View Full Version : I want to join the Army, I'm 16
10-23-2008, 01:25 AM
Hey everybody,
I want to join the Army or something like it, I'm 16 so I don't know if I can but, it doesn't have to be the Army it could be boot camp or something to prepare me for the Army. I want to be prepared for when I join the real thing. Is there any place that will ship me off to a different city or state for boot camp free of charge, my parents are in a financial bind and can't afford to pay for extra stuff right now. Thanks, much appreciated!
10-23-2008, 01:29 AM
you can join an explorer program . .i know cops and federal jobs have them i think
10-23-2008, 01:32 AM
Will I be living away from? I want that. I want a boot camp type thing.
10-23-2008, 01:33 AM
You shouldnt join until you talk to people that have actually been there. My cousin and step brother have both been in the military. My cousin served time in Iraq and tells me and all the other male family members not to because its just brainwashed and they dont really give a shit about you. My brother on the other hand loves it. Why? cause he never went to serve time in the iraq war and he joined when he was 18 like many do not knowing what to do with their lifes. For him it was great cause he didnt go and serve time but now he has to go since he signed another contract. Just think it twice man once you sign your theirs for four years i believe. Anyways Gl with your choices if you go anywhere near them though they try ANYTHING to lure you in..
10-23-2008, 01:37 AM
I believe you can enter the DEP (Delayed Entry Program), then when you turn 17 have your parents sign a waiver so that you may join. While in the DEP program you will train, somewhat. There is no reason to prepare, as long as you're mentally strong you can make it. While you may have the idea that the DI's are your enemy, they are not, and they want you to make it as long as you put forth effort. But I'm no recruiter and certainly can't speak for the Army, as I was unimpressed with their recruiters. So my suggestion to you is go speak to a recruiter.
10-23-2008, 01:43 AM
You need to finish High School or have a GED before you can enter the military.
If you're 17 and meet requirements, your parents can sign a waiver for you to enter.
Will I be living away from? I want that.
You're 16, so I'm not inclined to believe you really know what you want. Don't take this as me ragging on you because you're young - it's not that. My guess is that life might suck living with your 'rents right now, but that's a fact of life for most teenagers. My advice is to research the military, finish highschool, get into college if you can, and enjoy your little remaining time of limited responsibility. After you become an adult, life just isn't as carefree.
10-23-2008, 01:47 AM
Since I'm 16 I can't do anything? I read a little about the DEP, what it is basically is they reserve a slot for me for when I'm 17 and have the waiver signed? They teach me things and I go up a rank before I even begin basic training? That can't be done until I'm 17 right? Damn... I want to join the Army bad, or something similar to it meanwhile.
10-23-2008, 01:56 AM
Since I'm 16 I can't do anything? I read a little about the DEP, what it is basically is they reserve a slot for me for when I'm 17 and have the waiver signed? They teach me things and I go up a rank before I even begin basic training? That can't be done until I'm 17 right? Damn... I want to join the Army bad, or something similar to it meanwhile.
No, no, no. There's no reserving of spots, there are plenty to spare lol. You wont go up in rank either. You don't have a rank until you graduate bootcamp. You can however get promoted when you graduate if you get a bunch of your friends to join as well. All you do is meet up every weekend, do a little PT, and somethings that have activities. The short time I was in we went paint balling and to the shooting range. If you're nowhere near graduating, the best thing for you to do right now is focus on graduating. Only then can you join and go to bootcamp.
10-23-2008, 02:12 AM
You need to finish High School or have a GED before you can enter the military.
If you're 17 and meet requirements, your parents can sign a waiver for you to enter.
You're 16, so I'm not inclined to believe you really know what you want. Don't take this as me ragging on you because you're young - it's not that. My guess is that life might suck living with your 'rents right now, but that's a fact of life for most teenagers. My advice is to research the military, finish highschool, get into college if you can, and enjoy your little remaining time of limited responsibility. After you become an adult, life just isn't as carefree.
I thought that you didnt need a high school diploma to join the army or marines anymore? I thought i heard about it a year or 2 ago.
10-23-2008, 02:13 AM
^Well that would be ridiculous, Marines are already dumb enough as it is.
10-23-2008, 02:17 AM
sounds like this kid has been playing way too much COD4 if you ask me.
touge monster
10-23-2008, 02:17 AM
Two years is a long time kid. Take your time researching your options, the military is always going to be there so don't rush into anything. Just make sure 110% percent it's what you want to do before you enlist. You've got a lot of maturing to do the next two to three years and your goals will change. I'm 99% positive. But when the time comes and you're ready to make that decision, make sure you've made the right one.
sounds like this kid has been playing way too much COD4 if you ask me.
couldn't agree more.
10-23-2008, 02:32 AM
I don't play any video games. At all or watch TV or any of that. My room just has weights, guitar and, my computer which has nothing but Mozilla and a couple songs. Life with my parents doesn't suck We all get along well. Its just that I'm getting impatient, I started skating, I gave up its too boring. Biking too boring, only thing I do right now is play my guitar but it sucks, I can't even afford to get a 100$ cheap-o guitar. I just want to be able to join the Army already, I've wanted to since I was little so I know its what I really want. I'll talk to my teacher tomorrow, I guess I just wanted to ask here since some people have gone to USMC or the Army. I'll look into the DEP.
10-23-2008, 02:50 AM
Like I said, focus on school first. Do you have any idea what you want to do once you get in? Any job in mind?
