View Full Version : Two Dead at U of A

10-16-2008, 08:34 AM
So last night, Im getting ready to crash out and I hear "bang bang bang bang bang pap bang bang bang. So Im like wtf that sounded like gunshots. My roommate was up so I was like "dude did you hear that shit, that sounded like gunshots" he told me it was prolly just someone messing around. So then I get into bed and the next thing I know theres search lights shining in my window, So I go outside and cops are rolling up and jumping out of there cars and shit. So I throw some clothes on and go outside. Fuckin right across the street from me the house is getting taped off, this is close to 1am, and there are cops swarming the area, looking in my windows, in my car. So I figured that the shooter must have bailed because they were searching the surrounding area, also there was no ambulance till later, which the cops just turned around, so I figured no one got hurt. Well I have 8 am class so I went back in and went to sleep. Wake up this morning, news everywhere in front of my house ( lucky for me, because thats what woke me up, I forgot to set my alarm). But anyways the story as of right now
Hourly Update
Two men shot dead in University of Arizona student's Midtown home
By Alexis Huicochea
Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 10.16.2008
Two men were shot to death early this morning after they reportedly forced their way in to a University Of Arizona student's Midtown home.
The double homicide occurred in the 800 block of East Adams Street - near North Euclid Avenue and East Drachman Street - shortly after 12:30 a.m., according to Sgt. Fabian Pacheco, a Tucson Police Department spokesman.
He gave the following account:
A 23-year-old UA student was home alone when a couple of men he did not know forced their way in to his residence.
The student shot and killed both intruders.
When officers arrived at the home, they found the two men dead inside.
Their names and exact ages were not released, but one was in his mid to late 20s and the other was about 25 years old, Pacheco said.
Pacheco could not say what the men were looking for or if they had possibly gone to the wrong house as it is still early in the investigation, he said.
The UA student has been taken in for questioning and is cooperating with police, Pacheco said.
By the pattern of the shots, something makes me skeptical that it simply a home invasion, but Ill get into that later, right now I have to go to class.

10-16-2008, 08:36 AM
You don't walk into someone's house and not expect to get shot at.


10-16-2008, 08:44 AM
Good guys 2, bad guys 0. Stay the fuck out of other people's houses. Not a hard concept.

10-16-2008, 08:47 AM
Good guys 2, bad guys 0. Stay the fuck out of other people's houses. Not a hard concept.

Yes. chalk two up for the good guys.

10-16-2008, 08:50 AM
Tucson is a shit hole...... :rofl:

10-16-2008, 09:44 AM
Damn, sounds like a deal gone bad.

10-16-2008, 10:06 AM
Tucson is a shit hole...... :rofl:

Agreed i lived n Mesa it was okay but chilled in Tempe and Chandler alot for the parties.......

10-16-2008, 10:19 AM
Fuck that, if it was my house itd be the same situation.

Springfield XD .45 with 10 round magazine = 5 bullets for each bad guy. Just one or two close range shots from a .45 and someone would be fucked. 5 = DOA for the ambulance.

Glad the bad guys got what they deserved.

Fat Felix
10-16-2008, 10:28 AM

that's how it should be in cali too

10-16-2008, 10:35 AM
while i'm glad the invaders and not the homeowner was killed, i somehow doubt he was a "good guy". lots of home invasions are by guys looking for lots of cash or drugs, something only drug dealers usually keep in worthwhile quantities.

10-16-2008, 10:39 AM
+2 for the good guys. I would have done the exact same thing with my xd-45. 13 hollowpoints heading their way. They can fight over who gets the odd one.

10-16-2008, 10:49 AM
I don't see the problem. They broke in. He shot them.

Same thing I woulda done. Shoot first, ask questions later.

10-16-2008, 10:52 AM
a girl got raped at my school in the complex across the street from my house last week and i found out yesterday they caught the shithead that did it.

they should shoot him too.

10-16-2008, 11:08 AM
Yes. chalk two up for the good guys.

you got it!


10-16-2008, 11:10 AM
while i'm glad the invaders and not the homeowner was killed, i somehow doubt he was a "good guy". lots of home invasions are by guys looking for lots of cash or drugs, something only drug dealers usually keep in worthwhile quantities.

with the economy the way it is, i wouldnt doubt there is more cash in alot of houses at the moment. banks start failing and people start hoarding cash.

10-16-2008, 11:11 AM
you got it!



Epic post DUFF, well done :bigok:

10-16-2008, 11:22 AM
this is nothing new for arizona


10-16-2008, 11:29 AM
Yes. chalk two up for the good guys.

lol because we know the shooter is the good guy?

10-16-2008, 11:35 AM
as long as he cooperates with the cops, and that gun is registered (idk the law) he shold be alright...

but somethings not right... i need to know more... like did he know them, and why they were breaking in the house or was it just a plain ol robery????

10-16-2008, 11:46 AM
^^ In AZ all you need is an ID and 3 months of consecutive proof of residence and you can buy a gun....

