View Full Version : need some help

10-30-2008, 03:30 PM
Ok I took my car to get it aligned today because i just finished installing everything in the front end. I upgraded or replaced everything exept the struts: es tc bushings, eom tie rods, ball joints, es flca bushings, godspeed sways with whiteline bushings....i drove the car for a while after intalling all this and as i expected it drove like crap... anyway while returning home from the shop my car drove a bit better, it drives strait and everything...however the problem is that it is shaking really bad between 55 and about 80...the guys at the shop told me that the caster is still a little off because i have stock tc rods( still need to get ajustables), could this be why it is shaking? I dont think the tires are unbalanced because they were just mounted and balanced less than a month ago. Im stumped....any ideas?

if it matters i have agx struts with eibac springs and
17X9 rims +35 with 15mm h&r spacers to clear the z32 calipers...could the spacers have something to do with it(they are hub centric)?

10-30-2008, 03:31 PM
you could have bearing play. though not sure. the car just shakes? nothing else?

10-30-2008, 03:49 PM
yea i thought it might be that aswell....im gonna go outside jack er up and shake on it to see if there is play...but yea just shakes...pretty bad...it still pulls a bit to the right aswell....i dont think they did a very good alignment

10-30-2008, 04:19 PM
so its not the wheel bearings...no play at all...any ideas guys...im stumped

10-30-2008, 04:51 PM
go back to the alignment shop. also rebalance the wheels too. it should be free