10-23-2008, 02:51 AM
Like the others said, there isn't anything that will take you to a boot camp type environment where you can live until shipping out for boot camp.
From what I'm reading into your posts, you are trying to make things easier on your parents by not being a burden to them.
If that is part of it, I commend you on wanting to do something to help your parents in what seems like a situation where money may be tight.
If that is the case, then if there are any places that you can work, maybe you can help your parents that way? Sounds to me like you have a little more maturity than some of the people that have posted are giving you credit for.
10-23-2008, 03:00 AM
my hat is off to you, soo young and wanting to support the country!
10-23-2008, 03:00 AM
Is there a JROTC program at your hs? if so, join it.
not sure how reliable the source was, but i heard 70% of JROTC cadets dont end up joining.
anyway, the program will help you learn basic basic military structure. if you join an AJROTC program and if you are in the program for 2 years, upon boot camp graduation, you will hold some kind of rank. im not sure of the details, but it helps. not starting off from 0
anyway, good luck with the family and your decision.
10-23-2008, 03:04 AM
by the way you described your surroundings you lead me to believe you are a bored meathead. have you ever thought of going off to college? the best time in life is moving out and dorming the 1st year in college. you can also join the army ROP military program they provide at universities im sure it will suffice your bootcamp desire while completing school in the end if you graduate from college you can become an officer.
10-23-2008, 03:07 AM
First post should be changed to...
"Hi Zilvians! I'm sixteen years old, and I really want to start making poorly thought out decisions that might very well fuck up my life as soon a possible! How can I go about joining the Army?"
As others have said, sign up for an ROTC program.
10-23-2008, 03:12 AM
my hat is off to you, soo young and wanting to support the country!
the military hasn't supported the country in a long time bud, at least imo they haven't. we start shit with other countries when it isn't our place.
10-23-2008, 03:46 AM
the military hasn't supported the country in a long time bud, at least imo they haven't. we start shit with other countries when it isn't our place. If dumb kids really want to go die for something that doesn't mean anything then they can if they want, I don't really care.
Well I take great offense to that. Of course you're speaking out of your ass, because you know nothing of what you speak about.
10-23-2008, 03:47 AM
^^ actually I was speaking clearly out of my mouth when I said that and I truly believe in what I said. If you don't then that's your opinion and I'm not going to try and convince you otherwise. I'm entitled to my opinion as you are yours.
here's one statement to back up my opinion... lets see, we are spending billions of dollars a year trying to liberate other countries while our own country is falling into a huge financial crisis. It's just ridiculous if you ask me, we should be spending government money to try and improve our own country, not a country on the other side of the world that has nothing to do with us.
10-23-2008, 04:03 AM
Convince me of what? I actually know both sides, but do you? No, you don't. You might believe what you say, but that does not add any credibility to it. You talk like us "dumb kids" had any control over where we went or what we did. I know, and I can probably speak for a lot of the people that joined and fought, that we would have rather done that and risked our lives then live a live you'll most likely end up living. We were apart of something you'll never know. What you're talking about isn't something to be talking lightly about so when you go throwing your opinion around...all I ask is that you show some respect. If you have a problem with that, please PM me. I don't want this thread to go off subject.
EDIT: I really hope you PM me, that statement you provided to re-enforce your opinion has nothing to do with the insulting comment you made.
10-23-2008, 04:36 AM
In no means am I trying to disrespect individuals wanting to serve their country. What I was trying to say is that the position that we've been put in is the fault of our own government and noone else. It's all about money, and someone high up is making a shit load of it right now.
edit: I'm gonna change the "dumb kid" comment because that's not the message I was trying to portray, I meant that for the kid who started this thread alone, and no one else.
10-23-2008, 04:45 AM
That "dumb kid" is making the same decision tens of thousands of people before him have made, including me. It is not the kid that is dumb, it goes much higher.
I support him, only I hope that he pays attention to every word and everything he signs, so that he get's the most he can out of his time in, should he serve. One piece of advise I will give, is that while you're in, make sure that you pick a job (not sure what the Army calls it) that will teach you something that you can use when you get out. The infantry was cool and all, but when you put that on paper.. it doesn't add up to much.
10-23-2008, 04:52 AM
That's OK...that "Dumb kid" will support and defend your right to call him a "Dumb kid".... it's what we do.
10-23-2008, 05:00 AM
The Military doesn't support the Country?
You are obviously making the same foolish assumption as most of the sheep in the United States in this day and age. You are confusing the Military with the Government.
The Military does not make decisions to go to War.
The Military does not pick their opponents.
The Military does support and defend this country, however the government sees fit.
The Military does face all the same hardships facing the rest of the country, plus lose some of the same rights we defend.
I'll ask you, nicely, to not post such things again.
I'll ask everyone else to kindly get back to the Topic at hand and give this kid your actual experience. If you don't have Military experience, then don't advise him about the Military. If you still feel the need to post, then suggest other avenues for him to consider.
10-23-2008, 05:03 AM
/\ Well put
Another recommendation for the OP.
Talk to a recruiter early and find out about taking the ASVAB (Armed Service Vocational Apptitude Battery)
The better you do on this test can make a huge difference in your career field options.
Score low...get the bad jobs, score high and you can get a better selection of career fields. The recruiter may have study materials for you to help prepare for the ASVAB.
10-23-2008, 05:06 AM
I couldn't have said it any better.
