View Full Version : 10 Notable Pants Sh*ttingly Scary Comic Book Characters

10-31-2008, 01:14 PM
discuss motherfuckers.

1. The Joker

Even before Heath Ledger's dark portrayal of Batman's archnemesis, the Joker was a horrifying character. He's unpredictable and is motivated, it seems, by making the lives of those around him chaotic and miserable. The Joker is more than just a scary face, too - he won't hesitate to kill. After beating Jason Todd senseless with a crowbar (I'd rather just get shot), he finished him off with a time bomb. It's the Joker's derivation of pleasure that makes him so scary. You know he's going to enjoy watching you in pain.

2. Sabretooth

Victor Creed is not only physically menacing, but he'll mess with your mind, too. Creed has spent years torturing Wolverine, even going so far as to suggest that he was Logan's father. If that wasn't enough, his formidable strength and sharp claws make fighting essentially futile. And the kicker? He'll kill women, maybe even taking a bit of time to rape them, too. No thanks.

3. Ghost Rider

I always liked the Dan Ketch version of Ghost Rider better than the Johnny Blaze version, mostly because Ketch's Rider seemed especially motivated to strike down his enemies. Sure, Ghost Rider was a good guy, but tell me you wouldn't have shit yourself if you saw a dude with a flaming skull for a head speeding toward you on a motorcycle with flames for wheels. That's almost as scary as the fact that someone financed a Ghost Rider movie starring Nic Cage.

4. Carnage

The alien symbiote that attached to hosts Peter Parker and Eddie Brock seemed to bring out the worst of both men, so when it attached to serial killer Cletus Kasady, the terrifying Carnage was born. With no sense of empathy or remorse, Carnage would not hesitate to kill innocents. After all, that's what Cletus did BEFORE the symbiosis. With the symbiote, however, Carnage lived up to his name, spreading devestation and destruction wherever he went. I'd personally like to see what would happen should a symbiote ever attach itself to Sabretooth.

5. Hobgoblin

There were several versions of Hobgoblin, but the scariest was the one that appeared in McFarlane's Spider-Man series. Totally insane and delusional, the Hobgoblin kidnapped a small child and would murder just about anyone he deemed a "sinner." Which, of course, turned out to be just about everyone. Thankfully, Ghost Rider and Spidey were able to avoid pumpkinbombs and defeat Hobgoblin, but not before he turned the child's face into a demonic monstrosity. Few things are scarier than people (or goblins) who find justification for their horrible acts in religion - a terrifying concept that we in the real world are all too familiar with.

6. Scarecrow

Of course, Scarecrow has to be on this list. Dr. Crane's use of hallucinagenic toxins on his victims is one of the most sinister ways to attack someone. Your worst fears manifest, rendering you helpless and scared into a state of total shock. Some people may even become literally scared to death, which has got to be one of the worst ways to die. Knowing that an encounter with Scarecrow will result in the scariest things you can think of coming to life earns him a spot on this list. If the Scarecrow got a hold of me and exposed me to his toxins, I'm pretty sure I'd be freaking out from the Wheelers from Return to Oz circling around me. Those things were terrifying.

7. Dark Phoenix

Jean Grey served as an avatar of sorts for a cosmic force, becoming the uber-powerful Dark Phoenix. Her full potential as a telepath and telekinetic were realized, and Jean became more powerful than ever. So what's so scary about that? By just thinking it, the Phoenix could rip apart every molecule of your body…slowly.
8. Yellow Bastard

After being shot in the nuts by John Hartigan, Roark Junior falls into a coma. Junior's father's desperate treatment to re-grow some of Junior's missing body parts are effective, but come with horrible side effects. His yellow skin and disgusting odor are bad enough, but the Yellow Bastard's real ability to scare comes from his thrist for raping and killing (very) underaged girls. While he doesn't have any powers per se, the Yellow Bastard's total disregard for societal norms and penchant for pedophilia make him an easy choice for this list of scary characters.

9. Pumpkinhead

The witch Haggis was able to summon a demonic monster called Pumpkinhead, a monster that was buried in a pumpkin patch grave. Once summoned, Pumpkinhead would torture and kill its victims. The person who summoned Pumpkinhead would then have the ability to "see" visions of Pumpkinhead's torture and execution. Pumpkinhead looks truly demonic, and the fact that he'll torture you for a bit before finally executing you makes you prefer a monster that would just bite your head off and get the whole thing over with.

10. Proteus

Proteus has god-like powers that enable him to create matter and bend reality to however he sees fit. Think about Neo in the Matrix, but on steroids and prone to roid raging. With the ability to manipulate matter and energy, Proteus can do pretty much whatever he wants. He can enter and possess others, turn solids into liquids, and even create rips in space. Proteus will even sometimes cause his victims to stretch in horrible, grotesque ways, as he maintains power over their physical bodies. Proteus gets on this list thanks to his ability to contort your body in ways it wasn't meant to be shaped along with his ability to create your worst nightmare out of thin air.

10-31-2008, 01:17 PM
Carnage should be in the top 3 if not number one i'd run from him before i run from joker or sabertooth

10-31-2008, 01:24 PM
^^^^ word. carnage is one scary fucker. And i agree, sabertooth is one bad mother too.

I cant think of someone else but i know theres some other scary bastards.

10-31-2008, 01:42 PM
The guys that are actually human... Not that scary. Just shoot em in the head. Twice. Done deal.