View Full Version : lookin for music that doesnt suck, ohh yea and techno

01-26-2003, 07:05 PM
we got a cd burner a couple weeks ago and I just started playin with it, the only music I've been able to find & download and not pay for so far is from MP3.com which has the Offspring and a whole lotta people no ones ever heard of, but they got some techno that doesn't suck so I've been downloading that.
I got kinda into it, not enough that I'd actually be caught buying it, but if its free its okay.
So is there anywhere else that I don't hafta download anything or pay for anything to use? Possibly with music that may have been on the radio at one point in time.

01-26-2003, 09:14 PM
go to kazaa.com

anything you can imagine
if you like techno check out 303 infinity, ppk, dj quiksilver and even paul oakenfold( braveheart and swordfish)

01-26-2003, 09:16 PM
also, kazaa, has auido ,pics, movies and software

it slaps napster around like a red headed step child

drift freaq
01-27-2003, 01:44 AM
ya man just go ripoff every musician out theres work. Its like they make music for your entertainment no sense paying for it .
Guess what mommy and daddy put food on your table .
Dude , I am a musician I do not appreciate people ripping MP3's becuase they claim they are poor . You got money to spend on your car you have money to buy music . stop starving the musician by ripping off their music.

01-27-2003, 02:08 AM
your a musician? i feel your pain, but if you are a musician than you should know that the artists are not the ones making the money of a cd. a cd probably costs about 4 bucks to make, and that is including artists pay, manufacturing, rights, and exposure. this weekend i went to the mall and saw cd's for over 18 dollars. screw that, there are only a few songs on a cd i want to here anyway. MUSICIANS DO NOT MAKE MONEY THROUGH CD's!!! it is through concerts and promotions. my best friend is the drummer for a band that tours with BB king. i remember hearing how the top band either last year or the year before grossed over a 150 million, but sold about 8 million cd's. at the most the artist made $1 from each cd, at the most, so if some super star is pissed cause he only made 142 million instead of 145 million, he can eat my ass, i will still continue to pirate his music, and laugh while i do it


01-27-2003, 02:17 AM
since your a "musician" you should understand that it all starts with airplay, people hear your song and want to buy the cd, but the cd is just really an ad trying to get people into a stadium to hear the music, which isnt a bad thing, no cd will ever match a live concert, but when i go to sam goody and see a cd of an artist that is selling for almost 20, and can buy concert tickets for about 30, im sure most people would go to the concert. thats what i would do and than drive to and from the concert playing their bootleg songs, while, as stated before, yelling they can eat my ass

01-27-2003, 06:47 AM
Originally posted by drift freaq
ya man just go ripoff every musician out theres work. Its like they make music for your entertainment no sense paying for it .
Guess what mommy and daddy put food on your table .
Dude , I am a musician I do not appreciate people ripping MP3's becuase they claim they are poor . You got money to spend on your car you have money to buy music . stop starving the musician by ripping off their music.

Well record companies make CD's cost about 10X what they should. So I'll download 90% of my music and buy 10%. The industry needs to wake up or they'll be wiped out.

01-27-2003, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by s13rookie
since your a "musician" you should understand that it all starts with airplay, people hear your song and want to buy the cd, but the cd is just really an ad trying to get people into a stadium to hear the music, which isnt a bad thing, no cd will ever match a live concert, but when i go to sam goody and see a cd of an artist that is selling for almost 20, and can buy concert tickets for about 30, im sure most people would go to the concert. thats what i would do and than drive to and from the concert playing their bootleg songs, while, as stated before, yelling they can eat my ass

I thought musicians main cash source was concerts and then cds.

what do you play drift freak?
Im a musician too, my main instrument is bass (electric & upright) and I can play some others.

01-27-2003, 05:46 PM
ever tape something off tv? whats that, yea?:rolleyes:
hmm, multi-millionares whos don't do anything that even resembles work, gee I just can't figure out why I don't feel sorry for them.
they want my money, :D 8=====:o

01-27-2003, 06:40 PM
Ya umm artists don't even make a dollar off of thier cds. At least TLC didn't, I remember on some VH1 thing they said that the record company screwed them and only gave them like 20 cents for each cd. I heard most artists make like 50 cents or less for a cd which costs like 50 cents to make.