10-23-2008, 05:14 AM
i recommend, as others have already, that you join, if available, jrotc at your school i did 2 years of that and was told that if chose to enlist it's 2 pay grades higher than the individual who walks in off the street, plus you get experience that will help you when you actually get into the service, but make sure its what you want to do, cuz once you sign, as stated before, you're theirs for 4 years and take cc4usmc's advice to heart if you dont plan on being a career military man pick a job to train in that will benefit you when u get out! if you decide to join i thank you in advance and re thank all the zilvians that are and have served so we can all enjoy the freedoms some people too much for granted.
10-23-2008, 05:19 AM
I wonder why these institutions are created to be so appealing to young people. Couldn't be because young minds are much easier to shape into what the government wants than older ones could it?! no way, the government is out to help the people aren't they?
oh wait....
10-23-2008, 05:20 AM
I wonder why these institutions are created to be so appealing to young people. Couldn't be because young minds are much easier to shape into what the government wants than older ones could it?! no way, the government is out to help the people aren't they?
oh wait....
I asked you once nicely. I won't do it again.
10-23-2008, 05:24 AM
I wonder why these institutions are created to be so appealing to young people.
It wouldn't exist without the young people. Just quit, please. You've gotten off pretty easy, considering you've yet to add anything constructive to this thread.
10-23-2008, 05:25 AM
but that's the exact point I'm trying to make and you proved it for me in your first response. imo, the government isn't trying to better the country, they are doing it for their own gain and no one else and if the military follows their lead... well you get the point.
10-23-2008, 05:30 AM
/\ you have no clue how the military you?
there's these little things called orders and's a little difficult to not follow those.
10-23-2008, 06:03 AM
to the op, my biggest piece of advice is to look around and check out each branch. i've been in the usmc going on 5 years now and cant wait to get out lol. i'm an 03 which is infantry and as someone mentioned it's kinda affecting my career options when i get out. CHOOSE A JOB THAT INTERESTS YOU. not what you think is cool and never let the recruiter pressure you. no matter what they say, they need you more then you need them. to find out more about your options just research the different branches and pick a job then go talk to a recruiter about it. if you have any questions feel free to pm me anytime.
but that's the exact point I'm trying to make and you proved it for me in your first response. imo, the government isn't trying to better the country, they are doing it for their own gain and no one else and if the military follows their lead... well you get the point.
i myself DO NOT agree with alot of our (as a country) policies and decisions that are made in our govt. I also do believe that our govt. is quite corrupt in some spots. BUT, i DO NOT under any circumstances with the exception of this post go around and flaunt that. why? simply because signing up to defend this country and protecting dumb asses like yours freedom of speech i waived my right to do the same. i never ask for anyones gratitude or approval, but i will demand you do not badmouth myself or anyone members of the military. govt, fine say all you want. but we in the military have no say in any of that stuff that goes on there. and i can assure you, i may be just be a "dumb grunt" but i have not and will not ever be "brain washed"
10-23-2008, 06:21 AM
to the op, my biggest piece of advice is to look around and check out each branch. i've been in the usmc going on 5 years now and cant wait to get out lol. i'm an 03 which is infantry and as someone mentioned it's kinda affecting my career options when i get out. CHOOSE A JOB THAT INTERESTS YOU. not what you think is cool and never let the recruiter pressure you. no matter what they say, they need you more then you need them. to find out more about your options just research the different branches and pick a job then go talk to a recruiter about it. if you have any questions feel free to pm me anytime.
i myself DO NOT agree with alot of our (as a country) policies and decisions that are made in our govt. I also do believe that our govt. is quite corrupt in some spots. BUT, i DO NOT under any circumstances with the exception of this post go around and flaunt that. why? simply because signing up to defend this country and protecting dumb asses like yours freedom of speech i waived my right to do the same. i never ask for anyones gratitude or approval, but i will demand you do not badmouth myself or anyone members of the military. govt, fine say all you want. but we in the military have no say in any of that stuff that goes on there. and i can assure you, i may be just be a "dumb grunt" but i have not and will not ever be "brain washed"
Well said Leatherneck.
Definitely go and talk to the recruiters, but do your own research.
With a decent ASVAB score there are plenty of occupations you can get in to. I've got 10 years in the Corps thus far and I love my job. I work on Aircraft Electronics, which has plenty of potential in the civilian world. While I may not be as hard core as my "grunt" bretheren, the Corps still relies on me to accomplish the overall mission. There are no "little jobs" in the Military if you really think about it. Especially the Marine Corps. We have fewer people than any other branch, so each of us, on average, does more than the common Sailor, Soldier, or Airman.
It's good that you want to serve, but there is alot of thought that you need to put in to this decision. It's not just 4 or 5 years, it's the rest of your life. You will always be a Marine, Soldier, Sailor, Airman. You will always be able to say "I served". :bow:
10-23-2008, 06:25 AM
I can't reiterate enough what has already been said in this thread, but I will say this, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. So many people join and hate it because it wasn't what they thought it was going to be. No job is ever "closed" no matter what they say, usually they are trying to make a quota for a certain job per month which is why they have the DEP(Delayed Entry Program) because for a given month you will be one of those slotted for that specific job. First take the ASVAB and make sure you try hard on it and don't Christmas tree the test, after you get your results back find out what jobs are available to you and see if they are anything that might interest you. If not there are other branches of the military as well as the coast guard if that might interest you, but do not just select a job because you are trying to leave because then you will hate it. I'm a helicopter mechanic in the navy and am on my third year in and it has flown by. If you have questions and are not comfortable with your recruiter i'm sure there is at least one person from every branch on here so feel free to ask questions.
