View Full Version : Prop 8 yes or no

s13 @ fullboost
10-13-2008, 08:19 PM
What do you guys think about Prop 8? If you vote YES it means No legal homosexual marriage if you vote NO it means legal homosexual marriage. I want to know what you guys and girls think about this =] Vote away

**Please remember to be considerate of other people this forum is public so make your reply's Politically correct /responsible please =]**

10-13-2008, 08:28 PM
im not a fan of gay dudes, gay chicks are hot (yeah its a fucked up view but i cant help it lol) But i dont have a problem with two dudes or two chicks getting married.

People say that it should stay a sacred bond between a man and a woman but with the majority of marriages ending in divorce now days whats so sacred anymore?

10-13-2008, 08:38 PM
i dont care if they get married becuase in every religious book they go to hell.

10-13-2008, 08:46 PM

The "Yes on 8" commericals piss me off. So many lies...

Gay people should be able to get married and be miserable like the rest of us.:bigok:

10-13-2008, 08:48 PM
i dont care if they get married becuase in every religious book they go to hell.


s13 @ fullboost
10-13-2008, 08:50 PM
This is good guys keep it up

10-13-2008, 09:24 PM
why not let them get married? Its making it out to be some religious thing... But oh wait, whats that one thing called... oh yeah, the CONSTITUTION. What ever happened to seperation of church and state. In the purely constitutional sense in looking at it, there's no reason. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Its 2 consenting adults, let them do what they want to.

And if it wasnt for the gay guys, I'd have no idea how to look good on a date.

10-13-2008, 10:29 PM
And if it wasnt for the gay guys, I'd have no idea how to look good on a date.

omg this thread is so fucking funny ^^^ thanks for the new signature kile!:D

10-13-2008, 10:53 PM
most arguments used to go against gay marriges are the same ones used when blacks and whites first started to get together!

if it is religion that people choose to hide behind as they reason they are against it, then they aren't following god's rule of love all as equals. we have no right to judge people and their actions. that is what god would do for us!

10-13-2008, 10:54 PM
^~~Wrong. Bible says as the 2nd greatest commandment that you are to love thy neighbor. Also talks about marriage as a sacred covenant and should be shared by a MAN AND A WOMAN. You can love people, but you dont hav to love what they do.

lol, the constitution was drafted by Christians.

Christians, Me being one, believe in no homosexual marriages. I know its not right.

I voted against Homosexual Marriages.

10-13-2008, 11:17 PM
Werd with ziptiedcoup... other than being politically correct, at which point are we allowed to say,"this is'nt right or acceptable in our society". if they want to have equal rights with traditionaly married couples so they can visit eachother at the hospital or whatever, fine. you can say,"oh well it doesnt affect me" but I dont want my kids being force fed this stuff, being told theyre intollerant because God says this isnt the way to live. I just think society needs some boundries...for the good of ALL, not just because I love Jesus

10-13-2008, 11:19 PM
but what you are also voting for is healthcare covarge for the partner, child custody battles, last will and testimant payouts.

there is alot more at stake to many of these couples than just getting the ceramony official!

10-13-2008, 11:24 PM
^~~Wrong. Bible says as the 2nd greatest commandment that you are to love thy neighbor. Also talks about marriage as a sacred covenant and should be shared by a MAN AND A WOMAN. You can love people, but you dont hav to love what they do.

lol, the constitution was drafted by Christians.

Christians, Me being one, believe in no homosexual marriages. I know its not right.

I voted against Homosexual Marriages.

Werd with ziptiedcoup... other than being politically correct, at which point are we allowed to say,"this is'nt right or acceptable in our society". if they want to have equal rights with traditionaly married couples so they can visit eachother at the hospital or whatever, fine. you can say,"oh well it doesnt affect me" but I dont want my kids being force fed this stuff, being told theyre intollerant because God says this isnt the way to live. I just think society needs some boundries...for the good of ALL, not just because I love Jesus

since when they start force feeding it to children? do you expect the schools to start teaching gay relationships are the only way have a normal relationship?

and are both of you oppsed to teaching natural selection and the universe being started by a "big bang" since it isn't the bible? do you both believe that the theory of evoluion shouldn't be taught aswell?

10-13-2008, 11:26 PM
We can start a seperate bible and beliefs thread if you would like.

I am not going to ruin this mans poll thread with my Beliefs.

To answer your ? though,

The Big Bang theory is merely that, a theory. Same goes for evolution

I dont think it should be taught. This nation was founded upon Christian principles and it is my belief to restore those principles. I dont think Homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children either. Think about what it does to the children when they grow up.

10-13-2008, 11:26 PM
but what you are also voting for is healthcare covarge for the partner, child custody battles, last will and testimant payouts.

there is alot more at stake to many of these couples than just getting the ceramony official!

This is the main thing for why this should get passed.

10-13-2008, 11:41 PM
Hmm, if your are all about natural selection and survival of the fittest... tell me where homosexuality fits in... i dont believe theyre a "genetic abnormality" its like everything in life a concious choice... and one thats being fed more and more by society.. why would they choose a straight relationship when they were raised being told, "go for it, its cool"? Our Judeo-christian heritage is what MADE this nation... we toss it; we go the way of every other great society..

10-13-2008, 11:46 PM
I'm totally for gay marriage. Who are we to tell others who they can or can't marry? wtf is the difference anyways, I seriously can't believe anyone gives a shit about it, but that's just me.

10-13-2008, 11:47 PM
We can start a seperate bible and beliefs thread if you would like.

I am not going to ruin this mans poll thread with my Beliefs.

To answer your ? though,

The Big Bang theory is merely that, a theory. Same goes for evolution

I dont think it should be taught. This nation was founded upon Christian principles and it is my belief to restore those principles. I dont think Homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children either. Think about what it does to the children when they grow up.

fuck you. that is all.

oh yeah, and fuck the op for even starting this thread and also for telling me to be pc.

10-13-2008, 11:50 PM
I am not going to ruin this mans poll thread with my Beliefs.

You already did.


drift freaq
10-14-2008, 12:34 AM
Hmm, if your are all about natural selection and survival of the fittest... tell me where homosexuality fits in... i dont believe theyre a "genetic abnormality" its like everything in life a concious choice... and one thats being fed more and more by society.. why would they choose a straight relationship when they were raised being told, "go for it, its cool"? Our Judeo-christian heritage is what MADE this nation... we toss it; we go the way of every other great society..

Conscious choice? Dude you think people decide to become ostracized? Discriminated against? Ridiculed by the likes of people like you? You think people feel its cool to be gay?
Man take off the rosy glasses, put down the bible you have mistinterpreted and wake the fuck up. You be smoking that middle American right wing christian bullshit.

I was raised Roman Catholic,aka Christian. I do not follow the church per se but I do believe in the existance of God and pratice spirituality.

Fact is and this is written in the bible. "Judge not lest ye be Judged"

In other words its really not our place to condemn others. Of course being human and prone to sin we do. I suggest you try not. I try not to.
If you really are Christian you must also realize Jesus accepted all regardless. Now did God intend people to be gay? No, but see God's great creation is set up to have variables.
Oh and I do believe in evolution and God and Evolution can coexist.

Oh and yes I am not gay, but I know gays and they have said before that they did not ask to be gay. I.E. it was something they were born feeling! Not a choice. If you think its choice well then your pretty damn ignorant and blinded by the church goers around you.

Please take your bigotry somewhere else because thats what your statement amounts to.

Oh and for the smart ass who sat there and said we can start a separate bible and beliefs thread? Wow you have not been here that long have you? Its already been covered numerous times in numerous threads. In other words your a typical noob who does not bother to read before posting.

10-14-2008, 12:44 AM
great post

10-14-2008, 12:54 AM
if all the homos marry each other then they will settle down and stay the fuck out of our lives

+ if god created only certain men to have an un-natural craving for dick then that sounds like gods fault not the gay man's

10-14-2008, 02:08 AM
ok cool since i brought up beliefs and all lets switch it up again ...
WTF?! thinka bout it, a child growing up with two dads or two moms...
sit down and really think about it .. that childs mentality and insight on life is going to be pretty screwed up .. but thats just my two cents...-Teacher to kid: "Timmy where is your mom , is she coming today" -Timmy "Which one" ????????pwned.

10-14-2008, 02:08 AM
I dont think it should be taught. This nation was founded upon Christian principles and it is my belief to restore those principles. I dont think Homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children either. Think about what it does to the children when they grow up.

True, our country was founded by Christians. Christians such as the Puritans who fled Europe to escape persecution by other Christians. That is why we have the separation of church and state - to prevent one religion from imposing its views on others. This measure is about civil marriages. Religions that refuse to recognize gay marriage can continue to do so.

In college I used to work at a group home for boys. They all had heterosexual parents. I saw their files and what their parents did to them. The thing that messed them up the most was the fact that the very people who were supposed to protect them were the ones hurting them. Heterosexual parents have the capacity to abuse children just as much as homosexual parents.

