View Full Version : new pics about s13

01-29-2003, 04:48 PM
























01-29-2003, 04:51 PM
clean fastback you have there
i like it:D

01-29-2003, 05:17 PM
thanks .Maybe a i need to get a new rims.

I want a lot stuffs but less money :D :D


01-29-2003, 05:27 PM
Nice lookin fb, looks just like mine b4 i got the new hatch and lost the spoiler/wiper.

lil tip, noticed ur wiper and turn signal sticks have that white look, if u get a very very fine grit sanpaper, u can get them lookin nice and black again.

keep it clean, have fun

01-29-2003, 06:35 PM
Nice car, what a unique placing for the zilvia.net sticker, i like it.

Your car is pretty nice, I love everything but auto, but o well.

About the wheels, there is nothing wrong with the wheels, unless you are loooking for a wider tire for driving purposes, but it's your choice.

What are your plans? Show? Go? KA-T? SR? CA? Other Engine? AutoX? Drag? etc?? (I am just lookign for something brief, so no need to bust your balls typing up your plans)

01-29-2003, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by 240Driver39

lil tip, noticed ur wiper and turn signal sticks have that white look, if u get a very very fine grit sanpaper, u can get them lookin nice and black again.

You deserve a medal.

01-29-2003, 06:59 PM
That's not called an S 13 where I live. That is a 180SX look-a-like. An S 13 here is a bit different. :) http://www.east-bear.co.jp/aeroparts/silvia/s13/img/img.jpg ...looks more like this.

I live in Japan.

01-29-2003, 07:14 PM
"you deserve a medal"

um, not sure if u are being sarcastic or not...

i just noticed it in the pic and thought id comment...

01-29-2003, 07:16 PM
I think you really do!! Mine look like that and I've trired and tried to get that whitish stuff off. You da man!:)

01-30-2003, 10:21 AM
muy buen carro hermano, se ve con madre. :cool:

01-30-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by KiDyNomiTe
Nice car, what a unique placing for the zilvia.net sticker, i like it.

Your car is pretty nice, I love everything but auto, but o well.

About the wheels, there is nothing wrong with the wheels, unless you are loooking for a wider tire for driving purposes, but it's your choice.

What are your plans? Show? Go? KA-T? SR? CA? Other Engine? AutoX? Drag? etc?? (I am just lookign for something brief, so no need to bust your balls typing up your plans)

I hate a auto tranny(there is no exist)..Maybe rim change for best handling..i planing go to ka-t ..

But i repeat its a long proyect..

01-30-2003, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by gladhatter
That's not called an S 13 where I live. That is a 180SX look-a-like. An S 13 here is a bit different. :) http://www.east-bear.co.jp/aeroparts/silvia/s13/img/img.jpg ...looks more like this.

I live in Japan.

I know that friend because you live in japan..there are diferences betteen a 180sx and 240 ..

But there is ok..i like the 180sx ..

01-30-2003, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by gladhatter
That's not called an S 13 where I live. That is a 180SX look-a-like. An S 13 here is a bit different. :)
I live in Japan.

I've had this argument with people before...

A 180SX is still based on the S13 platform. It's an RS13 or RPS13... (or an RHS13 or RMS13 if you're talking about 240SX fastbacks)

It's still correct to call a fastback "S13". Unless you're ordering body panels it's all the same underneath.

Just because people in Japan do it one way doesn't make it right.

As long as my firewall tag says "S13" in more than one place then I will continue to call my car an S13.

01-30-2003, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by 240Driver39

lil tip, noticed ur wiper and turn signal sticks have that white look, if u get a very very fine grit sanpaper, u can get them lookin nice and black again.

keep it clean, have fun

Thanks for the tip.i try later...


01-30-2003, 04:10 PM
are you hispanic?

01-30-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by deltrr
are you hispanic?

yeah i live in mexicali mexico ..why???

Where are you from??

Paz HErmano

01-30-2003, 06:46 PM
i love the car, looks like mine exactly, cept mines white =)

what grit sand paper would that be?

01-30-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by gladhatter
That's not called an S 13 where I live. That is a 180SX look-a-like. An S 13 here is a bit different. :) http://www.east-bear.co.jp/aeroparts/silvia/s13/img/img.jpg ...looks more like this.

I live in Japan.

He said "s13" not "Silvia".
the 180sx, 240sx, and Silvia (the one u posted anyways) are ALL s13's being that it's a chassis code.

Be nice. :rolleyes:

01-30-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by AKADriver
I've had this argument with people before...

A 180SX is still based on the S13 platform. It's an RS13 or RPS13... (or an RHS13 or RMS13 if you're talking about 240SX fastbacks)

It's still correct to call a fastback "S13". Unless you're ordering body panels it's all the same underneath.

Just because people in Japan do it one way doesn't make it right.

As long as my firewall tag says "S13" in more than one place then I will continue to call my car an S13.

I'm not arguing!! I'm just telling you that here THAT IS NOT called an S13. Only Silvias are called S13s here. That body style is the 180sx. They made those AND Silvia s13s at the same time. Then they made more with the same body style AND the S14. The last body style was just the S15.