Good luck:snoop:
10-23-2008, 06:29 AM
OP - I know you're young and eager to go to boot camp now but enjoy life a little first. There is a reason that boot camp is only a few months long. It is meant to completely break you of the person who you were before you joined and turn you into the ideal soldier/sailor/marine. If you went through that for 2 whole years before you were allowed to "actually" join the Army, there is no way that you would want to continue that for an entire enlistment. And the DEP program is a joke. It's just a social gathering for new recruits before they actually leave for boot camp. You don't get away from your family. Its a once a week for an hour or two thing. Not worth doing for even 1 year. Bottom line, I commend you for wanting to serve your country (as I have been doing for 9 years now) but you shouldn't be in any rush to do so. Your time will come and until then, live your life to the fullest. Because after you sign those papers, your life isn't yours anymore.
I also agree to STUDY for the ASVAB. I scored extremely high and was offered any job I wanted in the Navy. I am now and Electronics Technician and work on anything from Communications equipment to radars to hooking other people up by fixing their personal electronics. I love what I do and it has MANY opportunities both in AND out of the service. Not to mention it has brought me to Japan where I've owned a skyline and now a 180sx...hehe.
10-23-2008, 08:40 AM
I was in the Army... First Cavalry. Sept 11th happened my senior year in high school so I enlisted after graduation thinking I was going to get to go punch Osama Bin Laden in the mouth.
Do I regret the decision? Short answer, no.
Would I do it differently now looking back? Yes. Definitely.
Being in the Army provided me with some of the best life experiences Ive ever had, but at the same time doing 2 tours during the height of the war also provided me with some of the worst life experiences Ive ever had.
If I could do it all over again... I would have gone to college first, applied for one of the many degree completion assistance programs the military offers to help me through, then after graduation gone to OCS and been commissioned as an Officer. I ended up doing that anyways, Im heading to OCS in May under a USMC flight contract.
Long story short... Do your research. And I mean a LOT of it. If you decide its really what you want, the other guys have mentioned your options already for enlisting early. You will get some pretty good benefits, but absolutely DO NOT do it if you're just seeing dollar signs in front of your eyes. Your number one priority should be serving your country. If it isnt, stay home.
10-23-2008, 08:43 AM
While I may not be as hard core as my "grunt" bretheren, the Corps still relies on me to accomplish the overall mission. :bow:
damn straight, i love the air wing when i'm calling in support lol. you guys make my job a tad bit easier
10-23-2008, 08:48 AM
You need to finish High School or have a GED before you can enter the military...
GED isn't good enough anymore for some branches of the armed forces. To the OP, get some life experience first. Talk to some people who have been there. Join an Explorer/ROTC program and see if you can handle the structure. You might even consider joining the Police department.
10-23-2008, 08:50 AM
I wonder why these institutions are created to be so appealing to young people. Couldn't be because young minds are much easier to shape into what the government wants than older ones could it?! no way, the government is out to help the people aren't they?
oh wait....
Although you might be right this is not the time or place to shit in the op's thread.
10-23-2008, 09:07 AM
i say two things..
First- Wait till new president is elected because that will seriously effect what you will be doing.
Two-Remember that once you sign the papers, you sign away many of your rights and are officially government property.
10-23-2008, 09:17 AM
Two-Remember that once you sign the papers, you sign away many of your rights and are officially government property.
lets clarify shall we, you dont become govt. property lol, you become a govt. employee. you work for and are payed by the department of defense. its just like any other job except now the punishments for messing up (obviously depending on how serious) can include incarceration and forfiture of pay. you dont sign ANY of your rights away, it's just now you cannot speak your rights in uniform (because it would lead people to believe that the military agree's with them) and you cant talk badly about the president or certain political figures because they are no shit "your boss". plain and simple.
10-23-2008, 11:02 AM
What I've always wanted to do is be a mechanic of some sort, I honestly didn't know the Army payed you I thought you were just there to help and serve. That doesn't change my views about the Army, reason I wanted to be a mechanic for the Army is I will be helping others and helping my self as soon as I get out by being ready the tackle different tasks. Thanks guys, I'm using the Army website to help me locate a recruiter.
10-23-2008, 11:16 AM
What I've always wanted to do is be a mechanic of some sort, I honestly didn't know the Army payed you I thought you were just there to help and serve. That doesn't change my views about the Army, reason I wanted to be a mechanic for the Army is I will be helping others and helping my self as soon as I get out by being ready the tackle different tasks. Thanks guys, I'm using the Army website to help me locate a recruiter.
Your like the most motivated 16 year old ive come across in a long time. When I was 16 all i did was ditch class, smoke, party, mod my car, and I never gave a thought about the military.You thought the army didn't pay and you still would sign up? jesus christ haha. I still get phone calls like once a week from recruiters asking me to sign up but I respectfully say no thanks I am going to college full time and the military is not for me.
10-23-2008, 11:18 AM
63b yeeeah boiiiiii
10-23-2008, 11:38 AM
not reading the thread, just be careful when you turn 18 and dont believe a word your recruiter tells you, youre just meat to him.