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with how you raise children, you are apparently confusing pedophiles with homosexuals. Those are two very different things.

This is really about equal protection (meaning you can't treat one group differently from another). Yes, our country was founded on Christian principles. But it was also founded on slavery, an institution that was rationalized using those very same principles. Our society is constantly changing, and our Constitution changes with us. I don't think a return to 1787 is possible, feasible or even desirable.

10-14-2008, 05:48 AM
What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wish to subvert the public liberty may have found an established clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate it, needs them not."

Experience witnesseth that ecclesiastical establishments, instead of maintaining the purity and efficacy of religion, have had a contrary operation. During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What has been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution.
james madison, 'father of the constitution'

looks like the people who drafted the constitution weren't exactly for pushing religion on the people...

10-14-2008, 05:57 AM
lets them be married, its not hurting me any way. with all the hate and violence in this world, i think that last thing we should be voting is against is letting people get married. Where in the hell are all your bible thumping maniacs getting the idea you have to act like gods right hand any how.

s13 @ fullboost
10-14-2008, 08:19 AM
fuck you. that is all.

oh yeah, and fuck the op for even starting this thread and also for telling me to be pc.

Dude why do you have to go and say that stuff do me a favor and please do not post in here anymore if you do not know how to talk/debate like a grown man then do not comment in this thread anymore thank you

10-14-2008, 08:28 AM
Everyone deserves the right to be happy. If that happens to be with someone of the same gender, then so be it.

Yay for Ellen and Portia!!

10-14-2008, 08:43 AM
Fact is and this is written in the bible. "Judge not lest ye be Judged"

In other words its really not our place to condemn others. Of course being human and prone to sin we do. I suggest you try not. I try not to.
If you really are Christian you must also realize Jesus accepted all regardless. Now did God intend people to be gay? No, but see God's great creation is set up to have variables.
Oh and I do believe in evolution and God and Evolution can coexist.

Drift, calm down bro. I didnt want to get OFF TOPIC in the guys thread. I dont go searching for Bible Threads on a NISSAN website?

Judge not lest ye be Judged. I AM NOT JUDGING.I am in NO wayhating on homosexuals. In my religon, its not right to have homosexual beliefs. I said I do not support it. I have gay friends. I know gay people. I do not treat them any different then other friends. I just merely do not support it. I will not support politicians who are for it. It is my personal worldview and its my right to support what I believe in.

This is why I will be voting this November.

Cant we all just be friends? :angel:

10-14-2008, 09:45 AM
I don't think gay "marriage" should exist. Marriage is defined by religion - that would be a case of the state forcing a religion to change its beliefs. However, I think there needs to be a legal gay civil union so that homosexuals are afforded the same rights as straight couples in the eyes of the government. This would allow gay couples to adopt children (which is fine because there are too many children that are not helped), have insurance, and other legal rights. I didn't vote in the poll because I didn't agree with either.

10-14-2008, 09:48 AM
What about the fact that marriage isn't defined by any one religion, it is something that people do all over the world with or without religion.

I think that with gay couple should be given legal marriages, or marriage should be abolished from the law and it should be civil unions only.

If marriage is truly a religious institution only, it doesn't need to be a legal status.

10-14-2008, 09:52 AM
My favorite part about the pro-prop 8 argument is how gay marriage is now being imposed upon us and being taught in public schools! It's like OMFG THEY'RE GOING TO MAKE OUR CHILDREN GAY WTF, which is funny but they're dead serious :(

10-14-2008, 09:56 AM
Traditional marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman. That is just the way it has been. Don't change the definition of marriage, but let civil unions exist that have the same legal rights and allow gays to have civil unions. By using the word "civil" you are implying that this is a legal situation enforced by the government without and religious implications. It's really just semantics - and you can use the concept to circumvent the religious right.

10-14-2008, 10:09 AM
I'm a christian, and I WILL VOTE NO on prop 8.

Church and state should always be separate.

I view this as a government control issue, they should NEVER be able to say who can or can't get married.

10-14-2008, 02:25 PM
Vote no! ! ! ! ! !

10-14-2008, 02:54 PM
Seriously if two people are in love and feel that having a piece of paper stating that they are in love and to make it a legal binding contract between the two of them is what they want.

Who are we to stop them.

Let them be.

I don't make more or less money and it doesn't affect me.

I mean shit if kevin and dook want to go off and get married who are we to stop them.

10-14-2008, 03:05 PM
First off, yes i'm a Christian so you already know that i'm voting yes. I couldn't care less about your opinion on my religion so dont even bother. I believe what i believe, so deal with it. This DOES NOT mean however that i HATE gay people. Thats stupid. I believe homosexuality is wrong, but i dont hate the people. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people giving Christians a bad wrap in the media. Please understand that hateful speech and all that other nonsense is not what Christianity is about.

oh and please dont equate this to the black civil rights movement. It is NOT the same thing.

10-14-2008, 03:34 PM
+1 Revat....

200 post club!

10-14-2008, 04:13 PM
I voted no!! however.. i agree with spngr311.. They shouldnt change the meaning of the word marriage. They should just recognize the life long commitment these two people have made to each other. Give them the tax breaks, let them co sign on loans, let them adopt children, etc..

10-14-2008, 04:22 PM
I don't think gay "marriage" should exist. Marriage is defined by religion - that would be a case of the state forcing a religion to change its beliefs. However, I think there needs to be a legal gay civil union so that homosexuals are afforded the same rights as straight couples in the eyes of the government. This would allow gay couples to adopt children (which is fine because there are too many children that are not helped), have insurance, and other legal rights. I didn't vote in the poll because I didn't agree with either.

You don't have to have a "religious wedding"

You can just as easily get a judge to do it. Therefore bypassing any aspect of religion

Dumb cunts.

Every religion has their own way of doing the whole marriage deal, but in the end it has to be sanctified by the government, there are many ways to go about it.

If Christianity wants to ban gay marriage they can take their "beliefs" and do so. Just stay the fuck out of peoples lives with your ignorant fucking views. Every day I lose more and more faith in humanity. We truly deserve every bit of whats coming to us.

:bash::bash::bash::bash::bash::bash::bash::bash::b ash::bash::bash::bash:

10-14-2008, 05:01 PM
Everyone deserves the right to be happy. If that happens to be with someone of the same gender, then so be it.

Yay for Ellen and Portia!!

I would start to believe in god if they moved in next door to me.

Religion is bullshit. - Scopes Trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopes_Trial)
Marrige is bullshit. - http://www.bsos.umd.edu/socy/vanneman/socy441/trends/divorce.jpg
Old people are bullshit. http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u210/Nikkisixsixsix/poop.jpg

10-14-2008, 05:20 PM
Oh what a great topic considering the whole shitload of prop 8 commercials i have to watch on tv.

I currently hold conservative standards (Catholic, but not practicing) and I personally don't agree with the whole same sex marriage thing.

But the thing is, how can it hurt me on a level that it'll negatively impact my life? The more I thought about it, the more I became politically relaxed about the whole thing. Other people's decisions to love someone of the same sex does not affect me in anyway. If it works out for them, kudos!

Above all else, I believe in separation of "church and state". Voting yes to ban gay marriages and impose a belief that stems from a religion on someone who doesn't believe in the same thing is stupid.

What cracks me up even further is the Prop 8 ads on tv. The ones with the most sense and justification are the Vote No on Prop 8 and the most rediculous ones are the Vote Yes on Prop 8.

I remember seeing one yesterday with a little girl talking to her mom about what she learned in school today and how that a prince can marry a prince and that she could marry a princess.

What really had me laughing my ass off is when I saw it for the second time, the little girls voice was DUBBED over. BAHAHAHAHHA.

Anyway this is just my opinion and it by no means criticizes anyone else... well maybe except the idiot who decided to make the pro-prop 8 commercials unbelievable.

10-14-2008, 05:26 PM

I currently hold conservative standards (Catholic, but not practicing) and I personally don't agree with the whole same sex marriage thing.

But the thing is, how can it hurt me on a level that it'll negatively impact my life? The more I thought about it, the more I became politically relaxed about the whole thing. Other people's decisions to love someone of the same sex does not affect me in anyway. If it works out for them, kudos!


Exactly my thoughts, the church should have nothing to do with the laws.

If it doesn't hurt you then you shouldn't give a shit. Right, or else you would also care about the living conditions of most of your fellow humans across the world.

10-14-2008, 05:57 PM
I think Christianity should try and focus on trying to stop people from jerking off, since that is just as much of a sin. Or how about lying, or fucking your neighbors wife who is protected by that "oh so holy sanctity of marriage".

The biggest issue here is not whether you think it's right or not because of your religion. It has everything to do with government control. Put your fucking bible down and think about the people. How would you feel if the only person you have ever loved and shared your entire life with died and you didn't get the same compensation as other people who had the RIGHT to marry. Just because you happen to like the wiener or axe wound.