It is more the record companies I am more pissed at than the artists themselves. Most artists claim to make music for the love of it, if that is true money isn't much of a problem. Either way they make loads of money through merchandise, and concerts.

I support the underground more than mainstream, cuz mainstream is getting worse everyday. Underground is all for the love of the music, and they make real good music, eminem is worse now than he was when he was underground, but he is still good, and keeps to his roots. In underground you make a name for yourself by making fun of others, and eminem kept that and makes fun of everyone who mentions his name.

There are only a few people whose cds I buy, and those who make quality music, most cds have 1 good song, 2 to 3 and it goes triple platinum. They just try and fill up the time with interludes, and skits, and garbage songs. I prefer 25 minute CDs of straight songs to 60 minutes of talkingm and ****.

EDIT: Just realized How long this was, I have a lot of free time on me right now :rolleyes:

Tyler Durdan
01-27-2003, 07:17 PM
I can't see the point in paying lets say sony music record label $18.00 dollars for a cd with a couple of good songs, when I can go and buy a 20 pack of cds and burn them with my cd recorder all made by sony. Hippocracy anyone?

01-27-2003, 08:14 PM
"ever tape something off tv? whats that, yea?"
In that situation, you are simply recording something that is already paid for by your cable bill and advertisements. You are allowed to do this legally, so long as you don't sell the copy or show it in a commercial environment in any way that makes you money...or even if it doesn't.
There is a bit of a gray area there, where you loan it to a buddy who doesn't have cable, but technically, as long as the advertisments are not removed, it would still be payed for...then again the CD copying/mp3 downloading is on a different scale completely so I won't try to compare them.

"I can't see the point in paying lets say sony music record label $18.00 dollars for a cd with a couple of good songs, when I can go and buy a 20 pack of cds and burn them with my cd recorder all made by sony. Hippocracy anyone?"

And I quote CEO of Sony "...If you can't beat them, join them..."
This was his response to the above question. He was saying that even thought they want piracy to stop, people are going to do it using cdr's made by other companies anyway, so they may as well make some money off of it until a system is put in place to bring piracy to an end. Smart move Sony :)

Intellectual property bla bla bla bla bla....

I'm not one of those guys that says information should be free bla bla bla, but I won't pay their outrageous prices for it.
Having said that, I do buy cd's and have never ripped off a cd I would have bought anyway. Most of the time, I'll just get the one good song off a cd that totally sucks ass (which is most out there). So I have not denied anybody money.

-DSC, with an mp3 list exceeding 15Gb...and a cd collection over 100 :rolleyes:

01-27-2003, 10:50 PM
MP3.com has a ton of good techno!

Aura, Crossingmind, Karoly&Monica, Lightworks, Mind Reflection, Paradigm, Trance[]Control, and Turboy just to name a few Groups, DJ's, whatever and all have some good Trance tracks.

Kazaa is good but you can hardly ever connect to a peer with a decent speed and even if you do the transfer rate sucks. I usually let things download over night if I can even find something from a peer that I can even connect to.

01-27-2003, 11:08 PM
music sales will NEVER be the same until the entire industry is restructured, resulting in the price of purchasing music to drop into the $5 range. for $5, i'll buy the CD, for $15+ i'm stealing it for free. the unfortunate part is that most musicians have no business sense, and can't pull this off on their own. it's going to take somebody like Pearl Jam, who has been in the game for a while, to really do something revolutionary.