10-23-2008, 11:59 AM
I honestly didn't know the Army payed you I thought you were just there to help and serve.
Research. One of the biggest sections on the website of any military branch talks about PAY and BENEFITS.
So if you're saying that you thought the military was pure volunteer service in the sense that you dont get paid... That leads me to believe you havent read a damn thing about it. So go do some research on your own first. The Army/Navy/Marines/CG all have really well laid out, user friendly websites. The vast majority of your questions can be answered there. After you digest all that information THEN go speak to a recruiter and he will fill in the blanks.
10-23-2008, 12:13 PM
one word............
10-23-2008, 12:25 PM
one word............
Some people want to be fireman when they grow up.
Others believe it or not want to be in the military.
Pretty much like everyone else said.
Take your time OP and gather as much information as possible.
You don't have to join just the Army.
Look at other services also and what kinds of jobs they offer you.
Be sure to think of the future.
The military might not be a permanent career for you.
Try it out and see if you like it, if you don't then make sure that you will have some certifications that you may have earned during your time in that may help you located a job in the civilian sector when you leave.
Also make sure you go to school and have something fall back on when you get out.
Four years isn't that long. The first year might seem like it but then it just passes really fast.
Good luck. Your making an important life changing decision.
I made it and have no regrets. Hard times and good times will be ahead of you if you choose the military. But you will be a changed person. Just have a positive attitude about it.
10-23-2008, 01:04 PM
Hey everybody,
I want to join the Army or something like it, I'm 16 so I don't know if I can but, it doesn't have to be the Army it could be boot camp or something to prepare me for the Army. I want to be prepared for when I join the real thing. Is there any place that will ship me off to a different city or state for boot camp free of charge, my parents are in a financial bind and can't afford to pay for extra stuff right now. Thanks, much appreciated!
im sorry kid but its not what you think.
sounds like this kid has been playing way too much COD4 if you ask me.
my hat is off to you, soo young and wanting to support the country!
listen this kid barley knows what it is to be patriotic... hes doing it to run away from something in his life. shity home or something. no one wants to join the army at this age. hes either fucked up in the head or talking bullshit. hes gonna flake out and personaly i hope you do
one word............
see above
10-23-2008, 01:05 PM
I wonder why these institutions are created to be so appealing to young people. Couldn't be because young minds are much easier to shape into what the government wants than older ones could it?! no way, the government is out to help the people aren't they?
oh wait....
i like the way you think sir :bigok:
10-23-2008, 01:10 PM
I asked you once nicely. I won't do it again.
i dont get you... im sure even you as a human being knows that this kid is joining the army prematurly. why dont you tell him to finish school, get a job, work on your car, join some race comps, have a kid, a wife, a house. the army and all armed serves are full of empty promises.. oooh we'lll pay for school, we'll do this , do that, and when you get your legs blown off (god forbid) they brush you off like a pile of crap and expect you to fend for yourself
10-23-2008, 01:20 PM
dont be soo hard on him... with the way the economy is now, military aint lookin soo bad right now.. i probably would have been in a better situation if i joined the military a few years ago then compared to where im at today.. being a bum at home.
at least he doesnt seem to be another desperate dude joining the military to pick up japanese/asian chicks and go to japan .. all the wrong reasons to join.
10-23-2008, 01:30 PM
I didn't think they payed to make a living off of I know they pay for school and stuff. As stated before I don't play games, my life at the house is great nothing wrong. I just feel like I need to move on and be more and ready for what life will throw at me. I talked to my home school teacher today. He'll see what high school has ROTC class open.
10-23-2008, 01:32 PM
yah dude, my moms bf always brags about the guy he works with being like 26 out of the navy with a few contract jobs making over 100k a year and manages a power plant via laptop from a wireless card..
kinda wish i looked into the military when i was younger.. im near mid 20s and dont even want to consider at this age
10-23-2008, 02:24 PM
Contrary to what most people believe.
You can make bank in the military.
Depending on your job, rank , martial status, and location location location.
I was taking home $2200 a month at the age of 18 stationed on Okinawa.
Ummm this was what 8 years ago. That was a lot of money to me at the time.
Oh and the benefits.
It's not as bad as people make it out to be.
Just some people in the military don't have good money management skills that's all.
Like everyone said,research and talk to your parents about it.when I told my mom I wanted to join the Marine Corps she asked me if I really wanted to do it,and that she would support me in anything I had my mind set on.on my 17 birthday she signed me up.
I also suggest not doing any sorry if others think im wrong,but as other's said,I almost didn't join because of all the things they try to push on you.Now im a network administrator with a few certifications under my belt and slowly completing my degree in between deployments.Don't join if your trying to run away from stuff...cause trust me..your prioities change once your a few thousand miles away from your loved ones.
10-23-2008, 03:45 PM
i dont get you... im sure even you as a human being knows that this kid is joining the army prematurly. why dont you tell him to finish school, get a job, work on your car, join some race comps, have a kid, a wife, a house. the army and all armed serves are full of empty promises.. oooh we'lll pay for school, we'll do this , do that, and when you get your legs blown off (god forbid) they brush you off like a pile of crap and expect you to fend for yourself
Considering the Medical attention my family and I have recieved, as well at the procedures of close friends of mine have had done, all covered on uncle Sam's tab... No.
But hey, if CNN is saying that we blow people's legs off all the time and then bail on them, it must be true.