Anyone who votes yes... I pity you. I truly do.

10-14-2008, 08:07 PM
"Marriage" Is 100% religious in its origins.
Show me a religion where Homosexuality is okay, then homosexual marriage is okay.
Because we as HUMANS should respect other peoples religions.

Oh and show me where 'Separation of Church and state' is part of the constitution.
Another statement from a founding father that gets spun out of context >.>

I feel instead of letting Homosexuals getting the title of Married, they should expand common law partner rights and liberties to the same of marriage. That way, the Gay people actually get what they deserve as a human, and religious zealots won't feel oppressed and won't think that society is getting more lewd.

10-14-2008, 08:37 PM
I vote "Yes" only because it is only opening a can of worms. I have nothing against homosexuals, but I am a conservatist and I believe we should not stray from traditional values and customs.

10-14-2008, 09:36 PM
I vote "Yes" only because it is only opening a can of worms. I have nothing against homosexuals, but I am a conservatist and I believe we should not stray from traditional values and customs.
Can of worms? Oh, please explain. I'm sure many people would love for you to elaborate on this.

To the ignorant, close-minded fucks voting "Yes" on this... Why not let them? How does gay marriage affect YOU? Why should YOU care if gay people get married? Seriously, why not?
Don't say, "because it is wrong in the eyes of God", or some shit like that. That's a cop out answer.

10-14-2008, 09:59 PM
Elaborate on how its a cop out answer?

10-14-2008, 10:09 PM
I think Christianity should try and focus on trying to stop people from jerking off, since that is just as much of a sin. Or how about lying, or fucking your neighbors wife who is protected by that "oh so holy sanctity of marriage".

The biggest issue here is not whether you think it's right or not because of your religion. It has everything to do with government control. Put your fucking bible down and think about the people. How would you feel if the only person you have ever loved and shared your entire life with died and you didn't get the same compensation as other people who had the RIGHT to marry. Just because you happen to like the wiener or axe wound.

Anyone who votes yes... I pity you. I truly do.

just stop already. WE GET IT. You're bitter towards Christians....or should i say retards claiming to be Christians and lumping those of us who practice it legitimately in the same category. Ok.

It has everything to do with whether or not i think its right. What sense does that even make, dude. Seriously listen to what you're saying. "oh i think this is wrong, but i'm gonna vote the opposite because someone else (the government) thinks otherwise/doesnt have an opinion at all. i believe what i believe and i vote accordingly. Period.

You're totally entitled to your opinion of course but seriously, i cant stand the way you and a lot of people who are anti-religious go about it. You're all suuuuuuuuuper quick to give you're stance on something and your reasons why, but as soon as God is a reason for someone else (which is perfectly valid, based on your "everybody should do what they want theory") you guys come in with the "fuck yous" "you're a fucking idiot" , "you're an ignorant close minded fuck" the mocking of our religion, Jesus jokes etc......and all of it being entirely unprovoked.

For all the bitching you guys do about how offensive "Christians" are towards homosexuals and whatnot, you sure have no problem being offensive on here.

If some clown on the street claiming to be Christian says some really offensive stuff to you, i can understand flying off at the handle, but on a forum where we're asked if we're voting yes or no on a proposition and we give our reasons why, there's no need for that guys, seriously. Be an adult or at the very least, act like one.

oh and you can keep your pity, thanks.

10-14-2008, 10:10 PM
True, our country was founded by Christians. Christians such as the Puritans who fled Europe to escape persecution by other Christians. That is why we have the separation of church and state - to prevent one religion from imposing its views on others. This measure is about civil marriages. Religions that refuse to recognize gay marriage can continue to do so.

In college I used to work at a group home for boys. They all had heterosexual parents. I saw their files and what their parents did to them. The thing that messed them up the most was the fact that the very people who were supposed to protect them were the ones hurting them. Heterosexual parents have the capacity to abuse children just as much as homosexual parents.

Sexual orientation has nothing to do with how you raise children, you are apparently confusing pedophiles with homosexuals. Those are two very different things.

This is really about equal protection (meaning you can't treat one group differently from another). Yes, our country was founded on Christian principles. But it was also founded on slavery, an institution that was rationalized using those very same principles. Our society is constantly changing, and our Constitution changes with us. I don't think a return to 1787 is possible, feasible or even desirable.

Read this thread, and this is definitely the best post.

Why the fuck would anyone want to dictate to another person who they can marry?
Also saying the country is "founded" on Christian principles doesn't make it a fucking Christian state. That's like saying "Oh, they meant to say everyone must obey the Bible...but when drafting the Constitution they forgot."

10-14-2008, 10:57 PM
Religions that refuse to recognize gay marriage can continue to do so.


If this happens, in the state of CA any church that refuses to do a homosexual marriage, can have their tax exempt status removed by the STATE and the minister that refuses to perform the ceremony can be arrested on charges of racial discrimination. Also, if a minister preaches on homosexuality, he can be arrested for hate speech.

That is FACT. Look it up. You wanna talk about separation of church and state....it doesnt get much worse than that. The state is going to tell my church what they can and can't do. THAT is outrageous. So if because the Bible says its wrong doesnt sit well with you, i'm sure you can understand why i would vote yes based on the aforementioned facts.

here's the thing, prop 8 isnt about rights. Its about the definition of a word. Homosexual couples have all the rights of a married heterosexual couple. Its called a civil union and they are all recognized in CA. They get all the tax breaks and all the other crap just like everybody else. EVERY employer recognizes civil unions.

These are all facts guys.

10-14-2008, 11:36 PM
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their "legislature" should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between church and State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

so therefore it's against the law to make pro/against legislation. Separation of church and state is just a practice and not a law. The law as interpreted

prohibiting Congressional establishment of a religion over another religion through Law and protecting the right to free exercise of religion And prop 8 is unconstitutional as it establishes one religion (or lack of religion) over others and would inhibit the free exercise of religion.

10-14-2008, 11:37 PM
I don't think gays should get married.

You can bring in all this "They are holding people back from being in love!!!"

Oh please, give me a break.

Next we will be voting if 5 year old gf and bf can get married because they love each other.

Or 5 year old gf/gf and bf/bf can get married lolololol

If they really need a piece of paper saying they love each other then they can go suck one....... or not.

10-15-2008, 12:00 AM
I don't think gays should get married.

You can bring in all this "They are holding people back from being in love!!!"

Oh please, give me a break.

Next we will be voting if 5 year old gf and bf can get married because they love each other.

Or 5 year old gf/gf and bf/bf can get married lolololol

If they really need a piece of paper saying they love each other then they can go suck one....... or not.

This makes no sense.

And the argument of "They are holding peopleback from being in love" has not been brought up.

Two consenting adults getting married are just like two 5 year olds getting married. I totally get what you are saying. Great point. Can't argue against that.

10-15-2008, 12:38 AM
Oh and show me where 'Separation of Church and state' is part of the constitution.
Another statement from a founding father that gets spun out of context >.>

The whole "Separation of Church and State" is not specifically written in the Constitution as it seems you are implying. However the principle is derived from the first amendment of the Constitution.

Wikipedia: First Amendment (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment)
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The interesting thing about the whole issue is how the principle came about despite it not being specifically written in the first amendment or the remainder of the constitution.

If my understanding is correct an individual needs to study case law/judicial opinions to see the connection. I am not going to get into it all, however read the following for more information.

Wikipedia: Separation of Church and State (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_church_and_state_in_the_United_State s)

I feel instead of letting Homosexuals getting the title of Married, they should expand common law partner rights and liberties to the same of marriage. That way, the Gay people actually get what they deserve as a human, and religious zealots won't feel oppressed and won't think that society is getting more lewd.

I will agree with you.

10-15-2008, 01:05 AM
Elaborate on how its a cop out answer?

Its a cop out answer because its such a narrow minded, ignorant, bullshit view.

Have you ever seen the world through the eyes of god? I think not my friend.:snoop:

10-15-2008, 01:47 AM
Think about what it does to the children when they grow up.

what will it do to the children? tell me please im curious... there are plenty of straight parents who raise some fucked up children. My parents raised me catholic and taught me that marriage between a man and woman was the right thing to do, but hey guess what.....Im gay! and the whole thing about the teacher asking the child about mommy and mommy, the reason shit like that happens is because society is so fucking closed minded to the idea of homosexuality, if we were more open then shit like that wouldn't happen.

10-15-2008, 04:29 AM
Exactly my thoughts, the church should have nothing to do with the laws.

It's the other way around, the laws should have nothing to do with the church! If prop 8 passes(or doesn't pass I forgot which one it was) churches will lose tax exemption for even saying being Gay is a Sin.

What's worse is no one talks about the Scientologist views on homosexuality.

they fucking try to use electro shock therapy to get the gay out of you... if you want to start bashing a religion on its views of homosexuality least not forget the scilons.

