View Full Version : What is it with U.S. ricers'?

01-30-2003, 02:32 PM
I've only been back in the U.S. for a little over 7 months now and I still see it where ever I go. Other people driving 'riced out' or semi-tuned imports do nothing but stare a person down for not being one of the crowd, 'behind the wheel of a Honda or Mitsubishi'. They see an exhaust tip, they hear a bov, and they stare a person down. What is up with that? It wasn't so bad back in my home state but here in Cali, it's beyond irritating. I haven't met too many people in my area that drive S13's let alone Nissan's and almost all of them that are in to working on their car. If it's either, 'ricing it out' or trying to tune it, the attitudes the same. Can anyone illuminate a new kid on the block? I know people that were new to Japan when I was there and they would talk about the attitude and sometimes anti-Nissan attitude here. I just had no idea... Anyone? :confused:

01-30-2003, 02:41 PM
well i've lived here all my life and i remember a time when that happened. probably like last summer. but lately i don't see much of it. maybe i've just gotten used to it or maybe its because i switched into my 280zx instead of my s14. thats not all thats here though. there a lot of decent groups with respect for cars and drivers. its just that their not driving highlighter green civics with cherry bomb exhuasts. so its hard to notice with all that racket.

01-30-2003, 03:06 PM
I've noticed it a lot. Normally people will ask questions or maybe want to chat but most of the people I've come across aren't that way. They either stare, show a nasty face or are just plain unfriendly. It would be nice to meet up with some people to talk about things, cars, tuning and so forth. I just haven't met anyone or been introduced on any one that is friendly that way.

01-30-2003, 03:15 PM
Some people are just weird like that I guess. A lot of people from where I live look like Fast & Furious posers and stuff lol. It's pretty hilarious. :D

One time at Kragen, I saw this nice Corolla (hachi-homo :D) and decided to talk to the guy. Seemed like a pretty cool guy... nice car too. So I guess that's a start hah :cool:

Where from Cali are u from btw?

01-30-2003, 03:45 PM
I'm down in San Diego.. Things are few and far between as far as Nissan's go. I'm sure there are some around, just haven't seem them yet. It's mostly Honda, Mistubishi or something else...

01-30-2003, 04:11 PM
i'm from san diego, too. trust me, there's a lot more 240's than you think. i could think of 7 240's with turbo off the top of my head already. and yeah, people do give you a funny 'fast and the furious' look. it just depends on what area you're from. just ignore them, otherwise, you're giving them the impression that you're staring at them.

01-30-2003, 04:36 PM
Hey Zenki, where can I find these mysterious Nissan's with turbo's? I'd like to meet up with some people and hang out... Being the only one in my immediate area makes for some boring times..

01-30-2003, 05:53 PM
i dunno about meeting up with them. a few of them only come out to play when it's Hot Import Nights (if you know what i mean). they're show and go. but there's other 240 owners that i see everywhere. i sometimes go hangout with a couple of my friends with s13's. if you see 2 s13's and an s14 hangin' around convoy, that's us. what part of san diego are you from?

01-30-2003, 05:57 PM
oh yeah, you'll see more at the auto-x at the stadium. come check it out in next month.

Chicken Magnet
01-30-2003, 06:01 PM
I've seen a few at the Fri/Sat night drags that meet in front of the Marine Corps Air Station in Miramar. I brought my '98 S14 and no one really seemed to care about it, but then again, this was about 2 years ago. If I bring it now, I'll probably get more stares since I've modded it and the fact that several car magazines started to bring 240SXs into the limelight.

If you want to hang out and talk to people with Nissans, check out the Event Meetups threads on this site. They usually have a few meets in a year. I wish I still lived in SoCal, because the weather sucks up in NorCal during the winter! :mad:

01-30-2003, 08:04 PM
I'm over at Miramar.. I don't go out much because driving by yourself gets old.. I've had some fun when a friend from Japan would come over from AZ where he was at.. he's bound for the gulf right now.. I'd be interested in hooking up.. PM me sometime and let's set something up.. getting out once and a while would be a huge improvement over spending my time working on little things on the car or watching movies..

01-30-2003, 09:37 PM
wow.. well i know of at least 3 of my friends have taken off their turbos.. so we'll just make that just 4 turbo 240's driving around..