Now what I advised him to do was stop just outright bashing the Military. Because he was wrong in what he was saying, and it wasn't adding anything to this conversation. I am not telling the OP to run out and join tomorrow. I merely gave my background and experiences on the matter as someone who has already dedicated 10 years of his life to the Armed Forces.
I will be the first to say that the Military is not for everyone, nor do I want everyone to join.
10-23-2008, 03:48 PM
I will be the first to say that the Military is not for everyone, nor do I want everyone to join.
There are some people that shouldn't join the military let alone be allow to breathe.
Fucking douchebags.
10-23-2008, 04:04 PM
i dont get you... im sure even you as a human being knows that this kid is joining the army prematurly. why dont you tell him to finish school, get a job, work on your car, join some race comps, have a kid, a wife, a house. the army and all armed serves are full of empty promises.. oooh we'lll pay for school, we'll do this , do that, and when you get your legs blown off (god forbid) they brush you off like a pile of crap and expect you to fend for yourself
Empty promises? Really?
Luckily I didnt get my legs blown off but I was injured in the line of duty. I received the best medical care possible, to the point where I felt like it was overkill.
After I served I went to UCLA for my undergrad AND master's degrees... Did I pay a dime out of pocket? No. Paid for by the GI Bill, all the while getting paid a salary almost equal to what I was making while I was on active duty (by the Navy via their degree completion program). The only reason I worked while I went to school was because I had an awesome job that I loved (again thanks to my military experience) because lord knows I would have been juuuust fine without having to work.
Not exactly empty promises. But the people who expect to get something for nothing are out of their fucking minds. There will always be a significant trade off.
And like Jack and Thatguy said... The military is absolutely NOT for everyone (including one West Point grad in particular who I served with and wouldnt have known his elbow from his asshole on the battlefield if it wasnt for the NCOs babysitting him). I wish they would make it harder to get in.
Long story short... Military haters can go fuck themselves. You dont have to agree with military lifestyles, policy, or procedures- but the men and women who serve do deserve at the very least a little respect and gratitude.
The end.
10-23-2008, 04:09 PM
Alright, I definitely agree with what a lot of you who have served are saying about the military. I might have gone a little off the deep end spewing my opinions out into the open last night. I was really trying to bash the government and not the individuals who risk their lives to protect the freedom of our country.
I will still say that I don't think the actions of the government are justified entirely and a lot of people blindly accept it because they just don't know any better.
I respect those individuals that are risking their lives each day on foreign soil, but I don't believe what we are doing is right.
10-23-2008, 04:11 PM
^Understood, and perfectly acceptable.
Thank you for being a man about it.
10-23-2008, 04:14 PM
yeah I read back through some of the stuff I was posting last night and some of the other responses from people who have served and felt a little ridiculous. Just had to clear up how I truly feel.
10-23-2008, 04:29 PM
I'm glad you finally understand. I hope you don't still think I'm brainwashed:drool:
10-23-2008, 04:33 PM
BTW, there are currently 17 Marines serving in Iraq right now, that are amputees.
Yep, they had so many empty promises and substandard health care, that after they lost limbs and were given new ones, then given the oppurtunity to get out of the Military, they chose to stay in, and return to their units to be along side their brothers in arms.
Boy, that loyalty, devotion, and comradery sure is a mother fucker of a brainwash.
10-23-2008, 07:50 PM
BTW, there are currently 17 Marines serving in Iraq right now, that are amputees.
Yep, they had so many empty promises and substandard health care, that after they lost limbs and were given new ones, then given the oppurtunity to get out of the Military, they chose to stay in, and return to their units to be along side their brothers in arms.
Boy, that loyalty, devotion, and comradery sure is a mother fucker of a brainwash.
:keke: Hey I can't complain either, they picked up Natalie's $290,000.00 hospital bill from the NICU and another from the PICU for $15k. :bigok:
10-23-2008, 08:41 PM
thats tuff kid.... think about what you're really doing....
10-23-2008, 09:57 PM
:keke: Hey I can't complain either, they picked up Natalie's $290,000.00 hospital bill from the NICU and another from the PICU for $15k. :bigok:
No complaints for me either. Uncle Sam paid for the funeral for my son as well as the medical costs for my other son (the surviving twin) while in the NICU. Not sure of the daily cost but he was there for a month. That's the biggest reason for my reenlistment. When it comes down to it, I KNOW my family will be taken care of.
10-23-2008, 10:25 PM
BTW, there are currently 17 Marines serving in Iraq right now, that are amputees.
Yep, they had so many empty promises and substandard health care, that after they lost limbs and were given new ones, then given the oppurtunity to get out of the Military, they chose to stay in, and return to their units to be along side their brothers in arms.
Boy, that loyalty, devotion, and comradery sure is a mother fucker of a brainwash.
Damn shit fuck! Your post's make want to consider my decision more and more! I'm starting my diet plan In two weeks. I should be within weight In 8 months. My dad Is amazing at work out routines and cardio work outs.
10-23-2008, 10:41 PM
go to an rotc and see how it is first because it might change you mind:2f2f:
10-23-2008, 10:43 PM
take your asvab. Its a pretty simple test. A monkey could pass it. I got a 95, and if I can do that, anyone else should be able to get a perfect 99.
Im not eligable for any cool top secret clearances tho, because my moms not an american citizen, and i've got dual... its gay.