10-15-2008, 04:32 AM
Can of worms? Oh, please explain. I'm sure many people would love for you to elaborate on this.

To the ignorant, close-minded fucks voting "Yes" on this... Why not let them? How does gay marriage affect YOU? Why should YOU care if gay people get married? Seriously, why not?
Don't say, "because it is wrong in the eyes of God", or some shit like that. That's a cop out answer.

Lol I don't think were ignorant and close-minded. You are right, immediately it doesn't affect us. However in the long run, it does. I mean ever since we started to stray from the traditional values the U.S. was brought upon, society has taken a huge downturn. First we allow gay marriages, than what? Legalize prostitution? Legalize marijuana? All of them have just as many excuses as to why they should be legal. Does it make it right? no. Did the traditional system work for hundreds of years? yes. I believe gay marriage is a gateway subject to legalizing more things that will demoralize our country.


If that can't happen than this thread fails.

10-15-2008, 04:55 AM
^Prostitution and Maijuana are already legal in some places.

Segregation and hate are more demoralizing to our country then acceptance.

Too many people treat Gay like it's super AIDS. "OMG there's a Gay person on my street, now we're all gonna get it, and the world is going to open up and swallow us hole, then deliver us into Hell. It's all the Gay's fault!"

It's just silly. Live and let live people.

10-15-2008, 05:32 AM
Lol I don't think were ignorant and close-minded. You are right, immediately it doesn't affect us. However in the long run, it does. I mean ever since we started to stray from the traditional values the U.S. was brought upon, society has taken a huge downturn. First we allow gay marriages, than what? Legalize prostitution? Legalize marijuana? All of them have just as many excuses as to why they should be legal. Does it make it right? no. Did the traditional system work for hundreds of years? yes. I believe gay marriage is a gateway subject to legalizing more things that will demoralize our country.


If that can't happen than this thread fails.

If prostitution is legalized do you reeeeeeeally think more people are going to turn to it? No, it's still demeaning and only the desperate will do it, but maybe instead of arresting them we could give them a job at some commie public works project instead of having them suck dick for 5 dollars.

Marijuana... well don't even get me started. It's a fucking plant for god sakes.

Whatever happened to turning the other cheek? I bet if a "rehab'd" sex offender wanted to get married in a church no one would say anything about it. Or a drug addict, chronic masturbator, thief, adulterer, hell even a murderer... what if they wanted to get married would anyone condemn them and refuse them service in the same way? I just don't understand the Church's hate mongering towards gays. Everyone sins, everyone sins every day, everyone sins everyday knowingly, and no sin is greater than the other. It's just an easy target and a propaganda machine.

If I am wrong, please show me the light.

I don't think gays should get married.

You can bring in all this "They are holding people back from being in love!!!"

Oh please, give me a break.

Next we will be voting if 5 year old gf and bf can get married because they love each other.

Or 5 year old gf/gf and bf/bf can get married lolololol

If they really need a piece of paper saying they love each other then they can go suck one....... or not.

You would be from Texas.

10-15-2008, 06:53 AM
This whole thread is full of ghey.

10-15-2008, 06:58 AM
^Thank you for that brilliant insight.


10-15-2008, 07:06 AM

Just spreading the love ThatGuy!

btw, how was your birthday?

10-15-2008, 07:09 AM
^That has nothing to do with this topic.

10-15-2008, 10:02 AM
It doesn't affect me one way or the other. Let them get married. They are people too. I vote NO.

10-15-2008, 10:33 AM
You would be from Texas.


This coming from the hate crime defender. "Judging" me from where I am from haha.

You are a big hypocrite.

But no worries, I agree with a lot of your posts in other threads.

10-15-2008, 11:19 AM
Conscious choice? Dude you think people decide to become ostracized? Discriminated against? Ridiculed by the likes of people like you? You think people feel its cool to be gay?
Man take off the rosy glasses, put down the bible you have mistinterpreted and wake the fuck up. You be smoking that middle American right wing christian bullshit.

I was raised Roman Catholic,aka Christian. I do not follow the church per se but I do believe in the existance of God and pratice spirituality.

Fact is and this is written in the bible. "Judge not lest ye be Judged"

In other words its really not our place to condemn others. Of course being human and prone to sin we do. I suggest you try not. I try not to.
If you really are Christian you must also realize Jesus accepted all regardless. Now did God intend people to be gay? No, but see God's great creation is set up to have variables.
Oh and I do believe in evolution and God and Evolution can coexist.

Oh and yes I am not gay, but I know gays and they have said before that they did not ask to be gay. I.E. it was something they were born feeling! Not a choice. If you think its choice well then your pretty damn ignorant and blinded by the church goers around you.

Please take your bigotry somewhere else because thats what your statement amounts to.

I am almost speechless. I mean, you just summed up everything I believe in. This man deserves a round of applause, a beer and a fine bitch

10-15-2008, 12:22 PM
"^Prostitution and Maijuana are already legal in some places."

_ Las vegas and Los angeles :naughtyd:

10-15-2008, 12:59 PM
i think just let them be...it's not like you are gonna get aids from being around them...and look at the brightside...most gay guys can hook you up with one of their fine ass female friends....shit, if it wasn't for my gay co-worker, i wouldn't be with my fine ass girlfriend right now...lol

"2 liters is a drink size, not an engine size"

10-15-2008, 02:37 PM
Legal prostitution is retardedly expensive.

and Marijuana is only legal on a state level and not federal.... so it's still illegal.

10-15-2008, 02:56 PM
Its a cop out answer because its such a narrow minded, ignorant, bullshit view.

I could say the exact same about your opinion of his view so you haven't really made a valid point at all.

You've given nothing more than your opinion and have tried to pass it on as fact.

Please stop talking. you're embarrasing yourself.

Im voting yes on prop 8. Some of you are voting no. Big effing deal. OMG thats what happens when people can VOTE on an issue. There are choices. Lets agree to disagree because this is going nowhere.

10-15-2008, 03:26 PM

This coming from the hate crime defender. "Judging" me from where I am from haha.

You are a big hypocrite.

But no worries, I agree with a lot of your posts in other threads.

Lol @ judging you. I was just making a joke. Everyone is a hypocrite.


10-15-2008, 05:24 PM
Lol @ judging you. I was just making a joke. Everyone is a hypocrite.


I love you too- not in a prop 8 way (lol).

I am almost speechless. I mean, you just summed up everything I believe in. This man deserves a round of applause, a beer and a fine bitch

According to him, he needs a fine dude. hahaha

but anyway this part what he said is what bugs me.

"Man take off the rosy glasses, put down the bible you have mistinterpreted and wake the fuck up. You be smoking that middle American right wing christian bullshit."

I have no idea what the fuck hes talking about misinterpreting the bible when it clearly states it.

Leviticus 18:22
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.

Genesis 2:24
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Romans 1:26-27
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

I could quote many more but I would rather not bore anyone further than this.

Now, I wouldn't even view myself as christian at all, but I just find it ridiculous to say that people are "misinterpreting" something so clear.

10-15-2008, 05:26 PM
I love you too- not in a prop 8 way (lol).

According to him, he needs a fine dude. hahaha

but anyway this part what he said is what bugs me.

"Man take off the rosy glasses, put down the bible you have mistinterpreted and wake the fuck up. You be smoking that middle American right wing christian bullshit."

I have no idea what the fuck hes talking about misinterpreting the bible when it clearly states it.

Leviticus 18:22
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.

Genesis 2:24
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Romans 1:26-27
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

I could quote many more but I would rather not bore anyone further than this.

Now, I wouldn't even view myself as christian at all, but I just find it ridiculous to say that people are "misinterpreting" something so clear.

What he is saying is that some christians today take it upon themselves to condemn homosexuals. The bible indeed says what you put, but it also says for christians not to judge people that, that is God's job.

10-15-2008, 05:28 PM
Not to mention Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis 19.

Sadly, in todays world, Christians do "attack" homosexuals. The Bible teaches to Love thy neighbor, not hate all and love only Christians.

10-15-2008, 05:36 PM
Not to mention Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis 19.

Sadly, in todays world, Christians do "attack" homosexuals. The Bible teaches to Love thy neighbor, not hate all and love only Christians.

yeap we have people come to my campus and yell at people saying their are going to hell. They piss me off. I may be a christian, but am nothing like those people.

I have two gay friends, I have never tried to preach to them. I've been hit on by a gay dude, I just told him no to his extreme sexual advances.

I've always lived by the rule of not to judge people, even before when I was alot less churchy. Not that I am all that churchy now.....:coolugh:

10-15-2008, 06:13 PM
I really don't like this turning into a religious debate, but please allow me to say this.

L. Ron Hubbard wrote a book, filled with stories and fables, and a religion was based off of it. The members of that religion are highly criticized.

King James (among others) translated and CHANGED a collection of stories and fables, put them all in one book, and a religion was based off of it. The members of that religion have taken over most of the world.

