View Full Version : any bmx riders out there?

10-14-2008, 02:42 PM
for anyone out there that hasn't heard, Mike Aitken, one of the best and stylish riders to EVER rider a little kids bike fell, and is now in a comma, he's been in the hospital since 10/06 and can not get health insurance. just a few updates on mikes condition from www.mikeaitken.com (http://www.mikeaitken.com)

Our thoughts and prayers are with Mike, who was injured on Sunday while riding with friends in Pennsylvania. Mike is currently in critical condition in the ICU at St. Luke's hospital in Bethlehem, PA. His wife and parents have flown from Salt Lake City, UT to be by his side.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Mike, who was injured on Sunday while riding with friends in Pennsylvania. Mike is currently in critical condition in the ICU at St. Luke's hospital in Bethlehem, PA. His wife and parents have flown from Salt Lake City, UT to be by his side.

Mike was rushed to the hospital early Sunday afternoon after over-rotating a 360 and taking a severe blow to the head. Emergency staff immediately sedated Mike who was reportedly disoriented and convulsing, he has not regained consciousness since.

A ct scan revealed that there is currently no swelling of the brain, although there is an area that appears to have been injured by the fall. Further scans show breaks/fractures in Mike's orbital bone, cheek, both sides of his jaw, as well as throughout his sinus cavities.

Mike is currently on assisted breathing, but is breathing on his own for the most part. He has shown some voluntary movement in his left arm and leg. His right side is currently only responding to pain stimuli, but doctors say that this is fairly common for an injury of this type and are hopeful about his recovery.

He is not currently responding when spoken to or asked to move his hand. But again, doctors say that this is common for this type of injury and are hopeful.

Mike could wake at any moment, or his condition could remain unchanged for days or even weeks.

Mike is strong, and we pray that he will find the strength to fight through this. We will try to update as we learn more about Mike's condition.

Like many professional riders, Mike's BMX career makes health insurance companies consider him too high of a risk, and he is deemed "Uninsurable". Despite multiple attempts to obtain health insurance he is currently uninsured. The donations that have been offered and support that has been shown are greatly appreciated.

We all love Mikey, and hope for the best.

Mike is starting to take the first few steps down the long road to recovery. He has begun to respond to his wife Trista's voice today, shifting and moving his arms and legs (especially responding to laughter).

Mike is still in a coma, but the fog is starting to lift. Trista was able to explain to Mike what happened and Mike moved each arm and leg to make sure for himself that he's ok. He also made an attempt to give Trista a hug and tried to open his eyes when asked...

Mike is starting to take the first few steps down the long road to recovery. He has begun to respond to his wife Trista's voice today, shifting and moving his arms and legs (especially responding to laughter).

Mike is still in a coma, but the fog is starting to lift. Trista was able to explain to Mike what happened and Mike moved each arm and leg to make sure for himself that he's ok. He also made an attempt to give Trista a hug and tried to open his eyes when asked.

He was moved from the ICU to the Intermediate Critical Care Unit. Once in his new room, his pain killers had worn off some and he tried to remove his tracheostomy tube. When the nurse tried to stop him, he faught her off. While this is great news, his condition is still critical and we've been reminded that this is just the beginning of a journey that could take years.

Mike has received an outpouring of love and support from around the world. We would like to thank each of you, as your posts have been a source of comfort to the family. We would also like you to know that we've been reading these posts to Mike, your good thoughts are getting through to him, and we feel that they will contribute a great deal to his recovery.

The Aitken family would also like to extend a special thanks to Rob-O, Chris Bennett, Keith Mulligan, Brian Foster, Stu, and Philly local J for being here for Mike and the family. We would also like to thank Chelsea Wilkes for her loving support ,Chase Hawk and the crew who helped save Mike's life by bringing him to the hospital, as well as the St. Luke's hospital staff.

We would also like to thank Fuzzy Hall, Eddie & Lorie Buckley, Heath Pinter, Mike Szczesny, Elf, Aaron Cooke & the ARF and the rest of the crew fighting for Mike's cause and sending their loving support from back home.

Mike has progressed from lifting his thumb when asked to snapping his fingers! He seems to be making his way back to us slowly but surely. He even kissed his wife's hand!

Mike's wife asked him to try and open his eyes again last night and he was able to crack his left eye open part way and hold it open for a couple of seconds.

Mike is still resting calmly most of the day, but has been showing more and more activity in the evening. He has been throwing a stress ball a few inches in the air and catching it, and moving his legs restlessly. He also managed to kick Rob-O across the room last night.

We would again like to thank all of those who have donated, organized auctions and charity jams as well as everyone who has prayed for Mike. Mike is making great progress and we know that each of you are helping to pull him through. God bless.

if nothing else pray for mike and his wife and daughter.

for those that have never heard of him heres a short video clip of mike
YouTube - 5050 Mike Aitken BMX thats it (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4JPHH5wl4Q)
YouTube - aitken - odyssey electronical (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxdbp0kSl0s)

basically what im saying, if your a bike rider and you have a heart, you should go to his website and donate some cash and help him out, soon as i cash my pay check im going straight to paypal

10-14-2008, 03:34 PM
As a BMX rider, I'll donate a couple bucks tonight. Sucks to hear. I'm glad he's recovering though.

Speaking of Mike Aitken, I almost bought his frame, but went with a Sunday Wave frame instead. It was cheaper haha.

10-14-2008, 03:36 PM
WOW. I didnt even hear about this. Prayers go out to Mike. I remember when he came out as a professional.

10-14-2008, 09:33 PM
all kinds of people are getting hurt these days. that's what happens when you're pushing the sport like mike.

10-14-2008, 10:00 PM
Deffenetly one of the best riders out there... prayers for him