Permit only for concealed weapons license.......

10-16-2008, 11:57 AM
Does anyone hate it when people automatically assume that the person who shot someone is probably a criminal too. It is annoying when someone protects themselves and is guilty until proven innocent. +2 for the good guys.

10-16-2008, 12:16 PM
while i'm glad the invaders and not the homeowner was killed, i somehow doubt he was a "good guy". lots of home invasions are by guys looking for lots of cash or drugs, something only drug dealers usually keep in worthwhile quantities.

Yeah but unless they are professional burglars, most home invaders are freakin' crackhead idiots who are just looking for a quick score. Most robberies are crimes of opportunity, very few of them are actually well thought out plans.

10-16-2008, 12:18 PM
Ok explanation now, He was claiming self defense,,, but as far as the shots go, it was 5 shots, a pause, a shot from another gun, and then 3 more shots. This means that the shooter who obviously came out on top (resident) got the jump on the other two guys. Now as far as home invasion, there are two situations, the first of which is break and enter to steal shit, no affiliation with homeowner, however there were cars parked in front of the house, so the perps would not just barge in there and get surprised, and since we can assume, do to the fact that there were two different guns fired, that at least on perp had a gun, they would not have gone in blindly to get shot up and take so long to fire back. That and the fact that its a college campus area, where there is not really that much cash lying around (people are either paying for school out of their own pocket, of if momy and dady are giving money, its going to be on cards) and knowing that someone is going to be home, and people walking up and down the streets regularly, this situation is highly unlikely.
Next scenario could go two different ways, the perps know the homeowner and are their on personal business either a) to kill the perp b) some form of deal that is more than likely illegal considering the weapons. The first situation, a) is highly unlikey because, if that were the case, they would have gotten the drop on the homeowner, or at least fired alot quicker in response.
b) is the most logical answer to this. deal goes bad, homeowner shoots the two men, the pause is where he thinks their dead, obviously one is not, fires a shot at the homeowner, and the remaining three shots are fired at the surviver, killing him.

10-16-2008, 12:32 PM
what time was it at?

10-16-2008, 12:53 PM
what time was it at?

learn to fuckin read? it said 12:30am

10-16-2008, 02:47 PM
with the economy the way it is, i wouldnt doubt there is more cash in alot of houses at the moment. banks start failing and people start hoarding cash.

that's true, but it's still pretty hit or miss (mostly miss i would think) on if there would be enough cash in the house to make it worthwhile.

Yeah but unless they are professional burglars, most home invaders are freakin' crackhead idiots who are just looking for a quick score. Most robberies are crimes of opportunity, very few of them are actually well thought out plans.

i actually just got a brief from the CSPD gang unit that most home invasions are supposed to be gang on gang crimes. a drug house will have thousands of dollars cash and similar dollar values of drugs in it. i'd hope they'd stick with that instead of trying to get the $50 or so dollars ($60 if you include the change) i have in my house.

granted, considering the mental capacity of someone willing to commit this type of crime, it often doesn't go quite right.

so to recap. i'm ok with criminals getting shot, i applaud it really. but to assume that the resident is a fine upstanding citizen is a bit of a stretch. especially considering the resident got 5 shots of before anyone returned fire. he had a gun more handy than the invaders (at 12:30am no less), no suprise invasion.

10-16-2008, 03:24 PM
^^^Agreed. More details are needed though to judge exactly what happened and the shooters intent... Such as if he warned them, or asked them to leave or anything before opening fire etc.

10-16-2008, 04:01 PM
invited, sure, ask.

uninvited, i'm in the "shoot first, ask questions later" camp.

10-16-2008, 04:43 PM
^^ In AZ all you need is an ID and 3 months of consecutive proof of residence and you can buy a gun....

Permit only for concealed weapons license.......

thing is most criminals don't actually buy legal weapons, we all know how hard it is for criminals to get unregistered or stolen weapons:rolleyes:

10-16-2008, 04:49 PM
If he shot them in the front thats going to side more with him.

10-16-2008, 05:06 PM
Wow thats pretty crazy. I've witnessed a couple of shootings and they are not pleasant. I always keep my Glock 23 and H&K P2000 both .40 cals locked and loaded near my bed with two extra magazines for both just in case. I'm trying to save up for the tactical Bernelli too, just so I won't have to fire any rounds. Anyone who hears a shotgun pumping is gonna run before I have to dump.

10-16-2008, 06:09 PM
i wonder what the rules are for on campus housing? apparently this was off campus, man that some crazy stuff right there

10-16-2008, 06:17 PM
invited, sure, ask.

uninvited, i'm in the "shoot first, ask questions later" camp.

Generally I am as well, but it's going to make life easier dealing with the police if you can truthfully say you didn't resort to deadly force first. Sure, if you see them and they're armed (especially with a gun), their intent is obvious, but it's a little risky to just get up, grab your gun and step out and shoot to kill without taking the split second to asses the situation, if it's at all possible. For all you know you might be shooting someone you know.