10-23-2008, 11:47 PM
take your asvab. Its a pretty simple test. A monkey could pass it. I got a 95, and if I can do that, anyone else should be able to get a perfect 99.
Im not eligable for any cool top secret clearances tho, because my moms not an american citizen, and i've got dual... its gay.
Doesnt matter if your parents arent citizens if you are.
If you have dual citizenship you have to give up the 2nd one and be an American only (to be an Officer... Dont know if the rule is any different to enlist but I doubt it would be).
10-23-2008, 11:54 PM
Doesnt matter if your parents arent citizens if you are.
If you have dual citizenship you have to give up the 2nd one and be an American only (to be an Officer... Dont know if the rule is any different to enlist but I doubt it would be).
nope i've heard it from all 4 differnet brances. Im not eligible for ts clearance for a long time, because my mother isnt a citizen. Some silly conflict of interest thing... Its a shame. I wanted to work on all those cool ufo's and time machines.
10-24-2008, 08:57 AM
My parents arent natural born citizens either, they immigrated from Romania (~25 years ago). They are citizens now, however, so it didnt affect me too much other than requiring a little more of a background check when I was up for clearance.
I still think something is fishy... There are TONS of people in the military who's parents arent citizens, but they were born here and are now serving. There is no way they can exclude all those people. I can think of a handful of guys off the top of my head who I served with who's parents were on Visas and Greencards.
10-25-2008, 07:44 PM
I still think something is fishy... There are TONS of people in the military who's parents arent citizens, but they were born here and are now serving. There is no way they can exclude all those people. I can think of a handful of guys off the top of my head who I served with who's parents were on Visas and Greencards.
I don't think he's saying they won't let him join. I think its just that he can't get a security clearance. There are lots of jobs in the military that don't require a clearance. To obtain a clearance (i.e. Secret/Top Secret) you must be a US citizen and ONLY an US citizen.
10-25-2008, 08:17 PM
Clearances require a lot of bureaucratic bullshit. But, trust me, there are ways around it. It's all who you know, not just what you know.
I've seen a naturalized Salvadorian citizen that partook in the civil war be put in TS positions with temp clearance. That same Soldier has a profile for a broken back but was somehow accepted as the Assistant S-3 of an Airborne Civil Affairs battalion.
I've seen people get put in slots for which they were entirely over or under grade or failed to match MOS profiles.
But whatever.
To the OP: Think deeply about your decision. The military is many things to many people. Many people have negative experiences and many others positive. I had a great time in the military, but I will tell you it's a hard life. You grow up really quickly and for the most part can't fully appreciate your experience until you're done.
One thing is for sure, the military will leave you with unforgettable memories. Not necessarily good. Not necessarily bad. You'll learn tremendously about yourself and others.
I won't give you too much advice on prepping for boot camp or anything like that. Plenty of others already heave and will continue to do so.
Instead, let me leave you with two things an outstanding NCO told me once.
1: "You never truly know anybody until you've seen them angry or drunk."
2: "Life is like a rope. Remember never to hold it too taught, or too loose.
You still have a while until you can move ahead with your decision. In the meantime I hope that you take the time to inform yourself further and truly think about your choices and desires in life.
At 16 I had a completely different view of life than when i was 18, or 25.
Good Luck!
10-25-2008, 08:20 PM
if you do dep you're just getting the whole intro process out of the way sooner
allowing you to leave as soon as you graduate highschool
there is military schools have you considered that
you come out with a high rank and college degree
a lot of them supply you with top of the line laptops and shit
i have a friend who did that for mechanical engineering
he plans on designing weapons for the military smart kid
10-25-2008, 08:28 PM
Rotc like already had been said would be the best taste test for ya. Also talking to a recruiter isnt such a bad idea, and above all else if you go through with it make sure you READ everything your signing, i didnt and got jipped outta my signing bonus... and got a combat job wen i wanted a desk job learning computers... haha i ended up as a computers systems specialist for artillery (combat) further more became infantry/MP when i went to iraq both times. But that part cant be helped cuz every soldiers secondary MOS is infantry... also if you go to like go army . com or which ever branch theres live chat rooms with others like yerself and ex military current military and alot of times recruiters that can give you alot of insight and answer your ? you may have.
10-26-2008, 04:37 AM
Why would you ever want to be a paid killer working for the devil. it does not compute.
Uncle SAM is the one that Got u killed/maimed/hurt so OF COURSE he will pay ur medical. He's the one who Fuckin Did it to you.
C'mon are you guys that hard up that you would sell yourself into slavery.
I grew up watching the military my whole dam life. And I respect what they do. But I Do NOT think that they really understand what there actions are bringing about. they are children running with scissors, unaware of the danger they bring or have brought upon themselves. They play a game. it s just that the game, is the game of death.
please understand what you are getting into. Is that the way u wish to live your life? please think about it
10-26-2008, 05:35 AM
why would you ever want to be a paid killer working for the devil. It does not compute.
Uncle sam is the one that got u killed/maimed/hurt so of course he will pay ur medical. He's the one who fuckin did it to you.
C'mon are you guys that hard up that you would sell yourself into slavery.
I grew up watching the military my whole dam life. And i respect what they do. But i do not think that they really understand what there actions are bringing about. They are children running with scissors, unaware of the danger they bring or have brought upon themselves. They play a game. It s just that the game, is the game of death.