01-30-2003, 10:35 PM
I've noticed some attitude issues just here in these forums!! Do US ricers think they have the lock on Japanese auto knowledge?

If so....sadly mistaken!!

01-30-2003, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by gladhatter
I've noticed some attitude issues just here in these forums!! Do US ricers think they have the lock on Japanese auto knowledge?

If so....sadly mistaken!!

If you want to have a battle of Nissan knowledge PM me and I will make you feel silly:mad:

01-30-2003, 10:59 PM
I don't want to "battle" with ANYBODY!!

Put a lid on crappy attitude!! I just come in here for friendly discussion and get a load of crap!

01-30-2003, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by N1ceDrgn
.....or are just plain unfriendly. It would be nice to meet up with some people to talk about things, cars, tuning and so forth. I just haven't met anyone or been introduced on any one that is friendly that way.

Do unto others, dude!! You got a lot of nerve talking about friendliness and attutude!! :rolleyes:

01-30-2003, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by nrcooled
If you want to have a battle of Nissan knowledge PM me and I will make you feel silly:mad:

Just because you "know" a lot about Nissans, doesn't mean you KNOW IT ALL!!

I am not doubting ANYBODY'S knowledge. I am just saying that there are things ALL of us can learn!!

nizmo s14
01-30-2003, 11:23 PM
Chicken Magnet, Sorry this is off topic but what aerokit is that in your signature?

01-31-2003, 12:28 AM
Like I metioned before, if you want to hook up or just talk about some things, I'm game. I'm still learning where things are around here. In regards to a few threads that were entered, if there was a misunderstanding, obviously there must have been. Just the same, the urge to prove yourself isn't necessary. I finished talking about what is what and where it is. The need to continue the discussion isn't called for. It happened, it's over..
Back to my thread that I started, getting back to it, I'm game to learn about some shops or places to meet others. I mostly go to McKinney's for information and help from time to time, then there's Fujitasan over in L.A., aside from them, I haven't found a place yet that's worth the time to look for help or info. It would be nice to learn of some other places. I also don't want to leave out meeting others that are also interested in tuning their Nissan's.

01-31-2003, 12:52 AM
yeah.. damn riceboys. I know of an S13 in my area who has chuki turnsignals, and a 180sx rear garnish he probably got off of ebay.. the car's so low he probably cut the springs... Of course it's got the mandatory loudass exhaust, and probably a night pager fake BOV. Stock wheels, of course!

(just giving you crap, B.)

Have you seen my car out in front of PMO? It's hiding there after being attacked.


01-31-2003, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
Have you seen my car out in front of PMO? It's hiding there after being attacked.

Yo. I'm 7H3 L337 7H!3F 0F Y0UR [email protected] I KN0W WH3R3 I7Z @T!
lol. If it's hiding... mabey you shouldn't tell where you put it.
*Just a suggestion, and giving out some ****.*

drift freaq
01-31-2003, 01:25 AM
I've noticed some attitude issues just here in these forums!! Do US ricers think they have the lock on Japanese auto knowledge?

Now this statement is imflammatory in its own right. Are you insinuating that this forum is full of ricers? Are you insinuating that the knowledgeable people on this forum are ricers?
There are quite a few knowledgeable people on this forum that are not ricers. I will say there are a lot of newbies here that are asking auto 101 questions and asking questions that have been answered (repeatedly in threads) or in the faq section.
What annoys a lot of us is when we point this out the newbie flames us. Then some smart ass comes up with a comment like I don't answer a question unless I know it, so I won't get flammed. hahahhaha guess what ? they flame you anways.

01-31-2003, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by drift freaq
Now this statement is imflammatory in its own right. Are you insinuating that this forum is full of ricers? Are you insinuating that the knowledgeable people on this forum are ricers?

No! No! No!
What I am trying to say is that just because one knows a lot about something DOESN'T MEAN HE KNOWS EVERYTHING!! That's all. Nothing more...nothing less.


01-31-2003, 06:40 AM
Hey K, I've seen your car out there, I don't what's up with it but it was kind of funny. One night there was three of us parked out there.. Not something you see here.. PM me sometime.. Hey there 'freak', where do you go for parts and so forth up there in L.A.? I tried to check some places out up there but I am having a hard time finding them and getting to them when I do when they are open.

