View Full Version : WTF??????? Damn burglars!!!!!!!

10-21-2008, 03:13 PM
Ok. The scenario:
Time: 11.10ish am (yes, in the morning, right before noon)
Yesterday, me sleeping in the bedroom, GF sleeps on the couch in the living room (don't ask), i hear a big ass BOOM! Like somebody fell on the floor. I thought it was her drunk ass. WRONG! Right after the big bang, i hear her screaming "THERE'S A MAN IN THE HOUSE! THERE'S A MAN IN THE HOUSE!!!" She heard the bang also, and thought that my drunk ass fell out of the bed. WRONG. There was a black kid standing right there. In front of her. After she started to scream, he ran like he was in Olympics or something.

I jump out of the bed, and she runs into the bedroom and locks the door. I grab an umbrella (don't ask) and chase after the fucker. He jumped out of her roomates window kicking the screen out.

All this happened in San Pedro. I talked to some neighbors, and apparently there's a group of young black kids raiding the houses. And yes, it was a black kid, about 20yo. About 3 - 4 days ago another house got broken into, and 2 -3 laptops got stolen. Other brake ins were reported right in the area.

How did it happen:

the fucker rang the doorbell for about good minute or two (checking inf anyone os at home). My GF never answers the door, because there's usually sales people and such. She did look thru a window next to the door, and saw nothing.

The end:

When she got into the bedroom, she was shaking like a mofo, barely could dial 911. Cops showed up in about 3 - 4 minutes (fast). It was about 5 - 6 cars and a 'copter.

How he got in:

the fucker tried 2 other windows, wich were locked. The bathroom window (really small) was not locked, and the gas lines were there, giving him a step (the window is about 6' from the ground). The roomate turned the alarm off when he left for work. He left at about 6ish am, and asked my GF if he should turn the alarm back on. She said NO, since it was daylight already and we were there.

The thing:

guys, keep your shit safe. Lock everything up. Luckily no one got harmed, nor anything was taken (yeah, like there's anything to take besides old ass heavy CRT TV's). :)

EDIT: My gf was living there alone for 6 months. Then her roomate moved in a week ago, and she started to feel safer. Yeah, right.

10-21-2008, 03:16 PM
Holy shit bro....

Wish you would've caught him a beat his fucking ass....

I'm dying for someone to try to break into my crib....

10-21-2008, 03:18 PM
crazy man... results of economy fail

10-21-2008, 03:18 PM
Go to Walmart and buy a Louisville slugger man... an umbrella? WTF?! lol

10-21-2008, 03:28 PM
Go to Walmart and buy a Louisville slugger man... an umbrella? WTF?! lol

Lol. Only thing that was there to grab. I told her to get at least a bat or something, so far, so FAIL. :keke:

HyperTek - yep.

10-21-2008, 04:03 PM
Seriously, thats' gay as fuck.

So i come home one night, and my neighbor hollars at me. We chitchat, and she tells me this Scion's been scoping out my house.

HIDs, black spoke rims, racings stripes and decals on the side. Within an hour, it highbeamed our house and posted up across the street 3 times. 3 FUCKING TIMES.

So, I asked if she could spread the word, and have all the neighbors keep an eye out.

If anything is stolen, I'm going vigilante on their asses and eeffing up their car.

I've been on edge for a while now about it.

10-21-2008, 04:04 PM


10-21-2008, 04:06 PM
crazy man... results of economy fail

Pieces of shit will be pieces of shit.. no need to blame the economy.

10-21-2008, 04:15 PM
wow man....that's fucked, especially for your girl to be involved. good thing nothing happened to her or we would've seen you on the 5 o clock news!

10-21-2008, 04:23 PM


i don't wanna kill anyone, i just want to maim them for life

this stays right next to my bed

i have left my house unlocked for 10 years, its out in the boonies, if anyone wants to steal my shit the good luck finding my house :keke:


10-21-2008, 04:31 PM

Oh man.