Please understand what you are getting into. Is that the way u wish to live your life? Please think about it
wow!!!!!!!!! So Uncle Sam is the one that caused my wife to have 1 still-born son and one premature son (twins), huh? I guess it's good that he footed the bill then.
Apparently I'm pretty good at this "Game of death" because I'm yet to even come close to dying or even wounded. I broke my hand once because I got pissed and punched a metal wall...does that count?
You sir don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. I don't care if your old man is the fucking President. If you haven't served your country yourself a day in your life, you don't deserve to make stupid and naive comments about something you know nothing about.
10-26-2008, 06:35 AM
Why would you ever want to be a paid killer working for the devil. it does not compute.
Uncle SAM is the one that Got u killed/maimed/hurt so OF COURSE he will pay ur medical. He's the one who Fuckin Did it to you.
C'mon are you guys that hard up that you would sell yourself into slavery.
I grew up watching the military my whole dam life. And I respect what they do. But I Do NOT think that they really understand what there actions are bringing about. they are children running with scissors, unaware of the danger they bring or have brought upon themselves. They play a game. it s just that the game, is the game of death.
please understand what you are getting into. Is that the way u wish to live your life? please think about it
The devil? Where the hell do you get that logic? By the "devil" you mean the US govt's policies? And Govt, i mean the people YOU voted in place to make all the laws and policies that sent the military overseas? So does that make YOU the devil?!?!
Damn Im sitting in Iraq right now in 3 feet of mud cuz of the devil...aint that some shit? Oh wait I gotta go swim in it cuz im getting mortared...
Do me a favor will yah? Send me a picture of you. That way, next time I have to weapon qualify, Ill put your picture up for target practice. :hahano:
PS: Mind you, I dont necessarily 100% agree with the policies put in place over the military that sends us out here. But some of you dont seem to understand how it works. Serving in the military, we have given up some our rights in order to wear the uniform. Rights that seem to be taken for granted by most folks. Free speech? Aint nothing really free in the military. Trial? Guess some of you guys have never heard of the UCMJ and how it works? Unlike regular folks in their regular jobs, we cant exactly just walk out of our jobs because we dont agree with something our company's doing. Thats like volunteering for some time in Levenworth...I for one is all about bringing the troops home. Yes I agree, we need to police ourselves first before we should police the world. We need to stop sticking our hands in every fucking cookie jar out there...
10-26-2008, 06:41 AM
There are some people that are meant to join, then there are those who are not. That guy is definitely one of the latter.
10-26-2008, 06:47 AM
There are some people that are meant to join, then there are those who are not. That Guy is definitely one of the latter.
Oh snap, son! Barry's gonna be pissed...
10-26-2008, 09:25 AM
Oh snap, son! Barry's gonna be pissed...
__________________________________________________ ______________________________
Wow, so MambaSic, I'm a killer working for the Devil?
Do you know how many people I've killed in the line of duty?
I'll give you a hint, it's less then the number I've killed not in the line of duty.
10-26-2008, 03:29 PM
edited my previous post
10-26-2008, 06:52 PM
sounds like this kid has been playing way too much COD4 if you ask me.
haha yep! Has no clue what he's getting in to... :confused:
10-26-2008, 07:28 PM
Well if the guy that posted this is still looking at his thread I offer a word of advice and a little insight.
For starters the military is like any other job(kind of), it is what you make of it. So if you are hard working, dedicated, have some common since, and can take an order with out questioning it. The military can do good things for you, give you life experience and take you places that alot of people do not get to go. Granted some of those places are no where you would EVER want to go, but some are.
On the other hand if you are a shit bag in life, you will still be a shit bag in the military. Its just how it goes.
As for the reasons we are at war. For some people there is no reason to be where we are and to be doing what we are doing. For others there are. Personaly I do not care, not even a little bit. I did not join becuase im idealistic. I joined to give my wife and daughter a life that they diserved and would cherish. I do not need to know why we are fighting, it just does not matter to me. The Govt. gave me what I wanted, but there are costs and obligations I have to fulfull in order to get what I wanted.
But I can tell you that if you join and get deployed you will start to care about the guy next to you as much as your family. You will find brotherhood and comroderry that you will not find any other place. To some that is reason enough to be where we are and to do what we are doing. That is my take on it anyway. Some days you will want to be in and some you will not. Its not all fun and its not all bad.
But you need to know that alot is asked of you and your life will completly change. Basic training is easy once you get past your break down phase. It sucks but everyone goes through it. The real army is not like basic. Its also not like most movies. All recruiters will lie to some extent and tell you what you want to hear. You should know before you take to them if you want to join up or not.
Have you put any thought into what job you want to do(your "mos") ? Your list of jobs that is availible to you is based on your asvab score. Take my advice, study, score at least a 65 but closer to 80 and get a good job. There are study guides out there if you look. Do what you can to go in with a little rank. At least E3, it will make it alot easier on you.
So think it over and if you have any questions feel free to pm me.
I hpe this helped a bit.
10-26-2008, 07:30 PM
This shit is retarded.
I want to buy alcohol... legally. However, I don't have a time machine, so like everyone else who has to wait for shit... have fun.
10-26-2008, 07:32 PM
haha yep! Has no clue what he's getting in to... :confused:
And I'm sure you know what he's getting himself into right? If you're in the military maybe you'd like to explain what you said; if not then you should kindly shut the fuck up.
10-26-2008, 07:58 PM
that's not how you hold it when they take your pic.
this is how its done...
style points
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