01-28-2003, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by tnord
music sales will NEVER be the same until the entire industry is restructured, resulting in the price of purchasing music to drop into the $5 range. for $5, i'll buy the CD, for $15+ i'm stealing it for free. the unfortunate part is that most musicians have no business sense, and can't pull this off on their own. it's going to take somebody like Pearl Jam, who has been in the game for a while, to really do something revolutionary.

some people have kinda did that, like Master P, back when I used to like him he sold all his cds for 9.99, all other cds were going for 13.99 and up, and now Master P is one of the richest men in the music industry. That is proof that a lower price won't effect profit, but only increase sales.

drift freaq
01-28-2003, 03:48 PM
ok , good points and bad points have been made in this thread due to my response. I will addrees them .
First off , I write and produce everything from house to jungle to hip hop.
Second off having been a member of the socalled underground I can personally tell you every so called underground musician does love his music but does want to to get paid for it.
Anyone who tells you different is either lieing to oneself or lieing to both you and oneself in part to look good to you. i.e. Down with the underground.
Ok, next yes indeed the Major labels do over charge for CD's .
Yes Tnord has a good point that I cannot agree with more. the whole business needs to be restructered.
NOw useing the excuse that its ok to download and rip music becuase the Record companies are ripping you off is poor ethics and moral decline a common problem wtiht todays youth. Justification for doing something that is fundamently and ethically wrong does not make it right. The end does not justify the means.
If someone ripped your wheels off your car becuse you wanted to much for them when you went to sell them , would that make them right?
shoe is on the other foot now.
YOu don't correct a wrong by commiting another wrong.

01-28-2003, 06:48 PM
"If someone ripped your wheels off your car becuse you wanted to much for them when you went to sell them , would that make them right?"

Please don't say intellectual property theft is the same as physical property theft...It takes a totally different type of person and state of mind to physically take something. And to say that for every cd you copy you are stealing $15.95 or however much, isn't nearly accurate because nobody would actually buy every bit of music they own for those prices.

drift freaq
01-28-2003, 08:10 PM
Please don't say intellectual property theft is the same as physical property theft...It takes a totally different type of person and state of mind to physically take something. And to say that for every cd you copy you are stealing $15.95 or however much, isn't nearly accurate because nobody would actually buy every bit of music they own for those prices.

I am not talking about the person that copies CD's for the own use. That is completely legal under U.S. and international copywright law.
Ripping music that has been posted on the net without the express permission of the label or artist is theft plain and simple.
When my friends independant record label gets its whole catalog ripped and posted on Kazaa without their permission who is losing? Their label is not a major label. They are not making gazillions of dollars selling their records and CD's.
Fact is you guys have gotten so use to ripping stuff from the net you do not even think twice about it. You use your justifications of the major labels ripping you off as a reason to rip songs. Thats no reason its bad ethics period.
theft of intellectual property is the same as theft of property.
someone always loses yet you seem to find a way to justify . Are you trying not to feel guilty or wrong?
Stealing software is the same thing.
A totally different type of person to steal physically. You need to look at your ethics if you believe that.
Like I said before theft is theft. If someone owns the rights and do not pay for the right i.e. not in public domain that is theft by U.S. and International law , period!!
If someone catchs you and takes you to court you will either be fined or taken to jail that is a fact . You need to read up on copywright law before making such bold statements that theft of copyright material is not the same as theft of physical property.
You are a criminal in the eyes of the U.S. goverment according to current U.S. law.
It is a Federal crime that can be prosecuted if they choose too.

01-29-2003, 05:52 PM
every so called underground musician does love his music but does want to to get paid for it.

Hmm, what about all the bands that post their complete albums in mp3 format on their sites?

I own about 20GBs of different mp3s. 98% of it is underground. None of this **** is played on the radio. If it wasn't for Napster, Kazaa, audiogalaxy and a crapload of MIRC channels, i would've never owned any of this stuff cuz i wouldnt've known what to buy. And i can't justify spending $16 on a cd of a band i never heard of(partly being a reason that where i'm from all of it is ripped and goes for about $2-$3). And they would never ever get any money from me. On the other hand, once i "stole" this stuff from them, heard it and liked it, i'd be the first one to buy tickets to their concert if they ever got around and would buy tshirts and posters and stickers.

If you are underground, you can do yourself better by giving it to people for free. Think about it. You are a band inspired by metallica. Now everybody loves metallica and buys their cds. Now you come around with music that sounds the same but is free. People are gonna listen to you now. I think music as it is should be free. Merchandise associated with it, is what people should be paying for.