Local news. Less than a month ago.

Guy like broke into his ex-gf's house or something, new bf freaks and slices a guy's arm.

Victim gets taken to the hospital for "SWORD WOUND"!!!

How fucking sweet is that!?

10-21-2008, 04:39 PM

by my bed, hopefully i never have to pull either one on an intruder but justin case.

10-21-2008, 04:47 PM
I wish I was 21.

I want a god damn pistol.

I already have swords and crow bars and all that fun stuff, but I would imagine a gun is more intimidating to an intruder and, I would have less of a chance of actually having to harm the person.

10-21-2008, 04:58 PM
Hey you live in san pedro ? sweet im not too far from you

10-21-2008, 05:06 PM


Memories ah.........

Packed two when i lived in AZ
best thing for protection!!!

Besides a rubber:keke::keke:

10-21-2008, 05:15 PM
"he ran like he was in Olympics or something."


10-21-2008, 05:28 PM
glad yall are ok........thieves know better than to fuk around in texas

10-21-2008, 05:32 PM
Hey you live in san pedro ? sweet im not too far from you

No, I don't. My GF does. I usually stay there on the weekends. And now, i have more shit to do to the house to protect her (barbed wire above the fence, since the burglar used a bucket to get over a fence, motion sensors etc.).

The prints guy came by later on yesterday, and he was sucking on a lollipop. A 40 yo looking guy, sucking on a lollipop. That was hilarious.

10-21-2008, 05:42 PM


She did wanted to get a gun, BUT she would never use it if confronted. She gots no balls. :ugh:
But there are 3 riffles just sitting there in a cabinet at her place, and 2 boxes full of ammo. :D

10-21-2008, 07:12 PM
Duuuude kornax meng, wtf? Shiiiiiiit . That's crazy man....glad your asfe that's for one....dude you woulda weant midevil on their ass hahahahahaha......and economy has nuthin to do with it, lazyness is all.

10-21-2008, 07:12 PM
Holy shit bro....

Wish you would've caught him a beat his fucking ass....

I'm dying for someone to try to break into my crib while im at home with a gun or bat

fixed for u :love:

10-21-2008, 07:20 PM
Damn black people.

Those kids are what you call N......


10-21-2008, 07:26 PM
At least he didn't steal your 240.

10-21-2008, 07:30 PM

Hell yea, Compact USP FTW!

Glad to hear everyone is safe man. I don't expect them to come back around though. Well hopefully the dont.

10-21-2008, 07:32 PM
Hit him with a book...

It's like kryptonite.


10-21-2008, 07:35 PM
At least he didn't steal your 240.

It was nowhere near there. It was safe at home. No one can touch my 240 without my permission. If (God won't let anyone do it) it would get stolen, i'd go on a rampage. I went to her place with the DD, a 99 Dodge Caravan. No one would touch it even if it had the keys in ignition. :D

10-21-2008, 07:37 PM
Hit him with a book...

It's like kryptonite.


Hahahhahahahaha! :bigok:

10-21-2008, 07:38 PM
Just be glad that nothing bad happened economy or not those thuggs dont even work so theyre not affected by economy they just want things for free... so i guess if you know where they live you should do the same... just fuck with their shit just the same... I would i keep a few shit laying around just for show. and then i have some cool stuff to try out on them.

I'll go honky tonk on their ass. This is a really nice banjo and i dont know how to play it... maybe if i hit someone in the head with it... it might just justify the 350 bucks i spent on it.


firm tofu
10-21-2008, 07:43 PM
I wish I was 21.

I want a god damn pistol.

I already have swords and crow bars and all that fun stuff, but I would imagine a gun is more intimidating to an intruder and, I would have less of a chance of actually having to harm the person.

get a shotgun/rifle. not sure how many people would do this but if the dude had a body armor. most centerfire cartridges arent going to pierce and with a shotgun you can just spray and pray.

10-21-2008, 07:47 PM
Damn black people.

