away gaming away and affects him horrible when i go through picture threads or watch youtube videos gonna be giving linksys a call tomorrow and after that if they can't help ima go holler at best buy lol:rant:

11-02-2008, 12:39 AM
Yeah man i know you weren't being a dick just stating the obvious:boink:

Holy shit that sucks balls my brother is about 15-20ft away gaming away and affects him horrible when i go through picture threads or watch youtube videos gonna be giving linksys a call tomorrow and after that if they can't help ima go holler at best buy lol:rant:

All the wireless routers are a piece of shit.

I want a router that can get connection 100 to 300 feet away. If it doesn't have this specification then why the hell wouldn't I just buy a $20 dollar 300ft Ethernet cable wire and use my old router?

Damn products now a days. Scams.

They don't even put a distance or range anywhere on the box or manual because they know it sucks and can only pick up with in a few feet. Return the product man.

11-02-2008, 12:41 AM
All the wireless routers are a piece of shit.

I want a router that can get connection 100 to 300 feet away. If it doesn't have this specification then why the hell wouldn't I just buy a $20 dollar 300ft Ethernet cable wire and use my old router?

Damn products now a days. Scams.

They don't even put a distance or range anywhere on the box or manual because they know it sucks and can only pick up with in a few feet. Return the product man.

User. Error.

11-02-2008, 12:42 AM
All the wireless routers are a piece of shit.

I want a router that can get connection 100 to 300 feet away. If it doesn't have this specification then why the hell wouldn't I just buy a $20 dollar 300ft Ethernet cable wire and use my old router?

Damn products now a days. Scams.

They don't even put a distance or range anywhere on the box or manual because they know it sucks and can only pick up with in a few feet. Return the product man.

i know full well i can get perfect signal 200 feet away from my router. seriously, either you have a defective one or you're experiencing user error. or your house is made out of lead or something

11-02-2008, 09:02 AM
All the wireless routers are a piece of shit.

I want a router that can get connection 100 to 300 feet away. If it doesn't have this specification then why the hell wouldn't I just buy a $20 dollar 300ft Ethernet cable wire and use my old router?

Damn products now a days. Scams.

They don't even put a distance or range anywhere on the box or manual because they know it sucks and can only pick up with in a few feet. Return the product man.

They don't put a specific range because there are so many things that could interfere with that.

Maybe turn off the closest cell phone tower.

11-02-2008, 09:19 AM
dude lined his house with lead or something.

I was getting wifi signal from my house on my smartphone while i was four houses down in my neighbor's basement.

11-02-2008, 02:49 PM
^^^ same here, i can pick wifi across the street. i had neighbors using my shit which is why it was lagging so hard until i locked that shit!

make sure you password protect your wifi! itll lag even more if your not the only one using it!

11-02-2008, 05:52 PM
i know full well i can get perfect signal 200 feet away from my router. seriously, either you have a defective one or you're experiencing user error. or your house is made out of lead or something

It's not user error. I spent 4 days with tech support and I practically know everything about the router, the IP and all the other stuff.

*IP to Gateway to "Admin" password, to the 1.1. ip, to the windows wireless configuration to that green Lynsys square wireless connection tool"

Everything works great from 5-10 feet away. I moved the computer two 3 different locations: my other room, kitchen, and to the Garage, and it will not pick up the signal.

When I am in the perimeter or like 10 feet, it's great. I am guessing there are external interference. I can also pick up all the neighbors signals too.

It's just the router, location, or the PCI.

dude lined his house with lead or something.

I was getting wifi signal from my house on my smartphone while i was four houses down in my neighbor's basement.

Yeah, I get signal from the neighbors down the street too. Just not from my router. So weird. Not user error because how can you explain that it works at 10 feet and not 20 feet?

They don't put a specific range because there are so many things that could interfere with that.

Maybe turn off the closest cell phone tower.

I wish. This area in which I live in has bad cellphone reception as well, maybe that can be a contributor.

Maybe you guys had more luck but It was a hellish experience for me.

"Originally I went to best buy, some stupid "GEEK SQUAD" mofo wanted $140 to set it up the network, and I said what if it doesn't work ? He said, then I only charge $79 dollars."

I TOLD HIM, yeah, go F*** yourself, if you're from geek squade and you can't figure out a computer problem, you shouldn't charge. Good thing I didn't go through with that, I would have paid money for a simple bad signal problem.

I am typing this with the computer using the wireless connection, it's great, but I am like 5-6 ft away from my other desktop. ~~

I am in the Dining room, if I move it 5 feet to the kitchen, they signal cannot be picked up, ISN"T THAT a bitch???!

11-02-2008, 06:42 PM
return it and get a new one.

11-02-2008, 09:27 PM
ughhh i hate dealing with wireless shit. fuck it. just run cable its cheaper easier and you can wiretuck it into the walls ;)