View Full Version : Need Some Resume Tips

Fresh 240SX
01-22-2003, 10:07 PM
So ya..... i need to find another job to support my car :D

I was wondering if any of you guys have some sneekadelic resume tips ;)

01-22-2003, 10:14 PM
Yup. Lie. Works every time.

Fresh 240SX
01-22-2003, 10:20 PM
Well... theres some minor lies on there but nothing too much..... just to fill in some missing information :)

but i was looking for more along the terms of just stuff to put that stands out

Tyler Durdan
01-23-2003, 12:15 AM
Resumes are not all there cracked up to be. Just throw all your info together, maybe highlight something you do or did that's outstanding, and just be organized. Just make sure it's all quick and to the point. It's the interview where you score the good jobs. Trust me...I'm in college and work 25 hours a week tops. My job takes care of my car payment, insurance, money to mod, and money leftover to blow (of course I still live at home though...bah). Do a google search for job resumes, and you can probably find a sample one to use as a format for yours. Organize it though...employers don't look over these in detail till after your interview.

01-23-2003, 12:17 AM
Use google to search for samples and how-to's. Go to barns and noble and there are books on it...you can buy them or just read them there :)

here (http://www.steamymirror.com/dsc240sx/ResumetemplateNew.doc) is how I started mine. Short and sweet, not too flashy but catches your eye *shrugs*

01-23-2003, 08:04 AM
ABSOLUTE RULE #1: NO MISTAKES!!! Not spelling, not spacing, not abbreviation, not grammar. NO MISTAKES. Same goes for the cover letter. Knowing people that hire, they will immediately trash any resume and cover letter with a mistake.

Target the style to the employer - if it is a conservative industry, make it conservative; if it is "modern" make if flashy and different.

Don't believe anyone that says a resume doesn't matter. In THIS economy, employers may sort through literally hundreds of resumes - but they only interview a limited number of people. The resume and cover letter is what gets you in the door. After that, the interview can get you the job.

Fresh 240SX
01-23-2003, 02:51 PM
Thanks for the info guys... i put one together last night... ill let you know how it goes