I know years ago a guy was killed not far from where I lived when he walked into the wrong half of his duplex mistakenly. Other guy who lived on the other side just assumed the worst and put a .44 round through his gut. IIRC he got off with only small charges, but it could have been a lot worse.

steve shadows
10-16-2008, 06:19 PM
Fuck that, if it was my house itd be the same situation.

Springfield XD .45 with 10 round magazine = 5 bullets for each bad guy. Just one or two close range shots from a .45 and someone would be fucked. 5 = DOA for the ambulance.

Glad the bad guys got what they deserved.

Same here, but you only need 2 .45 rds. anywhere on a torso, and if it's MagSafe, that's the end of story...plus you save your innocent nieghboors.

don't waste ammo, it's expensive these days

10-16-2008, 11:20 PM
Same here, but you only need 2 .45 rds. anywhere on a torso, and if it's MagSafe, that's the end of story...plus you save your innocent nieghboors.

don't waste ammo, it's expensive these days

You shoot until he's down and stops twitching. 185-gr .45 actually has less history of one-shot stops than 135-gr JHP .40.

I'd have put a few rounds into anyone who shows up in my apartment at night. I live by the Roman rule that anyone who breaks into your house at night can be assumed to be there to kill you.

10-17-2008, 05:47 AM
hmmm. thats some wild ass shit.

10-17-2008, 05:56 AM
sounds like a whole buunch of Win. We must slay all who oppose us. Two thumbs up. More oxygen for me

10-17-2008, 11:32 AM
For those on the first page who assumed the student was a criminal to:fawk2:.

Evidence in the fatal shooting of two intruders by a University of Arizona student appears to be consistent with his account that he was defending himself, police said.

2 killings look like self defense!!! http://www.azstarnet.com/metro/262825

10-17-2008, 12:35 PM
+2 for the good guys. I would have done the exact same thing with my xd-45. 13 hollowpoints heading their way. They can fight over who gets the odd one.
haha thats better than what our fucking law enforcement carry in cali.... 3 extra rounds

10-17-2008, 12:50 PM
haha thats better than what our fucking law enforcement carry in cali.... 3 extra rounds

Standard cop issue Berretta = 9mm x 15 round magazines.

Only law enforcement is allowed to have magazines with 10 < round capacity. Civilians only get 10 rounds. Unless you have a friend in AZ thatll buy you 13-15 round clips and bring em to you.

Fat Felix
10-17-2008, 01:33 PM
Standard cop issue Berretta = 9mm x 15 round magazines.

Only law enforcement is allowed to have magazines with 10 < round capacity. Civilians only get 10 rounds. Unless you have a friend in AZ thatll buy you 13-15 round clips and bring em to you.

i know you mean law enforcement > 10 rounds :)

you dont need to go far to buy magazine, or clips, with more than 10 rounds.. you can buy 'rebuild kits' for magazines that hold more.. like a 33 round mag for my glock 19. It may not be legal for you to own, but it's definitely a loop hole that allows legal purchase of them.

10-17-2008, 10:02 PM
All of this is for Californians:

It is perfectly legal for a non-felon to have a high-capacity (henceforth referred to as "standard capacity" because "high-capacity" is simply a media buzz term attempting to make magazine capacity sound more lethal) magazine in his or her possession. It is illegal to buy, sell, or import a standard capacity magazine but it is not illegal to possess one. It is not illegal to find or be given one and continue to use it from there. It is, as far as I can tell, illegal to use a standard capacity magazine in an AR15 with evil features but a featureless (read: ugly) rifle can use standard capacity magazines.

I had the foresight to purchase some standard capacity magazines for my Sig when I was younger, before the bans came into effect. I was also given a couple. I've always liked the lines of the P226, even when I was young.

10-18-2008, 04:34 AM
dudes they sell hi-caps at the store. Glock 33 rnd is 22 dollars. 17 rndr is 22 dollar.

KaliForniA is a horrible place it seems

10-18-2008, 08:38 AM
Generally I am as well, but it's going to make life easier dealing with the police if you can truthfully say you didn't resort to deadly force first. Sure, if you see them and they're armed (especially with a gun), their intent is obvious, but it's a little risky to just get up, grab your gun and step out and shoot to kill without taking the split second to asses the situation, if it's at all possible. For all you know you might be shooting someone you know.

I know years ago a guy was killed not far from where I lived when he walked into the wrong half of his duplex mistakenly. Other guy who lived on the other side just assumed the worst and put a .44 round through his gut. IIRC he got off with only small charges, but it could have been a lot worse.

You're absolutely right. I was told in my CCW class to dial 911 and leave the phone off the hook. Yell "drop the weapon" or "get out of my house" before you shoot the perp so you have audio record of what happened. Arizona has Castle laws :rl: Hopefully the good guy walks on this one.