Now, let it be said. I believe in God. I have read the Bible. I enjoy the lessons it teaches, and was brought up to respect it. However I do not regard it as the "END ALL KNOW ALL". Except for maybe the words written in red and even those have been translated from someone's interpretation of what was said at the time.

Both sides of this argument have quoted scripture and passages to support how they feel one way or another. That just proves that it has been personal preference that has dictated the Bible throughout history. When you pick and choose verses, you can make whatever claims you like.

I'm pretty much done with this Thread and I don't forsee it staying open much longer.

This should be a discussion about human rights, not religious practices.

10-15-2008, 06:15 PM
i voted no.

who gives a rat if they clam-smack or fudge-pack>?

edit: just read ^thatguys post and i have to agree

religion ftl. l. ron hubbard started scientology to make money and it worked beautifully. he was quoted saying the way to make money is to start a religion.

10-15-2008, 06:16 PM
I am in agreence with Future. I dont judge, just live a Christian life.

10-15-2008, 08:25 PM
Does it say anything about women lying with women?

I'm serious.

s13 @ fullboost
10-15-2008, 09:01 PM
Holy Sh*t this turned out to be much more then What I had in mind. :coolugh:

10-15-2008, 10:31 PM
i know lol ever since i dropped the religion bomb its been all atomic and shit hahahahaha

10-15-2008, 10:33 PM
I really don't like this turning into a religious debate, but please allow me to say this.

L. Ron Hubbard wrote a book, filled with stories and fables, and a religion was based off of it. The members of that religion are highly criticized.

King James (among others) translated and CHANGED a collection of stories and fables, put them all in one book, and a religion was based off of it. The members of that religion have taken over most of the world.

Now, let it be said. I believe in God. I have read the Bible. I enjoy the lessons it teaches, and was brought up to respect it. However I do not regard it as the "END ALL KNOW ALL". Except for maybe the words written in red and even those have been translated from someone's interpretation of what was said at the time.

Both sides of this argument have quoted scripture and passages to support how they feel one way or another. That just proves that it has been personal preference that has dictated the Bible throughout history. When you pick and choose verses, you can make whatever claims you like.

I'm pretty much done with this Thread and I don't forsee it staying open much longer.

This should be a discussion about human rights, not religious practices.

hands down best post in this entire thread.

what ever happened to seperation of church and state? i know its a joke really and everyone in politics is religious for "PC" reasons but the fact is this is a human rights issue NOT A RELIGIOUS ISSUE

the whole fucking POINT of america is freedom.
america was started because people wanted religious freedom.
so why not let other people of other religions and other beliefs have the same rights as you?

its a pretty fuckin simple question.

saying gay rights is a "gateway" to legalizing other stuff is a cop out. just because gays can marry doesnt mean pot magically will be legalized.

tobacco and alcohol KILL more than pot does. you dont see anyone trying to make that shit illegal do you???

this is all closeminded bible humping old white man (not racist im white myself) bullshit. most politics are. im fucking sick of american politics.


maybe you dumbass mother fuckers should go back to school and learn what it REALLY means to be an american.

10-15-2008, 11:01 PM
tobacco and alcohol KILL more than pot does. you dont see anyone trying to make that shit illegal do you???

Astronomically more. Marijuana just doesn't have the bank roll of billion dollar corporations funding it's PR.

...Now back to Wiener Whacking and Donut Bumping.

10-15-2008, 11:13 PM
i went to school ... america = money ... and weed is legal with a perscription=$ .. just like prostitution=$ is legal in nevada ... <3 the west.

10-15-2008, 11:42 PM
fuck gay marriage, eh i just dont like it

s13 @ fullboost
10-15-2008, 11:51 PM
fuck gay marriage, eh i just dont like it

Please do not post in this thread anymore. Also advice for when you post in other threads always read the whole first post before posting
Thank you

10-16-2008, 02:10 AM
OMG, for the billionth time...

This proposition is NOT, i repeat, IS NOT about gay rights. It is about the DEFINITION of the WORD marriage. Homosexual couples have all the same rights/benefits as married couples. FOR THE SECOND TIME, its called a civil union. As far as taxes, employer benefits for your spouse, etc. civil union = marriage. The only difference is that it takes longer to say. :rolleyes:

I have a problem with changing the definition due to my personal/"religious" reasons but i also have a major problem with what will happen to churches and ministers who refuses to perform gay marriages should the definition be changed.

10-16-2008, 02:39 AM
OMG, for the billionth time...

This proposition is NOT, i repeat, IS NOT about gay rights. It is about the DEFINITION of the WORD marriage. Homosexual couples have all the same rights/benefits as married couples. FOR THE SECOND TIME, its called a civil union. As far as taxes, employer benefits for your spouse, etc. civil union = marriage. The only difference is that it takes longer to say. :rolleyes:

So true... to elaborate:

This is not (all) about religion, it's about money.

For every die-hard gay-hating right-wing Christian out there voting against gay marriage, there's 10 middle of the road conservatives that don't want to extend health benefits/etc to same sex partners, for $$$ reasons.

No one's saying homosexuals can't love each other, live with each other, and be free from persecution. They're just saying they don't recognize them as marriages, and therefore don't give their Civil Union the legal benefits of marriage... that's what they're fighting for.

For what it's worth, my girlfriend's mom came out a loooooonng time ago, and my g/f grew up with 2 moms. They both love her, she's totally normal, and doesn't think everyone has to be gay. Sadly, she's not attracted to chicks much at all :/

10-16-2008, 03:42 AM
I'm now against gay marriages and civil unions becuz they are expensive.

10-16-2008, 04:27 AM
So true... to elaborate:

This is not (all) about religion, it's about money.

For every die-hard gay-hating right-wing Christian out there voting against gay marriage, there's 10 middle of the road conservatives that don't want to extend health benefits/etc to same sex partners, for $$$ reasons.

No one's saying homosexuals can't love each other, live with each other, and be free from persecution. They're just saying they don't recognize them as marriages, and therefore don't give their Civil Union the legal benefits of marriage... that's what they're fighting for.

For what it's worth, my girlfriend's mom came out a loooooonng time ago, and my g/f grew up with 2 moms. They both love her, she's totally normal, and doesn't think everyone has to be gay. Sadly, she's not attracted to chicks much at all :/

not really, its more like for ever 1 right wing christian there is .72 'middle of the road' other wise when the vote was on the ballets... the 'christian' vote would of lost and not have been overturned by 4 'renegade' judges.

anyways has ANYONE actually READ Prop 8? It says nothing about churches being forced to accept gay marriages, or anything about gay losing rights.

Proposition 8 - Title and Summary - Voter Information Guide 2008 (http://www.voterguide.sos.ca.gov/title-sum/prop8-title-sum.htm)


10-16-2008, 05:33 AM
"We should not accept a court decision that may result in public schools teaching our kids that gay marriage is okay."

Yeah. God forbid we teach our children to be accepting, forgiving, and open minded. Jesus would have hated that...

10-16-2008, 06:54 AM
Is gay marriage good or bad for the economy?

10-16-2008, 09:02 AM
Who cares anymore. I'm so sick of hearing about "issues" that really aren't "issues". It's all a distraction. Marriage is so over rated and doomed for failure anyway. You should be able to marry what ever you want...same sex, car, dog, cat, whatever. I could see a few of you marrying your cars lol.


10-16-2008, 09:39 AM
fuck you. that is all.

oh yeah, and fuck the op for even starting this thread and also for telling me to be pc.

^^ that's just ignorant

Remember guys.... it's church AND state. You say that that church can't push their beliefs, but look what you are doing. Now state is pushing the church. We gotta work together and remember that we both have as much right and freedom. Why demonize someone because they don't believe in Homosexuality? People like to say they are so tolerant and they support gay-marriage blah blah... if that's the case then you should have nothing to say to people who feel opposite about it.

10-16-2008, 10:02 AM
My 2c:

The marriage this proposition is discussing is *legal* marriage. That is, one performed by a justice of the peace, not one performed by a priest/rabbi. Religious marriages are legal too, it's just that this proposition has no effect on those (i.e. there won't be any rule forcing a priest/church to perform a gay marriage).

As far as gay marriage is concerned to me, I don't really care. Not letting people legally bind themselves to one another isn't going to mean a whole lot. This is one of those situations where gay folks only stand to gain. If the prop succeeds, then they're in the same exact spot they were. If it fails, then that opens the door for them to legally bind themselves to one another.

As far as I'm concerned, let them. In the end, it makes no difference to me. Gay people are going to be gay, regardless of how bad people make them feel, or how much legislation or moral condemnation is levied against them. It's not so much that they're looking to be sexual deviants or have a desire to differ from the norm - it's just that their brains are wired differently.

While it's true that homosexuality isn't an ideal of nature (in so much that humans require a male and female to further the species), I don't think that their refusal to be attracted to the opposite sex is necessarily an indication of inferiority or deviance. Just because a minority of the population decides to not procreate in a natural fashion doesn't mean that the species is in any danger of dying off.