Those kids are what you call N......


hahahaha nice:snoop:

dont you mean No- Gooders?

Hit him with a book...

It's like kryptonite.


or you could put this outside your window http://www.samplewords.com/docthumbs/pro-job-application-form-thumb.gif

But seriously, its sad to see young men, white or black doing things like that. Though since the crook was black it does bring a bit of extra sting to it, seein as he is continuing the stereotype. I hope ya girl doesnt become like some people who become afraid of us.

10-21-2008, 07:54 PM
glad yall are ok........thieves know better than to fuk around in texas

dam straight!! and if they do i got a 12ga waiting!!

my thing is that if somone is ballsy enough to enter somones house more than likely they are packin....shoot 1st ask questions/clean up body(s) later...

to op good to hear u an ur girl are ok....

10-21-2008, 08:01 PM
But seriously, its sad to see young men, white or black doing things like that. Though since the crook was black it does bring a bit of extra sting to it, seein as he is continuing the stereotype. I hope ya girl doesnt become like some people who become afraid of us.

She's black... :) And I'm European (white:D).

The race does not matter. Any crook is piece of crap in my book. I only stated the stuff that i heard from neighbors. :)

10-21-2008, 08:07 PM
dam straight!! and if they do i got a 12ga waiting!!

my thing is that if somone is ballsy enough to enter somones house more than likely they are packin....shoot 1st ask questions/clean up body(s) later...

to op good to hear u an ur girl are ok....

:D You texan guys are lucky. And i completely agree with you.

10-21-2008, 08:12 PM
well if the banjo doesnt work ihave other toys to try out. I have a cneter fire that im sure will penetrate pretty easy. if not at least it will put them on their ass for a little bit till i can load up my AR-15... maybe the Galil or the sisters rem 870 Wingmasters. hmmm this is all that i can fit on the pics but i have a few more that i want to try out. about 4 years ago someone tried stealing our cars not my 240 but my wife used to drive a honda civic i was working inside my garage just doing some soldering for work. And i heard some weird shit outside, Thinking its my neighbor, i just brought the desert eagle out since he knew how i am. I didnt cocked it. Then i went out and there they were 6 guys 2 look out cars trying to jack my wifes car, my father in laws truck and my neighbors toyota van. hmmm I didnt get it maybe someone had a shopping list going but since i was out already i aimed at one kid hmm he looks about the prime age maybe 18-20 gangster looking. the first thing he saw was me aiming at him. them they all just started running, i went inside and took my AR and was going to fire a shot at the lookout MR2 but then i said hmmm waste of bullet. im sure they change their minds going on my street again.

10-21-2008, 08:17 PM
well if the banjo doesnt work ihave other toys to try out. I have a cneter fire that im sure will penetrate pretty easy. if not at least it will put them on their ass for a little bit till i can load up my AR-15... maybe the Galil or the sisters rem 870 Wingmasters. hmmm this is all that i can fit on the pics but i have a few more that i want to try out. about 4 years ago someone tried stealing our cars not my 240 but my wife used to drive a honda civic i was working inside my garage just doing some soldering for work. And i heard some weird shit outside, Thinking its my neighbor, i just brought the desert eagle out since he knew how i am. I didnt cocked it. Then i went out and there they were 6 guys 2 look out cars trying to jack my wifes car, my father in laws truck and my neighbors toyota van. hmmm I didnt get it maybe someone had a shopping list going but since i was out already i aimed at one kid hmm he looks about the prime age maybe 18-20 gangster looking. the first thing he saw was me aiming at him. them they all just started running, i went inside and took my AR and was going to fire a shot at the lookout MR2 but then i said hmmm waste of bullet. im sure they change their minds going on my street again.

A bit hard to understand what you are saying, but the two bolded words make up for it. :)

BTW - nice stack dude.

10-21-2008, 08:23 PM
yeah it was kinda too much to take... hmmm sorry :)

10-21-2008, 09:00 PM
She's black... :) And I'm European (white:D).