01-31-2003, 07:15 AM
Do YOU know what or where a PMO is? :D
99% of ppl out there don't, so it's safe to talk about it.


Originally posted by Jeff240sx
Yo. I'm 7H3 L337 7H!3F 0F Y0UR [email protected] I KN0W WH3R3 I7Z @T!
lol. If it's hiding... mabey you shouldn't tell where you put it.
*Just a suggestion, and giving out some ****.*

01-31-2003, 07:18 AM
I took out the chuki turnsignals. It's been there for almost 2 weeks. I'm thinking about picking it up this morning or tomorrow and bringing it to work. It was really funny when I had all 3 of my S13s parked next to each other out there when I was dropping the cars off.
PM me your plans for saturday.. I'm thinking of going to the junkyard.


Originally posted by N1ceDrgn
Hey K, I've seen your car out there, I don't what's up with it but it was kind of funny.

01-31-2003, 10:45 AM
You are completely right in saying that James, I do agree with you. The only reason I did use 'ricer' in the title is because that most people who drive imports in the U.S. are known for that more than they are known for modding or tuning their cars. There are things like FnF that didin't help. It would've been nice if it stuck to the cars instead making it Hollywood but back to it. I know there are people out there that enjoy doing the same things I do. Tuning, modifying their cars and having fun at it and with others. It's just that there are predominantly more people who put some rims on and change their turn signal lights than anyone else. Which is part of the reason why I started this thread. I was and am looking to meet some folks who are above that and to maybe learn some from them about the scene here in Cali. It would also be a plus to try and get some help in understanding why I get such $h!tty looks when I pull up to a light or a gas station.

01-31-2003, 01:23 PM
i agree with that last part. that it doesn't matter how you and your car add up to the rest of the pack. its what makes you happy. if you have barrels of fun with a '79 280zx with kyb shocks only in the rear, unknown aftermarket springs only in the rear, and aquatreads. all the power to you :) .

01-31-2003, 04:53 PM
Hell yeah all that ricer crap. Man funniest thing I have ever seen was at Potomac Mills down here in Woodbridge. I saw about 5 guys working on a civic and integra in the parking lot. I mean tools and everything I ask them what are you guys doing and they are putting new light bulbs in. I look at them and my friends and I laugh at them. My friend order some stickers for shiitz and gigglez that say Got Rice? and went to his car and got one and brought it back. When we come back they are revving their engines and we just laugh. Me being the only RWD (Miata with some stuff) smokes my Falkens for about 30 feet and we go back and my friend gives them their sticker. Its so goddamn ****ssing me off. Ricers give bad names to tru import owners. Its all good though because its a mutal hatred.

We hate them because they drive Civics with trash cans and are rice. And they hate us because we have cars they want ( Conversions"wink""wink")


01-31-2003, 10:53 PM
for what it's worth, I LOVE a stock 240, especially when REALLY clean.
I'm with N1ceDrgn.. riceboys with attitude are ignorant.

01-31-2003, 11:44 PM
I have nothing against some one who is interested in cars, modding them, tuning and so forth. The problem I have is when people give you attitude without taking the time or even being interested in learning something new or maybe a little different. I have some friends and know people that are pretty decent with other imports. It's the few that ruin it for the majority. Then again, isn't that the case most of the time?
I started the thread to maybe learn something about why there are just soo many people out there with attitude and angst against people on sight. Where I learned about imports, it was all about learning from the next guy. There still was attitude out there but it was more about who did a better job. The whole 'mommy and daddy paid for my car' wasn't that common. So it was one home mechanic linig up with or drifting against another.
Maybe it'll take some time but I look forward to meeting the class of people in person that I am used to. I've come across quite a few online but I have yet to meet them in person.

02-01-2003, 12:08 AM
One thing I hate to think about sometimes, is if I get the looks now with only my suspension and exhaust being visible. I hate to imagine what I would be on the receiving end from if I followed through with my original plans before I got back to the U.S. . I had plans to completely recreate what I was driving, take a look...

02-01-2003, 01:06 AM
its usually funny to see "ricers" that are young, like around 15-16yrs old trying to mad dog you......all they have is an exhaust and rims.....ohh maan haha
those are the ones that get the most tickets probably

02-01-2003, 07:57 AM
They are also the majority that give the rest of us a bad name in the eyes of everyone else though..