That leads us to adoption by gay couples, but that's an entirely different can of worms and a discussion all its own.

10-16-2008, 12:34 PM
Thank god most of you don't vote fo real! We will see how you feel when you have children.

10-16-2008, 06:28 PM
I got a little sister.. if she comes home talking about its okay for a princess and a princess or a prince and prince to marry ill smack her and the teacher LOL....

10-16-2008, 06:46 PM

"17. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

16. Gay culture is a new fad created by the liberal media to undermine long-standing traditions. We know this is true because gay sex did not exist in ancient Greece and Rome.

15. There are plenty of straight families looking to adopt, and every unwanted child already has a loving family. This is why foster care does not exist.

14. Conservatives know best how to create strong families. That is why it is not true that Texas and Mississippi have the highest teen birthrates, and Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire have the lowest. This is a myth spread by the liberal media.

13. Marriage is a religious institution, defined by churches. This is why atheists do not marry. Christians also never get a divorce.

12. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why our society has no single parents.

11. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

10. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

9. Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

8. Gay marriage should be decided by the people and their elected representatives, not the courts. The framers checked the courts, which represent mainstream public opinion, with legislatures created to protect the rights of minorities from the tyranny of the majority. Interference by courts in this matter is inappropriate, just as it has been every time the courts have tried to hold back legislatures pushing for civil rights.

7. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

6. Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because "separate but equal" institutions are a good way to satisfy the demands of uppity minority groups.

5. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

4. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

3. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

2. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.


10-16-2008, 08:09 PM
good grief, the fact is marriage has ALWAYS been defined as a union between a male and a female..Always.. gays can do whatever they want and get whatever benefits they want.. just dont call it marriage, because ITS NOT!! Its not the taking away of rights, its the defining of a traditional past time.

ITS LIKE THE GUY WHO PUTS TRAYS UNDER THE REAR WHEELS OF HIS CIVIC and shows up at drift day and swears he's drifting... Dude, take it to a parking lot, do it all you want, but dont call it drifting! And dont force us to accept it!

10-16-2008, 08:11 PM
good grief, the fact is marriage has ALWAYS been defined as a union between a male and a female..Always.. gays can do whatever they want and get whatever benefits they want.. just dont call it marriage, because ITS NOT!! Its not the taking away of rights, its the defining of a traditional past time.

ITS LIKE THE GUY WHO PUTS TRAYS UNDER THE REAR WHEELS OF HIS CIVIC and shows up at drift day and swears he's drifting... Dude, take it to a parking lot, do it all you want, but dont call it drifting! And dont force us to accept it!

If a guy tray sliding at the track could keep up with everyone else.

I wouldn't mind them tagging along.

10-16-2008, 10:10 PM
One of my Aunt's is gay, and her and her partner adopted a child back in the 70's, raised her to be a perfectly normal woman.
I also have a friend that is gay, and has three adopted boys who are all three brothers. They came from a fucked up family in east la where the dad was beating on everyone. He is a single parent, is a professional and has provided the best environment for these kids. It amazes me how people are so paranoid about kids being made aware of homosexuality in school, when it is perfectly okay and proven that gays can adopt and successfully raise children.
I don't see the religious right fighting gay adoption. So what are they crying about? They should be cleaning their own house with the HUNDREDS of MILLIONS paid out to sexual assault victims in the catholic church! And Archdiocese Cardinal Mahoney kept hiding those GAY bastards out in different churches and hiding the records of these sick bastards of god. The Catholic institution has single handedly done more damage to it's followers than gay marriage or teaching kids about gayness ever will.
Then again, while i do believe in equal rights, i do not like to see the Constitution being modified. Because it paves the way for government to abuse their power.

10-17-2008, 12:43 PM
^^Aunts, not Aunt's.

10-17-2008, 05:11 PM
why not let them get married? Its making it out to be some religious thing... But oh wait, whats that one thing called... oh yeah, the CONSTITUTION. What ever happened to seperation of church and state. In the purely constitutional sense in looking at it, there's no reason. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Its 2 consenting adults, let them do what they want to.

And if it wasnt for the gay guys, I'd have no idea how to look good on a date.

LOL.... i agree, except the last part...:rofl:

Baron Fel
10-17-2008, 08:23 PM
I like how everyone quoting the bible believes it is law... The bible was written by men with opinions same as everyone here but it certainly does not mean they were right.

10-17-2008, 08:32 PM
^~~Wrong. Bible says as the 2nd greatest commandment that you are to love thy neighbor. Also talks about marriage as a sacred covenant and should be shared by a MAN AND A WOMAN. You can love people, but you dont hav to love what they do.

lol, the constitution was drafted by Christians.

Christians, Me being one, believe in no homosexual marriages. I know its not right.

I voted against Homosexual Marriages.

not all the founders of the constitution were christians. a few of them were deists- hamilton and franklin for example.

if you dont believe in god i dont see how you could vote yes on this.
im voting no, i dont give a shit if they get married or not.
im sure it would make gay people a lot more happy than it would make conservative straight people unhappy.
furthermore if you seriously have a problem with this, you have no problems, and might be retarded.

10-17-2008, 08:35 PM
one thing that pisses me off is when people say "what about the children?" "children need a mom and a dad"
in other words, the "home" is fucked up as it is, as a matter of fact, if you are a child it is more dangerous than any other place in society.

10-17-2008, 09:13 PM
One in two hetero marriages end up in divorce anyway. Many of my friends have divorced parents (including mine). So where the hell is the sanctity in all of it anyway?
The funny thing i find about religions around the globe is that they truly believe that they have evolved socially and can go no further.
Tolerance across the board is what makes this country the most desirable place to be,........ when Wall Street isn't fucking with it anyway. :tweak:

10-17-2008, 10:23 PM
look it's like this, religion created and defined Marriage. While at the same time non-religious couple get married. But to change the definition of Marriage to include same sex is against the definition. It's like saying black is NOT white, but then to turn around to say black IS white only because people want it to be. It doesn't matter who or what the group is about and the fact of the matter is they want to change the definition to be against it's original definition.

10-17-2008, 11:08 PM
but... people made up religion! thus people made up marriage! doh!

10-18-2008, 01:47 AM
I'm voting No.

I've got a few gay friends that are gettin married in a few days actually, and i fully support em.

I hate seeing that 'Yes on 8' and 'Save Marriage' posters. Discrimination at its best.

10-18-2008, 08:53 AM
but... people made up religion! thus people made up marriage! doh!

if that's how you want to look at it that's fine, but if you can not respect people choice in beliefs (no matter how 'fucked' up a specific views maybe, or how invalid you 'know' it is) then how can you expect them to be so tolerant?

also marriage is unnatural not every creature chooses a single mate for life. And humans by nature do not want to be monogamous.

10-18-2008, 11:31 AM
Wow this poll is closer than I thought it would be... I better go vote.

10-18-2008, 12:47 PM
Basically, if this does not pass, they will be teaching same sex marriage to children in school. When I say children, I mean kindergartners and elementary students. That exact thing is already happening in other states.

10-18-2008, 01:30 PM
Basically, if this does not pass, they will be teaching same sex marriage to children in school. When I say children, I mean kindergartners and elementary students. That exact thing is already happening in other states.

-Then all of the children will become gay and will not procreate!

It's the secret, liberal, gay agenda to kill off society by making everybody gay!

10-18-2008, 03:26 PM
Hahahahahaha ^^^^^^^

drift freaq
10-18-2008, 03:37 PM
Basically, if this does not pass, they will be teaching same sex marriage to children in school. When I say children, I mean kindergartners and elementary students. That exact thing is already happening in other states.

wow you just smoke the propaganda pipe bigtime. Put down the crack pipe! back away from your computer. You need to go outside and start reading real books. Everything on the internet is not true. Everything in TV commercials are not true. Start thinking for yourself. You have become a senseless bot who believes everything thats feed to him.

10-18-2008, 03:40 PM
You know it's funny, my daughter is kindergarten righ tnow, and she's never come home talking about marriage. Same sex or not.

If they aren't teaching marriage now, why would they start?

Paranoid bigots.

10-18-2008, 03:40 PM
I dono about you guys, but i remember nothing about being taught about marriage in school.

edit: damnit thatguy beat me, but not by much :p

10-18-2008, 05:50 PM
Since same sex marriage is being pushed, polygamists (multiple partners) are advocated that polygamy should not be criminalized.

If two consenting adults can marry, why cant multiple consenting adults marry? or a brother and sister marry?
Now the line of marriage is blurring, how can a brother/sister marriage be allowed? Only because genetically it is wrong? Well so it two males/females marrying.

Might as well let everyone and anyone get married of legal age.

10-18-2008, 06:29 PM
Shotgun weddings! FTL!