I'm not starting stuff just "FYI"ing you.


01-30-2003, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Yoshi
He said "s13" not "Silvia".
the 180sx, 240sx, and Silvia (the one u posted anyways) are ALL s13's being that it's a chassis code.

Be nice. :rolleyes:

HEY!! I'm being nice!! The S13 Silvia HERE is what they call the s13! The 180sx is NOT called an s13 HERE. Just giving info. You guys don't have a lock on Nissan knowledge. They come from over here anyway. Don't get your boxers in a bunch!!

01-30-2003, 08:00 PM
i wouldnt use the sand paper, cause you might take off more than what you want. i used armor all protectant wipes and they look brand new. very good product and simple to use. i did most of my interior and it looks great.

01-30-2003, 08:05 PM
I used the whipes and they worked for an hour or so...then back to grey/white yuck.

01-30-2003, 08:07 PM
no, the armorall doesnt remove this white stuff, trust me, u have to like scratch it off. and when i say sandpaper, im not talkin about real gritty stuff, i dont have an exact grit to tell u, something very very fine, or even what i think iused was a fine steel wool.

u dont have to do it, just sayin it works well.

01-30-2003, 08:14 PM
ehh...took off my white stuff..and stayed too. so im happy. whatever works i guess.

01-30-2003, 09:06 PM
'Glad' be that.. you are in a good place to pick up knowledge but before you begin to spread the word, learn a little more. There have been a few people trying to correct you but you haven't taken it in. The 'S13' portion of the name is for the body style. Regardless if it's a 240, 180 or a Silvia. The only style to progress was the Silvia, which went on to be the S14. Then with the S15, they tried to merge the S13 size with the Silvia lines, somewhat. Besides, this thread was about the other guys ride. No one's been incorrect here but you. This is a friendly place most of the time, don't come around making incorrect statements and causing a scene, it's just rude.

01-30-2003, 09:13 PM
Okay...one more time....I am NOT rying to start stuff!!

I am merely pointing out what they are called HERE!!

THIS is where they came from. There was a differentiation between the 180 and the Silvia. The Silvia has always been the "S" 13...14...15. The 180 has been just that....the 180. The 180 and the Silvia were made at the same time. S13 for both is ludicrus HERE NOT where YOU are.

01-30-2003, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by N1ceDrgn
This is a friendly place most of the time, don't come around making incorrect statements and causing a scene, it's just rude.

This is not being very friendly. YOU are the one being rude!

01-30-2003, 09:51 PM
I guess there's no way to make any progress with 'Glad'... I don't want this to take away from Rush's thread. It's nice to see new people finding and enjoying the car. It's sad when they talk about a topic they don't have a firm grip on. I'm not going to waste time trying to help correct some one and at the same time, take the subject away from some one else's thread. There has been some good info passed on here. Congrats on your car, it's looking good..

01-30-2003, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by gladhatter
This is not being very friendly. YOU are the one being rude!

We understand that in Japan the 180sx and the Silvia are considered "different" but in the US there isn't that distinction. Also by saying "THIS is where they came from" doesn't make the nomenclature correct. That is just what you call it.
Point: If everyone in the US said you should call the Ford Mustang a "Moosestang" doesn't make it the proper name just common practice.

All in all just enjoy yourself and don't get all bent out of shape for such trivial stuff

01-30-2003, 10:30 PM
Do you guys READ?? I NEVER said ANYBODY was wrong!!!! I was just telling you how it is HERE!!!

Man!! You seem to have some attitude issues here don't you??

Friendly place?? :rolleyes:

01-31-2003, 07:57 AM
Enough off-topic posts.
S13 is the common name in japan for the S13 Silvia, but an S13 is still an S13, be it a 180sx, 240sx fastback or coupe, S13 Silvia, or any combination thereof.
Don't detract from rash's thread by having an argument over semantics.

Gladhatter: You did claim that it was incorrect to call a 240sx or 180sx an S13. By not being open-minded and realizing that nobody was trying to say the car was named that, instead of realizing that they were referring to the platform via the chassis code, you show us your ignorance and intolerance.

The air is clear about what different cars are called, and it's inconsequential to point fingers. Let's not ruin this thread any more.


01-31-2003, 02:56 PM
Come on guys this thread is not for fight or other thinks..maybe all have a little of true(i dunno how say in english "correcto") ..

it just for show my car to all nissan(240sx) fanatics and if called s13 to my car is for the chassis code not for other reasson..

Well i hope to enjoy the pics that is the real reasson about this thread..

...paZ heRMANOS...:cool:

01-31-2003, 03:10 PM
Alright, I am from Japan too. Glad, I can see what you are getting at, but you don't have to prove anything. It's nice that your from Japan too but and are familiar with what cars are called but regardless, the "S13" can still pertain to the 180sx or the 240sx.

Go look in a CarBoy, Young Version, AP, or Dorifto Tengoku magazine. When you look at parts for the car (minus bodykits), you'll never find a part that is listed under "180sx". It all goes under "s13" because it is the same.

