View Full Version : using a electric water pump

01-26-2003, 03:47 PM
hey guys,
i was wondering if anyone here is using a electric water pump instead ofthe stock one. it offers alot of benefit over a standard pump. on v-8 they have seen up to a 20rwhp difference in switching. you are putting less load on teh timing belt by not having to drive the pump. less load is more power. also you hook it up to a ignitio relay and that way say your at the track, turn your key to one and you can cool your system without starting your car. i plan on switching to a electric pump before i put my motor back in but i am a little confused about how to install them or what one i should buy. if anyone has any insite please let me know. thanks alot

01-26-2003, 04:22 PM
this sounds pretty interesting, I don't have any input but keep us updated and pls take pics of the install if you can...

I don't see why you can't just order one from from Summit, Dedenbear makes a few.

Aside from fab'ing custom mounts I don't see how the install could be too difficult (dunno if you'll need an idler pulley where the pump was though...) Anywho, I figure if they can cool a 4.3 litre they can cool a ca no problem.

01-28-2003, 01:33 AM
Unfortunately, I too, have no useful info. But please post back because I would definately like to know what you find out, and if you go through with it, let us know how it turns out, and how hard it is to do.

01-28-2003, 07:55 AM
Check the archive section!

01-28-2003, 08:51 AM
I have used a davies craig electric water pump on our FSAE car with a yamaha R6 engine. We used the smallest one they have and it worked great. I would reccomend davies craig, I think they make a really good part. here is a link with info for it.

I don't think you will save 20hp, remember the more electrical load you have on the system, the more torque the alternator requires, however the convience of running it with the car off and turning it off for drag racing, etc. would be awesome. Also, you can have it run at the best speed all the time, while the stock pump runs at a speed proportional to crank speed.