10-18-2008, 06:31 PM
LOL, the biggest threat to marriage these days is divorce. Since half of all marriages end in it. I love people that have been divorced start talking about the sanctity of marriage. Especially the holier then thou politicians.

10-18-2008, 08:26 PM
Since same sex marriage is being pushed, polygamists (multiple partners) are advocated that polygamy should not be criminalized.

If two consenting adults can marry, why cant multiple consenting adults marry? or a brother and sister marry?
Now the line of marriage is blurring, how can a brother/sister marriage be allowed? Only because genetically it is wrong? Well so it two males/females marrying.

Might as well let everyone and anyone get married of legal age.

Yeah because polygamy is exactly the same as same sex marriage.

False comparisons, cool.

So the fuck what if your kid learns about same sex marriage? You think you are going to be able to shelter them from homosexuality forever. Hell, half the cartoons they watch have a gay character or are written by gay dudes. They probably will know more about it than you do. I just hope in a few generations all your kind will gradually begin to melt away. You are no better than the ignorant feddy flag waivers in the south.

Now if you will excuse me I'm gonna go teach my five illegitimate children and my ex wife about same sex marriage and then go marry a duck.

10-18-2008, 09:10 PM
but what you are also voting for is healthcare covarge for the partner, child custody battles, last will and testimant payouts.

there is alot more at stake to many of these couples than just getting the ceramony official!

my problem with "gay marriage" is the fact its called gay marriage.

call it something else just dont call ir marriage.

10-19-2008, 12:29 AM
Gathering of two homosexuals in a ritual of artificial love..... FTL?
Edit: I didnt call it marriage :D

10-19-2008, 10:58 PM
I was kidding, but who really cares if two gays or lesbians want to marry? Who is threatened by that? The church and their followers from what i am seeing. My neighbor has one of those "Yes on Prop 8" banners in their yard. Their kids go to catholic school. They will grow up to be successful little homophobes. :naw: God bless america.

Gathering of two homosexuals in a ritual of artificial love..... FTL?
Edit: I didnt call it marriage :D

10-19-2008, 11:00 PM
I was kidding, but who really cares if two gays or lesbians want to marry? Who is threatened by that? The church and their followers from what i am seeing. My neighbor has one of those "Yes on Prop 8" banners in their yard. Their kids go to catholic school. They will grow up to be successful little homophobes. :naw: God bless america.

Or little crack heads who live in the same town for the rest of their lives.

Like most of the people who went to private Chrisitan schools with me.


10-19-2008, 11:33 PM
lol this thread is win...

Its always funny watching people argue over silly things. Why not let gays get married? That just means more women for us strait guys! And idk how being gay is a concious choice. I always hear strait people say that. I've never once met a gay guy who was like "I just decided I liked dick more than vagina". Its always like "I always knew I was different. Turns out I was gay! Wanna go shopping?"

And again, this country may have been founded on christian morals and beliefs... But seriously, you're blind if you don't see those morals and values have gone out the window lol. Porn on TV, killing people and rape in music, sex before marraige, teen pregnancy errrwhere... There's no sense in arguing the little shit like gay marraige when you should be concerned about the bigger things.

10-19-2008, 11:39 PM
:( its not about the guys its about the girls .. i used to have so many hot chicks half of them turn lesbian .. i guess they think they are too cute and find girlfriends ... partys turn girls out ftl .....but the moments ... win

10-19-2008, 11:44 PM
:( its not about the guys its about the girls .. i used to have so many hot chicks half of them turn lesbian .. i guess they think they are too cute and find girlfriends ... partys turn girls out ftl .....but the moments ... win


Hot lesbians only exist in porn.

Drunk girls getting down isn't Lesbian.

10-20-2008, 12:13 AM
The other day on the news they had a little girl that said something like “ I was told that kings (males) can marry kings, so when I grow up I want to marry a princess”. Seriously? Would you be ok if your daughter said that? Then I was watching tv tonight, and there was a commercial for a homosexual dating service. Just because marriages are going out the shitter doesn't mean we might as well just say fuck the whole thing. If something is broke, do you leave it broke or fix it? Same thing goes for the bad parents. Just because there are some bad parents doesn't mean that we might as well throw the whole idea out and let two people of the same sex have kids. The US is just one big melting pot that's got too many ingredients.

10-20-2008, 12:22 AM
The other day on the news they had a little girl that said something like “ I was told that kings (males) can marry kings, so when I grow up I want to marry a princess”. Seriously? Would you be ok if your daughter said that?

Little boys and girls also say they want to marry their mommy's and daddy's.


10-20-2008, 12:28 AM
Little boys and girls also say they want to marry their mommy's and daddy's.


You know what I'd tell my daughter if she said that to me? "I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm already married to your mommy". Then she'll get over it just like every kid that says that does. Nice try Es lol

I'm not against a gay union. I don't see why they have to make such a big deal about making sure that it's recognized as a marriage. Call it something else and eventually accommodate it. Don't teach religion, but continue to teach the commandments (or call them whatever you like!) because they are good principles to live by. Don't teach gay union until they're at an age when they can think for themselves.

10-20-2008, 12:31 AM
You know what I'd tell my daughter if she said that to me? "I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm already married to your mommy". Then she'll get over it just like every kid that says that does. Nice try Es lol

Then you could easily tell your kid that you would much rather her marry a prince or him a princess. If your kid is going to be gay. It will happen whether or not they say something they heard at school.

Kids say the darnedest things.

10-20-2008, 12:39 AM
To question the sexuality of any pre-pubescent child is stupid. Most of them think the opposite sex has cuties. For them to even get the concept of what is going on is a stretch.

Just another "save the children" cop out. I don't hate gays, it's to protect the children...

10-20-2008, 12:41 AM
If your kid is going to be gay. It will happen whether or not they say something they heard at school.

I don't believe that. Homosexual people weren't told that its ok to like the same sex, they just did because it was natural for them. There is nothing natural about telling every kid that it's ok to like the same sex.

Just another "save the children" cop out. I don't hate gays, it's to protect the children...

Well then lets just say fuck it all and throw out all morals and principles taught to children. If you teach a kid that stealing is wrong, he's going to believe it. If you teach a kid that shooting people in the head because you're upset with them is wrong, he's going to believe it. If you teach a kid that beating up girls is wrong, he's going to believe it. If you teach them the opposite, well fuck they're gonna believe it and they're gonna do it.

10-20-2008, 12:52 AM
Well then lets just say fuck it all and throw out all morals and principles taught to children.

Morals between those who are for gay marriage and those who are opposed to it will often differ.

Who is to say who's are right?

Expose kids to the world.

If anything we should be keeping our children in less of the "Hail America the Perfect" bubble anyways.

If you don't believe your kids should be taught this, put a little extra into parenting, send them to some nazi christian school and be done with it. Adapt and evolve with the times. Humans are good at it.

But telling a kid that if they later in life can choose to marry whoever they want isn't going to have any bearing on sexual preference. I don't know any gay people who only though they were gay once they knew cowboys weren't going to drag them behind their truck.


10-20-2008, 12:58 AM
But telling a kid that if they later in life can choose to marry whoever they want isn't going to have any bearing on sexual preference.

I don't think it will even have anything to do with sexual preference if you teach them that is ok. We might as well eliminate the whole "sexual preference" thing all together. It all depends on how a child is brought up, for the most part.

10-20-2008, 12:58 AM
I don't believe that. Homosexual people weren't told that its ok to like the same sex, they just did because it was natural for them. There is nothing natural about telling every kid that it's ok to like the same sex.

Well then lets just say fuck it all and throw out all morals and principles taught to children. If you teach a kid that stealing is wrong, he's going to believe it. If you teach a kid that shooting people in the head because you're upset with them is wrong, he's going to believe it. If you teach a kid that beating up girls is wrong, he's going to believe it. If you teach them the opposite, well fuck they're gonna believe it and they're gonna do it.

So, now gays are the same as Thieves and Murder's?

10-20-2008, 12:58 AM
The other day on the news they had a little girl that said something like “ I was told that kings (males) can marry kings, so when I grow up I want to marry a princess”. Seriously? Would you be ok if your daughter said that? Then I was watching tv tonight, and there was a commercial for a homosexual dating service. Just because marriages are going out the shitter doesn't mean we might as well just say fuck the whole thing. If something is broke, do you leave it broke or fix it? Same thing goes for the bad parents. Just because there are some bad parents doesn't mean that we might as well throw the whole idea out and let two people of the same sex have kids. The US is just one big melting pot that's got too many ingredients.

year i heard about that kings can marry kings bullshit. wtf is wrong with people. why do you have to tell kids about this bullshit. know your fucking role and teach kids how to fucking read and not who they can fuck. fucking retarded ass teachers.