The race does not matter. Any crook is piece of crap in my book. I only stated the stuff that i heard from neighbors. :)

I bet you as much european as I am african:keke:. And I agree I would have shot at anyone in that situation

Andrew Bohan
10-21-2008, 09:40 PM

10-21-2008, 09:51 PM

Part of me wants to laugh the other part kinda hurts.......

C. Senor
10-21-2008, 10:02 PM
damn that sucks. glad every one is ok, and the only thing that was done was shaken nerves. but you definitely need a bat or a golf club, at least a doh roller. lol.

that's the kind of thing, that really makes me want to go get my gun license and buy some sort of pistol. nothing major, but at least a 9.

10-21-2008, 10:16 PM
damn that sucks. glad every one is ok, and the only thing that was done was shaken nerves. but you definitely need a bat or a golf club, at least a doh roller. lol.

that's the kind of thing, that really makes me want to go get my gun license and buy some sort of pistol. nothing major, but at least a 9.

Yep. I mean i don't live there, i only stay there every other weekend, but for her own safety, i will force her to get at least a bat.

As for racism - i am NOT a racist. I just passed the rumors/facts around the forum. I said it before, and just like future240 said - the color of the skin does not matter. If you brake into MY house, or try to steal MY car, i WILL shoot you.

10-21-2008, 10:29 PM
Yep. I mean i don't live there, i only stay there every other weekend, but for her own safety, i will force her to get at least a bat.

As for racism - i am NOT a racist. I just passed the rumors/facts around the forum. I said it before, and just like future240 said - the color of the skin does not matter. If you brake into MY house, or try to steal MY car, i WILL shoot you.

damn skippy, I am black and I dont think he is a racist. I think he feels the same as I do. We hate everyone equally:bigok:

10-21-2008, 10:32 PM
Ive got a GTR seat next to my bed, Ill just throw that at him.

10-21-2008, 10:33 PM
^Why do you have a GTR seat next to your bed?

C. Senor
10-21-2008, 10:35 PM
Yep. I mean i don't live there, i only stay there every other weekend, but for her own safety, i will force her to get at least a bat.

also you could get those little min bats they sell at ball parks. those thing hurt and you can rapid fire hit people with them.

10-21-2008, 10:36 PM
damn skippy, I am black and I dont think he is a racist. I think he feels the same as I do. We hate everyone equally:bigok:

:bigok: Couldn't agree more! ;]

10-21-2008, 10:38 PM
also you could get those little min bats they sell at ball parks. those thing hurt and you can rapid fire hit people with them.

This is a good point, though if an attacker gets the bat from her......

If you want to go non-lethal to keep people from harming your girl, then a stun gun, mace, pepper spray, pit bull, rosey O donald, is the way to go

10-21-2008, 10:45 PM

10-21-2008, 10:47 PM
This is a good point, though if an attacker gets the bat from her......

If you want to go non-lethal to keep people from harming your girl, then a stun gun, mace, pepper spray, pit bull, rosey O donald, is the way to go

Hahahahahaha. Rosie.... :D Hahahhahaha! I will bring that up to her.

She does have pepper spray, but, drinking = not thinking. :] And we do it somewhat a LOT. :[
I just told her to keep all the windows locked and we did turn on the window limiters (all of the windows have a limiter to which point you can open the window). Also we're working on some other safety measures (hiring Rosie). :D

10-21-2008, 10:54 PM
Get one of these.


10-21-2008, 11:02 PM
Hahahahahaha. Rosie.... :D Hahahhahaha! I will bring that up to her.

She does have pepper spray, but, drinking = not thinking. :] And we do it somewhat a LOT. :[
I just told her to keep all the windows locked and we did turn on the window limiters (all of the windows have a limiter to which point you can open the window). Also we're working on some other safety measures (hiring Rosie). :D

Hmm since she is black then that means deep inside her sleeps some type of crazy, unless of course that crazy is already out. Teach her out to accurately handle a firearm and make sure she sleeps near it if said situation kicked in again, you will be running up to a dead body.