01-31-2003, 10:12 PM
[post edited for flaming]

01-31-2003, 10:17 PM
Rash, nice car, guy! I apologize to YOU if you are offended in any way. It was not my intent at all. I would be proud to drive your car as I am sure you are. 180SXes, 240SXes and Silvias are all great cars. I would rather eat worms than drive a honduh or a toy yoda!:D

01-31-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by gladhatter
[post edited for flaming]

Hehe, not that I'm trying to instigate anything but I'm just curious as to what was said :D

01-31-2003, 10:44 PM
Sorry. I edited it for a reason.

01-31-2003, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
Sorry. I edited it for a reason.

Oh? And just what was that reason?

01-31-2003, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by wpayne
Alright, I am from Japan too. Glad, I can see what you are getting at, but you don't have to prove anything.

I am not trying to prove anything. I just don't understand how these guys can be so closed minded and negative. I was posting light-hearted info and they start flaming me. I try to defend myself and the high and mighty come in and delete my post. This is a simple case of people not being able to read. I was NOT being negative about Rash's car! It is a nice car! Crimony! Somebody needs to get a life!!

BTW How you like Okinawa? I was there 6 years and loved every minute of it! I am near Iwakuni.

02-03-2003, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by gladhatter
I was NOT being negative about Rash's car! It is a nice car!Crimony!! Somebody needs to get a life!!

BTW How you like Okinawa? I was there 6 years and loved every minute of it! I am near Iwakuni.

Man what crimony means?????:confused:

I dont understand 100% all english words..

--PaZ HErMANO:)--

02-03-2003, 11:30 AM
one last time GLAD--- doesnt matter whether you are talking about the '89-'94 240sx, the '89-94 silvia or the '89-'96 180sx(yes they did make them until 96 in Japan)
-point is they are all s13's i dont care where in the world u are.

-the s13 is designated to the chassis of the car.

-so no matter what all those cars listed in the years above are all s13's


02-03-2003, 11:47 AM
YOU F**KING IDIOTS. Can you not understand that he is not arguing the chassis code, VIN number, whatever? "S13, S14, S15" are used to distinguish between different "Silvia" models because of the common name. There is no need to use chassis code with the 180SX because it doesn't share the Silvia name. It's the same way we use "redtop" and "blacktop" to describe S13 SR20DET. Do you say "S14 blacktop"? If you do, you sound like an idiot because the S14 SR20DET only came with a black valvecover. It is both confusing and "incorrect" to call an S14 SR20DET a "blacktop". Does it mean that anyone thinks that the valvecover isn't black? No.

He is just trying to give you some insight into the slang that the Japanese use. Whether it is 100% accurate down to the VIN number checksum is not pertinent.

'89-'96 180sx(yes they did make them until 96 in Japan) And if you're going to bust anyone's balls over a technicality, you should get your own facts straight. 180SX was produced in Japan until 1998.

02-03-2003, 11:48 AM
Glad, Okinawa is the best! I can't think of ANY better place in the world I'd rather live.

For those of you interested in Okinawa, go here:



02-03-2003, 04:13 PM
Thanks Ruf!! It is a pleasure to hear level headed rants in here.

wpayne, Okinawa does rock!! I hope to be down that way agin in the next year or so. I worked and lived on Kadena.

02-03-2003, 06:30 PM
a fellow paisano, do you have AIM or MSN messenger? Send me an email. I have family in Mexicali.


my AIM/MSN Messenger name is "coolerow"

02-03-2003, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by coolerow2
a fellow paisano, do you have AIM or MSN messenger? Send me an email. I have family in Mexicali.


my AIM/MSN Messenger name is "coolerow"

Man this is cool..

i add you email to my messenger..De todos modos te mando un correo..

..LOs 240sx sobrepasan las Fronteras..:D :D

02-03-2003, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by ruf

Excuse me? You care to be a man, and call me that to my face, or will you settle for being a little girl and call me that on an internet forum? I will not stand idly by and be called that, as well as letting the rest of the users on this forum be called that. I recommend you grow a set and think carefully before you post. You're out of warnings.


02-03-2003, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by ruf

you guys are all wrong. the s13 fastback is called the 765sx

the coupe referred to s13 is the saliva

on the other hand my s14.3 is a 240.75662sx. because it has front end conversion (i did scientific calculation).

S14 in US is 240sx and in canadia is 243sx (because of kilometers per hour).

I a minority, you're not, I'm big you're small, I'm asian, you're another race, I'm right, you're WRONG...

and it europe everything is 201sx because I say so.


<end of bullsh1t rant>

who gives a f uck? stop arguing, just call it what you want. Last thing we need is to act like smartasses and call each other names and point middle fingers at each other.....

btw yes i say s14 blacktop because if i just say blacktop then i might get s13 motor... i thought there is freedom of speech in US right??? wasnt that first amendment or some sh1t? :rolleyes:

02-04-2003, 12:04 AM
Grant, you're delerious. Go look at your new tools and calm down.