Little boys and girls also say they want to marry their mommy's and daddy's.


i dont know what kind of boys and girls you hang around with but i've never heard of that before

I'm not against a gay union. I don't see why they have to make such a big deal about making sure that it's recognized as a marriage. Call it something else and eventually accommodate it. Don't teach religion, but continue to teach the commandments (or call them whatever you like!) because they are good principles to live by. Don't teach gay union until they're at an age when they can think for themselves.

they are making it such a big deal because they are bitches. seriously gay people account for 1% of society. these homos are trying to dictate what the other 99% should do. wtf? And seriously, whats the problem with calling it something else. it'll make everyone happy and the gay people will get exactly what they want, all the rights a straight couple has.

And you know what else pisses me off?!?

Gay people say "we want equal rights"

well they fucking have equal rights. you don't see straight dudes being able to marry other straight dudes so wtf.

all men can marry women and all women can marry men. I don't see where people are being left out. I mean, gay people are men and women too right? wtf.

10-20-2008, 01:00 AM
they are making it such a big deal because they are bitches. seriously gay people account for 1% of society. these homos are trying to dictate what the other 99% should do. wtf?

Hey cool, some good 'ol fashioned bigotry.

Your idea of perfection?



i dont know what kind of boys and girls you hang around with but i've never heard of that before

Take a psychology or child development class.

10-20-2008, 01:11 AM
Yeah because polygamy is exactly the same as same sex marriage.

False comparisons, cool.

So the fuck what if your kid learns about same sex marriage? You think you are going to be able to shelter them from homosexuality forever. Hell, half the cartoons they watch have a gay character or are written by gay dudes. They probably will know more about it than you do. I just hope in a few generations all your kind will gradually begin to melt away. You are no better than the ignorant feddy flag waivers in the south.

Now if you will excuse me I'm gonna go teach my five illegitimate children and my ex wife about same sex marriage and then go marry a duck.

Same sex marriage and polygamy are not exactly the same. But why does it bother you so much?
If they are all consenting adults, why do you care?

Polygamy is considered wrong because this country was based on religious values. But there were many other countries that polygamy was natural. It wasnt until western influence said it was wrong, that they decided to ban/outlaw it.

I'm not saying that polygamy marriages should get the same rights as a marriage, but de-criminalized.

So my argument is, if this country is not influenced by religion, why not allow all types of marriages?
Because marriage of the state is not the same as marriage of religion.

10-20-2008, 01:14 AM
So, now gays are the same as Thieves and Murder's?

Ugh. Gay people these days, the ones bitching and complaining, were just born to love dick on dick action. The thief and murderer thing was just an example. If you teach your kid that stealing is bad, and they steal anyways, its just their nature. Some people just cannot not steal. Just like those people that constantly tell lies.. what are they called again? Anyways.. if you teach a kid nothing about stealing, they're going to do it just because they don't know any better.

I saw a commercial for an episode of Sarah Silverman's comedy show. In the episode, she wanted to marry her dog. Now, if that were a real life situation and some chick actually loved her dog, would you be ok with her marrying it?

A lot of people have said in this thread that who are we to say that it is wrong. Well you are you to say it's right? They can be together for all I care, but I don't want to see their damn homosexual dating service commercial when I'm watching T.V.

10-20-2008, 01:21 AM
But why does it bother you so much?
If they are all consenting adults, why do you care?

Honestly. I don't care. Except that where polygamy is usually present it's just to propagate more little inbred creatures into whatever fucked up religion they belong to, and the kids growing up in those kind of households typically are subjected to some kind of trauma or sexual abuse.

I'm just saying it's not the same thing and could use a topic of it's own.

10-20-2008, 01:24 AM
Ugh. Gay people these days, the ones bitching and complaining, were just born to love dick on dick action. The thief and murderer thing was just an example. If you teach your kid that stealing is bad, and they steal anyways, its just their nature. Some people just cannot not steal. Just like those people that constantly tell lies.. what are they called again? Anyways.. if you teach a kid nothing about stealing, they're going to do it just because they don't know any better.
Yeah, just like those blacks wanting rights too...

I still don't know why you would teach your kids these things before puberty. It's purely and adult issue.

10-20-2008, 01:26 AM
Yeah, just like those blacks wanting rights too...

I still don't know why you would teach your kids these things before puberty. It's purely and adult issue.

Wtf does the black people comment have anything to do with this?

It is an adult issue, and shouldn't be taught before puberty. If that's what you were saying, then you and I finally agree on something.

Anyways... no matter what this discussion isn't going to go anywhere... so I'm out. Peace fellas

10-20-2008, 01:59 AM
So its going to be Barbie and Barbie, instead of Ken... Or Ken and Hector....lol

10-20-2008, 02:08 AM
Wtf does the black people comment have anything to do with this?
Same lies that were spread to support Anti-miscegenation laws are now being used to stop gay marriage. US has a great history of rehashing bullshit to disenfranchise people.
It is an adult issue, and shouldn't be taught before puberty. If that's what you were saying, then you and I finally agree on something
I'm just sick of anyone taking an Adult issue and making up a way it affects children then plays the "Protect the Children!" card. Total soccer mom mentality. Exploit their kids to get what they want. Like dragging their kids to protests.

10-20-2008, 05:49 AM
I want to have a straight male/male marriage, does some one want to be my partner? I want to have a marriage that is purely for the tax benefits.

10-20-2008, 06:17 AM
^ I'm down, but I get to pick the china. :rofl:

10-20-2008, 06:22 AM
^ I'm down, but I get to pick the china. :rofl:

SWEET! I'll start the Macy's grooms men registry!

10-20-2008, 01:36 PM
Don't teach gay union until they're at an age when they can think for themselves.

Who teaches kids about gay marriage in school? I'm genuinely curious to see an established example of someone who does this (not any singular incidents). That argument is moot unless you can prove to me that there is a school district that has such a thing in their curriculum.

There is nothing natural about telling every kid that it's ok to like the same sex.
Well then lets just say fuck it all and throw out all morals and principles taught to children.

...I don't think it's the purview of the public school system to tell any kid what to think about any sex. That's the parent's job.
Also, teaching kids about morals and principles does fuckall, if you're willing to be honest about it. I'm not saying to not teach kids morals and principals, I'm saying that it's entirely up to the kid and his/her peer group, as well as his/her parents whether or not such teaching sticks.

Case in point - I went to a high school where probably 75% of the student body were practicing Baptists. That means Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, they were in church. Prayer groups before school, church functions all the time, crosses around their neck, etc. A great majority of these students were the ones having premarital sex, drinking underage, getting knocked up, getting high, getting into fights, stealing cars, etc. You can thump a bible (or other religious text) all you want, but it doesn't make you a better person.

I don't think it will even have anything to do with sexual preference if you teach them that is ok. We might as well eliminate the whole "sexual preference" thing all together. It all depends on how a child is brought up, for the most part.

How you bring a child up has no bearing on the sexual preference. Maybe I took that statemtn out of context, but it didn't make sense to me.

Yeah, just like those blacks wanting rights too..

I'm still pissed off about that. :rant: :rant2: :rimshot:

I want to have a straight male/male marriage, does some one want to be my partner? I want to have a marriage that is purely for the tax benefits.

If I wasn't married, I'd be all over that, Ib.

If gays were allowed in the military (and same-sex marriages), you'd see ALL KINDS of same sex marriages between straight guys just to get better benefits.

10-20-2008, 01:51 PM
lol .. thats so funny if you think about it that way .. lollllll

10-20-2008, 03:30 PM
Ugh. Gay people these days, the ones bitching and complaining, were just born to love dick on dick action. The thief and murderer thing was just an example. If you teach your kid that stealing is bad, and they steal anyways, its just their nature. Some people just cannot not steal. Just like those people that constantly tell lies.. what are they called again? Anyways.. if you teach a kid nothing about stealing, they're going to do it just because they don't know any better.

I saw a commercial for an episode of Sarah Silverman's comedy show. In the episode, she wanted to marry her dog. Now, if that were a real life situation and some chick actually loved her dog, would you be ok with her marrying it?

A lot of people have said in this thread that who are we to say that it is wrong. Well you are you to say it's right? They can be together for all I care, but I don't want to see their damn homosexual dating service commercial when I'm watching T.V.

Exactly, do whatever you want as long as I don't have to see and hear about it. I swear, I am so sick of elections and all the issues that get blown out of proportion.

10-20-2008, 05:23 PM
If I wasn't married, I'd be all over that, Ib.

If gays were allowed in the military (and same-sex marriages), you'd see ALL KINDS of same sex marriages between straight guys just to get better benefits.

see but it's not a gay marriage! because we are both heterosexuals that got married... kinda like "i pronounce you chuck and larry" except instead of being firefighters, we would be drifters!

s13 @ fullboost
10-20-2008, 05:41 PM
Okay guys just try and wrap it up I will be closing this thread tomorrow I have very much enjoyed reading Most of the posts in here some not so much =/ But yeah just get your last words in.=]

s13 @ fullboost
10-21-2008, 05:39 PM
Looks like no one had any last words this thread is now closed thanks to all that participated =]