BTW all rosie needs is a ham sandwich and to be told that she isnt a fat cow

10-21-2008, 11:24 PM
Hmm since she is black then that means deep inside her sleeps some type of crazy, unless of course that crazy is already out. Teach her out to accurately handle a firearm and make sure she sleeps near it if said situation kicked in again, you will be running up to a dead body.

BTW all rosie needs is a ham sandwich and to be told that she isnt a fat cow

She's crazy sometimes, but not the regular crazy. She has some irish and some other blood in her. I don't think it would be worth for me to try to convince her to get a gun, since she's a very strong person (she would never give up in an argument!).

She's not in her 20's either, so she knows what she has to do.

Andrew Bohan
10-21-2008, 11:31 PM

10-21-2008, 11:53 PM
She's crazy sometimes, but not the regular crazy. She has some irish and some other blood in her. I don't think it would be worth for me to try to convince her to get a gun, since she's a very strong person (she would never give up in an argument!).

She's not in her 20's either, so she knows what she has to do.

Ah got you an older chick eh? Either that or you're a pedo:keke:. Stick with fortification then. Best way to prevent a break in, is dont give them a way to break in. Cuz only dumb crooks shattter windows

10-21-2008, 11:59 PM
Ah got you an older chick eh? Either that or you're a pedo:keke:. Stick with fortification then. Best way to prevent a break in, is dont give them a way to break in. Cuz only dumb crooks shattter windows

F*ck, ya got me... :D She is way older than me, her daughter is even older than me.... :hahano:

As for prevention - very true. BUT, people tend to forget.

C. Senor
10-22-2008, 12:21 AM
^damn.......2 for 1. lol

get a stun gun. those things will jack you up nice.

can you believe the only thing that stops people from getting into your house is a window. kind of crazy.

10-22-2008, 12:35 AM
Good idea C.Senor. BUT like i said already, she has pepper spray.

I told her to get bars on the windows, but she refused. I even offered her free installation (well, it would be beer from her, dinner and then some some when the time comes, you know...). NOPE. She is not getting them. :///

C. Senor
10-22-2008, 01:13 AM
i dont like bars either. just something about them and jail. i dont know. but pepper spray is cool cuz if you can get them they blind and burn the crap out of your face. but if you dont get them in the face, they can still go after you. with a stun gun they aren't going anywhere but to the ground in a seizure.

10-22-2008, 01:47 AM
i dont like bars either. just something about them and jail. i dont know. but pepper spray is cool cuz if you can get them they blind and burn the crap out of your face. but if you dont get them in the face, they can still go after you. with a stun gun they aren't going anywhere but to the ground in a seizure.

Funny, that's what she said - "I don't want to feel like living in jail" (referring to bars). It is a great security feature and a good investment (in my book), but stun gun seems like the best option. It's all for her. :/

10-22-2008, 02:19 AM
Dogs. Preferably chows.

I fucking HATE chows. Biggest piece of shit dogs ever. BUT, if you raise them yourself, they will love you and your family, and ONLY you and your family. Everyone else = the enemy.

10-22-2008, 02:38 AM
Dogs. Preferably chows.

I fucking HATE chows. Biggest piece of shit dogs ever. BUT, if you raise them yourself, they will love you and your family, and ONLY you and your family. Everyone else = the enemy.

I know what you're saying. Heard some nasty stories that involved chows. But i wouldn't let her to get a chow. Only a German Sheppard, or a Lab. Or, a Doberman.

10-22-2008, 07:29 AM
F*ck, ya got me... :D She is way older than me, her daughter is even older than me.... :hahano:

As for prevention - very true. BUT, people tend to forget.

Mother daughter threesome. Go now, no fuck this post dont even read the rest, do now. do it.....................WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL READING THIS FOR, GOOOOO!!:rimshot: