View Full Version : wiring and electical help

10-15-2008, 01:33 AM
ok, so i have a question...i hooked up some electrical fans on my car, i ran them off of a relay, brand unknown...i am not sure what they are runing off of, but definetly not straight from the battery, now i saw the same fans runing on a different car, and they are blowing a lot more air, basically i am trying to figure out why this is, could it be the relay? or is my battery not strong enough, i have a slim battery, not sure of the brand but i can check tomorow if you guys think it is the case...is it my relay? or maybe do i need to run the relay straight from the battery? i am sorry if it sounds a bit confusing, i am not very good at this wiring stuff, but just trying to diagnose the problem before buying more stuff...thx in advance, btw the fans are brand new, so i dont think they are the problem, i heard that if the relay is running off the water pump for example, it might not be getting enough power, but not sure that is the case

10-15-2008, 01:39 AM
relays running off water pumps???????...........i'm gonna let that one go (water pump is a mechanical device)

the point of the relay is to provide the fans with enough current to operate properly. It's basically like a switch that gets a signal from a source (ie fan controller, toggle switch, ign switch)....and supplies high amperage power to the source (as in a fat ass wire ideally straight from battery) so you're not running ur fans off of a circuit that wasn't designed for such a high draw device.

this has been covered numerous times. try searching for fan controller, fan switch, or just google 5 pole relays. You should be able to figure it out

10-15-2008, 01:48 AM
relays running off water pumps???????...........i'm gonna let that one go (water pump is a mechanical device)

the point of the relay is to provide the fans with enough current to operate properly. It's basically like a switch that gets a signal from a source (ie fan controller, toggle switch, ign switch)....and supplies high amperage power to the source (as in a fat ass wire ideally straight from battery) so you're not running ur fans off of a circuit that wasn't designed for such a high draw device.

this has been covered numerous times. try searching for fan controller, fan switch, or just google 5 pole relays. You should be able to figure it out

someone else told me about the water pump idea, i didnt even go far enough for think of that :keke:, but they relay is runing off the ignition, since they turn on when i turn the key...ill just try to run the relay straight from the battery, and connect it to the same ground it is runing now off of right as well, right?

10-15-2008, 02:05 AM
well you can't just connect it to different sources without understanding what each prong on the relay does

you're likely to fry something if you just start switching wires around.

you say it's "running off the ignition"...does this mean the ignition wire is supplying the power to the fans? Or is it the signal/switch/trigger??

Do yourself a favor and read up on 5 pole relays. It will help clarify things, and you'll know how to fix it later if anything happens

oh yea...usually you use the relay as a switched ground. (as in constant (+) from battery, and switched (-) when the relay is powered (from trigger source))

it's also a good idea to put a fuse inline between the relay and the fans. I think i used a 30A??? Can't remember exactly....