View Full Version : question regarding when a potential job requests a dmv driving record print out..

10-21-2008, 02:40 PM
im curious, i got called for a potential job interview, I need to bring a dmv printout of my driving record since the job requires a clean perfect record... now I used to get the occasional vehicle modification tickets a few years ago , like ref tickets etc.. My only serious real ticket was a speeding ticket 2 years ago... I dont know how that would play out to potential employeers?? Or do they usually just look to see if theres any felonys, DUIs stuff like that?

Just wondering because If i decide to check this job out, ill have to go to the dmv today adn get a copy.

10-21-2008, 02:45 PM
Is it a driving job? If it is, they look for points on your record.

10-21-2008, 02:46 PM
satalite tv installer..

a speeding ticket is a point huh?
i dont remember what speed it was, but it was in a construction zone... i think i threw the og ticket away *it was 2 years ago*

10-21-2008, 02:52 PM
sometimes if they really need you, they will accept the points on your record. i used to work valet, and we hired a guy who had a dui. lol

good luck man. just wish for the best and explain the situation.

10-21-2008, 02:59 PM

They just make sure you don't have anything OUTSTANDING on your record.

You should be fine.

Vin Diesel.

10-21-2008, 03:00 PM
ic ic.. so i take it, if they like the guy and he presents himself very well, they might accept that over his record.

heres another question.. i hve experience installing ahmmm not so legal sat systems.. what could i say for experience? lol lol

10-21-2008, 03:05 PM
To your knowledge, it was legal.


10-21-2008, 03:24 PM
yeah obviously you're not going to rat yourself out...

and yes the dmv printout is just for insurance on their end to make sure they aren't hiring someone that is going to go out and wreck their company vehicles. with a speeding ticket 2 years ago you should be fine.

10-21-2008, 03:44 PM
I applied for an office job. This job in no way required me to drive. But they wanted to check my dmv records. And they did.

I probably had a speeding ticket a year before i applied for this job. They did not mind that, I think they were just checking for criminal activities or any offenses or misdimeanors.

If you dont have any of those you should be ok.

10-21-2008, 03:48 PM
do i need to bring my birth certificate with me to the dmv? i cant remember if i did the last time i had to get a print.. i gotta find it

10-21-2008, 03:52 PM
Just bring your license. Simple and easy as that.

10-21-2008, 04:53 PM
run for the hills... it's a trap... they found out about your illegal installs and are trying to destroy your life


10-21-2008, 05:36 PM
to further dooks point...


C. Senor
10-21-2008, 10:09 PM

you need license and like 5 bucks i think?

that's cool. good luck with gettin that j.o.b

10-21-2008, 11:16 PM
It's to see if you are responsible or not for one thing.

As well as to check and see if you are some sort of crazed driver.

I know someone who was fired after the company found out that one of their workers had many points on their license. No, they didn't do any driving either for that company either.

10-21-2008, 11:33 PM
It's to see if you are responsible or not for one thing.

As well as to check and see if you are some sort of crazed driver.

I know someone who was fired after the company found out that one of their workers had many points on their license. No, they didn't do any driving either for that company either.

ouch that's harsh, the dude must have fucked up in some other ways too or something. if employees don't do any driving of company vehicles then employers don't really need to know if they're a good driver or not, I guess maybe they didn't want to associate their company with people that break the law often or something of that matter.

10-22-2008, 12:02 AM
Like I said, it's just a way to see how responsible someone is.

I know I wouldn't hire someone who has a horrible driving record, to run my company.

If they fail at life doing that, who knows what else they fail at life at.

10-22-2008, 07:57 AM
As long as there isn't anything stupid from the last 3 years on there you should be fine.

10-22-2008, 04:32 PM
fucking aye.. i was there from 10am to 3pm.. waiting because it was an open house invitation and there was like 30 guys there and they where hiring a few spots.. well I was the last to be called.. I instantly got turned down *didnt get to be interviewed/tested* for my driving record.. On my DMV print out, i got 3 violations noted, but only one has 1 point.. and that was for speeding. The others, one happens to be when i got a ref ticket/modified violations, and the other was registration because i had expired temp tags *well you know, Cali wont give you a tag unless your car meets smog *visual etc*, even if you did pay registrations *.

