View Full Version : Removing bubble flare fitting from Clutch Dampener?

10-29-2008, 06:43 PM
I've come across a couple threads saying
I can use the fitting from my clutch dampener
and put it in my z32 BMC.
http://zilvia.net/f/tech-talk/73659-z32-mc-bubble-fitting-thingy.html (http://zilvia.net/f/73659-z32-mc-bubble-fitting-thingy.html)

So I pull off my already bypassed clutch dampener [on an s14 btw]

I have come to find a brass block
and I have no idea how to get the fitting out
or if it is just cast into it and really a part of it.

I tried picking it out, poking it, etc to no avail.
Basically everything except drilling and cutting it.

Any ideas guys?
I really don't wanna hack up my stock BMC.

10-29-2008, 11:50 PM
wow, no info?

its alright.
I found my old clutch master cylinder and theres a fitting i can take from that.

I thought atleast ONE person would know how.

10-29-2008, 11:55 PM
To do the z32 bmc?

Straight hacked them out of a space bmc.

10-30-2008, 12:09 AM
To do the z32 bmc?

Straight hacked them out of a space bmc.

Yeah, I know.
I was looking for another option other than tearing up and hacking away at my stock BMC.

Came across a couple threads that mentioned the clutch dampener.
Wasn't using mine, so I wanted to give it a try.

Lucky me I found an old clutch master in my garage.
It was the original one from my car and is atleast 10 years old.
So I can spare this one.