So I only have 1 point on my record, i figure thats cool... Then they tell me they cant accept the other violations, they consider it i would have 6 points. They had their own set of guidelines since they are self-insured. They consider the vehicle modification violation as use of illegal vehicle, and pretty much the same for the registration one.

I told the guy that I only have 1 point, but he insisted "because since we are self insured, we go by any violation that would increase your insurance rate".

so im pretty freaking mad right now..wasted my day there.. and driving since i live in the boonies, not as close to home.. (esp when im really low on funds right now, dont want to be driving when i can avoid it* . Some of the guys they interviewed, did not look to be in the best of physical condition to be climbing ladders, or even know how to use a remote ...

a big fuck you california... these stupid vehicle modification laws, in which I pay the fines for, *the ref ticket, even if you pay it off, goes into your record as a violation*, and thus jobs will count that against you..

10-22-2008, 04:34 PM
howd you get that printout? from the dmv website form?

10-22-2008, 04:36 PM
That sucks bro. Sorry to hear it.

10-22-2008, 04:41 PM
howd you get that printout? from the dmv website form?

go to the dmv its $5...

I kept my cool, im just venting inside because im upset.. cant find a job.. been months.. economy sucks..

Imagine if a cop pulls you over, gives you a ref ticket for modified emiisions, you figure you dont have the time to go get it writen off so you decide to pay fines even tho you think the cop was wrong.. then come to find out that hurts you from gettin a job.

Thats not what i did, but you get the idea of how laws screws us.

Im dissapointed because i was all hyped and figured I would impress them and get a spot, but i never got the chance..

I been also considering car sales, but cuz of the economy, doesnt seem like many people are buying since you always here about decreasing sales... but i wonder if i would get declined for that as well....

10-22-2008, 05:08 PM
go work at mcdonalds....better than nothing, they hire anyone...i saw a mentally disabled person working there once

C. Senor
10-22-2008, 05:25 PM
damn that sucks. you can try dealerships as a porter. they check, but if you're pretty cool they'll hire you. if they're lookin of course.

good luck though man. hope you find a job.

10-22-2008, 05:30 PM
go work at mcdonalds....better than nothing, they hire anyone...i saw a mentally disabled person working there once

Just one? I swear last time I was there even the managers were mentally handicapped.

Apply at any retail stores, they're probably still hiring some seasonals. I just got hired on at costco, $11/hr to put stuff in people's carts and push them back. Sounds good to me. I'm also a TA for one of my teachers at community college. The district pays me $8.50/hr to enter some data and grade a few papers. The teacher tends to exagerate the amount of time I spend actually working so it gets played up a little. I also take some stuff home with me so its not like its a big exageration though. So if you see anything on the ballots this November for funding your local community college, please vote for it.

10-22-2008, 05:30 PM
go to the dmv its $5...

I kept my cool, im just venting inside because im upset.. cant find a job.. been months.. economy sucks..

Imagine if a cop pulls you over, gives you a ref ticket for modified emiisions, you figure you dont have the time to go get it writen off so you decide to pay fines even tho you think the cop was wrong.. then come to find out that hurts you from gettin a job.

Thats not what i did, but you get the idea of how laws screws us.

Im dissapointed because i was all hyped and figured I would impress them and get a spot, but i never got the chance..

I been also considering car sales, but cuz of the economy, doesnt seem like many people are buying since you always here about decreasing sales... but i wonder if i would get declined for that as well....
im trying to do law enforcement so EVERYTHING hurts me, even having a no insurance ticket 5 years ago when i was 16 and a wrong left turn ticket also at that time

trust me, i know how it screws you. if you cant beat em, join em!

10-22-2008, 05:32 PM
Just one? I swear last time I was there even the managers were mentally handicapped.

cant remember....too busy pulling monopoly pieces:squint: